Help You (Itona Horibe X Read...

By Petalmist12

51.6K 1.4K 825

-Itona Horibe X Reader- After entering Class 3-E and befriending Karma Akabane as well as Nagisa and his frie... More

Beginning Note
Kaede's Time
Itona Horibe's Time
Spinning Time
Before and After Time
Reaper Time, Part 1
Reaper Time, Part 2
Round Two Time
School Festival Time
End-of-Term Time, 2nd Period
Think Outside the Box Time
Let Live Time
Secret Identity Time
Confession Time
Past Time
Discord Time
Outcome Time
Outer Space Time
Valentine's Day Time
Trust Time
Happy Birthday Time
Final Boss Time
Graduation Time
Future Time

Leader Time

2.5K 89 63
By Petalmist12

Hello. Thank you to everyone who came over from my Karma book, I really appreciate it. Also, it already has 125+ reads and 10+ votes, so thank you for that as well. I'm going to try and make it as different as possible without having (Y/n) break character too much, but she's already gone out of her comfort zone a lot by just starting a conversation with Itona so I apologize. Here's today's update :)

Nagisa and Kayano had invited me to go with them to the restaurant that Isogai works at over the weekend, but I declined in favor of catching up on some reading and studying. However, a while later Kayano informed me that our class had gotten into another bet with class A, this time in the form of a pole-toppling match. Because having a job is technically against school guidelines, if our class wins, Isogai can keep his job, but he has to quit if we lose. I can't help very much with this. The pole-toppling event is mainly for the boys. Well, I hope they win, maybe I can be moral support. Isogai is one of the few guys in he class that are okay. Those boys being Karma, Nagisa, Isogai, and Itona. He's a bit iffy sometimes though because of the whole looking up girls skirts thing. Karma had informed me about the boys having a meeting to discuss this and how Isogai tried to keep everyone out of it but in the end they all ended up agreeing and coming up with a plan.

On the day of the sporting events, most of us don't do too well. Of course, there are a few exceptions. Those being Kimura in the races, Hara in the contest for who could eat a bun fastest without using her hands, and Kayano in an obstacle course because her small body is so maneuverable. Korosensei is giving some of the boys, mainly Isogai, a pep talk before the pole-toppling to hype them up.

"Next up we have an exhibition match. E class must be feeling lucky folks, because they've challenged A class to a battle. Something tells me Kunugigaoka's elite will make them live to regret it." The announcer says. E class and A class are lined up, parallel to each other, the boys from my class are all wearing white headbands while A class is all wearing red head protectors. Of course they would take more precautions for the 'more important' class. A class also has four, very buff looking, foreign exchange students that don't exactly look like junior high kids. They look too old to be in Junior High, even if they are third years like us.

"In the spirit of cultural diversity, the spirit of this exhibition match will star our foreign exchange students. All of them." The announcer says. A class crowds around their poll, Asano climbing to take the position at the top with a few others, such as the foreigners, on offense. The boys in my class all surround the poll with Isogai at the top. A class mutters in confusion since no one from my class are in any sort of offensive position. This reminds me of Korosensei's, what was it called again? Ultimate defense... something?

"Okay... Apparently E classes strategy is to go all in on defense. Are they cowed by the gap in skill? Whatever they're thinking, let the games begin!" The announcer shouts.

"Offensive line, go line left." Asano orders.

"Roger that." One of the exchange students answers, I think it is the American one. Then their first line of offense charges towards my classmates. As the A class students charge, Yoshida and Muramatsu break away from the defense and run towards them, both of them colliding with the American exchange student who easily overthrows both of them and launches them off the field and onto the surrounding track, rolling right to the edge by the fence.

"Two men down. And not just down, flung to the bleachers." The announcer says. The girls in my class gasp in concern.

"Sir, this is already a disaster! It doesn't matter how tight the defense is if all they do is get picked off." Kayano says to Korosensei. That's true, but I know they have a plan. Karma didn't tell me all the specific details, but he assured me that they weren't as helpless as they would initially look. I'll just have to believe in them until I see it. Somehow, our class always seems to have a way to get out of things like this anyways. The American walks alarmingly close to our pole, panicked looks on most of my classmates faces.

"How about instead of trying to hold the line like that like a bunch of turtles, you man up and fight? Or don't you know the meaning of the word?" He asks, the A class students standing behind him.

"Hey partner, why don't you stop yammering and follow your own advice." Karma replies in a fake American accent. Thank goodness for my good hearing, he sounds so ridiculous! It would be funny to hear Karma talk like that more clearly though, I can barely hear what they are saying as it is.

"Bring it on, man." The American says before him and the A class students resume their charge with a roar.

"Okay, now! Operation tentacles!" Isogai shouts. As the American prepares to launch himself into our first line of defense, my classmates leap into the air and land on the A class competitors, the second line of defense helping hold them down with Terasaka holding the poll up. Isogai had leapt down from the top and Itona jumped up to claim the top spot, clinging onto the top of the poll like a koala as Terasaka, Chiba, and Okajima help lever the poll on the pile of A class students. He looks kinda cute like that. Who am I kidding, he looks cute all the time, but I hardly know him so it would be kinda weird to say. And do boys usually like being called cute? If I ever did would he be mad? The chances of me being in that situation are slim, but..... I'm overthinking this, aren't I?

"Unbelievable! The E class team is pinning down A class's offensive line with the weight of the pole! They're playing dirty!" The announcer says.

"Get the hell off of me!" The American shouts.

"Shut up and stay down!" Terasaka says. Asano looks down at his perch with a smirk on his face. Oh, how I'd love to slap him. That would show him actual violence. Then Asano sends out his next line of offense.

"Alright, let's do it! Look alive men, operation runny nose!" Isogai announces.

"Yeah!" My classmates that had switched to offensive yell, minus Karma. A class's next line had been split in two and were now charging from different sides of the field so now my classmates were charging straight down the middle towards A class's pole. The two groups from A class circle back around, surrounding our offensive group.

"They pulled an offensive fake-out!" Okajima exclaims as the group slows to a halt, looking around. Those of us on the sidelines were watching in anticipation.

"We should do something. The Ministry of Defense isn't going to like it very much if the students get injured." Karasuma says to Korosensei, who laughs like usual.

"Not to worry my good man, I gave Isogai some helpful tips during social studies." Korosensei says mysteriously. A class begins to push in closer, but the boys exchange a glance and then nod at each other. They all look very serious now. Suddenly they all dart out from one of the open sides, running around off of the field and jumping over the surrounding fences and jumping around the audience chairs. The A class students clamber after them, struggling to navigate the new area, though with all our assassin training, my classmates fare just fine while jumping on and darting around the chairs.

"The E class team has fled the playing field and are running amuck the spectators! Total chaos!" The announcer says, surprised.

"Hey, there are no rules without boundaries. Come on, whatcha waiting for, the whole school's a battlefield." Karma taunts them with his American accents. Okay, calm down (Y/n), this is not a proper time to laugh. Afterwards though, that's a good time. As long as they don't lose, that is.

"What are you doing? Dammit, quit screwing around guys!" Sakakibara shouts at the struggling students. Asano doesn't look very pleased with this.

"Akabane, Kimura, Isogai. Those are the three to watch." Asano shouts his orders to his other team members.

"Isogai! It's about that time." Karma says while leaping away from a class A student.

"Yeah. And so far, it's all going to plan." Isogai responds. Suddenly, Yoshida and Muramatsu start running towards A class's pole, momentarily shocking Asano. Oh, I see. The jumping into the audience was a distraction so that Yoshida and Muramatsu could loop around the billboard without being seen and have a clear shot to A class's pole. They launch themselves at the pole and cling on, trying to pull Asano down.

"What? Where'd those two come from? Weren't they out of commission?" The announcer questions.

"Right, were done running. E class! Go sonic!" Isogai orders while jumping back onto the ring, followed closely by our other classmates.

"Yeah!" They shout in response as they all start running towards A class's pole while their offense is trapped behind the fence they had struggled so much to get over in the first place. They run and jump onto the pole, trying to knock it down and also pulling at Asano to unbalance and knock him down with it.

"How do you like that Asano? There may not be that many of us but it only takes one to reach the top of the pole!" Yoshida yells, grabbing Asano's jacket, almost pulling the boy down before Asano grabs Yoshida's arm, twists it and throws him away from the pole. Then Asano pulls himself to the very top of the pole and swings himself around, kicking Muramatsu off as well before perching at the top. Oh great, he's using that.

"Don't tell me this punk knows martial arts?" Mr.Karasuma says in disbelief.

"Yeah, he does. It's one of the many skills he boasted about to try and impress me so I would agree to go out with him." I say.

"He asked you out? When? Kayano asks.

"Yeah. It's why I ended up here. In my first year, he framed me for beating some kids up because I rejected him." I explain.

"Uh oh. A class is closing in." Kataoka says as the A class members manage to get back over the fence and start heading towards their pole.

"Anyone else feel like we're about to watch a massacre?" Yada asks, her voice a little more high pitched than usual.

"Make no mistake, Asano is a singularly fearsome leader. Provided they follow his command, A class can't lose." Korosensei says as Asano swings himself around the top, kicking anyone that gets up high enough for him to reach. "Not the sort of adversary you can trifle with Isogai. Fortunately, you don't have to take him on all by yourself." Korosensei says when Isogai gets knocked off of the pile. Isogai narrows his eyes and gets back up into a crouching position and Nagisa uses that as a boost to launch himself up and grab onto Asano, dragging him down so that he is clinging on about halfway down the pole.

"What in the... The E class offensive has called in reinforcements!" The announcer exclaims. A class starts mumbling about how we only have two people holding up our pole, being Terasaka and Takebayashi who are still using the small group they took out at the beginning as leverage. Takebayashi starts taunting the ones they have 'trapped' about how they wouldn't do anything without orders.

"Asano! We need orders!" The American shouts, just further confirming Takebayashi's statement. However, Asano is too busy dealing with the rest of our class.

"Looks like the A class team is assuming a defensive posture too. If they can hold, E class will be out of options." The announcer says.

"Itona! Now, do it!" Isogai yells at the white haired boy. Isogai crouches, cupping his palms together as Itona sprints for him, placing his foot on Isogai's hands. Isogai boosts Itona up and he lands at the top of the pole, kicking it the way it is already leaning, bouncing back up again and grabbing onto the end and using his weight along with the momentum to ultimately drag the pole to the ground. That is so cool! He must have still retained some of his athletic abilities from when he had tentacles. He's much more level-headed now though, so that's nice.

"T..the A class is.. uh...." The announcer stutters, shocked by the outcome. Our class won! Everyone is quiet. Until...

"Team E class... For the win!" Isogai yells with a smile, pumping his fist into the air. All the boys start cheering and Korosensei takes a million pictures.

"Outstanding! My students are so cool, aren't they? Look this way please!" Korosensei yells. We were tasked with cleaning up the chairs, but everyone is congratulating Isogai, even the kids from the main building. It's odd. When we succeed they treat us like normal human beings, but when we fail they s scoff at us and calls us failures. I'd say it's a nice change of pace if I knew it wasn't going to go back to normal tomorrow. When we are done cleaning up, Isogai closes the door to the storage room.

"Hey, check it out." Nakamura says.

"Oh, it's Asano." Yada says. Then we all walk over to confront him about Isogai's job.

"We has a deal. You gonna hold your end of the bargain? You're not gonna rat Isogai our for having a job?" Maehara asks as we all stare the principals son down.

"You may take me at my word. Unlike some people I know, I'm not one for underhanded tactics. But next time I won't just take you down, I will chase you into oblivion." Asano says before turning and walking away.

"Ha, someone's a poor loser." Terasaka smirks.

"Yeah, what a jerk. Let him talk all the smack he wants, we're totally above it." Nakamura says cockily.

"Don't pay any attention to him, he doesn't even know you man, doesn't understand what you have to deal with." Maehara says as he lays a hand on Isogai's shoulder as the boy is still looking in the direction Asano walked off in.

"Except... That's not being fair. I don't know him either. His life could be really tough. Plus I've got super awesome classmates. If being broke led me to you, then I'm glad." Isogai says. Aww that's actually really sweet. Though, what else would you expect from the proclaimed Prince Charming of E class? Then someone drops by with the leftover bread from the bread eating contest for Isogai. His eyes practically pop out his head and everybody laughs at him. I feel eyes on me and look over to see Itona.

"Oh, hey. Did you need something? Also, good job with the pole-toppling thing. You looked so cool when Isogai launched you up into the air." I say, complimenting him.

"Yeah. It's still weird to work with people." He says.

"I can understand that. When you do everything by yourself for so long or are betrayed, it's hard getting accustomed to trusting people to do what they're supposed to." I say and Itona stays quiet.

"Why do you keep pretending to be interested in technology to talk to me?" He asks suddenly. Pretending?

"I'm not pretending, I think it's very interesting to learn about how things can be put together in a way that makes them do things. It's not only an excuse to talk to you." I say with a frown. He thinks I was pretending?

"Only?" He questions. I screwed up.

"I Uh... w-well..." I stutter before taking a breath. Now's better than never, I guess. "I want to be friends with you. Sorry if that's weird." I say, fiddling with my fingers.

"Hmm." Itona hums. Ok, just act confident. Or try to. Maybe just say I have to go talk to Karma? "Sure."

"What?" I ask as I'm snapped out of my thoughts.

"I'll be your friend. Korosensei's been nagging me about it anyways. Says I should talk more with people besides the idiot and co." Itona says.

"Oh uh, okay then. Well, I'll look forward to getting to know you better then." I say with a small smile.

Itona POV

That's such a lame excuse, I can hardly believe it myself. Usually I'm able to say whatever without getting flustered, but somehow I can't manage to say I actually enjoy her company. Also, why did I feel guilty when she had that sad look on her face?

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