The Outsiders: Wanted

By outsiders_fanatic

21.5K 433 74

I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little Pony. Dally's not th... More

Chapter 2: Attraction
Chapter 3: Attraction pt2
Chapter 4: Attraction pt3
Chapter 5: Attraction pt4
Chapter 6: Lanuched Emotions pt1
Chapter 7: Launched Emotions pt2
Chapter 8: Love
Chapter 9: Love pt2
Chapter 10: Love pt3
Chapter 11: Ambivalent
Chapter 12: Ambivalent pt2
Chapter 13: Sentenced
Chapter 14: Sentenced pt2
Chapter 15: Wasting
Chapter 16: Wasting pt2
Chapter 18: Possession pt2
Chapter 20: Onset pt2
Chapter 24: Yours
Chapter 25: Yours pt2
Chapter 26: Burglarproof?
Chapter 27: BurglarProof? pt2
Chapter 28: Out On The Door
Chapter 29: Out In The Door pt2
Chapter 30: Yielding Relations
Chapter 31: Yielding Relations pt2
Chapter 32: Calm
New Story

Chapter 1: Desire

2.3K 37 6
By outsiders_fanatic

A/N THIS IS NOT MY STORY! I found it on fan and thought it was amazing so I thought I should share it. I asked the author of the story if I could do this but she never replied. She hasn't been on since 2006 so ya I'm sorry to the author of this story I just really wanted to share. And her a/n will be included also. So this is not my story ok thanks bye enjoy. And there's only 15 chapters but they're reallyyyyyy long chapters. So at the end of the chpater I'll ask a question.


I always get what I want -always- and lately my sights have been set on a certain little pony. Soon he'll be broken in and then I can ride 'em all I want; that's if his over protective brothers let him out of their sight long enough. I constantly think about the certain auburn haired greaser, of how he would feel, how he would sound, beneath me; his sweat slicked skin moving against mine, and how tight his lithe body would be around me as I thrust into him. And the low breathy moans escaping his swollen lips, and how he would beg and plead for more in needy little whimpers as I pounded him into the mattress. These consistent thoughts always lead me to the same place time after time, and right before me was the devilish little steed that plagued my mind.

"Hey there Ponyboy" the hood said as he gave the young greaser a nod as he came in the front door, the baby Curtis sat on the couch with his nose in a book.

"Sup Dal" Pony said, looking up from the book in his hands, the fellow greaser making his way further into the house; looking to see if anyone else was there.

"Is anybody else here?" he asked when he couldn't seem to find anybody.

"Yeah, Darry's still here," Ponyboy said as he set his book down on the coffee table before getting up "Steve and Soda had plans so they're off somewhere, and I don't know where Johnny is, and Two-bit is 'probly gettin' drunk somewhere, Johnny might be with 'em, I'm not sure." Pony continued to say as he walked into kitchen, getting himself a drink, "want anything to drink?" he asked from behind the fridge door.

"Nah, I'm good" he said as he plopped down on the couch just as Darry came down.

"Oh, Dally, could you watch Ponyboy; everyone else is busy and I have to work?" the eldest Curtis asked as he was getting ready to head out.

"I don't need a babysitter" Ponyboy grumbled as he walked back into the living room, earning him a stern stare from Darry.

"I wasn't askin' for your input, kid brother," Darry retorted, putting emphasis on the last two words "I ain't' gonna let you be home alone" Darry explained, only to have Ponyboy roll his eyes at him in annoyance.

"Sure, I don't mind watchin' him for a while" Dallas said as he laid down; making himself comfortable, a sly smile snaking its way across his lips as his gaze drifted over to Ponyboy, flashing him a wide grin, only to receive a glare from the younger greaser.

"Thanks Dally" Darry said just before the door closed behind him, leaving Dally and Ponyboy alone.

"I don't need a babysitter" Pony grumbled to himself, a pout forming on his soft lips as his thin eyebrows furrowed together.

"Well don't look at it as me babysittin' ya, look at it as me keepin' you company." Dallas said as he fished around in his pocket for a cigarette.

"Yeah, I guess that sounds better" Ponyboy mumbled, watching as Dallas lit the cancer stick between his lips, 'man what I'd give to have those rough lips cover every inch of body in kisses' Pony thought to himself, making him bite his lip, heat beginning to rise up in him just at the thought of Dallas Winston's lips on him, how his large rough, calloused hands would feel caressing his body-

"Watta'ya standin' around for?" the blonde asked, taking a long drag on his cigarette, snapping Pony out of his thoughts, "sit down" Dally said through a puff of smoke. Ponyboy did as he was told, settling back into the spot on the couch he was in before, grabbing a hold of his book and continuing from where he had left off, as Dallas continued to suck and puff on his cancer stick. "What'cha readin'?" Dally asked, tapping the book with his foot.

"A book" Ponyboy said flatly, still a bit annoyed at Darry. Of course he wasn't thinking of the consequences that would come for "gettin' wise" around Dallas Winston.

"Ha, ha, real funny kid" Dallas said as he put his cigarette out in the ash tray on the coffee table, "I meant the name" Dally said as he tapped the book harder with his foot, nearly making Pony drop it, smirking he did it again getting the same affect. Before Ponyboy even began to answer him, Dallas snatched the thick book from the younger's grasp, earning him a 'hey' from Ponyboy, "Moby Dick?" Dallas quirked with an eyebrow rose.

"Give it back" Ponyboy said as he tried to reach for it, only to have Dally pull it away.

"C'mon Dal" Pony pleaded.

"Come 'n get it," Dally chuckled "it's waitin' for ya" he watched as Ponyboy crawled across the couch to him. His hand barely touching the tattered spine before Dally pulled it behind his head; his arm outstretched far away from the old frayed couch that held the book.

"Dally," Ponyboy nearly whined resting his hand on Dally's knee as he sat in between the blonde's long bent legs. "please" Pony whimpered as he leaned to try and reach it, not noticing, nearly as much as Dally, that his groin was rubbing up against Dally's; just barely enough to cause friction.

"Uht, do I hear whining?" Dallas asked " 'cause I hate whining, it almost makes me wanna, rip a book in half" Dallas teased, gripping both ends of the book in his large hands, pretending that he was going to rip it.

"DALLY! NOO!" Ponyboy screamed, pouncing on top of the older boy; straddling him as he struggled to get his book back. Failing miserably in his attempts to retrieve his book. He was practically lying on top of Dally by now, and was still unable to rescue his book from the hood's clutches. "What do you want!?" Pony asked, annoyance evident in his voice as he looked into Dally's ice blue eyes; figuring that he was only doing this to get some thing from him.

'Got'cha' Dally thought to himself. In one fluid motion he had Ponyboy pinned on his back to the couch, making the younger greaser gasp in surprise. He smirked down at Pony, a glint of evil in his eyes, "Well Ponyboy, ta simply put it," Dallas whispered, their faces an inch apart, "I want you,"

'Why me, of all people? I'm not special, am I?' Ponyboy thought to himself as he stared up at his captor, fear, want, shock, need, confusion, surprise, so many emotions played the little Curtis' features. Little to Pony's dismay, he didn't notice the large hand creeping up his thigh.

"And I have a feeling you want me too" and with that he grabbed Ponyboy's crotch through his clothes. Pony hadn't realized how hard he had become, and when Dally squeezed him he couldn't help but whimper and buck his hips up, his bottom lip pinned between his teeth and his eyes shut tight. "Ya see Pon, I always get what I want and, right now, I want you" he nibbled on Pony's earlobe, moving his lips further up, pressing them against the shell of his ear before tracing it with his tongue, making Ponyboy shiver. Dallas pushed Pony's legs further apart, settling deeper between them as he continued to grope and squeeze the soft body beneath him. Dally rubbed his hands up and down Ponyboy's sides as he grinded against the boy below him, keeping a steady pace. He quickly found his hands on the boy's adorable ass, giving it a hard squeeze, making Pony groan, before plunging his cool hands down the back of the Ponyboy's pants. The teen gasped at the cold hands as they met his hot skin, shivering as a hand traveled to the front of his pants, lightly playing with the bulge through the thin fabric.

"Dally" he moaned out breathlessly. His limbs were limp, he couldn't do anything against him. Dally grinned down at the smaller greaser before he leaned down and captured Pony's parted lips in a crushing kiss. It was filled with passion, need and utter lust. Pony couldn't help but give into Dally's strong power. His lips seemed to move on their own and when Dallas's tongue pressed hard against his lips he could do nothing more then open them. His hand was still pressed against Pony's crotch and was moving it slightly, causing such gloriously sinful pressure to his cock. Dallas put his other hand to work, letting it travel up Ponyboy's shirt, letting his fingers run across Pony's soft chest, teasing his nipples lightly. Dally loved how Ponyboy looked writhing beneath him, to hear him moan for more. He pressed his hand harder to the teen's crotch, moving it faster with each mewl. Suddenly the pressure from his cock left and his bruised lips were abandoned, Ponyboy stared confusedly up at Dally, wondering why his glorious torture had stopped.

'I can't do this, not to Pony. He's just too sweet, too pure, and just so naïve. Not now anyway, he's not ready for me; he's gonna have ta want me if he's ready for me' Dallas thought to himself as he stared down at the perfect being beneath him. Everything about him was perfect, his emerald eyes sparkling with such luster, his swollen, red lips having so much color in comparison to his soft, porcelain skin. He just couldn't take Pony's innocence; no matter how much he wanted him, he just couldn't do it to Ponyboy.

"Sorry Pony, I don't wanna take ya right now," Dally said as he leaned off of Ponyboy

"I want ya to come to me. I want ya begging" he said huskily before getting off of him, picking up the dropped book and tossing it back to him. And as if it were all planed, Soda and Steve came barreling through the door. Ponyboy immediately covering his excitement with his book, the blush on his face deepening.

"Hey Dal," Soda said, a bright smile on his face "hi Ponyboy" he smirked at his brother, "oh Pon, baby, what's wrong with ya?" Soda asked with concern, he walked over to his baby brother, pressing his hand to Pony's forehead. "You don't look so good," he said as he pulled his hand away "and you're burnin' up, are ya sick, you feelin' okay? " Soda asked.

"I'm fine Soda, really" Pony said, trying to reassure his brother. But Soda was so persistent.

"Ya sure Pon, you're practically sweatin' through your clothes" he pestered.

"Soda, really I'm fine, quit worryin'"

"I was tellin' 'em about some fun times me and Sylvia had together" Dallas said, a wide smirk across his face as he stared at Ponyboy. That made Soda shut up immediately, Ponyboy was glad that Soda finally gave up. Soda walked further into the house, Steve followed behind him into the kitchen, giving Ponyboy a glare and a snide side comment under his breath. "so Darry put you on guard duty for Pony, ay?" Soda asked, as he rummaged through the fridge.

"Hah, nah, I volunteered" Dallas chuckled, giving Ponyboy a sly smile, making the younger blush even more. "Ponyboy didn't seem to mind though" Dally chuckled at how red the youngest Curtis grew with embarrassment and frustration. Not wanting to deal with his embarrassment any longer, Ponyboy stood up abruptly.

"I'm goin' to bed" Pony mumbled as he stomped off towards his and Soda's room. Finally reaching the safety of his room, slamming the door and threw himself down on the bed. His hands crawled to the pleading area between his thighs; biting his lip as to not release a groan. Caressing the area tenderly at first but grew rougher with his movements as pleaser rose higher and higher within him. His fingers quickly finding the clasp and zipper on his pants; practically tearing them off in his haste. Ponyboy arched his back as he pulled his jeans and underwear down his thighs, grunting as the strain on his dick was gone. He quickly had a hand fisted around his dick as his other was clasped firmly over his mouth. His strokes were quick, hard and tight around his shaft; squeezing tighter when he would reach the head, gliding his thumb across it, making himself yelp in such utter pleasure, his hips bucking up as he did it again, beads of sweat began dripping and running down his smooth skin. His pace quickened as he neared his climax. "Mmmmpph!" Ponyboy groaned in his release, the hot fluid running down his hands and thighs. His chest rising and falling as he let out shaky breaths.

He quickly regained his composure; pulling up his pants, zippering and buttoning them. He rushed to the bathroom to clean himself off. He stripped his clothes off quickly, hopping into the shower; not caring that the water was cold 'it'll warm up after awhile' he thought absentmindedly as he scrubbed himself down. The water began to warm as he rubbed the grease out of his hair as he shampooed it, rinsing the suds out before he got out of the shower. He grabbed a towel, dragging it across his body to get dry before wrapping it around his waist and opening the door.

Attempting to walk out of the steamy room, his face collided with a hard chest. "What the-" looking up the hard chest to see the face of the person he walked into he found Steve, "nice job at bein' a wall, Steve" he nearly growled as he began to walk past the older teen, but a sudden tight grip on his wrist stopped him. Ponyboy wasn't even able to yell at him before he was shoved back into the bathroom and pinned against the sink, his wrists clenched in one hand and pinned above his head to the mirror . "St-Steve" he stammered as the older teen roughly ran a hand up his thigh, lifting the towel as he pushed it up further. "Stop!" Ponyboy tried to sound threatening, but his voice merely coming out in a plead. Steve smirked and continued to fondle him, his hand wandering higher to Pony's ass.

"I don't plan to" he growled, his breath reeking of alcohol, making the younger crinkle his nose in revulsion as the reeking, hot breath fanned over his face. He pressed himself against the smaller boy; his penis jabbing Ponyboy in the stomach, making him cringe in disgust. "Ya know Pony," he said, bringing his face closer to Ponyboy's ear

"you make the cutest noises when you're jacking off."

'He was watching me, the whole time!?' Ponyboy thought as he gasped in shock.

"Just listening to you made my cock twitch" he hissed as he squeezed Pony's ass cheek in a rough grip with his large hand, smirking as he watched him squirm.

"Steve, stop!" Ponyboy commanded angrily as he struggled against the other's hands; not wanting anything Steve Randle was going to give him. "let go, g-get off" he hissed as Steve's finger began to circle and prod at his tight, hot entrance, struggling harder to get him off.

"He said let go," came a threatening, familiar voice from the doorway. Both of them looked in the direction from which the voice came from and found Dallas. His cold eyes in a murderous glare at Steve, his sharp teeth bared, his lips cast in a tight, twisted snarl, his hands clenched in fists of rage. "or do I have to beat you off of him" he threatened menacingly as he stepped towards the two. Steve immediately backed off, not wanting to tangle with Dallas Winston.

"Fine have 'em," he said defeated "s'not like I wanted 'em anyway" he slurred a lie through his teeth, stepping away from Ponyboy, leaving the bathroom.

"Thanks" Pony said, averting his eyes from Dally's as he stared down at the cool, tiled floor beneath his feet. A gentle grasp on his chin brought his gaze to fall on the blond.

"You okay?" he asked, almost sounding worried. Almost; there was still too much hatred and rage in his voice to sound concerned. When Ponyboy gave a slight nod he released his grip on Pony's chin.

"I always thought he hated me" Pony said, looking off to the side as if trying to find the answer.

"He was tryin' to cover up his want for you by treatin' ya like shit," Dallas said, finally calming down enough. "you should probly get some clothes on before you freeze ta death," he said, looking at the half naked Ponyboy in front of him, "then again, I really don't mind lookin' at ya half naked" his words bringing a blush to Pony's face, "though, I'd rather see you completely naked" his voice right next to Ponyboy's ear, making him jump, he hadn't noticed how close Dally had gotten to him. Dallas loomed over him; bracing himself against the wall with his arms as he lowered his face closer to Pony's, his gaze boring into him, almost beckoning him to kiss him, his ice blue eyes taunting him with want and desire. Ponyboy caved, standing on the balls of his feet, he puckered his lips, closed his eyes and captured Dallas Winston's lips in a chaste kiss before darting off towards his and Soda's room. Leaving a stunned Dally in the dust with a buzzing sensation on his lips. Snapping out of his trance, he stepped out of the bathroom heading into the living room, finding Steve and Soda in there watching TV.

"Hey Dal," Soda said, his gaze not leaving the screen, Steve on the other hand shot him a cold glare, which he kindly in return flipped him off. "Ya stayin' the night?" Soda asked, turning his head to him when a commercial came on.

"Yeah, 'm not allowed back at Buck's for a few days 'cause I slept with a girl" Dallas said.

"So what's the big deal? You do that all the time, what's so different about this broad?" Soda asked.

"The chick was his cousin, and she was apparently 'under aged'. Like I was suppose'ta know she was really fifteen. With the rack she was carryin', she looked twenty." Dally laughed "Ya really don't mind me stayin' a few days?" he asked.

"No prob," Soda exclaimed "its always fun ta have company" aside from Soda's excitement, Steve's anger practically filled the room, his glare so piercing it could cut through steel; but not Dally - it didn't even phase him a bit, he just gave Steve a great, big, warm, fake smile.

"I should probly' get goin' if I wanna wake up for work tomorrow" Steve said as he shot up from the couch, angrily snatching his jacket and headed to the door.

"See ya tomorrow pal!" Soda shouted before the door slammed. "I should get ta bed to," he yawned as he stretched "ya okay on the couch?" Soda asked as he went to the hall closet and grabbed a blanket and a pillow, tossing them too Dally.

"Yeah" he replied simply as he took off his shoes, pants and shirt; making it more comfortable for him to sleep.

"Well, see ya in the mornin'" Soda said as he turned off the TV and the lights before heading off to bed as Dally settled into his spot on the couch. The darkness of the room soon began to take him into a light sleep, his breathing getting lighter as he drifted more into darkness. The creaking noise of the wooden floor boards woke him suddenly, his eyes peering through the pitch black of the room. He could vaguely make out the figure as it approached him, its steps shuffled, ands its breath light, garbed in a baggy T- shirt and shorts. As it came closer to Dally he could tell it was Ponyboy, just from its thin, slender frame, his steps so light, and his breathing so gentle. 'What's 'e doin' down here this late?' Dallas thought to himself as he continued to watch the smaller greaser, he seemed to be looking for something.

"Where's my book?" Ponyboy asked himself aloud as he looked under the couch on all fours, unintentionally and unknowingly giving Dally a good view of his ass. Giving up his search he began to head back to his and Soda's room. Dallas just simply couldn't help his devious hand from jutting out real quickly, capturing the boy's thin waist with his arm, pulling him down to the couch "Aaah!" Pony nearly screamed, struggling against the arms that began to wrap around him.

"Pony relax, it's me, Dally," Dallas said as he held the youngest Curtis closer to his half naked body. It seemed as soon as he said that, Ponyboy went lax. Smirking when Pony let out a muttered 'Oh, sorry'. "You're so warm," he commented to Pony, holding him closer to his cold body; not realizing that Ponyboy was blushing, that's why he was so warm. But who could blame him for blushing; being held in the strong arms of a half naked tough as nails, hood- well he's just lucky that those arms don't have him in a headlock, and in a loving embrace. Ponyboy couldn't help but notice the scars the littered the older teen's body, some looked fresh - as if they had healed a few days ago. He couldn't help himself from touching a few healed wounds; letting his fingers drag across the jagged lines of rough skin. Dally, wanting to change the situation; and being his devious self, decided to switch their positions so he was on top of Ponyboy, and being mischievous he slid his leg in between Pony's thighs. "Mmm, you're really warm here" he growled out playfully, chuckling at Ponyboy's reaction, which was to gasp and shiver.

"D-dally" Pony stuttered as the blond kneaded against his groin with his thigh.

"I-I thought you w-anted me to come to y-ou begging?" Pony managed to say through soft moans as Dallas continued his torment, making him arch his back slightly off the couch.

"Yeah," Dally started, his leg pressing harder against the tender area between Ponyboy's legs, nearly making the young greaser cry out. "doesn' mean I can't play with ya in the mean time" he chuckled, kissing Pony's nose.

"Dal?" Ponyboy said, pressing his hands against Dally's shoulders, trying to get the hood's attention as the older continued to torment him "Dally?" he said a bit more urgently, pressing his hands harder against the other's shoulders, but the older greaser didn't seem to hear him as he latched his lips onto Pony's neck. "Dallas" Ponyboy said abruptly, shoving the older teen off of him to have enough space between them to be face to face.

"What is it Pon?" Dally asked, cupping the smaller boy's face, leaning in and capturing the soft, swollen lips in a gentle kiss, stopping when Ponyboy pulled away.

"I think I heard Darry pulling up" Pony said lightly. The whole world seemed to fall silent around them as they both listened carefully, silence filling the room. Then finally, jumping as if lightning had struck the house, they heard the screeching metal gate as it swung open then slammed closed. "Shoot!" Pony muttered to himself, leaping up from the couch tossing the blanket off of him at the sound of the seemingly thunderous stomps up the porch steps. His feet pounded against the floor beneath his feet as he dashed towards his and Soda's room, slipping into the room just as the front door opened. Dally sunk into the couch, pretending to be asleep, surprisingly Darry didn't even notice him as he walked past the couch to his room. 'Mustta' been a long day' Dally figured as he began to drift off, his eyelids slowly starting to close as he began to fall asleep, darkness soon consumed him.

Review Please, there will be more to this. Any suggestions or ideas for the next chapter, just tell me. Thanks!

So it's me outsiders_fanatic, do y'all want me to cut the chapters, or leave it like the author has it?

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