Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT A...

De Jira03

38.5K 1.4K 222

Mai Taniyama is just another highschool student when she met an unfeeling narcissist who came to investigate... Mais

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Author's Note
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
My Apologies!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: The Final Arc (01)
Chapter 45: The Final Arc (02)
Chapter 46: The Final Arc (3)
Chapter 47: The Final Arc (04)
Chapter 48: The Final Arc (05)

Chapter 26

627 31 3
De Jira03

DISCLAIMER: I don't own Ghost Hunt.

[Not Edited]


Mai noticed herself sitting in a chair while reading a book about Ghost Hunting. Mai immediately felt something strange and put her guard up. She is in an unfamiliar classroom and realized that she's in a dream. And she is not ‘herself’. The hand that are holding the book  belongs to a boy so she must be having a dream about a boy’s experience. The body is still reading the book until a yell interrupted the serene atmosphere.

“Sakauchi! What are you doing?!”

Mai felt herself jumped in shock as a stern voice shout at him from behind. She quickly his the book she's reading but it was snatched by a hand belonging to an old man. She turned her gaze and saw the angry face of the teacher she didn’t like seeing after arriving in this school.

‘Oh. That Matsuyama-sensei… But wait, what did he just said? Sakauchi? Does that mean I am seeing Sakauchi’s memories?’

“How many times have I told you to stop reading these kinds of books, you brat?! Instead of these kind of crap why don’t you focused on reading textbooks for you to improve your crappy grades?!”

That rude teacher lectured in an angry voice as he tore down the book in two. Mai also tried to reached out and snatch the book back but the teacher threw the torn book straight to the garbage bin. Mai can feel the anger and sadness blooming from the boy’s heart as he look at his book with a disheartened look. Mai lowered her head and stare at the floor as she listened to Matsuyama-sensei crap talk.

‘This old fogey! Did he know that the book is expensive?! And paranormal research is not a crap! It can help people!’ Mai rant inside her as she look down but she suddenly noticed a presence closed to her. Mai felt pain on her ear as she was lifted by someone who pulled her right ear.

“Are you listening to me?! Is this how you treat your teachers, you brat?!”

Mai heard the teacher angrily growl as he pinched her ear even more. Mai feel how hatred filled the boy’s heart the teacher shout to her ear. Mai really wanted to beat the hell out of this man but the body she's in didn't do the scheme she's planning. That old teacher’s voice rang painfully in her ear as she tried to struggle. Her breathes’ interval became shorter as she strived to break free

“Let go!” Mai heard a guy’s voice as she felt her mouth move. There is a trace of panic and anger in that voice but the teacher continue to spew nonsense to her ears.

‘You Bastard! This is abuse! I will sue you! Let go! Matsuyama, you bastard!!’ Mai screamed in her heart while feeling the pain Sakauchi was feeling from that abusive teacher. His feelings and pains stab her own heart as she witness what is happening in a first person’s perspective.


“MAI! Wake up!”

Mai opened her eyes as she inhaled deeply, waking up from that dream. Her hands reached her right ear as she can still feel the pain some someone’s screams and pinching. She tried to calm herself. She covered her ears in hopes that those crappy voices leave her mind. She then noticed her friends' worried faces in front of her. Seeing their concern, she couldn't help but to tear up in sight.

“Mai! Thank goodness. Are you okay?!” Bou-san asked as he handed her a glass of water.

“Y-yeah.” She answered while Yasuhara hurriedly kneeled in front of her and wiped her tears away. Naru pursed his lips in dissatisfaction as he watch their intimate actions. But Lin and Masako felt something wrong with Mai. Naru would've thought the same as them but he is overcome with jealousy that he couldn't think straight.

“Are you really okay? Are you having nightmares again? Where is your medicine?” Yasu asked, panicking when he saw her pale state. It was at this time that Naru noticed something wrong. Mai's breathing is still unstable and her face is very pale than usual. Naru cursed himself for not noticing and moved by her side to observe her.

“It i-is in my b-bag.” Mai answered while calming her breathe. Yasu found her bag and took some medicine in it and gave it to the young brunette. Mai immediately took the medicine and drank the water as Yasu check her temperature again. Mai quickly hid the medicine pack in her pocket as she smiled at them.

“What happened?” Ayako asked as she helped her wipe her sweat.

“N-nothing. I am just having a nightmare.” Mai answered as calmly as she could to avoid suspicions but Naru asked something that almost break her calm facade.

“Are you having frequent nightmares that you have to take medicine to calm down?”

‘Damn. He is really sharp. He must’ve seen the calming medicine a while ago.’ Mai cursed inside as she clenched the medicine pack in her pockets.

“Yes, indeed. But it is not so serious. Don’t worry about it.” Mai said as she forced herself to smile again.

“Are you sure?”


Mai never told the SPR and her friends about her cognitive dreams. Yasu is the only one who knew about it. Yasu's parents, who she had known for 3 years didn’t know about it. They just knew that she was diagnosed with some kind of illness and that her nightmares are extreme. Mai let out a bitter smile while Yasu patted her head.

“Then if you are okay, let us go back to work. Yasuhara, Lin and I will come back shortly so hold on for a little while until we are back. If you’re really uncomfortable, call me through the walkie-talkie you carried with you.” Naru instructed as he stood up straight.

“Okay. I am now feeling good so I can do some work.” Mai answered while she slowly rose from her seat.

Naru eyed her suspiciously as the others moved to leave. Mai assured them by smiling, especially Yasu who is looking at her with concern. Mai waved them goodbye and sat in front of the monitors. The SPR thought of the situation and really felt something wrong but they couldn't bare to interrogate the brunette while she's in that state.


Mai realized that she was in her dream again. Why is she dreaming so much today? She is in the hallway this time and it’s dark but she can still see the things around her. She felt peaceful this time.

“Mai.” She heard a voice and saw Mr. Guardian standing behind her. Mai sighed in relief and went to his side. He still wore his signature black clothes and gentle smile. He really looks like Naru.

“Mr. Guardian, did you call for me?” Mai asked reciprocating the former’s smile.

“No. You came here yourself. You should go back to your body.” Mr. Guardian answered her that made her stop.

“You mean I am currently in my astral state?” Mai asked looking at her glowing body. Mr. Guardian nodded and smiled at her. She was about to smile again when she felt an eerie ‘sssshhhh’ sound surround the area. It was like a warning whispering to her ear. It was so creepy that it sends chills on Mai’s back.

“Look. There are many spirits floating around.” Mr. Guardian point out as the place was filled with white lights and Mai noticed how she can see though walls like an x-ray. The building became an outline and she can see the people walking or sitting above and below them. Her surrounding looks like her dream last night. Some will-o-wisps or spirits float around the school and some move at a fast speed.

Mai look around and saw how the white will-o-wisps passed in front of them. She and Mr. Guardian walked around and saw Masako and Ayako a floor below them. They are in the locker room where fires mysteriously appear every 12th of the month.

Mai watched as Masako point a locker that has a purple fire-like figure in it. It was like the thing she saw in her last dream. It is not moving like what she saw last night and it still give her some chills that made her shiver. She saw Ayako chanting while holding her apparatus.

And it was like the purple thing was alerted, it made a faint sound and began to move away from its previous location. Mai was alerted and watch how the purplish-black thing move slowly towards a room.

“Watch. That is a broadcast studio.” Mr. Guardian said and took a place beside her.

The dark foxfire arrived at the studio and slithered near to a floating white will-o-wisp inside the room. The dark fire-like tentacles reached out to that white thing and slowly gobble it up, making it one of its own. As the white thing vanished on the dark will-o-wisp’s body, it pulses loudly like a beating heart and got bigger.

“What was that?” Mai asked while controlling her trembling body.

The purplish-black foxfire stayed in its new position as it pulses one more time. Mai looked around her and search for some dark foxfire around the school. She saw how the white will-o-wisps float near that things and how they got eaten by those dark foxfires.

“What an unpleasant occurrence. Spirits consuming each other and growing bigger.” Mai heard Mr. Guardian said as they both look at those things.

“Those dark foxfires you saw are evil spirits. They are dangerous for you to handle in your spirit form so you should go back to your body.” He said looking so serious.

“What about you? Those things eat their fellow spirits and you are a spirit, your being is even more in danger than me. You should leave!” Mai worriedly answered as she grasped Mr. Guardian’s clothes.

“I am alright but you shouldn’t fight those things heads on. It is dangerous.”

“Uh. It is alright. I know protections spells.” Mai said as she chant a spell to form a barrier around Mr. Guardian. The latter was quite surprised at how she cast a spell on him.

“You are quite capable. Did you learn this yourself?” Mr. Guardian asked her as Mai smiled at him.

“A high Daoist priest visited me when I was a child and took me to our homeland to practice these spells.”

“Homeland? In China?”

“Yes. Unfortunately, the Daoist priest saw my unlucky life and decided to take me under his wings to avoid my tragic fate. He taught me all about exorcisms and spirits.”

“Oh. But I am still worried. I suggest you have someone teach you another style of exorcism. Those things are really dangerous.”

“Okay. I understand.” Mai smiled and turn her back on him while waving a hand.


Mai opened her eyes only to see Yasuhara’s enlarged face because of closeness. His face is still worried as he observed her face.

“Yasu! Are you planning to kill me by surprising me?!” Mai screamed in shock as she pushed his face away. Yasu sighed in relief after hearing her shout and showed his signature smiley face.

“That is good! You’re screaming so you are back to normal. You got me worried back there.” He stated while wearing his pretentious smile.

“Of course! I am a wild grass!” Mai jokingly said as she stood up and stretched her limbs.

“By the way, have you finished all your activities for today? You’re early.” Mai said and proceed to the corner to make some drinks.

“Yeah. And I was worried about you so I ran here to check. Naru and Lin continue their inspection and told me to watch you.” Yasu said as Mai waited for the water to boil.


“By the way, don’t you think that the Ouija Boarding here in school is unusual?” Yasu asked as he sat beside Mai’s chair.

“Unusual? I’m sorry I didn’t check it yet. That is Orikiri-sama, right?” Mai answered before she heard the electric kettle whistle and stopped boiling the water.

“That’s right. Apparently, there are so many rules to it like you are not allowed to use the same paper twice and if you do, you have to dispose of it at a shrine.”

“A shrine?” Mai asked in confusion as she pour hot into the cups. She can feel some familiarity as Yasu continue to tell her more about the Ouija boarding the students did.

“You also have to chant during the session.”

“Chant?” Mai asked as she tried to recall where did she encountered those similar words before. She suddenly had a bad premonition.

“Unfortunately, I don’t remember the chant anymore. I have to ask the students for some info later.” Yasu said as Mai put the cup of hot water on top of the table.

“But it is pretty interesting that this kind of game was spread through the school. What makes it popular?” Mai asked while returning to the corner to get the sugar and the instant coffee.

“I don’t know. Maybe because the preparation and the paper that you use is unique that made the students attracted to it. And the chant is also different so it added some thrill. You know how everyone always wants to try something different.” Yasu answered.

“By the way, it is 12th of the month so there will be a fire in the locker room.” Yasu stated as Mai remembered the dream she had a while ago.

Ayako and Masako are also in the locker room a while ago and that thing moved to the broadcast studio. Mai thought of the  Foxfire that went to the broadcast room.

“It may not happen in the locker room this time.” She muttered as she handed him his coffee.

“Huh?” asked, Yasu as he sip on his cup.

“Ah. Don’t mind it. I was just wondering if the fire may happened in a different location like the broadcast studio or something. Do want more sugar?” Mai asked as Yasu smiled and pushed his cup towards her.

“Yes, please.”

Mai was stirring the sugar in Yasu’s cup when John and Bou-san entered the base and saw their last interaction.

“Oh, I see now. You are spending some quality time with your boyfriend.” The older man tease them as Mai choked. She almost bathe Yasu in tea that comes from her mouth.

“Say what?!”

“Oh, stop teasing us, Takigawa-san.”

“Come on, don’t be shy. I keep noticing how intimate and close the two of you are. You keep saying that you’re friends but are you sure?” The Buddhist monk continued to tease them as Yasu smiled at him. Mai, on the other hand, threw them some some glares.

“Please be considerate. We were just about to start the juicy part.” Yasu stated having a mysterious smile that makes one get the wrong idea.

“Yasu!” Mai grumbled as she perceive what will happen next. John, who is around, couldn’t help but to tripped when he heard the young man's answer.

‘Wait, what? Aren’t they too young to have such…!’

Bou-san smirked as he jokingly put an arm around the young lad, whispering some advices on how to flirt accordingly. He was just saying it to embarrass the young man but he didn’t expect Yasu to take his advices seriously and answer bluntly. This really caught him off guard.

“Okay. I will keep that in mind next time.”

“Wait, do you really like Mai?” Bou-san asked like a father who caught a pig stealing the cabbage he had raised.

“Yes, I do.” Yasu answered showing his pretentious smile. Mai sighed and brought out her phone to record what will happen while Jihn and Bou-san was greatly stunned by this ‘revelation’.

“But I also like Shibuya-san. He is very beautiful. But …” Yasu spoke in a suave way that made all of Bou-san’s hair stood up in chill. Yasu even brazenly caught the monk’s hands and caress it gently while having an appreciating look in his face.

“I like even more.”

This sentence was like a bomb that exploded in the base as soon as Yasu said that. John fall down to the floor while having a dumbfounded face. He even raised his hands to do the Holy Sign of the Cross and began praying. Mai covered her mouth while continuing to capture the moment. The look on Bou-san’s face was priceless like he had swallow a bunch of disgusting cockroaches. Mai felt a bit proud when Yasu avenged her. Mai really like Yasu's 'big brother' side.

“Young man…”

“Yes?” Yasu asked while still holding the older man’s hand, showing his wide grin at him.

“You’re joking, right?”

“Of course, I am.”

They could almost see sparkles around Yasu as he let go of Bou-san’s hand and showed a victorious grin, forming a ‘V’ on his hand. Mai finally let out a laugh as she saved the video on her phone as Bou-san let out a sigh of relief.

“Please don’t play with this old man’s heart. It almost jumped out of my throat!”

“Oh please, you played with us first. You were just reaping what you sow.” 

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