Surviving | grey's anatomy

By FiorraCavazza

156K 4.3K 782

"You know I used to love working here...good memories, seeing my friends who are my second family. And now? N... More

Season 3
Author note
I'm back
You're gonna hate me
Thank you!


3.7K 124 35
By FiorraCavazza

Eve yawns taking a sip of her coffee. She winces slightly. Not enough sugar. Not enough caffeine.

Today she left really early. It was still dark when she sneaked out of her room not being able to bear another second next to Johnny.

She didn't even know how they were able to still sleep next to each other.

It's been three days since their fight. All Eve knew was that Johnny pushed the job offer a little back offering her a little more time to make a decision.

But he wasn't happy about it. He made it really clear.

"I pushed it back. Giving you more time to choose. If you finally decide to stop being a child and make a decision." He mumbles the last part not intending for her to hear. But she did. 

And everything turned into a full on fight again. Everytime. Everytime they talk to each other it just ends up in a yelling match.

She was exhausted. She hasn't been sleeping well the past days.

Yesterday actually concerned her a lot more. When they were fighting for a moment just a short moment it looked as though he wanted to smack her. That's how angry he looked. 

And she really didn't want to look into it but he was just angry. He would never... that's not who he is.


Today Eve was on baileys service with Meredith. She hasn't really been talking to her friends. Well she did and she was pretty good at faking her smile and happiness. But everytime they turned around she took a moment to just look like how she felt. Miserable and alone.

They were working with Denny duquette. Izzie's lover. And Eve did not say it as a joke. She was in love with him. She fell in love with her patient. Eve watched it. 

Her styling hair hair more. More makeup. The giggling the smiling. She was playing with fire but Eve really wasn't interested eh mood to be the good advice person. Not this week.


When they took Danny off of his hooks. At first is looked like he couldn't make it. He was heaving heavily. In pain. They were worried he might have to go into surgery because his heart wasn't healing properly. 

But just as sudden as it started it stopped. Making everyone present in the room let out a heavy sigh. 

Now Eve is alone ein the room checking up on his vitals while writing down in the chart.

She makes a dot. Before putting the pen away and slapping the chart closed.

Eve looks at the men smiling faintly.

"Everything looks good Denny." She assured him making him sighs happily.

"Well you gotta thank dr. Bailey for me. I mean, I already thanked her once, but this here deserves a double scoop." He jokes.

She huffs a laugh although forced. She didn't dislike Denny. The opposite actually. He was really nice and funny. He cheered her up the few times she was working on his case.

But everything changed. Izzie and him got serious and it wasn't good. Not at all.

"You're less happy. Let me guess it's because of izzie and I?" He asked already having noticed her change in personality.

She clicks her tongue not knowing what to say. It wasn't her business. 

"I'm indifferent towards you both. You're grown adults. I don't have to say anything." 

She mumbles not really knowing what to do. She was a mess herself. So how could she go around giving advice.

"Well that's different from what dr. Grey did I like the change." He replies making her scoff.

"Well I'm glad I could make your day." She says sarcastically giving him a lopsided smile.

He chuckles deeply. "So how are you and your boyfriend." He asks making her drop her smile immediately thinking about their fight. Well plural. It was many fights.

She grits her teeth. "Great. Perfect. Why do you ask?" She rushes out clearly sarcastic.

"The nurses talk dr. Lee. Everyone worried about their favorite happy intern." Denny replies raising a brow at her. 

But she avoids it at any cost. Denny was one of those people that could make everyone talk.

Talk about their problems anything. He was like her. Only more flirty and less shy.

"You should worry about yourself Denny. Don't worry about me." She assures before nodding one last time walking away.


Eve walks towards the exit when she sees Alex still standing at the nurse's station. 

"You're still here?" Eve asks making him look up from the chart in surprise. For one he didn't even notice her and second he didn't even expect her to talk to him.

She hasn't been as social the past days and whenever he tried to talk to her she would brush him off.

And yes he was concerned but how far could he push until she snapped.

And he didn't really want her mad at him. He was frustrated as it is. He was dumped because of a patient. How the helm could that happen.

He huffs. "So now you're talking to me?" He grumbles annoyed making her frown.

"I'm sorry?" She asks confused making him scoff.

He slams the chart shut glaring at her. He was hurt. Hurt by izzie whom he really liked. And by Eve whom he really loved and who ignored him for three straight days.

"What? You're surprised not everyone is acting as if you didn't ignore them for three days straight?" He asks accusingly his glare intensifying.

"I'm not Meredith and Cristina. I don't just overlook that you've ignored me. Because it sucks. It's a dick move okay?" Getting louder making her shush him.

"Okay Okay!!" Eve whispers yells holding her hands up gesturing for him to be more quiet.

Both just look at each other not saying anything. Eve drops her gaze in shame.

"I'm sorry." She mumbles almost inaudible.

"I really am." She ads. She really didn't notice that she's been that absent. And she felt horrible about it. That's not what a friend is supposed to do.

Alex sighs looking at her small frame. Slumped shoulders.

"Have you decided yet?" He asks quietly. "Are you gonna leave?" He asks more quietly. His voice vulnerable.

She has made up her mind. Not just now but for the entire day she had. 

She couldn't leave. She just couldn't. She was just an intern. She had friends here. Family.

And who could assure that she and Johnny would stay together forever. Of course she wanted to believe that but you never know. They haven't even properly lived together here in Seattle. 

She just didn't want it to be real. That tonight their relationship would end.

Her eyes become glossy. She slightly nods before swallowing loudly.

Alex holds his breath in anticipation. She looks up at him with sad eyes.

"Goodnight Alex." Is all she says before walking away letting her tears fall.


(Little warning here for people who are kinda triggered by abuse I guess.)

When she lets the door fall closed everything is quiet.

She knew Johnny was there thought.

They decided to meet up tonight.

Her heart is racing as she steps into the kitchen seeing Johnny lean against the kitchen island.

Upon hearing her footsteps he looks at her. The atmosphere is tense no one dares to say anything.

Eve puts her bag down grabbing a glass of water. She takes a large gulp before putting the glass on the kitchen island.

She takes a deep breath. Thinking back thinking about everything. From then first meeting to their first fight everything. Was she ready to end it all?


"He licks his lips before grabbing her waist. "Cutie, I'm 30 years old. Do you really think I'm still sleeping around with every women I talk to?" he asks her seriously.

She let's out a breath of relief. And then smiles guiltily. "No." She mumbles fiddeling with his bracelet. His chuckling causes her to look up. "You don't have to worry okay? I'm fine with having one women to sleep with although she doesn't wanna date me."


 "Look I'm just gonna be bold and say that I think you're one of the cutest, smartest and nicest interns I have ever met. And I've met plenty over my time here. So...maybe just think about it alright? I'm fine with waiting." He concludes looking her deep in the eyes."


„I-„ Eve starts but stops in the middle. Her eyes glossy.


"I love you" he breathes out looking down. For a few minutes there's no answer. He panics his heart starts racing. When he feels metal being placed on the table.

Johnny looks up and sees a key. "My second key to Meredith's house. You shouldn't have to wait for me every time you come over.... I love you too by he way."


She takes a deep stuttering breath. „I can't." she whispers before shaking her head in disappointment. She wishes she could say yes she really did.

„I can't move to Germany. I can't just- I can't." she concludes her eyes tearing up.

What she didn't expect was for Johnny to chuckle sarcastically clicking his tongue. He shakes his head disbelieving.

„so I pushed the waiting time for no reason? You were gonna say no anyway weren't you?" he asks angrily glaring at her.

Her mouth opens but no words seem to come out. She is more than shocked at his reaction.

„What? No I- I was thinking about it. I was!" she says stepping closer to him trying to grab his hands but he harshly pulls away.

„No you weren't!!" He yells loudly making her take a step back. She really tries to stay calm she really did.

"You were leading me on! What did you think would happen? That you say no and I'm gonna be fine with it?" He continues making her anger bubble up more. Her hands turn into fists clenching tightly.

"You know what? You're selfish. I've given you time to think I've tried to give you everything make everything possible in Germany but you just say no? What is this crap!" He yells his hands wildly gesturing.

"It is my decision that's what this crap is!! How dare you call me selfish. How can you accuse me of not even considering your offer. I did! I thought about it. I think about it now!! Because I don't want to lose you but I can't just move!" She yells back. 

Johnny slams his hands on the counter pointing a accusing finger at her. "Why is it really you don't wanna move huh? You think you made a name of yourself already? Hate to break it to you Eve you're just an intern. Okay no one will care if you leave!" He yells not caring about her hurt look.

She huffs laughing sarcastically starting to pace in the spot. "It's not about wether I made a name of myself. It's about my life! I just started in Seattle. I've built my life I can't just leave. It's not possible why don't you want to understand. And how can you say that no one cares? Why are you saying those things?" She yells back just as loud.

He just grits his teeth grabbing the glass from the kitchen island smashing it on the floor making the glass break it many sharp pieces.

Eve jumps back in shock. 

Johnny look back up at her waking around the kitchen counter. "I've had enough of your constant repeated excuse. Your life her just starting it's always the same. What about my life huh? This is what I want!" He shouts stepping closer to her but she holds her ground straightening her back.

She was just as stubborn as him. And she does not back down.

"And what did you think about when you applied for the job huh? What was it you said?" Eve makes a fake thinking face making Johnny even more furious his hands ball into fists.

"Oh right you applied without telling me it was in freaking Germany!! You didn't tell me anything. You didn't even tell me you applied until weeks have passed. And you're telling me you didn't think only of yourself then?" 

"Shut up! You're trying to make me the bad guy now?! This is a career something fortunate for me-" 

"Me me me! That's all you've been saying. You're not better than me you hear me? You are not Better. And don't tell me I'm wrong. Remember what you said three days ago??"

"God you keep coming back to that i told you I didn't mean it like that!" He heatedly shouts out.

"You said you didn't want me to make you choose!" Eve yells over him pointing an accusing finger at him he grips her wrist tightly making her slightly since but not enough for her to forget about what she wanted to say.

"Shut up! I-" 

"Because you would've chosen the job. You still would! Don't you dare tell me you would've chosen me!" She continues yelling not noticing his grip hardening.

"Eve I mean it enough! I don't wanna hear about!-" 

But Johnny's yelling is interrupted by her once again. She was on a rant. Finally saying what she's been fearing the entire time. Ever since he begged her not to make him choose.

"You don't care if I say yes! You will choose the job!! So who's really selfis-"

"I said enough!" Johnny yells and before both know what's happening he harshly shoves her making her Yelp.

Her not having expected tumbles to the floor her forehead hitting the edge of the kitchen island making her grunt in pain. She tries to stop the fall by holding out her hands not taking into consideration the broken glass on the floor.

It is quiet.Both breathing heavily. Eve on her knees onf the cold kitchen floor. Eve feels something trickling down her forehead. Her hands are burning and she feels something stuck in her right hand.

But all the pain she feels physically is nothing compared to the pain she feels in her heart. At the words he said. And the fear she feels every second she's in the room with him. 

Slowly she turns around glancing at a terrified looking Johnny. 

Both stare at each other trying to figure out the others next move.

And before Johnny could comprehend anything Eve quickly jumps up. Rushing to the bag she dropped to the floor running towards the apartment door.

"Eve!" Johnny yells quickly regaining his composure running after her.

But before he could grab ahold of her she opens the door and slams it shut not waiting before running down the stairs as she hears the apartment door open. 

Her heart is racing. She fumbles in her bag for the car keys not caring about the sting of the cut in her hand or her throbbing forehead.

She quickly unlocks her car throwing everything inside closing the door and driving away as fast as she could.


Eve slams the house's door shut leaning her back against it. She leans her head against it heaving. Heaving and heaving before it turns into sobs. First quiet but then louder. More and more. She moves her hand up to her mouth to cover it trying o muffle the noise. Tears are falling out of her eyes endlessly.

Everything hurts. Her hand. Her wrist. Her forehead. Her heart.

She takes a deep breath before quickly walking into the bathroom. She locks the door trying to quickly control the damage.

"Sutures." She mumbles sniffling hurriedly searching through the drawers before she finally finds a kit.

They always took some from the hospital to practice.

She takes the disinfectant spraying it on her hands hissing when it enters the small cut in her hand. 

She quickly and messily wraps her hand before turning to look in the mirror. The women staring back wasn't eve.

No shining brown eyes. No happy smile. Only pain. Her eyes were dull and red. 

She moves to clean her forehead wincing the entire time at the sting from the disinfectant. 

Lucky for her it was a small cut. She knew this was gonna hurt but it needed to be done.


George is deep in his slumber when the door of his bedroom opens. 

Callie had to leave a few hours ago being paged for a Ortho case.

"Callie?" George mumbles trying to reach over for the bedside lamp.

"Don't ." A nervous voice calls out making him furrow his brows.

"Eve?" He mumbles rubbing his eyes.

"Please don't turn the light on." She begs walking over to him. 

Her voice is shaking he notices.


"Please George. C-can I just stay here?" She whispers voice begging desperately. He never heard his friend this way and he was concerned.

"Why-" before he could ask though she interrupts again.

"Please. Just tonight. Don't ask questions. Please." She whispers he hears the pain in her voice.

Without hesitating he moves over opening the blanket to her. 

She quickly crawls in rolling herself into a small ball.

George puts a hand on her shoulder but his concern deepens when he feels her shaking like a leaf.

"Don't. Please just. Don't. Eve whispers moving to turn her back to him.

George bites his lip before moving over grabbing the brunettes shoulder and pulling her into a hug.

Eve tries to hold back from crying. Forcing herself to sleep.

"It's okay Eve." George whispers. Stroking her shoulder.

Eve thinks back to when she first wondered how Johnny could be so perfect. So understanding. She never did find a flaw until now.

Guess nobody truly is perfect.


So I was really torn about this. I had planned for something like this to happen. But I really fell in love with Johnny. But it's a drama show. Drama is about to happen.

Still sad though ngl.

Btw wanted to thank everyone who's commenting and voting I really appreciate it. On my last story I never had comments and I was so happy to see people comment on this one!

So yeah. See ya.

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