By elisimone_

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in which two people are quite literally polar opposites... #1 in jasper category 4/29/2021 #8 in mates categ... More



676 32 6
By elisimone_


I sat on the couch next to Jasper, Freddy vs. Jason playing on the tv in front of us. His arms were wrapped around me, and his chin sat on my shoulder as we watched the movie. I sighed a bit, closing my eyes as I leaned back with a content smile on my face. The wedding was only in a few days, and honestly, there's been a little chaos going on about it all. 

Seeing that for the time being I was supposedly in charge of a bachelorette party all the while having a mate and being Beta of a conjoined pack of hyperactive wolves. Though I was thankful for times like this, which were only really plausible because Alice wanted so badly to plan the bachelorette party, so I let her.

'Who the fuck am I to pass on free time?' Adrea chided.

'Exactly' I agreed.

I felt my eyes shine green a bit, a small smile coming to my face as my eyes closed. I could sense Jasper intently watching the movie before us. He loved movies, not as much as he loved reading, but still. I think it had to do with the fact that they both told stories, no matter the format. So like our book store dates, watching movies together was also something I rather enjoyed because I knew how much Jasper enjoyed it. 

"I wish I could sleep," Jasper sighed making me look at him with a quirked eyebrow. 

"What? Why?" I asked. 

"I want to meet him, Freddy. I mean it's not like he could kill me or anything, I'm... curious," he pondered aloud. 

"Jasper what the fuck," Damien said as he came from the kitchen, a drink in hand. 

"I'm serious, I like to think I'm deadlier than Jason," Jasper continued. 

Peering over my shoulder, I looked at the TV screen playing the end credits as Jason walked through the water holding Freddy's dismembered head. 

"You're way less brutal, but yes, yes you are," I said with a small nod. 

"Definitely less brutal," Damien agreed with a small chuckle.

"Speaking of brutal, do we have training today?" I asked Damien with a sigh. 

"No, just patrol. Uncle Thomas is going out on a date with Auntie tonight," Damien reminded me making me sigh in relief. 

"Audre, I thought you both were training the pack?" Jasper asked.

"I am, but half of his 'training regimes' have ended up almost killing all of them, so I end up having to leap into action every time, and it's not like I can be by all of them at the same time," I huffed out my explanation, sighing as I lay my head on his shoulder. 

"That bad?" he asked with a chuckle. 

"Uh, have you not told him how he threw you off a cliff?" Damien questioned with a chuckle in his throat. 

"He threw you off a cliff?" he asked with wide eyes. 

"Yep, that's twice now, luckily I've been learning to heal a lot faster thanks to that heating thing Auntie taught me," I said as I gingerly rubbed my shoulder a bit, rolling it to stretch out the joint. 

"It also helps that this time you didn't hit every rock on your way down," Joseph said coming into the living room. 

"Hm, should I be the one to throw you off next? You know as Beta I do believe I have that kind of power," I pondered aloud, a smirk settling itself on my face as I used my peripheral vision to see Joseph with ghastly wide eyes. 

"Damn, I guess you better shut the fuck up," Damien commented said as he laughed. 

"Boy, what did you say!?" Lydia's voice boomed through the house causing Damien to waste no time in his salute to us before he flew out the kitchen window and out into the forest. 

"Well that's that," I said with a sigh as I sat up and looked over at the time to see that it was almost 8. 

"Who are you patroling with?" Jasper asked as he sat up from his relaxed position on the couch.

"Seth and Leah, but I'm training with them beforehand. Seth is still new, and Leah's a natural but I think her temper might be worse than Jakes," I said with a sigh. 

"Well, Jasper here is going to be hanging out with us tonight," Joseph said sliding onto the couch and throwing an arm over Jasper's shoulders. 

"Making a new friend?" I asked sarcastically. 

"No, no, you see he's our brother-in-law, so as the laws state, we are legally obligated to get to know him better, you know like brothers should," Joseph said, a triumphant smile on his face as he did so. 

"If you're going to use him to try to get Auntie to stay here, then I have to say... good eye," I said with a wink making Joseph let out a laugh. 

"Hold on-" Jasper tried but Joseph only cut him off. 

"You see it too right! She likes him, right?" Joseph said pointing at a confused Jasper, which only made me laugh. 

"She does, maybe it was the gumbo," I pondered playfully before I stood up from the couch and stretched a bit. 

"Feel free to run as fast as you can away from them," I told Jasper as I leaned down and gave him a kiss on the cheek. 

"When will you be back again?" Joseph asked. 

"Early, maybe 11 since we do have minors in the pack," I taunted playfully making Joseph glare at me which I could only laugh at. 

'Loser' Adrea chided with a chuckle. 

"I have been meaning to get to know your family better, but I thought there'd be some hostility since I proposed without telling anybody," Jasper pondered.

"Water under the bridge," said Lucas, coming out of fucking nowhere and wrapping his own arm around Jasper. 

"I mean, I'm surprised it didn't happen earlier," Lars said popping downstairs as he too stood beside Jasper. 

"You too Lars?" I asked him with a quirked eyebrow. 

"Don't look at me like that, the weather's nice here," Lars said with his arms crossed. 

I looked at Jasper, who looked around at my cousins hesitantly. No doubt because he didn't know them all that well, and of course because he was never one to talk too much without me being there or his own family. 

"Okay, but I do have to go hunting later thou-" Jasper was yet again cut off by Lucas.

"Great! I'll call Emmett!" Lucas cheered. 

"I got Tywin," Lars said whipping out his own phone. 

"And I got Edward," Joseph said. 

All of this happened in less than 12 seconds by the way.

'Yea, get the fuck out of here' Adrea said. 

"Well, I hope you guys have fun," I said with a wave as I began to speed walk out of the house. 

"Audre?!" Jasper called. 

"I love you Jazzy, bye!" I said turning around with a wide smile and a wave before booking it out of there. 

'You've quite literally, left him to the wolves,' Adrea said. 

'I'd rather him be with those wolves than the others,' I shot back at her. 

'...points were made,' Adrea accepted

With that, my legs pushed me towards the treaty line, and I changed my shirt on the way there, hiding high up in a tree before continuing on to my destination. Training with the pack has been, eventful, especially having so many members now. Even if, and that's a big if, Aunt Lydia were to decide to stay out here, no doubt would the pack have to break from its temporal bond.

There couldn't be 2 Alphas in one pack, and even though Aunt Lydia technically was Luna, she played the role of the Alpha, while Uncle Hank took care of the pack more often. Not only that, but Lydia's father was an Alpha, so it only made sense for his genes to take effect when it came to running a pack. 

I grunt a bit as I jump the treaty before continuing my running to the pack, following my nose to find Leah and Seth drinking some water as they sat on Emily's porch with the rest of the guys. 

"You ready?" I asked them. Leah and Seth stand with a nod as they hand their glasses to a smirking Paul. 

"I don't know what they've told you, but training is a lot more than punching werewolves and living. So today, we're going to be working on our anger," I said as I walked over and pat the pair of siblings' shoulders. 

"Come on," I said again, nodding my head towards the forest, them following me as we walked through the trees, not forgetting to wave at the rest of the pack before we were gone. 

Let's just say they were a little confused when they found out the training they were going to be doing was just meditation. 


"Um, you just have to break them in," Alice tried. I chuckled as I watched, taking a small break from moving aisles of benches along with my cousins and such. 

"I have been breaking them in, for 3 days. Can I just go barefoot?" Bella asked. 

"Of course you can-" I'm almost, immediately cut off. 

"No! Absolutely not!" Alice said quickly. 

"I'm just thinking it's a little much, you know? The dress and the shoes, and all this," Bella said, a nervous tone in her voice as she gestured towards the beautiful decorations we'd set up for their wedding.

"No, it's exactly enough! Tomorrow will be perfect," Alice cheered. 

I sigh a bit as I stand up and walk over Bella as she hastily took off the shoes, huffing in relief as she stood on solid ground. 

"I can't believe my baby cousin is getting married, you excited?" I asked her with a small smile. As she turned away from the decoration, she smiles at me, nodding as she made her way towards me. 

"I am," she said throwing herself into my arms making me huff a bit as I caught her. 

"Why don't you take a nap or something, you could use it before the bachelorette party," I told her with a small wink. 

"I thought I wasn't having one of those?" she pouted. 

"Oh please, if Edward's getting a bachelor's party, so are you, I don't care if they'll just be hunting," I told her plainly as I dragged her away from Alice as she shouted about visions and the aesthetics of the wedding. 

Hours later I was setting up the living room along with Bree and Rose. Aunt Lydia had offered to use the house for a small bachelorette party. Alice was with Aunt Lydia, Sandra, and Esme getting a special 'surprise' for all of us before they picked up Bella on their way back. 

"Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" Bree asked making me turn to her. 

"Of course, you're a Cullen aren't you," I said patting her shoulder with a wink, making her grow embarrassed as she turned away from me, rubbing her arm sheepishly. 

"Something you can help Alice and I with because I believe that's something we've been telling her for months now," Rose said bumping her hip with Bree's as she walked past to set a vase of flowers onto the coffee table. 

I chuckled a bit, my eyes softening a bit when they met Rose's, understanding why she'd taken Bree under her wing like she did. Of course, the others absolutely helped Bree adjust during her time here, but Rosalie had specifically taken her under her watch. Rose didn't want to be a vampire, that much I knew, and like Rose, Bree didn't become a vampire because she wanted to.

I thought it was sweet how she looked after the younger girl, and I could see the real love she had behind her eyes every time she looked at her. It was a motherly feeling, and I couldn't help but laugh again silently as I watched them interact before I heard a car pull up and doors open. 

"Well, look's like they're back," I spoke up. 

'TELL ME YOU SMELL THAT?!' Adrea suddenly yelled, a sort of excitement backing to her words. 

I coughed a bit as I sniff the air, my eyes widening as the door was opened in haste, and an excited Lydia and Sandra bursts first through the door. 

"Everyone put on some pajamas!" Lydia cheered as she zipped up the stairs, clutching a large brown paper bag along the way.

Staring down at my body that already had on pajamas, I sit myself on the couch beside Rose and Bree, who also already had on pajamas. The others had followed Lydia upstairs to go throw on pajamas. 

"Did you smell that?" Rose whispered in my ear and I bit my lip to suppress a laugh as I nodded. 

"I did, is that what I think it is?" I whisper back. 

"It might be," she whispered back. 

"I don't think that's legal like anywhere," I mumble. 

"Oh, it is absolutely not," Rose mumbled back. 

"What's that wafty smell, it's like honeycomb," Bree said, turning her head a bit while sporting a curious look in her eye. 

"Don't tell me that bottle was enchanted," I sighed, rubbing my eyes gingerly. 

"Enchanted?!" Rose screeched. 

"Yes!" boomed Aunt Lydia from up the stairs. 

I repositioned myself on the couch, peering over the back to see Bella, Aunt Lydia, Esme, Alice, and Sandra all now wearing pajamas. 

"I gave Bella one shot," Aunt Lydia announced. 

'Okay, but one shot of what?' Adrea asked. 

"One shot of what?" I voiced. Lydia grinned as she pulled the bottle out of the brown paper bag, and brandished it for all of us to see. 

My eyes bulge at the sight of it. 

"Auntie, she's human?!" I shouted as I stood up, looking over at Bella who already seemed out of it given that she was giggling and didn't even appear to be paying any mind to my concern. 

"Not for long," Lydia said with a shrug before tossing one of the bottles to Rose, who caught it with ease. 

"What is that stuff?" Bree asked, looking at the bag curiously. 

"Wolves Rum. It's similar to wolfsbane, but without any of the deadly properties, it's like alcohol for the supernatural," I explained easily with a sigh as I looked over to see Bella stumbling towards me. 

"It also happens to be the equivalent of 10 or so shots for a human," Alice said clapping her hands with a mischievous grin on her face. 

"It's a hell of a lot better than getting blood drunk, I'll tell you that," Rose said as she eyed the bottle with a large glint of interest in her eye before she wasted no time in popping open the bottle and slumping to sit on the floor in front of the coffee table. 

"This is going to be a shitshow," I grumbled. 


Everyone was drunk. 

Bella passed out 10 minutes ago, and honestly, I wanted to give her a pat on the back for how long she had hung in there until now, but that'd have to wait until she was awake.

 Aunt Lydia was ranting about how much she really hated the Volturi, Alice was giggling as she watched Fast and Furious on the TV, Esme was hunched over laughing with Bree who seemed very engaged as Rose vividly retold the story of her glory days which was just her stories of her murdering men she knew when she was human, Sandra was dancing behind the couch with a headset on, and I was leaned back on the kitchen counter staring up at the ceiling. 

Bree although wasn't drinking, and she wouldn't be until she was at least 18... even if she was kind of stuck at 15, but that's beside the point. 


I chuckled lightly as I leaned against the couch, taking a sip of water to at least attempt to sober myself up. 

"That little bitch even saw it coming and didn't even try to defend himself. Not that he could, but it sucks when you get all dressed up for an event and you don't even get the energy you want," Rose huffed, crossing her arms as she rolled her eyes. 

'This is going to be a long night' Adrea sighed. 

I couldn't fucking agree more. 

2783 words 

do not kill me, ik i haven't updated in a very long time, but school ate me up and then threw me up #respectfully

regardless, i didn't forget about you guys, i never will, so just give a little time.

i passed all my finals, and winter break is finally here, so i have a lot more time on my hands, and not to mention a lot more motivation! i plan to finish this book as soon as i can, and i actually have ideas so this'll be a lot of fun.

^^^ if you're also waiting on incorrect, that book will also be updated

also i apologize in advance because it's gonna get real sad in here i fear.

(I'm not sorry)

also, as per usual, drink water if you haven't, and eat something if you haven't or if your just hungry because you deserve to eat.

i love you guys and goodnight bc it's 12 in the morning and i want to play sims 

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