The Royal Stranger

By varshachindam

989K 48.1K 2.3K

Vrishali was popularly known as the life of the party. She had a natural ability to make friends with anyone... More

A page from my journal
The Royal Commoner


21.5K 1.2K 118
By varshachindam

Padmanabh entered the flower shop, there were people who are buying the flowers and leaving.

Padmanabh doesn't have any idea about flowers. He surely loved gardening and growing plants but he doesn't know what flowers he should give Vrishali.

Nor he knows what her favourite flowers are. When he texted her what flowers she wants, she replied back saying 'figure it out'

Now he is confused and lost. He looked around the nursery, there are too many flowers surrounding him. He looked at the man leaving with a flower bouquet. They are a mix of flowers.

"Should I get a mix of all flowers or?" He asked himself looking at the flowers.

He walked around the aisles looking at each and every flower. Twenty minutes passed and he is yet to choose.

"How may I help you son?" The owner of the nursery asked. She has been watching the man going through her nursery round in round.

She can clearly say he doesn't know anything about the flowers and it is his first time.

"Hmm, could you please suggest flowers?" Padmanabh asked the lady.

"You see young man, all these flowers have a symbol to them. For example, tulip's are given to those people with whom you have a deep love. Red rose for love, passion, beauty and courage. White rose for purity, innocence, silence and secrecy..."

The lady explained about the flowers and their symbol. Padmanabh listened to the lady attentively.

"So you tell me to whom you are going to give these flowers?" The lady asked.

"For my wife," Padmanabh said.

"Then go for purple tulip's or red roses" the lady suggested.

"Hmm, actually we are newly married and I want to tell her that she is my first love" Padmanabh's became shy when the lady chuckled patting Padmanabh's hand.

"I got you son, come with me" Padmanabh followed the lady.

"These are purple lilacs, they symbolise the beginning of a love or first love," the lady said.

"I will pack these flowers for you beautifully" the lady added. Padmanabh looked at the flowers and thought about it.

"No, I don't want you to pack the flowers," Padmanabh said.


"I will buy the plant. I don't want the flowers to die" Padmanabh said. The lady chuckled nodding her head.

"Arrange marriage?"

"Yes ma'am"

"I will give you my favourite plant, just wait minute here," the lady said going inside while Padmanabh waited.

"That would be ten dollars," The lady said coming back.

"Thank you," Padmanabh said handing the Twenty dollars.

"Have a good day son" the lady said.

Padmanabh carefully took the neatly packed plant and walked out.

He can feel the nervousness and excitement. This is his first time giving flowers to someone and taking them on a date.

"Fuck!" Vrishali cursed throwing the frocks on the floor.

"Vrishali... Girl calm down and wear something. The red frock was good even the black was hot" Hailey said.

"Nah, I can't understand what to wear," Vrishali said searching for clothes in her closet.

"You got an hour to get ready, he will be in an hour" Aryan said.

"You are not helping and even you," Vrishali said pointing her finger at Aryan and Hailey.

"What did we do, we suggested the dresses and you are not liking them," Hailey said.

"Baby babe... Calm down. Think for a few minutes about what you wanna wear. You know about Padmanabh and what he is like. If you want to dress up for your date then go for his choice of liking. Or if you want to dress up for your sake then go with your choice" Aryan suggested.

Vrishali sat down on the floor on the clothes which she threw randomly. She closed her eyes thinking about what she should wear.

She opened her eyes when she got an idea of what she has to wear. She went through her drawers where she kept her sarees.

"You are wearing a saree?" Aryan asked when she pulled out a Rani pink saree and its set.

"Yes, Padmanabh is kind of a traditional guy. Even though he doesn't say anything if I wear any clothes I know he likes it when I wear sarees. It's our first formal date so I will dress up traditionally" Vrishali said.


"Good idea, hurry up," Aryan said.

While Hailey and Aryan walked out of the room closing the door. They waited in the second-floor sitting room.

Vrishali already took a shower and her hair is air-dried. She removed the tank top and shorts before putting on the saree blouse and saree shapewear.

Vrishali took around thirty minutes draping the saree around her. The blouse is sleeveless and the mangalgiri is pretty on her. She opened the door for Hailey and Aryan to get in.

"Wow girl, pretty... Pretty..." Hailey said.

"Baby babe... You look beautiful" Aryan said keeping his hand on his heart.

"Aye... Thank you" Vrishali said walking over to her dressing table. She looked into her mirror putting on her bangles and earrings.

She straightened her hair and left the hair open. She ended the look by applying lipstick and bindi.

"Can't believe how you change according to the dresses" Hailey said.


"Done, how do I look?" Vrishali asked twirling around.


"Baby babe..."

Vrishali laughed taking her phone and bag to go downstairs.

"Let's go down," Vrishali said.

"Yup," the three walked downstairs. Vrishali's parents aren't home as they need to go to the office.

They waited in the hall when the doorbell rang. Vrishali excitedly and nervously looked at Hailey and Aryan.

Aryan is waiting for Padmanabh with his camera. He is the assigned photographer by Vrishali to click her pictures with Padmanabh.

"You wait here, Hailey will open the door and tell him to walk in. You go upstairs and come down, I will click pictures of his facial expressions" Aryan said.

"But this isn't prom Aryan," Vrishali said confusedly.

"Girl you and I didn't have a prom date in high school. Think this is as prom date even though it's a date after marriage. Like this, you can feel both the sceneries" Hailey said.

"Point, I will go up. He must be waiting" Vrishali said running upstairs.

"Careful" Aryan scolded. Once Vrishali went out of sight Hailey walked over to the door while Aryan stood in his place.

Padmanabh exhaled heavily waiting for Vrishali to open the door. The door opened and he met with red hair.

"Hello" Padmanabh greeted Hailey.

"Hey, get inside," Hailey said. Padmanabh walked in and he looked around.

"Hello," Aryan said.

"Hello" Padmanabh greeted.

"Vrishali? Is she getting ready?" Padmanabh asked.

"No, she will be here in a minute" Hailey replied

"Vrishali" Hailey called. Hailey and Aryan shared a look with a smile on their faces looking at Padmanabh.

Vrishali exhaling heavily started stepping down, after getting down five steps she saw Padmanabh. She slowly checked him out as he checked her out with wide-awake eyes.

This is the first time she saw appreciation and emotions playing on his face. Padmanabh is wearing a white dress shirt which is tucked in with black trousers and polished shoes. The sleeves are neatly rolled up to his elbow.

Padmanabh couldn't take his eyes off Vrishali, he thought she would be wearing a dress. He looked at her like a lost soul as she stepped down wearing a beautiful saree and her hair is open.

Aryan clicked the pictures continuously. Hailey stood in the back recording everything on her phone. Vrishali surely know how to make her friends as her personal photographers.

"Hi," Vrishali said.

"Hi" Padmanabh's voice came too deep. Vrishali blushed under his gaze tucking her hair behind her ear. Padmanabh's gaze shifted to her collarbones which are visible and the mangalsutra shining bright.

Yesterday because of the hoodie he didn't see the mangalsutra. Seeing the mangalsutra, a strange yet good feeling rushed into his body making him happy.

"Look here," Aryan said. Vrishali smiled brightly looking at the camera. This time they are standing close that their bodies are touching each other.


"Thank you," Vrishali said as Padmanabh opened her door. Vrishali couldn't control her excitement but she is slightly disappointed that he didn't bring her flowers.

Vrishali buckled her seatbelt and Padmanabh got inside and out on his seat belt.

"Where we going?" Vrishali asked.

"It's a surprise" Padmanabh replied and started driving.

Vrishali got comfortable in her seat looking out of the window. The roads are busy with vehicles while the streets are bustling with people.

"I didn't expect you to wear a saree," Padmanabh said.

"I know, you thought I would be wearing a dress," Vrishali said.


"That's why it's a surprise for you" Padmanabh smiled. He loved his surprise...

They talked about random things and Vrishali observed that he is wearing the bracelet she gave him at the time of their wedding.

"You are wearing my bracelet," Vrishali said.

"I always wear the bracelet," Padmanabh said.

"Then why didn't I see it before?" Vrishali asked in confusion.

"Because I used to wear full sleeves and I remove them when I decide to cook" Padmanabh replied.

"Oh" Vrishali looked at the roads to see that they are leaving the main city and go to the outskirts.

"You seem to know these roads," Vrishali said.

"Not really but I came here yesterday. I remembered the way"


After thirty minutes of drive, they reached the place. "Where are we?" Vrishali asked getting outside the car.

"It's a private property, we are having our date here," Padmanabh said.

Padmanabh can feel the nervousness creep in. He really don't want to disappoint Vrishali. He stayed up late planning this date and visiting the place personally.

He wants to hold Vrishali's hand but he is too shy to make a move. Vrishali followed Padmanabh with her eyes wide. She is looking at the beautiful meadow in awe.

They walked and walked... Vrishali jaw dropped when she saw the set-up.

There is a simple round table placed with two chairs and boxes on the table. Not too much nor less, it was perfect.

Vrishali smiled walking over to Padmanabh as he pulled the chair for her. "Thank you" Vrishali replied sitting down.

Padmanabh exhaled heavily turning around to get the purple lilac plant and other gifts.

Vrishali watched curiously as Padmanabh went and came back with a plant and some other bag.

"Here," Padmanabh said handing Vrishali the plant and bag.

"Why are you giving me a plant?" Vrishali asked looking at the beautiful purple flowers. She know she saw the flowers somewhere but she couldn't remember the name.

"Hmm, I went to bring you flowers but I decided to bring you a plant," Padmanabh said. He waited for Vrishali to recognise the plant and its meaning but she looked confused.

"I'm sorry but what are these flowers called?" Vrishali asked. Usually, people give roses on their dates but Padmanabh brought her a plant.

"They are called purple lilacs," Padmanabh said sitting on his chair.

"What do they mean?" Vrishali asked touching the soft petal of the flower. She waited for Padmanabh to tell her but he stayed silent.

"Why don't you search on Google" Padmanabh suggested. Vrishali looked at him weirdly, keeping the plant pot on the ground gently. Vrishali pulled her phone out to check on the internet.

She opened the Google and typed 'what do purple lilacs mean?'

She opened the first page to read about the purple lilacs.

'Lilac, the colour for which this flower is named, is a light purple that symbolizes a first love'

Vrishali blinked her eyes as butterflies roamed in her stomach. A huge smile danced on her lips while her cheeks turned red.

"I didn't want the flowers to die so I got you a plant. I hope you don't mind if you want the flowers. I will get you the flowers" Padmanabh said when he didn't get any response.

Vrishali bend down plugging a single flower from the plant and gave it to Padmanabh.

She never had her first love. Padmanabh is her first love, she never had a chance of getting into a serious relationship or fall for someone as she got married to Padmanabh.

In a way, she is happy that her first love is Padmanabh and she is extremely happy knowing she is Padmanabh's first love.

Padmanabh looked at the flower and Vrishali before taking the flower. His heart is pounding happily as excitement and happiness is rushing in his body.

"Thank you," Padmanabh said taking the flower.

"What is this?" Vrishali asked looking at the bag.

"Why don't you open and see?" Vrishali nodded unzipping the bag. She pulled a rectangular box out of it.

"Wow! You remembered?! Vrishali asked opening the Indian sweets box.

"Yes, I know how much you miss those sweets. So I brought the bag for you" Padmanabh said watching Vrishali with a smile on his face. Vrishali happily took one sweet out and started eating.

"Haha, after lunch" Padmanabh said taking the bag away. Vrishali didn't speak just ate and grabbed another before Padmanabh put the box away.

"I hope you cooked the food, I'm missing your cooking too," Vrishali said.

Padmanabh felt proud and happy hearing that. Indeed he cooked the lunch for Vrishali, it was hard to get the Indian spices in New York. But he used his strings and got all the things he needed to cook.

Vrishali watched Peacefully as Padmanabh served her plate.

Whatever he does makes her happy. Maybe her grandparents were right but they did have issues in the beginning. Thankfully Padmanabh is an open person with her and Vrishali doesn't like to hide things away which makes her uncomfortable. If she got any problem she would directly talk about it and clear it off without creating unnecessary drama.

That's the reason even though she was angry and was almost believed her mother-in-law's words Vrishali spoke with Padmanabh. She didn't ignore him totally, she joined the dots and everyone told her why Padmanabh took the decision. She understood him and didn't care about his mom's words knowing that lady dislikes Vrishali.

Honestly, right now to Vrishali, it doesn't matter, she didn't marry Diya Kumari. She married Padmanabh and she has to trust and understand him like he trusts and understands her without her telling a word.

She never said a word even when he saw the pictures of her and her male friends. Padmanabh waited for Vrishali to eat her food.

"Hmm... I love your food. You are going to cook for me all the time" Vrishali said bobbing her legs in excitement as she tasted the different curries. Padmanabh chuckled and started eating.

Padmanabh didn't speak as Vrishali enjoyed eating the food and watching the sky and the meadow. Padmanabh stopped eating and observed her side view.

Her long hair is flying because of the soft breeze, her saree is hugging her like a second sky. The smile on her face is not leaving as she eats.

'I'm lucky, thank God'

"What?" Vrishali asked.



"Oh, our date didn't end?" Vrishali asked as she followed Padmanabh.

"No," Padmanabh said. They walked to the other side where Vrishali saw a man standing. Her brows frowned looking at the man and tables.

"You said you wanted to learn pottery. The man will teach us pottery" Padmanabh said.

"You remember that? I... I told that a long-ago" Vrishali said facing Padmanabh.

Vrishali always wanted to learn pottery but she didn't have time to learn. It stayed like a dream.

"I remember everything you say" Padmanabh replied. Invisible hearts emojis popped out of her eyes as she looked at Padmanabh in awe.

"Welcome Mr and Mrs Singh, I'm Luka Jefferson. I will be helping you make your choice of pottery item" the young man said.

"Hello, Mr Jefferson" Vrishali greets him.

"Please call me Luka" Luka handed the aprons to Vrishali and Padmanabh. Luka went to bring extra mud when Vrishali decided to tie her hair.

Padmanabh's eyes widen when Vrishali started tieing her into a messy bun. She looked like a love picture to him doing that. He blinked his eyes loving the sight...

"What?" Vrishali asked.

"Nothing" they put on the aprons. Vrishali helped Padmanabh tieing the knots and Padmanabh helped Vrishali.

Luka came and slowly showed them a demonstration before leaving the couple alone. Padmanabh learned pottery a few years ago which Vrishali doesn't know.

"It's not like that" Padmanabh said as Vrishali messed it up again.

"Show me then," Vrishali said. Padmanabh stood up and walked over to Vrishali. He held her hands in his.

"Gently... As the wheel rotates you make the shape slowly and carefully. Don't apply too much pressure"

"Woah, it's happening" Vrishali yelled in happiness. Padmanabh laughed looking at her excitement.

"Awe" Vrishali said in awe as Padmanabh took the bowl they have made carefully and placed it on the table.

"I want to make a coffee mug now," Vrishali said looking at Padmanabh.

"Okay" Padmanabh sat opposite Vrishali picking the mud.

They spent four hours making cute little things. They left the things she made to air dry. Padmanabh told Vrishali that he would be collecting and send them to her once they are dried.

Padmanabh brought a lot of things for Vrishali which she didn't see. All the things are put in the car and her precious plant in the trunk.

Vrishali smiled getting into the car, buckling her seatbelt as Padmanabh got in buckled his seatbelt.

The drive back to Vrishali's home is calm and pleasant as Vrishali spoke about her day and how she enjoyed every minute of it. Soon they have arrived at Vrishali's home.

Padmanabh dropped all the gifts and the plant in the house. Spoke with Vrishali's parents before walking out with Vrishali behind him.

"Hmm," Vrishali said standing in front of Padmanabh.

Padmanabh is flying back to India, he can't stay as so much work is kept pending.

"See you soon, take care," Padmanabh said. Vrishali nodded her head.

Padmanabh turned around to leave when Vrishali held his hand. Padmanabh turned around to ask her.

Vrishali standing on her tiptoes wrapped her arms around Padmanabh's neck. Padmanabh's eyes widen as Vrishali hugged him. Snapping out of shock he shyly wrapped his arms around her. This is new to him.

"Take care, don't forget to eat on time. Don't stress, sleep early. I'm gonna miss you..." Vrishali whispered. Padmanabh didn't reply but hugged her tightly. He understood that she was standing on her tiptoes so he gently lifted her off the ground. They stayed like for a few minutes before getting down.

Vrishali looked at Padmanabh and he looked at her. "I will call you"

Vrishali standing on her tiptoes kissed Padmanabh on her right cheek before running away to her house.

Padmanabh's jaw dropped as he looked at Vrishali's figure running inside the house. He placed his hand on the place where she kissed him.

He couldn't help but smile widely. He bites his lower lip getting into his car. The smile on his face didn't leave as he drove to his hotel to collect his luggage.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Did I just kiss him!" Vrishali yelled falling on her bed. She rolled left to the right talking to herself.

"Oh my god! I kissed him!' Vrishali told herself, feeling like a lovesick girl. She fangirls over their hug and kiss rolling, blushing, smiling, laughing, jumping and dancing all night.

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