The Royal Stranger

By varshachindam

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Vrishali was popularly known as the life of the party. She had a natural ability to make friends with anyone... More

A page from my journal
The Royal Commoner


19.6K 1K 14
By varshachindam

"Fuck!" Vrishali cursed after drowning down the shot. She picked the other and drowned it in one go. She took the lime slice and sucked on it.

"Damn, sexy!" Aryan said placing his hand on Vrishali's back.

"Move your hand man," Hailey said.

"Bitch, how come you turned so hot?" Aryan asked Vrishali. Vrishali chuckled shaking her head. The suntan worked well for her. She bobbed her head listening to the music as the house is on a swing.

"Met any chicks?" Aryan asked Michael who sat beside Hailey.

"Nah, the first years are yet to come. I don't see any new faces. I'm waiting for Belle to come" Michael replied.

"Let's go and dance sunny sun," Vrishali said pulling Aryan to the dance floor.

"Careful" she heard Hailey.

"Missed dancing and parties," Vrishali said wrapping her arms around Aryan.

"Haha, does your husband knows about this?" Aryan asked. Vrishali started moving her hips and Aryan followed her dance moves.

"Know about what?" Vrishali asked.

"That you love parties, taking shots and dancing till you pass out?"

"Nah, he never saw me like this nor I had a chance to go out."


"House parties aren't that common like here, even if they have I didn't make close friends. As you already knew I was got married into a royal family, stepping out of the palace wearing short clothes is a big no!"

Vrishali twirled around, "but I like your husband though. From what I heard from you, he sounds interesting and he worries about you so much"

Vrishali shook her head as the song changed. "Just think babe, he is a royal and knowing Indian customs and traditions usually the married couple live together they don't do a long-distance relationship. He is an open-minded person and thought about your youth enough to send you back to enjoy your college life"

"He adores you, you must've meant so much to him" Aryan added. Aryan is from Kerala, India. Aryan didn't open up about his sexuality to his parents.

"If he adored me he would've tried to start a relationship with me not send me away," Vrishali said remembering Diya Kumari's words.

"Babeeee, he is a closed up person. He is an introvert and you are an extrovert. You like him but you couldn't open up about your feelings and what do you expect from an introverted person? And honestly, I think he is not opening up because of your age gap. He earned respect from me when he gave importance to your life and aims"

Vrishali didn't say anything and Aryan didn't say anything after that knowing he answered the questions running in Vrishali's mind.

They danced forgetting about everything. Vrishali is having a fun time as she danced with Aryan, Hailey, Lexie, Michael and others.

"We missed you on the floor girl," Tyson said.

"Haha" Vrishali excused herself and went to the kitchen to have water.

"Hey Xahria!" Vrishali greeted Xahria who is leaning against the cabinet island with a red cup in her hand.

"Hey Vrishali"

"Where is Aubree and Angel?" Vrishali asked.

"They are with their dates" Xahria replied sipping her mixed fruit punch.

Vrishali opened the fridge pulling a sealed water bottle. Vrishali stood beside Xahria watching the people on the dance floor.

"Can't believe they are flashing panties on the dance floor?" Xahria said shaking her head.

Vrishali chuckled nodding her head. "Someone actually removed their panties and threw them on the dance floor," Vrishali said remembering the red panties.

"It's going to be hell cleaning the whole place after the party"


"Wanna make you a drink?" Xahria asked.

"Sure" VVrishali watched as Xahria made a drink for Vrishali.

"There's an outside dance floor. Let's go and dance there" Xahria suggested.

"Sounds good, here it is packed," Vrishali said looking at the packed floor. The house belonged to Kaylyn who is in the civil engineering department.


"Thank you," Vrishali said taking the glass from her.

"How's it going?" Vrishali asked.

"Good I guess, classes sucks but needlessly have to attend" Xahria replied.

"Can relate"

Vrishali and Xahria finished their drink before throwing their glasses in the trash can.

"Let's go" Xahria held Vrishali's hand as they walked out.

Kesha's song is playing loudly. Vrishali can feel the tingling sensation as her body relaxed. Xahria and Vrishali stepped on the outside dance floor facing each other.

They started dancing without any care in the world. Vrishali laughed as they danced weirdly shaking their hips to the tune.

Vrishali is having fun dancing with Xahria. This is their first time dancing together, usually, Vrishali would be dancing with her friends or other girls while Xahria dances with her group girls.

Among all the people of the snipers group, Xahria is the extrovert and social butterfly like Vrishali.

"Girl we should start dancing together," Xahria said.



"Damn, remove the leg man" Vrishali groaned as Aryan fell like a dead man beside her.

"Are we crashing in Michael's dormitory?" Hailey asked. Hailey is the only one who is sober.

Vrishali can feel her head rotating, they came from the party an hour ago. Vrishali's phone started ringing.

"Where is my fucking phone?" She asked.

"Here," Hailey said throwing the bag in Vrishali's lap.

Vrishali carefully stood up from the bed and walked over to the balcony. She closed the door sitting on the chair. She pulled her phone out, didn't see the caller ID ask answered the call.


Padmanabh became nervous hearing Vrishali's voice. He wanted to talk to her and decided to call her knowing she would be up.

"Hello?" Vrishali asked when she didn't hear any voice. She leaned back in the chair getting comfortable.


Vrishali's brows frowned in confusion not able to recognise the voice.

"Who's this?" She asked.

Padmanabh frowned and became upset that Vrishali couldn't recognise his voice.


Vrishali's eyes wide as she pulled the phone away to see the name. 'shit' she cursed pulling the phone back.

"Hey hi!" Vrishali said pushing her hair back.

"How are you?" Padmanabh asked leaning back in his seat.

"I'm good and happy. What about you?" Vrishali asked.

"Good to hear, I'm good."

Both of them became silent not knowing what to say. Vrishali waited for Padmanabh to speak something.

"Bitch, Aryan bitch vomited all over the place. Michael passed out" Hailey said loudly opening the door.

"Shit! I will be coming" Vrishali said looking at Hailey. She didn't realize that Padmanabh can hear their voices.

Padmanabh stopped fiddling with the pen when he heard a feminine voice talking about Aryan and Michael.

"Aren't you home?" Padmanabh asked.

"Ah? Oh no, I'm at a friend's dormitory" Vrishali replied.


Vrishali chuckled, "Nah, we went to a party. Aryan and Michael got wasted. Hailey and I had to bring them back to Michael's dormitory. It's pretty late so we ended up in-"

Padmanabh looked at the phone as the call ended before Vrishali could finish the sentence. He tried calling but it showed as ringing.

Vrishali frowned looking at the phone screen as Padmanabh ended the call.

"Is he angry that she was with the boys?" She asked herself.

"Bastard!" Hailey scolded Aryan pulling him towards the bathroom.

"Where is the damn switch," she said switching on the switches. She unknowingly switched off the WiFi router.

Padmanabh tried calling but he couldn't reach Vrishali's signals. He sent her messages but didn't get any reply.

He put the phone back looking at the files. He wanted to talk to her for some time to know about what she has been doing or how's it going on in her college.

Vrishali shook her head throwing the phone on the other chair. She stood up and walked inside.

"Yuck!" She said seeing the vomit on the floor.

While Hailey cleaned Aryan and removed his clothes. Vrishali cleaned the mess on the floor with a cleaning stick.

She felt like vomiting her guts out while cleaning. This isn't new to them, Vrishali always cleans the floor while Hailey cleans Aryan.

Vrishali put the broomstick away and went to search for the room fresher. She didn't find any room fresher so she used Michael's perfume.

"Michael... Get up..." Vrishali said patting Michael's cheeks. Michael groaned turning on the floor.

Hailey pulled Aryan out from the bathroom. Vrishali walked over helping Hailey.

"Damn, he is too heavy," Vrishali said.

"He is a fucking pig," Hailey said. They took him to his bed and threw him on his bed.

Aryan and Michael stay in the same dormitory. Vrishali took the blanket and pillow from the bed and went over to Michael.

She bends down putting the pillow under Michael's head and covered his body with the blanket.

"I'm gonna go and take a bath," Hailey said opening Aryan's wardrobe. She pulled a t-shirt and a pair of boxers.


"I smell like trash" Vrishali gave a thumbs up falling on Michael's bed with a blanket. She closed her eyes wrapping the blanket.


"Aryan are you okay?" Mr Hamilton asked. Vrishali turned her head to look at Aryan who is wearing a black hoodie covering his head. He put on black shades with his arms crossed.

"You do know right you are not allowed to wear shades in the class," Mr Hamilton said.

"I know Mr Hamilton, only this time. Excuse me please" Aryan said changing his position in his seat.

"Bro, your phone is vibrating. Keep it in silent mode or check it" Hailey said placing her head on the writing-table.

"Are you guys went to a party last night? Is that the reason why you all can't concentrate?" Mr Hamilton asked. Vrishali kept her face blank. All she wants to do is go home, take a bubble bath and sleep.

"Okay fine, I will stop taking the class. Finish your assignments and other works" Mr Hamilton said going to his desk.

Vrishali nodded her head leaning on Aryan. "Go away" Aryan complained.


Vrishali pulled away taking the phone out of the hoodie. She unlocked her phone and opened the message box. She read the messages from Padmanabh.

'good morning, I tried to contact you last night but I couldn't reach you'

"WiFi didn't work last night?" Vrishali asked no one in particular.

"Someone switched off the WiFi router, there was so internet connection," Michael said.

"It was me, I turned it off by mistake," Hailey said.

'sorry, Hailey turned off the WiFi router by mistake'- Vrishali

Vrishali sent the message, she knew she wouldn't be getting a message from Padmanabh as he must be sleeping. After a minute her phone vibrated. She opened the tab to see Padmanabh's message.

'No issues, hope you reached home safely'- Padmanabh.

'I'm in class actually. Will be going home after classes' - Vrishali.

'okay' - Padmanabh.

Vrishali opened Google to check India's time. India is 9 hours and 30 minutes ahead of New York.

'didn't you go to sleep?' Vrishali.

'had to finish some work' Padmanabh.

Vrishali rolled her eyes reading the message.

'Just go to bed, you can finish the work tomorrow. You stayed up late' Vrishali.

Vrishali rolled her lip into her mouth as she waited for Padmanabh's reply.

"Texting your hubby ah?" Hailey teased.


"What did you say?" Lexie turned around in her seat.

"Nothing that you need to know," Hailey said.

"Yoah" Lexie turned around in her seat.

"Don't keep the hoodies with you, I want my hoodies back tomorrow," Aryan said.


"I know, you thought of keeping it with you," Aryan said to Hailey.

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