Fairly Odd Life of Timantha T...

By mNakahara

24.7K 597 98

Timantha "Timmy" Turner is an average girl no one understands. Mom, dad and her evil babysitter Vick giving h... More

Fairly Odd Partner
Oh Yeah, Chaos!
Oh Boys...
Fairly Odd Pet
Zappy Awards
Fairly Odd Couple
To the Most Fairest Fairy
The Switch Glitch
The Fairy Fever
The May Prom
Summer Fun
She's Da Man
The Horror's Eve
Lil Mama's House
A Thankful Thinking

Love At First Height

1.5K 37 15
By mNakahara

Timmy's eyes shot opened from her slumber as she heard a distant angry roar from Toot and Vick's house. If that house is loud with furious scream, that means someone in that residence is truly upset. Well, more than upset. Gary who was sleeping next to Poof and Eddie also have awakened from the D' Vil's argument. With their fairies disturbed from the sleep, Timmy approached to the window as Poof turned into a binocular for his god-sister to hold and check what was happening. Currently, Vick and Toot's father was attempting to escape from his brother Veck's anger.


"H-he was desperate!! He's spending days in a motel!"

"A MOTEL?! LIKE A *CENSORED*-ING HUSTLER?!" Vincent's excuses only seemed to upset Vector even more.

"Language, sir..." Timmy muttered as she kept watching the one-sided argument.

"Wow, borrowing a gambling-addict pal half of his savings," Gary scoffed in sarcasm, "not cool."

The brunette sighed as she shook her head in exasperation. She proceeded to do her morning routine until she was about to change her casual clothes where her parents' voices rang from downstairs.

"OH, TIMMY~! Do you know what we haven't done long LONG time~~?" Mr. Turner asked, his tone cheerful.

"Taking your daughter to your work day?" She replied with cynical manner, which her parents failed to notice it.

"No~! We are going to Adrenaland~~!" Mrs. Turner answered.

Timmy and Gary blinked, looked at each other. It has been almost six years. Younger Timmy went to the amusement park with her parents, taking her imaginary friend along even when he wasn't real at that time. At one point, she was lost in the park, afraid but she didn't let go of Gary's hand. Of course the rides were amazing, but being away from her parents frightened her. Maintaining his calm attitude, Gary remained by her side until she encountered Chester and AJ for the first time helping her find her parents. And that was the last time she held Gary's hand.

"Well," Timmy began as she turned her attention to the door, "can we bring my old friend Gary along?"

"Sure~! We just happen to win SIX tickets to Adrenaland, so it's enough~~!" Mr. Turner replied.

Timmy's former imaginary friend blinked, but he didn't voice out disagreement.

Hour later, the Turner's, Timmy's friends, and Gary were inside the car holding the hamster ball Eddie was in while Timmy and Gary's fairies were in disguises; Cosmo as Gary's green bag, Wanda as Timmy's bag, and Poof being a keychain attached. Chester and AJ were rooting for the upcoming joy for their favorite amusement park. Sure, the ride to Adrenaland was dangerously ridiculous; passing through construction site, avoiding wild dogs with rabies, etc...

But the arrival was enough to brightened their mood.

"Told you leaving early was a good idea~! We even get a good parking spot~!" Timmy's dad exclaimed with glee.

They all got out of the car, witnessing the wonder and beauty of Adrenaland. Various rides and attractions thrilled and entertaining people. But one caught Timmy's attention; the roller coaster with the ride that didn't have 180 degree spinning but the rail in form of heartbeat rates as the ride literally rocketing fast enough to make some passengers' hair go white.

"There's a Heart Stopper," her eyes sparkled, "the toughest, fastest and the most lawsuit-prone roller coaster in the world...~!"

"Okay, but remember, kids, we have to be back here at 5 p.m, or—"

Before Mr. Turner could finish his sentence, Timmy, Gary, Chester and AJ stormed off for their fun with lightning speed.

"Wow, she never moved that fast when it's time for chores..." Mrs. Turner blinked.

"Excuse me, ma'am," the man in a booth written "Missing Child Booth" spoke up to them, "did you lose your child~? They can help you over here."

"But we didn't lose our child..." Mr. Turner tilted his head on confusion, but more bewildered as the woman in a booth popped out.

"That's the password~! Welcome~!" The woman beamed as she gave them glass of drink before pulling the lever, opening the ground they stood as they fall on the comfortable couch.

Mr. and Mrs. Turner, on the moving couch holding onto the drinks gasped to see the underground amusement park, containing swimming pool, bowling center, golf course, karaoke department, shopping malls and spa.

"Welcome to Adult-land~!" The announcement greeted them.

"Oh my gosh~~! It's a Kidless Adult PARADISE~!!" Timmy's father squealed.

"That's great~! We can use that for our slogan~!" The woman snapped her finger as the rolling screen with the "Kidless Adult Paradise" sparkled with neon.

"CHEERS~!" Mr. and Mrs. Turner laughed as their glass clanked one another.

Meanwhile up above, Timmy, Gary, Chester and AJ were in a food court. As much as they have rode several attractions, they felt unsatisfied as they wished to ride more extreme ones. However, they were required to be more taller to ride them.

"This sucks!" Timmy pouted.

"Well, according to calculations, we have to be at least turn from 16 to 20 to ride bigger attractions." AJ pointed out.

"Hey, this amusement park is, like, HUGE! Sure we could partner up and look around to ride others." Chester said.

"And after that, we hit the arcade?" Gary asked.

"OH YES~!" The four cheered as Eddie facepalmed still inside the hamster ball carried by Timmy's former imaginary friend.

And unsurprisingly, Chester and AJ were partnered up to find for other attractions earlier. Timmy and Gary left the food court, beginning their "scavenger hunt" on bigger rides, but the brunette had an idea as she dragged Gary to the secluded area.

"We'll get that big rides, and I am NOT waiting until we reach puberty!" She said then summoned their fairies, "I wish we had a body of a 20 years old!"

"Two growth spurt coming up!" Wanda said as both her, Cosmo and Poof's wands sparkled, granting her wish.

The big cloud of "GROWTH" poofed on the two.

Gary's body developed into one as young adult's, slender and masculine. He was wearing bigger red leather jacket but fits his upper body, white crop top and black shirt underneath, key pendant around his neck, his long legs had the light blue jeans on, pair of black boots with buckles. His hair was no longer greasy but had left side of his head shaved slightly, leaving the right side of his hair intact, hands have pair of fingerless black gloves, sunglasses covering his eyes.

Timmy's height tall as well, legs long with skinny but healthy waist. Hot pants jeans covered her apple hips, pink hoodie T-shirts covered her round, developed cleavage and slim belly. Her brown hair grew longer and in ponytail. Her feet had darker blue wedge-heels. Natural makeups highlighted her "cute" face with rosy pink lip-gloss. Her hat remained intact but still fits her head in perfect combination of her current outfit.

"God damn...." Gary muttered, his voice husky yet mature than preteen self.

"Now, off to our hunt for sum big rides~!" Timmy raised her fist up in determination, her voice no longer 'squeaky' but as of lively young adult's.

The duo took off as Cosmo and Wanda waved, now in their human form as Poof was in arms of his mother as Cosmo was carrying a hamster ball Eddie stayed in. Then they looked at one another, having similar thought; decided to observe them along.

Timmy dragged Gary to big ride corner, and she wasn't aware of the attentions from teenage to young adult men who seemed to blush or drool at the sight of her young adult appearance, much to raven-haired boy's chagrin. But among the observers, one froze at the spot with wide eyes. The certain red-haired nightmare gazed at grown brunette with disbelief and hope.


Gary and Timmy paused, hearing familiar voice of their worst nightmare. Both spun around to see...

'VICK?!' She screamed mentally.

'MOTHARUTTA.' Gary cursed in his mind.

Vick approached close, eyes couldn't take away from her.

"Hi, Vick... I'm your new babysitter Tiffany..."

As he gazed up and down, "Tiffany" seemed to haven't changed. Same brunette hair in ponytail, same blue eyes, same color themes of clothes.

"It's okay...let's have a great time today..."

He couldn't forget the mysterious babysitter in pink who made that single day memorable.

"...is that you...?" Vick spoke, tone almost gentle despite in astonishment.

Timmy's eyes went to Gary, clearing her throat as he nodded understanding what she wanted, so he decided to leave the two while began his search for their fairies. The brunette turned her attention to Vick. She didn't know he would remember "Tiffany", the time she wished herself being a babysitter to six years old Vick.

"H-hi, Vick..." She made up a welcoming, but awkward smile.

And that is where she saw something she never thought to witness from him.

He smiled, brightly.

For a moment, she could've sworn the little Vick inside his sharp almond shaped eyes that used to hold anger and resentment. Timmy realized that back when she changed one day of his life, she changed him too...

"It's been a while, huh...," she giggled a bit, "you've grown taller than me."

"Yeah.... Uhh, how have you been...?" Vick asked.

"Doing fine...you came here my yourself?" She saw the red-haired babysitter nodded.

"And you...?"

"The guy who left was my cousin. I'd be here....until 5." She answered, unaware of Vick's relieved expression.

"Well, I was thinking... we can hang out...?"

Timmy blinked her eyes, gazing at Vick's expressions. His once dark magenta eyes changed into bashful rose diamond's—the ones she saw when he was little—looking away from her, rubbing the back of his neck in awkward manner. What a site! It may be the hormone through her 20 years old body, but she finds his new attitude...cute.

"Sure...~!" The brunette gave him a soft smile.

It was enough to brighten Vick's eyes.

"So... which ride we can get on?" He asked.

Timmy happily pointed at the Heart-Stopper as his gaze followed. Silence filled the seconds, until both grinned.

Meanwhile, Gary spent few hours running to look for Timmy's parents, frustrated to learn that they're nowhere to be seen. Eddie sighed in frustration as well.

"Great. Now Mr. and Mr. T is gone! Whatever Tim-Tim made a wish while I was gone, it better be something that does not cost her to lose Cos, Wan and Po-Poof...," The former Imaginary Friend rolled his eyes, "better go back in case something happen to her..."

As soon as he spotted Timmy and Vick together, a mixture of concern, frustration, and relief. He may have missed some big rides with her, but by the look of her faces, he could feel how much fun she had. Wanda, Cosmo and Poof appeared next to him as mascots of the Adrenaland.

"Well, Gary, you don't need to worry about that," Wanda informed, "because of Vick's old memories of 'Mysterious baby-sitter Tiffany' revived, he is being nice to her."

"Let me guess, she wished herself as his babysitter?" Gary spoke.

"Yeah~! Because she watched the reason why Vick turned so cruel—not to mention how his life was similar but worse than her own—so she wanted to give at least a best day to him as good babysitter~!" Cosmo answered with unnecessary details.

"Poof-poof....!" Poof squeaked, gesturing to what he had just spotted, sound alarmed.

Gary and two fairies followed the direction to where baby fairy was pointing at. Nervous of the incoming unwelcome figures approaching to two. But they weren't the only ones noticed, as Timmy spotted a young man around Vick's age with blond hair and the black eyepatch on his right eye. She knows who it was right away and tensed.

'Driver Shallowgrave..., Officer Shallowgrave's son....,' Timmy frowned secretly, '...and Vick's sworn enemy.'

"Well, well...," the blond teen smirked, "if it isn't the infamous babysitter of Dimmsdale."

Turned to see Driver, Vick's soften expression turned into scowling one. Obviously, the red-headed young man didn't want his blond archenemy to be here. Especially, when he was having a good time with his former "mysterious babysitter" who saved him from misery.

"Vick," Timmy began, continuing his act as Tiffany as she held Vick's hand while looking at Driver, "who is this?"

The blond teen's eyes then turned to "Tiffany", eyes gleamed with interest and realization.

"Oh, so you're the famous "Tiffany", the sole weakness of Vick...~."

Timmy raised her eyebrow.

'Weakness....?' She questioned through her mind.

"Well, I'm hoping that having a date with former kid you babysat won't be something to be frowned upon...~."

Driver's rather...straightforwardly disrespectful remark was beginning to irritate her. But she didn't want to back down.

"...well, I don't have to hear the stupid comments from someone who doesn't have any business with the fun we're having. And obviously, not wanting to have our fun ruined." Timmy spoke, smiling but striking back while standing front of Vick in a protective manner.

A flash of memories witnessing little Vick being tortured by entire people revived in her brain. Either it is because of compassion or that she have newfound fondness to her evil babysitter, she wasn't going to let some "thuggish" Caucasian gangster wannabe crash her fun. Blinking at her verbal attacks, Driver chuckled.

"Why, aren't you a sassy one, toots," he said as he approached to her, "come on, I could suggest you something more fun."

"Well, I don't think I have a time...please leave us be.." Timmy withdrew, feel the disgust towards him.

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind to share his ex-babysitter...~." The blond teen reached out and held her arm.

Veins popped from Vick's forehead and around his eyes in rage. Alarmed, Gary was on the verge to bring out his switchblade from his pocket as the fairies gulped.

Until, the brunette had enough of the nuisance touching her as the blond's fingers felt like centipedes crawling on her skin as she landed a painful punch on his patched right eye. Loud enough to hear a small crack from the impact.

"I said.... LEAVE US ALONE, CYCLOP TWERP!!!' She hissed with anger, flexing her knuckles watching Driver scream in pain on the floor.

Vick blinked in surprise as Gary stood still, astonished as well as Cosmo, Wanda, and Poof. It may have been an hallucination, but they could've swore there was a heavy magenta aura around her with similar wave of strength...equaling Vick's.

"Touch me or mess with Vick again...., and YOU'LL BE KISSING MY FIST WITH TEETH BROKE PERMANENTLY." Timmy glared, sending a small but firm willpower from her eyes, warning the pathetic blond enough to make him scram.

She then held out a soapy water tissue from her pocket and rubbing it on the arm that was gripped by Driver as if it was to disinfect the germ. Seeing the watch that is telling 15 minutes after 5, she tossed the used tissue away on trash can as she finished, "Tiffany" turned to Vick reverting back to sweet self with a friendly yet apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry, Vick...but I have to go..."

"Oh..." the tone of his voice sounded a little sadden.

"It was nice to spend time with you again..., and I'm glad you're grown up into a really fine young man."

Unconsciously, Timmy's hand reached out and patted Vick's head. Almost in same way she used to when she wished herself as little Vick's babysitter. Calming and reassuring enough to had Vick feel he would meet her again.

"See you." She waved to him and walked to Gary.

In a brief moment of nostalgia, Vick had seen young "Tiffany" waving at him before walking away. Something in him wanted to hold her back and never letting her go, yet he decided not to.

"....see you later, Tiffany." With a small smile, Vick walked to the opposite direction.

Minutes later as Timmy and Gary reverted back to their original selves, met up with Chester and AJ who never got to ride enough big attractions but at least got some merchandises, arriving on their way to Mr. and Mrs. Turner who were waiting by their car.

"Well, it was a bummer that we didn't ride Heart-Stopper," Chester spoke, "but at least we got this~!"

Both Timmy's friends held out a photograph collection of familiar brunette young woman in diverse fashionable outfits with a big "TIFFANY" written on the cover.

"It's Tiffany~! A Scandinavian Fashionista~!" AJ sighed dreamily.

'I have a photograph....?' Timmy tilted her head as Gary held back his chuckle.

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