Family Is Forever ~ A One Chi...

By IzzyJane04

135K 2.1K 216

Jessica Leslie Casey, daughter of Matthew Casey and Gabriela Dawson is a bit of a handful to say the least. A... More

Author's Note
Background Info
Chapter 1 - In trouble again
Chapter 2 - Nice shot
Chapter 3 - Just hear me out.
Chapter 4 - I'm sorry
Chapter 5 - I'm such and idiot
Chapter 6 - I hate Hospitals
Chapter 7 - Back at 51
Chapter 8 - What happens next
Chapter 9 - A plan
Chapter 11 - A long Day
Chapter 12 - We need a plan
Chapter 13 - A perfect night
Chapter 14 - New Boy
Chapter 15 - Why....just why?
Chapter 16 - Sparks Fly
Chapter 17 - Spill the beans
Chapter 18 - 6 hours
Chapter 19 - Nobody Knows
Chapter 20 - Better than expected
Chapter 21 - Back to school
Chapter 22 - Typical School
Chapter 23 - Unexpected
Chapter 24 - Why did this have to happen?
Chapter 25 - News
Chapter 26 - Don't really have a choice
Chapter 27 - Whats Up?
Chapter 28 - Embarrassment in the form of rescue squad
Chapter 29 - How'd it go?
Chapter 30 - Emergency Placement
Chapter 31 - Why is she here?
Chapter 32- I've made everthing worse
Chapter 33 - What the hell happened
Chapter 34 - The whole truth
Chapter 35 - 2 weeks
Character list
Chapter 36 - Visitors
Chapter 37 - Waffles
Chapter 38 - Arrested
Chapter 39 - Trouble in paradise
Chapter 40 - The first time
Chapter 41 - The time has come
Chapter 42 - School again.
Chapter 43 - The Letter
Chapter 44 - The Verdict
Chapter 45 - I'm so happy for you
Chapter 46 - Graduation
Chapter 47 - Lets get this party started
Chapter 48 - Drunk 🥴
Chapter 49 - In the nick of time
Chapter 50 - Complicated
Chapter 51 - Not sure what to say
Chapter 52 - Time With Liam
Chapter 53 Todays the day.
Chapter 54 - At the academy
Chapter 55 - A nice surprise
Chapter 56 - Coffee and a DUI
Chapter 57 - A conversation With Lindsay
Chapter 58 - What happens Next
Chapter 59 - Talk to me
Chapter 60 - Dance it out
Chapter 61 - Meet the gang
Chapter 62 - Graduation again
Chapter 63 - Welcome to 19
Chapter 64 - Settling in
Chapter 65 - Questions from 51
Chapter 66 - I Missed you
Chapter 67 - A coincidence
Chapter 68 - Walk in patient
Chapter 69 - Not your fault
Chapter 70 - A false Alarm & A quick hello
Chapter 71 - Phone a Friend
Chapter 72 - It always works
Chapter 73 - Negotiations
Chapter 73 - Dinner
Chapter 74 - Ive got an idea
Chapter 75 - He's only gone and done it
Thank You!!!!

Chapter 10 - No distractions

2.5K 36 6
By IzzyJane04

I had a couple of days to get used to online learning before mum and dad's next shift so I knew what I was doing. I wasn't overly thrilled woth the fact we had to have our cameras on all the time. I'm pretty sure my classmates didn't want to see me in my pyjamas.

I also wasn't used to getting up at 5am for an early shift. Officially shift didn't start till 7 we all had to get up and ready and walk Ellie before we left.

At 6:30 mum was shouting at me to hurry up it only took 15 minutes to drive to the Firehouse so I had no idea why they wanted to leave early. I shoved my laptop and charger in my bag grabbed my sketchbook and headed downstairs.


I was sat at the table in the common room fiddling around with my computer while everyone else was in morning briefing.

Dad had been lecturing me about not getting distracted and paying full attention to my lessons the whole car ride over to the Firehouse. I knew it was only because he wanted me to do well but I was a bit fed up with the lectures.

My phone buzzes on the table and I look to see a text from Brooke

B: I hate online school and its only been a week 😑 what lessons you got today????

J: I've got a pretty decent day double Art, food tech, Spanish biology and maths

B: lucky I have double Drama, history then Spanish biology and maths

J: idk how much work I'm actually going to get done I'm at the Firehouse

B:cool at least you get to see people other than your parents, my brother is such a little shit

Brookes brother was only 10 and was really annoying. She was also at home with her stepdad while her mum worked. Brooke didn't really get on with her step dad very well and I knew that them being such at home together 24/7 would end in arguments.

J: you've never met Squad 3 the most annoying company ever, damn good Firefighters but not necessarily the most intelligent people ever

B: 😂😂 TTYL

J: yeah xxx

I put my phone back on the table and looked up, it looked like briefing had just ended as the team were all heading out of the briefing room.

I immediately started opening random school associated files on my laptop so it looked like i was doing work.

I checked my watch. Crap I had lost track of time and was almost late for registration so I plugged my eraphones into my laptop and joined the Google meet session. Camera on mic off. Luckily Mr Lewis didn't notice I was pushing my luck with the  timing.

He was just running through the notices and things we should be aware of when I hear my name called from across the common room.

I look up and smile Kelly had just walked in I wave at him and I'm about to start a conversation when I hear my Mr Lewis' voice in my ear

"Jessica can you please repeat what I just said."

I fumble with my mouse to turn on my mic


"You weren't paying attention were you" he pauses for a second "Who is that behind you"

I turn around and unsurprisingly Kelly is there holding a bowel of cereal.

I unplug my headphones from the computer so Kelly can hear what we're saying. Before trying to explain what is going on

"Sorry about him,I'm at the Firehouse today and he feels the need to make an appearance"

Then brookes voice comes through
"Hi kelly"

Kelly smiles and waves at her "Hi brooke"

Capp then walks in obviously looking for Severide

"Lieutenant have you seen......what are you doing"

He walks over and sees my form "I thought Captain Casey said no disruptions"

I roll my eyes of course dad made an announcement telling them to leave me alone

"Yeah exactly no disruptions so please go away before you embarrass me" I say pushing him away

Just then the bells go off

Squad 3 person trapped Ambo 72 requesting assistance....

And both Kelly and Capp run out of the room to the apparatus floor.

"Sorry about the noise" I say plugging my earphones in again and waving at Stella as she walked in to grab some coffee

"Is that another fit fireman" comes poppy's voice

I chose not to comment on this but instead pick up on something else

"Firefighters" I say simply

"What" she replies sounding confused

Mum and Brett have now walked in and them and Stella are listening to what I'm saying

"Firefighters not firemen" I'm really not in the mood for a fight so I'm keeping my answers short. I also unplug my headphones aging so the others can here what's being said

"As if there's such a thing as a Lady Firefighter" says someone else who I don't know

Really how could you get to the age of 17 and still think that I think to myself

"Now now Ben of course there's such thing as female Firefighters, in fact I saw a flyer last week advising a programme where girls your age could come and learn to be Firefighters it looked quite interesting"

I smile I kow exactly what programme he's on about

"Was it girls on fire by any chance?" I ask my teacher glancing up at Stella who had a big smile on her face

"As a matter of fact yes I think it was" he replies.

He then relises the time
"Well folks enjoy your lessons today and I'll see you later"

I sign out of the meeting and sigh. Its going to be a long day if all people want to talk about is why I'm at a Firehouse oh well, I've grown up in the CFD it was all I knew and I would do anything to make sure people knew what it was like and how much the people at 51 really ment to me.

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