Whispers of A Dead Empire

By VengefulArrow

9K 568 139

This is a story about a young woman whose choices lead her down a path she could have never imagined possible... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 42.5
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 2

229 8 2
By VengefulArrow

I really wish I had my phone right now. A flashlight light would have been lovely right about now. I glanced behind me cautiously and then back into the corridor. An itching feeling told me that entering here would be dangerous, but the only way for me to take was forward since the portal behind me vanished. I swallowed the saliva that was building up in my mouth and pressed on. The air was heavy and stale, with just a touch of humidity. The further I went, the more darkness started to consume my vision. I felt stones shift under my shoe with each step I took. I reached out and pressed one of my hands against the stone wall. Each step I took was slow and ponderous. Considering the state of the place, I wouldn't be shocked if there was something for me to trip on. So far, the path felt empty for the most part. I kept walking for an undetermined amount of time before the wall start to curve. I wasn't too scared of anything coming after me. Honestly, the worst part was just the silence that engulfed me. There was nothing but the sound of my breath and the thudding of my heart to keep me company.

Maybe it wasn't the smartest idea to have walked through a mysterious portal in the middle of the night, but it was too late for me to go back now. I quietly crept forward until I felt the wall come to an end. I reached out and ran my fingers across the area. I could feel the dry grain of the wood and then the cold bite of rusted metal. I slid my hand down and felt another metal ring under my fingertips, and I gave it a hard pull. The door shrieked on its hinges as it swung out. Behind it was a room that was dimly lit. In the center was an orb that rotated on a circular stone platform. Its surface was inky grey with spots of black mixed in that lagged behind the orbs' movements. I glanced around the room and saw nothing else. I stepped forward and observed it for a few minutes. I wonder what it was. The motions it made were enthralling. In fact, they were entirely hypnotic to behold, and before I knew it, I was utterly mesmerized. I reached out to touch its surface. It parted around my fingers as water would, and heat rushed to my fingertips.

The conversion has been initiated. The divine spark is starting the assimilation process.

Words began to crawl across my vision, and a wave of panic washed over me as the orb sped up and began to consume my arm. I tried to yank my arm away, but it was glued to the surface. Out of desperation, I placed my feet on the altar and tried to use my entire body to pull away. Pain never once visited me while I struggled to free my arm. Just a loving warmth that slowly spread through my body. Peace and serenity began to well in my chest as the orb moved up my arm and began to devour my shoulder. My mind grew murky, and my body began to go limp. I tried to struggle once more, but I lost the energy to do so. Instead, I pulled inward and tried to fight my encroaching doom mentally. At first, I felt like I was bound and struggling against chains, but the more I fought, the more I felt my restraints began to weaken. Slowly my vision greyed out, and I lost all control of my body, just as I pushed through the last chain holding me back.

Analyzing specimen... Analyzing specimen...

Race designation: Human

Sex: Female

Age: 22

User designation: Calixa Wright

The first phase of conversion has been completed. The current primary race will be maintained. In addition, the sub-race of Dungeon Core has been introduced.. Implementing race change... Implementing race change... an error has occurred...

Rescanning scanning specimen and divine spark... A new subrace has been introduced. You now have the subrace of Domain god.

Please select your Affinity.

More words flashed across my vision, chasing away the darkness that threatened to consume me. But what did they mean? What was all of this? Why was it asking me to choose my affinity? I struggled against the encroaching darkness, and more words started to appear before me.

Please choose from the following affinities...

Fire Ice Ash Sand Water Air Earth Death

Electricity Darkness Arcane Gravity Space

Click here for more

What was this for? I quickly scanned across the text and saw that I was something called Domain God, but what was that? I have never heard of something like that before? I had so many questions that I didn't have answers to. But one step at a time. I did this to myself, so I might as well see where this takes me. It wanted me to choose an affinity, so I guess that's something that I would be using a lot, so let me make a smart choice. I can panic after all this is over, at least. My eyes danced across the list, and I took all the information in. There was an option for more, but I didn't want to overwhelm myself with it. I would choose from this list alone. The words blinked as they patiently waited for me to make a selection. Initially, it said that I was supposed to be a dungeon core, so if what I am does something like that, my choice will significantly affect me.

Fire felt cliche, and so did ice, though they were too tempting to select, just for the sheer opportunity that it could grant me. Electricity was also excellent cause I could be something like Zeus or Thor. That would be pretty cool. Gravity and space seem like they would be overpowering. Arcane looked to be related to magic, so that was also pretty dope. All of these choices were far too good. There was even sand! I could be like that one sand ninja from that anime I watched while growing up. There was even death, which means that I could be like the grim reaper! The choices I saw made me salivate, but I could only choose one. I looked through them all and eventually decided to go with gravity. I mean, out of all the choices, I feel like this would be the strongest. I selected it, and the words flickered.

You have selected the gravity affinity... Applying choice... Applying choice... An error has occurred. Your divine spark has overridden your choice... A new affinity has been granted. You now have the affinity of Undeath... The final conversion has begun... Please be patient while this process finalizes. If you have any questions, please type them into the query bar while the operation finishes.

What? My gravity affinity was taken from me? I couldn't help but feel disappointed by that. I was actually looking forward to all the possibilities that having a gravity affinity would bring. But I received the undeath affinity in turn. I can't say that I am super disappointed by that. That means zombies and stuff, right? But the question is, what the difference between that and the death affinity? I skimmed over the new text and saw the message about the query bar. I guess I better put that to fair use while I can.

Where am I?

I submitted my question into the bar and waited for a split second.

You are in the world called Tenith.

The response replaced everything else in my vision. So it was called Tenith then. So I wasn't on Earth anymore. Note to self, don't walk through strange portals anymore. On to the next question. One that was burning in my mind like a hot star.

What is a domain god?

The query bar blinked as the response came in almost instantaneously.

A domain god is a step above a dungeon core....

I wouldn't say I like these short answers. So let me try something else to see if I can get a better answer.

What is the description and function of a domain god?

A domain god is a step above that of a dungeon core. However, it functions approximately the same as a dungeon, with a few key differences.

You are not bound by the same rules that a dungeon core is. You are allowed free reign to move wherever you please within your domain.You are not restricted by the number of mobs that you may have and use at any given time.You are bound permanently by your affinity.You can do anything within your domain, even if adventures are within it.You can leave your domain at any given time. However, you will lose all your power until you return. You will be classified as your primary race for the duration of your stay outside of your domain. You may also choose one class from any of your mobs within the domain. You may also label yourself as a boss and choose your own class. However, you will be permanently locked to that choice.Instead of a physical realm that acts as your dungeon, you are granted a domain to exist within. You may designate any area that you wish as your domain, up to a maximum diameter of ten kilometers. Once the domain is selected, it will exist as a separate entity from the world. The foundation of your domain will always remain the same size. However, you are free to expand the interior to any size that you wish.Unlike dungeon cores, you are limited to only the resources that exist within your domain. Once your domain's foundation is laid, you must accrue all resources from outside the designated area or use essential points to create it.If you are slain, the domain will be destroyed.

The function of a Domain God:

A domain god is a dungeon core that has gathered enough energy to create or has consumed a divine spark. The function of a Domain God is the exact same as a dungeon core. However, the ultimate goal of every Domain God is ascension to complete godhood. This is done by harvesting essence from anything that may enter your domain—the more potent the soul, the stronger the life essence in turn. At your ascension, your domain will be torn from the world. Then will be yours to preside over for all of eternity as a god.

This was actually something I wasn't expecting. I walked through a portal, touched a divine spark or whatever it was, and became something like a god. That's something out of a dream. Maybe somebody slipped some drugs into my food or something when I wasn't looking, or perhaps I am losing my mind.

Can I go home?

Maybe if I stick with this, I will eventually get to go back. Imagine going back to see my mom or dad as a god. That would be a sight to see. The washed-up daughter coming back as a diety. It made me chuckle before the thought of them stabbed a knife of guilt into my heart. I should have said something to them before I did something stupid like this. Now it's too late.

Answer unknown. Ascend to godhood to find out.

Well, that was helpful. Maybe it was possible. I got myself into this mess, and I will get myself out of it; now, onto the next pressing question on my mind.

What is the difference between the Death affinity and the Undeath affinity?

The Death Affinity brings only the end to all beings and is the direct opposite of Life. Those with the death affinity can only destroy and never truly create. Everywhere they walk, they only bring the absolution of the end. The Undeath Affinity is the antithesis to both the Death and the Life affinity. One that many consider to be an abomination. Those that feel the touch of Undeath are brought back to the fringes of life, and nothing is safe from its grasp.

So, I was going to be a necromancer god? I mean, that doesn't seem too bad. That's what zombies and stuff? Maybe more. I wasn't super against the idea. I was always interested in that sort of stuff growing up, even if it was only superficially. So this works out; I get to sate my curiosity a bit with this and see where it goes, I suppose.

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