Forever With You ~ Tubbo x Re...

By sans_theskele_oof

969K 21K 69K

NO SMUT! Basically, a simple story of where y/n, who is GeorgeNotFound's sister, falls in love with a boy nam... More

Quick Intro a/n!
if you want the most tubbo x reader content: please read!
-Chapter One-
~Chapter Two~
-Chapter Three-
~Chapter Four~
-Chapter Five-
~Chapter Six~
-Chapter Seven-
~Chapter Eight~
-Chapter Nine-
~Chapter Ten~
-Chapter Eleven-
~Chapter Twelve~
-Chapter Thirteen-
~Chapter Fourteen~
-Chapter Fifteen-
~Chapter Sixteen~
-Chapter Seventeen-
~Chapter Eighteen~
-Chapter Nineteen-
~Chapter Twenty~
-Chapter Twenty One-
~Chapter Twenty Two~
-Chapter Twenty Three-
~Chapter Twenty Four~
-Chapter Twenty Five-
~Chapter Twenty Six~
-Chapter Twenty Seven-
~Chapter Twenty Eight~
-Chapter Twenty Nine-
~Chapter Thirty~
-Chapter Thirty One-
~Chapter Thirty Two~
-Chapter Thirty Three-
hello! an author's random talk
~Chapter Thirty Four~
-Chapter Thirty Five-
~Chapter Thirty Six~
-Chapter Thirty Seven-
~Chapter Thirty Eight~
-Chapter Thirty Nine-
~Chapter Forty~
-Chapter Forty One-
~Chapter Forty Two~
-Chapter Forty Three-
~Chapter Forty Four~
-Chapter Forty Five-
-Chapter Forty Seven-
~Chapter Forty Eight~
-Chapter Forty Nine-
~Chapter Fifty~

~Chapter Forty Six~

10.8K 244 737
By sans_theskele_oof

~ June 17 ~

"God, I hate minecraft." I muttered, reopening minecraft.

"Why?" Tubbo asked. "Well, losing bedwars 23 times in a row kind of sucks." I replied.

Tubbo sighed. "I don't know why we're so bad! We play this game for a living." He said. "Yeah, usually I can win. But apparently the second we log onto Hypixel, so do all of the sweats. This sucks." I said.

"One more game?" Tubbo asked. "Fine." I replied. Neither of us were live, or recording, but we were bored, and wanted something to do. And neither of us could win at bedwars.

I joined Tubbo's party, and we logged onto a doubles game. "Okay, let's see if we can actually win." I sighed. "Well, if we don't, we can have a world record for losing!" Tubbo replied. I laughed. "Speedrun losing, see how fast we can instantly die?" I asked. "Sure!" Tubbo said.

We did our usual strategy of Tubbo covering the bed while I speed-bridged to the next base. I took them out, and then got killed by the next team. I looked in chat.

<genericminecraftnameyourauthorisn'tcreative> wow!
<genericminecraftnameyourauthorisn'tcreative> im 7 and i beet u at bedwards!

"I hate my entire existence." I said. "Do you want to help me drop kick some children?" Tubbo asked. "Of course. Anytime." I replied.

We killed the seven year old, and then lost the game to the blue team. "Well, this fucking sucks." I said. "One more?" Tubbo asked, sounding exhausted. "We are trying to play until we win, but it's not working. we aren't winning."  I said.

We quit minecraft. Tubbo followed me into the living room. "What time is it?" I asked. Tubbo looked outside. "Night." He replied. "Thanks, couldn't have figured that out on my own." I replied.

I hummed Count On Me while grabbing a snack, and then I pulled Tubbo outside. "What are we doing boss man?" He asked. "I'm not Tommy." I said, fake offended. "Sorry. Used to Tommy doing stuff like this." He replied. "You can still call me boss man, because I am swag." I replied. Tubbo rolled his eyes. "Whatever." He said. I laughed. "Come along, bitch boy." I said.

We walked along the California streets in the dark. "I wish I could see the stars." I muttered, looking up. "Yeah, it sucks." Tubbo replied.

It started raining, so the two of us ran through the rain. It was just fun.

I saw a car pull up behind us, so I slowed down and pointed it out to Tubbo. "You think they're following us?" Tubbo asked. I shrugged. "Maybe? We should go." I replied. Tubbo nodded, and the two of us raced home.

We arrived at home, ate some cookies, and then I sat down on the couch. Tubbo sat next to me. "Next time, no running." He said. I laughed. "Agreed." I muttered. The two of us sat there together, and then fell asleep.

"WOMAN! WAKE UP!" Tommy yelled. "What?" I muttered, still tired. "We are going! Come on!" He said. I looked up at him, seeing him holding a camera. "Tommy, what the fuck." I asked.

"You've been asleep for hours. 17 hours, to be exact. It's almost 8." Ranboo said, coming up behind Tommy. "I came home at like, four this morning. I have not been asleep that long." I said. "8 at night. 8pm." Ranboo said, showing me his phone.

I sighed and rolled off the couch, and laid on the floor. "I'm not going anywhere." I said. Tommy and Ranboo exchanged glances. "Okay." They muttered, like I was going crazy. They left the room, leaving me alone on the floor. Was it really that easy?

No, it wasn't. I heard the door creak. Second later, I was slung over someone's shoulder.


I heard the person wheeze, and realized who it was. "DREAM!" I yelled again. "I was told that you were whining. Come on, we're going on a trip." Dream said. "A roadtrip?" I asked, still slung over Dream's shoulder. "Yeah, actually." He said.

Dream went outside, and dropped me on the grass. "ow" I muttered, rubbing my head. I looked up, seeing the Dream Team surrounding me. "What do you want, bitch boys?" I asked. George just laughed, and I glared at him. "Can I get a restraining order against my own brother?" I asked myself.

I got up, watching the trio mess around and do whatever. I rolled my eyes, and walked away, trying to find the other minors.

I found them, and stood next to Tubbo. I saw a girl, roughly around my age and Tubbo's size, sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a black dog (a lab, maybe?) sitting on her lap. She glanced up at me, and waved awkwardly. "Hey, I'm-" She paused. "Uh, you know me as sisnap." She finished. I nodded. "Nice to meet you." I said, making Tubbo flinch.

Tubbo muttered something about how I needed to stop sneaking up on him, and then playfully punched me on the shoulder. "Sorry, I'm just quiet, and you're jumpy. Not my fault." I replied, ruffling his hair.

"Wait, hold on, have you been here, like, the whole time?" I asked. Sisnap nodded. I looked confused, staring at the other members of the circle. It consisted of Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled, and Ranboo, and also me and sisnap. "Did you guys know this?" I asked.

Ranboo nodded. "Yeah, she's been here practically the whole time." He said. "Deadass?" I asked. "Yes, actually." Ranboo said, sounding like he was tired of me. I don't blame him. "Am I really that blind?" I asked. "Maybe. I kinda of have been staying in my room the whole time. I'm not a big fan of people, and I don't want your fans- the Dream SMP fans- to know who I am." Sisnap said. I nodded, cause I could understand that.

"I've been with her almost all of the time, and you really didn't notice?" Ranboo said. He actually sounded kind of defensive. "No, I didn't. Sorry." I said. Sisnap grinned. "It's alright." She said, some of her Texas southern drawl coming out. I could tell how she was related to Sapnap, she looked a lot like him.

"You were too busy sleeping with Tubbo the whole time." Tommy said quietly, but I could still hear him. "I swear to fucking god, if one more person says that, I will break their fucking kneecaps. Tommy, I will fucking kill you. I won't hesitate, bitch." I said.

Tommy and Grayson laughed like hyenas, like they were watching two kindergarten couples, which was probably accurate. "I think you and me are going to get along well." Sisnap said. I could also tell that she has Sapnap's teasing/sarcastic sense of humor.

"So, how are we going, to, uh, wherever we're going?" I asked. Sisnap stood up, next to Ranboo, which was kind of weird, since Ranboo was a foot taller. "Not sure." Tubbo shrugged.

"BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKERS!" I heard someone yell. "I think that's Big Q and Karl, here with our ride!" Tommy laughed.

I ran out to the road. Most, if not all, of the smp members were present, so I had no idea what we were going to drive. Well, I got my answer pretty quickly.

"a school bus?!?" I groaned in disbelief. "Hop on, kiddos!" Karl yelled from the bus. "How does he know how to drive that, and why are we taking it, and just-" I started. Grayson glared at me. "Quit complaining like a child. That's why we have Tommy." He said. "Shut the hell up." Me and Tommy said in sync.

Within a few minutes, we had all of the SMP members in the school bus. It was a sight I didn't think I would ever see, but it actually happened. Dream drove, and turned on music. I sat near the back (yes, I was one of those kids. back = swag. though most of the time, the older kids kicked me out, and I moved because I was too shy to talk to them)

We drove for about an hour, just messing around. At one point, Everybody Talks came on. I smiled, and glanced at Tubbo, who I was seated next to. "Ready?" I asked him. He grinned back in response.

Hey baby, won't you look my way?
I can be your new addiction
Hey baby, what you gotta say?
All you're giving me is fiction
I'm a sorry sucker and this happens all the time
I found out that everybody talks
Everybody talks, everybody talks

"THERE HE IS! THERE'S MY FAVORITE WHITE BOY!" Everyone on the bus yelled in sync. Schlatt facepalmed, and we laughed.

I was the one in the bus, along with Sapnap, who kept standing up and moving seat to seat. I sat with Tommy for a bit, before he made me move, because I was being annoying. (to be fair, I was, on purpose. most of the time I don't need to do it on purpose.)

I bugged Dream, telling him that he was going 69 miles an hour, which was also the funny sex number. "You know that number well, huh? You do it to my brother." I said. He kindly (not really) told me to fuck off, so I left.

Then I sat up next to Karl, Quackity, and Sapnap, and sang How To Save A Life with them. I vibed with the sleepy bois, then with Jack and Niki, then Eret and Fundy, and lastly, my annoying brother.

I ran from seat to seat, going back to Tubbo. I sat Purpled in the very back, and gave him a judging stare. "You look like the edgy 12 year old who thought that they were the fucking swaggiest person of all time because they sat in the back" I remarked to hi. "Well, I am the fucking swaggiest person of all because I'm in the back" Grayson replied. I smiled, but still shook my head in disappointment, and sat down next to Tubbo.

I stared out the window, my feet casually rested across Tubbo's lap. "ROAD WORK AHEAD?" I heard Wilbur and Tommy yell at the same time. "uh, yeah, I sure hope it does!" We all yelled back.

Heat Waves played over the speakers, and I sung along. I stared at Tubbo, and thinking that this song really was a love song. sometimes all I think about is you, late nights in the middle of june. The lyrics fit me more well then I realized. Sometimes all I really did think about was Tubbo.

I shifted my gaze to across the bus aisle, watching as Ranboo sat next to Sisnap, with her dog, who was named Sasha, sat on their laps. Ranboo monologued as Sisnap listened. The two of them seemed peaceful and happy together.

"Tubbo?" I asked. He looked over at me. "You alright?" I asked. He nodded. I wasn't sure if we was alright. He seemed, I wasn't sure. Sick, maybe? Nervous? I didn't know why. Maybe it was just from the rough bus ride. "Yeah, I'm okay." He said.

I nodded. "Okay. I'm going to go to sleep." I said. "Didn't you just sleep for like, seventeen hours?" Tubbo asked. I laughed. "Yeah, I did. I'm going to sleep more and you aren't going to stop me." I said. He raised his hands in defeat. "Alright, I won't then." He laughed.

I laid my head on his shoulder. I felt his arm wrap around me. One Day was playing over the speakers, and I fell asleep, hearing Tubbo quietly sing along.

"hey. y/n, hey. We're here." Tubbo said, gently shaking me. "What?" I asked. "Come on!" He said, sounding excited. He pulled me up, and I stood up, with both of us in the bus aisle.

I suddenly became aware that we were the last ones in the bus, and we were only a few inches apart from each other. Tubbo's hands were on my shoulders. "Come on, you'll love it. I promise." Tubbo said. I nodded, still tired.

Tubbo grabbed my hand, and lead me out of the bus. I rubbed my eyes, and looked up at what I saw. "Woah." I muttered.

We had driven for what, maybe five hours? Six? and we were up, in the middle of nowhere, away from the city. We were on a big hill, where the closer side was flat, which was where everyone else was. The very top had a tree on it, which I wanted to go to.

But the best part? "The stars!" I said. "I know. Amazing, aren't they?" Tubbo asked. The stars looked absolutely beautiful. A giant blanket of black, with little, bright white pinholes in them. I could see so many constellations, and I loved it.

"Wow." I said, still in shock. Tubbo lead me over to the rest of the group, where we had a nighttime picnic. I wasn't really one to believe in fairies and magic, but holy hell, it was magical.

"Hey." Tubbo whispered to me. "What?" I asked. "Come with me?" He asked. I nodded, taking his hand. "Where?" I asked. He grinned mischievously, like he had something planned. "Doesn't matter. But just me and you, alright?" He said. "Okay. Let's go." I said, following him.

Tubbo led me to the very top of the hill, with the single tree. Me and Tubbo stood there together, hand in hand. I didn't even have anything to say, it was just amazing.

I sat down, and Tubbo followed. The two of us sat in silence for a while, until Tubbo cleared his throat. "y/n? Can I ask you something?" He asked.

I nodded, nervous about what he was going to say. "Yeah, go for it." I said.

"so . . . you and me, huh? We have been- or at least, known each other, for what, half a year now?" Tubbo asked, stumbling over his words. "Give or take, but yes." I replied. "And I've like you, for, I don't even remember." Tubbo said.

"Wait, can I ask a question? When did you first, you know, fall for me?" I asked. Tubbo shrugged. "I first met you and realized that we would be good friends immediately. We're pretty similar in a lot of ways." Tubbo said. "But, I think the first time I fell for you was maybe your first stream? Or, well, your first facecam stream. It wasn't a certain thing that did it, but- yeah." Tubbo said.

"What about you?" Tubbo asked me. I laughed. "I remember it pretty vividly. It was the first time I asked myself 'do I have a crush on Tubbo?' and the answer was yes. I'm pretty sure it was actually Tommy's exile stream." I explained. We laughed, and then Tubbo continued.

"But what I came up here to ask you- is- um . . ." Tubbo said. I stared at him, as he seemed to look to the stars for guidance. Tubbo pulled something out of his pocket, and gave it to me. He gently grabbed my wrist, and put something on it.

"What is it?" I asked. "A silver bracelet. I have a matching one." Tubbo said, turning on his phone flashlight, so I could see it. It was a simple bracelet, with a clasp, nothing on it. It was simple, which was what I liked.

Tubbo showed me his matching one, which he wasn't wearing, but just stuck in his pocket as a chain. "Thank you, Tubbo. I mean it." I said. He nodded. "I'm glad you like it." He replied.

I looked at the stars, adjusting the bracelet, now on my left wrist. "Okay. I'm just going to say this. I might regret it, but it's fine." Tubbo muttered. "What?" I asked. "Sorry, talking to myself." He said, seeming to go red, but it was hard to tell in the dark.

"the stars are pretty tonight" I said, trying to make causal conversation the best I could. Tubbo nodded. "yeah, they sure are." Tubbo replied.

"y/n, I-. Okay." Tubbo said. I sensed the nervousness in his voice. I stared at him again. He met my eyes, and gently grabbed my hands.

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Tubbo asked.

I took a split second to register his words, and then realize what he said. I kind of just stood there in shock, trying to remember how to think properly.

"i- uh- i-" I found myself saying. "Sorry. I'm sorry." Tubbo said. "No, no no. It's okay. It's fine." I said. Tubbo's eyes found mine, and I gently cupped my hand around his face. "Yes. Tubbo. Toby. I will be your girlfriend." I said.

I felt myself going red, as those words were weird to say. Tubbo grinned at me. "Well, that's that then? I thought it was going to be more stressful!" Tubbo joked. I laughed.

"So, I guess it's official? You- and me. Are boyfriend and girlfriend? Is that just how it works?" I asked. "I guess so." Tubbo laughed.

"Good." I muttered. I put my hands in the sleeves of my hoodie, and looked up to the stars. Tubbo stared at me, and I looked back at him.

He leaned forward and kissed me. When he pulled away, the world looked sharper, the stars looking brighter.

"The stars look pretty tonight." I muttered, repeating myself, probably going crazy. "Yeah, they sure do." Tubbo said, not even questioning me.

I stared at him, kissing him again. The night felt amazing. It felt wonderful, it felt magical. I loved it. As I sat there on the mountain, with Tubbo, smiling like crazy, I realized, I wanted to say in this moment forever.

a/n I didn't write for a while, sorry! but hey, here is this chapter! sometimes i forget how hard it is to write, but enjoy!!!!!!!! :D

ALSO shout out to winfryxx - they made a super cool oneshots book, go check it out!

a quick note as well: after i finish this story, i probably won't be active on wattpad too much. so you can feel free to dm me or anything, but i probably won't respond quickly. thanks!

so yeah! not sure how often I will update, but enjoy what you can get (lmao). love you chat! <3 see you later!

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