Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



908 40 55
By Svnwoo

do any of you know where Hyunjae would be rn??

Nope sorry man
Can I ask why though??

Japan boy
Yeah is everything okay??

Taeyong is still at my place
Last night while he was drunk he was freaking out when we were leaving
It seemed he was really worried about Hyunjae
Even though Kunhang was with her

Oh it's probably cause they're really close
Kunhang told me that he worries for her
a lot more than he should
Plus I'm his roommate so yeah I've seen it lol

Okay lol
I was overthinking it

I could see if she's at her dorm
Do you want her to go see you guys???

I was thinking that
I'm afraid he's like gonna freak out when he wakes Up

Japan boy
What if he doesn't remember saying all that?
It could have been since he was drunk

Ohhh that's true huh
People say a lot of random shit when they're drunk

You included Xuxi


You're right!
I'll see how he's doing when he wakes up lol
Thanks for the advice guys!

Hyunjae looked across the table at Kunhang trying to piece her sentence together.

"Does life ever feel too perfect?" She asked seriously concerned.

"Sometimes," He nodded sipping his drink, "Why the concern?"

She sighed at his answer, "I feel like my life is going too well right now. I'm happy, have my friends, dating someone I really like, my job is going well. It's all too perfect."

The more she thought about it the more she felt something bad was gonna happen soon.

"You're overthinking it Jae. I promise," Kunhang chuckled.

"If you say so."

Hyunjae knew since she was younger that when life is going too well something is bound to go wrong. She hated that mentality but she couldn't help the way her brain worked.

"Seriously jae I can see you overthinking. Look worst case scenario is everyone finds out you have a potential boyfriend and we all laugh about it and tease you for a day or two at most. That's it." He said doing his best to reassure her.

He often had to do this a lot in the past too. He knows how Jae's mentality Works. He blames her mom for most of it, but he won't get into that. At least not with her.

"Yeah... you're right," she smiled trying to convince herself.

She thanked whatever was out there for Kunhang. She didn't know where she'd be without him.

Nayu <3
Heyyy pretty girl
Are you free?

Kunhang laughed seeing Hyunjae's expression and aura immediately change as her phone vibrated.

"Let me guess Yuta?"

She nodded blushing, "Yeah he's asking if I'm busy."

Kunhang sighed standing up, "Damn that's my cue. I'm gonna go play games with Sicheng and Lucas."

Hyunjae smiled thanking her best friend before waving as he left.

Jae <3
You're lucky
Kunhang literally just left

Nayu <3
Nice cause you lost a bet remember 😇
And I want to cash it in today

Jae <3

Nayu <3
It wasn't too hard
I've been thinking about this for a while

Jae <3
What did you decide??

Nayu <3
Guess you'll have to wait and see 😋

Jae <3
In lowkey scared
Are we meeting at the usual spot?

Nayu <3
In ten
Don't be scared it's nothing weird I promise lol

Jae <3
If you say so 😓
I'll be there in 10

Nayu <3
Yay see you 😋

Hyunjae made her way back into the coffee shop to buy another drink for herself and one for Yuta. She was sure the cashier probably thought she had a terrible coffee addiction but she swore she didn't. Though they probably wouldn't believe her anyway. She didn't even believe herself at times.

She made her way towards the usual spot and waited for Yuta with a coffee in hand. A lot of thoughts were running through her head, mostly what the hell was yuta gonna get. He was way bolder and not to mention much more outgoing than she was so she couldn't even imagine what he was thinking in that brain of his. It was easy to spot him approaching, he seemed to be the liveliest person on campus. Before he could say anything Hyunjae handed him the drink with a smile.

"For me?" He asked placing a hand over his heart dramatically.

She laughed smiling, "Well Duh. I noticed you always either get honey black tea or the green tea frappe. I was gonna try and switch it up but I figured a comforting drink might be best for today."

"You really put a lot of thought into it. That's so cute," He smiled ruffling her hair before taking the drink.

She groaned but ignored it since she wasn't actually bothered by it. It was cute. But if anyone else were to do it she'd have a fit.

He took a sip of his drink with a satisfied expression, "Nice. Now let's go I can't be late." He smiled taking her hand dragging her towards the subway. She smiled following along, taking in the shared skinship. The subway ride was only four stops away but nonetheless it was anything but calm. She kept trying to figure out what Yuta was gonna do but of course he didn't budge. She had given up after the fourth attempt and instead began scrolling through her phone. Every so often she'd show Yuta a random video that made her laugh. Yuta would do the same then theyd argue on which video was funnier. Of course they hardly agreed, Yuta mostly to spite and tease Hyunjae.

"Come on just admit I have better choice in videos," Hyunjae said confident.

"No I don't think I will," Yuta chuckled.

The pair continued joking around with each other the whole ride. Every now and then Yuta would stop to look over at Hyunjae. He found Hyunjae intriguing. At times she became quiet and very closed up but at other times she was the most social person who knew, and he was friends with Lucas (that says a lot).

"Oh my god we're matching," Yuta laughed noticing their clothes.

He was wearing a black t-shirt with blue lettering while Hyunjae wore a blue t-shirt with black lettering. They were obviously from different brands but he thought it was funny. At a quick glance people would probably mistake it for a couple's outfit. Hyunjae turned to him confused. She scanned their outfits before letting out a chuckle.

"You're always trying to be me so bad. Wannabe."

"I'm the wannabe?" Yuta scoffed dramatically in a hurt tone.

She laughed linking her arm with his, "Yeah you're definitely the wannabe."

He groaned before letting out a chuckle, "We'll see who's the wannabe."

She laid her head on his shoulder before going back to scrolling on her phone. Yuta was content and although he wished this moment would last forever, their stop was (unfortunately?) coming up. The subway stopped at their exit after a couple more minutes. They were greeted with echoing voices, laughter, and a bombard of people, as per usual. They threw away their finished drinks before heading up towards the streets.

"So you still won't tell me?" She asked him as they walked in between the other pedestrians.

Yuta laughed, "Man you really won't give up huh."

"You should know I don't give up easily by now," she smiled brightly.

He held her hand and entwined their fingers, "I'm still not telling. We're literally almost there it's like a seven minute walk."

She huffed but agreed. It seemed she had finally met her match. Usually whenever she did this with any of her friends they would give in easily. Even when she went to clubs strangers would usually also give in and buy her a drink or two. This was an odd, but nice change.

Yuta didn't lie when he said that they would be there in like seven minutes. The very small and sleek look of a piercing shop popped into view a few minutes later. For some reason it almost made Hyunjae nervous. There was another couple in the store but they were just browsing the jewelry, aside from them four and the worker it was practically empty. Though she assumed business was probably better in the evening. The girl at the front desk had various piercings on her ear and a few on her face, she fit right in with the aesthetic of the place. Though she had a lot of piercings they were very minimalistic, most of them just being circles and the occasional star. Hyunjae was just in awe on how she let a needle get so close to her face.

"You can sit here I'm gonna check in real quick," he smiled letting go of her hand.

Hyunjae nodded and took a seat by the wall. It was very small but it didn't feel cramped. All the jewelry was either on the wall or on the one center table. Aside from that there were a few chairs to act as a waiting room. She looked around, there was so many pretty earrings. She'd have to buy some before they left. Yuta came back after signing a few papers with the lady at the front. He sat down next to her with a smile not even the slightest bit dazed.

"It's gonna be a few minutes. They're getting everything ready."

Hyunjae nodded, "Nice but how are you so calm?"

"It's nothing new for me," he chuckled, "Did you wanna wait out here? I won't force you to come watch."

He was actually concerned about her. The last thing he wanted was for her to feel pressured to do something she didn't want to. Since she was afraid of needles this probably wasn't something she wanted to see.

"Huh. Oh no I think I'm okay, I'll join you, but you seem so calm. Like not even the slightest bit scared," she chuckled patting his cheek, "But thanks for the concern."

While Hyunjae was nervous, she actually wanted to be there. She was intrigued by the fact that Yuta was so calm about it. Would he be calm while it was happening also? He chuckled at the gesture, he always enjoyed when Hyunjae would randomly pat his cheek. At this point it was her thing. Hopefully it was also their thing.

They waited a few more minutes killing time by thumb wrestling. The score was 3-2 with Yuta in the lead. Although Hyunjae was sure that he was purposely letting her win from time to time.

"Stop letting me win," she pouted trying to catch him off guard.

"What? Why would I do that?" Yuta asked trying to get her thumb to stay still, "You know I'm competitive."

Well he did have a point there. If there was one thing she knew it's that Yuta hated losing. Unfortunately before they could finish their final match the lady called for him.

"Yuta?" She watched as the pair stood up, "Ah will your girlfriend be joining you?"

Before Yuta even got the chance to say anything Hyunjae nodded.

"Alright follow me," she smiled leading them both to the back.

(If you don't like needles I'd suggest skipping this part lol. I'll put a disclaimer when the needle talk is over)

Hyunjae sat on a chair next to the reclining chair while Yuta sat on the reclining chair of course. The lady left so the actual piercer could come in after. She looked at all the stuff in the room, it was brightly lit and there was a small cart next to him with various tools.

"Getting nervous?" He asked her in an almost teasing voice.

"Are you? You seem too calm. Are you a psycho?" She asked him once again.

He laughed, "I already told you, I'm used to this."

"If you say so. Psycho," she teased.

She knew he was probably used to it with the amount of earrings he had.

"I like psycho better than wannabe," he replied matterofactly.

She laughed at his comment, "Should we get food after this?"

He nodded, "I'm down. I'm kinda hungry."

The piercer entered the room. It was another lady she looked only a bit older than them. She too had various piercings but what made her stand out was her light blue hair. It contrasted the white room very well. Hyunjae could tell she was someone who knew what she was doing. She gave off a very confident aura which meant yuta was in good hands.

"You must be Yuta. Are you ready to get started?" She asked putting on some gloves.

"Yup," Yuta nodded confidently.

Finally Hyunjae would find out what kind of piercing he would get. She assumed it would be an eyebrow piercing or a nose piercing.

"Okay I'm gonna recline this a bit."

She reclined the chair until he was basically laying down. Hyunjae raised a confused brow.

"So what made you decide on a belly piercing?"

Come again? Hyunjae paused zoning out for a second. Did she just say belly piercing? As in Yuta is getting a belly piercing? She didn't even hear Yuta's reasoning (she'd ask him later) about why because her head was spinning. A BELLY PIERCING?! He did mention it but she didn't think he was being serious.

"Okay can you lift your shirt up?"

Hyunjae couldn't believe that the sentence that brought her back from zoning out was that. But before Hyunjae had the chance to fawn over him and his toned body, the piercer brought out the needle. It was huge. She suddenly felt a hand grab hers. She looked over at Yuta who was trying not to laugh.

"You know you don't have to stare at the needle right?"

"It's hard not to. It's huge?!" She said a bit louder than expected. "Sorry." She apologized to the worker who in return just chuckled as she sterilized the tools and area.

"Wow so my abs aren't distracting enough?" He asked playfully hurt.

"You're getting a belly piercing so no. I don't want to see your abs right now," She said honestly.

Just thinking of seeing the needle go through skin made her squirm in the seat. Though she was thankful for Yuta's attempt at distractions her.

"Okay you've got a point. So just look at me then. It'll be over before you know it."

"Why do I feel like the one that's getting a piercing?" She asked laughing slightly looking away from the needle.

"Okay ready?" The piercer asked Yuta.


"You're gonna feel a slight pinch and poke okay. Deep breath."

She watched as he nodded calmly. It was oddly calming watching Yuta's emotions. He was calm and even smiling but at one point Hyunjae felt him squeeze her hand a bit tighter, she must have put the needle in. But she was amazed at how he didn't even flinch. He looked up at her with a smile. She knew he would give her a thumbs up if he could, but her hand was kinda glued to his at the moment.

"See that wasn't so bad," he chuckled.

"I should be comforting you," she mumbled squeezing his hand gently.

"I'm fine no need," he reassured her.

The piercer gave him instructions and some items to care for the piercing. The pair thanked her before walking out. Hyunjae had a feeling they'd be coming back often.

"So were you expecting that?" Yuta asked with a sly smirk.

"No!" She playfully punched his arm, "Youre a wild card na yuta. Although I'm upset I didn't see the final result cause you know."

"I know right, don't worry I have a feeling you'll be seeing it often. Also I didn't mean to freak you out with the needles and stuff. Sorry I didn't think it would be so bad," He said apologizing.

Hyunjae scoffed at his comment not even wanting to ask what he meant by that. But she felt bad that he felt bad for dragging her here. She wanted to be there wondering if it would help her get over her fear of needles, it didn't really help but hey baby steps.

"You don't need to be sorry. I willingly went with you," she smiled, "Plus you looked cool all like 'it doesn't hurt' 'I'm used to it'." She tried mimicking his voice but she didn't do so well.

He laughed at the attempt, "Do I really sound like that?"


She shook her head, "Nah I'm just joking but now that I have recovered. Jesus Christ I've never seen abs like that. How are you so ripped?"

He laughed as they headed off to go find a quick place to go grab a bite.


Liked by notkunhang, txyong, nayutas and 445 others
Hyunjaes what a treat after a very interesting afternoon
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Notkunhang bring me a slice 😋
Loselose I want in on that
Txyong same
Hyunjaes no 😋
heresjohnny that cheese pull though


Liked by jungjaehyun, huangxuxi, and 578 others
Nayutas sweet treat after some greasy pizza also I got a belly piercing  🤪
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Loselose YOU WHAT
huangxuxi a belly piercing?! That's so wild WTF
Valentineboy well aren't you full of surprises
Notkunhang did it hurt though
Nayutas not at all

Hey Jae
Are we still on for today

Jae z
Ah you wanted to study
Forgot about that
But yes I'm still down
What time

How bout in an hour

Jae z
Sounds good
See you!

Hyunjae fell flat on her bed. Today was surely an exciting day. Yuta really was full of surprises. Who would have thought he'd her a belly piercing out of all the other options. What would the future bring?

"Earth to Hyunjae!" Yerim yelled.

Hyunjae sat up on her bed, "Sorry what happened?"

"Dude I've been calling you for like five minutes. You okay?" She asked her.

No. She was daydreaming about a future with Yuta already. Clearly she was not doing so well. What possessed her to think about that, she wasn't sure if it was the whole belly piercing or the fact that he said he would own a flower shop if he could. Both very contradictory to one another but yet they were both very Yuta. While he looked intimidating he was very much a softie on the inside. At least around her, she wasn't sure how he was with others.

"Pizza was on my mind," Hyunjae responded, "anyway what's up?"

"Irene and I are going out. Do you wanna join?"

"Ah I wish I could. Yong wants to study in like an hour," she pouted.

"Ah that's right he mentioned that," Yeri said recalling a previous conversation with him.

"Next time for sure," Hyunjae smiled.

Yeri nodded before heading out. She had an hour to do nothing. Instead she decided to watch a few episodes of some anime that Yuta recommended her. The hour flew by and she headed towards Taeyong's dorm with laptop in hand. She knocked and waited patiently for someone to open the door. Usually she'd just open it and walk in but she learned her lesson that one time Taeyong wasn't even home.

The door opened to reveal Taeyong, who looked like he had just gotten out of bed. She couldn't blame him though.

"You look excited," she chuckled as Taeyong let her in.

He shut the door behind her, "Ha ha. I've been in bed all day trying to write but my head is not in the right place."

She nodded understanding. He often forgot to take breaks when writing, it's a habit she tried to help fix but it wasn't easy.

"Anyway you're more dressed up then usual," he said raising a brow.

She looked down at her outfit confused. It was the same outfit from earlier she just added a cardigan. Nothing out of the ordinary for her if she was being honest.

"I think it's the cardigan," she said looking at it with a laugh, "it's kinda chilly."

He nodded not prying anymore, "I'm gonna go grab my book."

She nodded as he headed to his room and returned a moment later with their book and practice exam in hand. Hyunjae stayed on the couch while Taeyong walked over to the counter. They decided to try and see what they could answer on their own before comparing answers. Both of them were thankful that this test was multiple choice unlike the last one. Thirty minutes went by as they both finished up. It seemed that they got almost all the same answers except for the last page. They spent another thirty minutes discussing answers and Taeyong asked a couple more questions that he needed help with.

"Hey jae," Taeyong called from the counter to break the silence.

She looked up concerned, "Do you need help on the next problem too?"

He sighed, "no. I have a question for another topic."

She raised her brow and sat up, "okay."

"Do you think Yuta is cute?" He asked seriously.

Hyunjae was taken back. That was random. Was he catching on? Was he genuinely curious? There would be no point in king though, anyone could see that Yuta was in fact handsome.

She looked at him with a slight smile and let out a chuckle, "Yes I do. Why?"

"Wait what?" Taeyong asked as if he was in shock from her answer. Needless to say he was not expecting that.

"Yong I'd be lying if I said no. He is really cute but why the sudden interest?" She asked setting her pencil down on the table along with her notebook.

"I think he might think you're cute or something. He kept like looking at you that night at the club," He said recalling the night.

"Oh for real?" She was honestly surprised that he was looking at her. Sure they spared a couple glances at one another but she didn't think he would be fawning over her.

"Yeah that's why I'm asking. Plus remember when you featured on my project for my producing class? He said he liked your voice even though he didn't know it was you."

"What? Seriously?" She asked surprised. She didn't know that. For some reason her cheeks began to heat up at the comment. Oh god he complimented her voice, her one weakness.

"Yeah. That's why I was curious. He doesn't seem like your type though," he said tapping the pen against his chin.

"My type? Why cause he doesn't seem like he'd break my heart into a million pieces or cheat on me and let me find out through a friend?" She asked a bit offended.

Hyunjae had a type. Unfortunately it was usually hot guys who were assholes even if they didn't do it on purpose. So maybe Taeyong saying that he didn't seem like her type was a good thing. Maybe this relationship with Yuta could work out.

"I didn't mean it like that. I don't know I just don't see him becoming part of our group you know."

"Oh." Hyunjae said. To be honest that didn't sound any better.

Why was Yuta the Burning topic. There were plenty of other guys that Hyunjae had shown interest in but she wasn't interrogated about them by Taeyong. This was new and she wasn't sure if she liked it.

"Yeah Nevermind. That didn't come out the way I meant it to."

"I think he's cool. He's nice and he is good looking plus sicheng says lots of good things about him."

"Would you date him?" Taeyong asked.

She felt the tension in the air thicken. Taeyong seemed to stare her down waiting for her answer. She was positive he wouldn't like it. Not that he had any say in it of course. Plus he had his own relationship to worry about.

"Yeah I would. I don't see why not," She said shrugging, "I mean you only live once right?"

Taeyong agreed, "Hm I guess that's true. Anyway I'm burnt out. Thanks for helping me though."

Hyunjae nodded heading for the door, "yup you know where to find me. See you later yong."

"Bye Jae," he waved shutting the door after she stepped out.

What a weird conversation. In all honesty she wasn't sure what to make of it. Taeyong couldn't be catching on. There was no way, but then again it's not like she was purposely hiding it. She groaned as she entered their dorm. Yeri and irene were out for the night and who knew if they were even gonna come back home. The night was still young. She looked at the time in her phone 9 pm.

Jae z
Kunhang ☹️
I'm bored

I'm surprised you're bored
What do you wanna do?

Jae z
Idk that's why I came to you
Nayu's probably taking care of his piercing
So I don't think he'd wanna go anywhere

Sicheng told me he knocked out when he got home
So yeah he's probably still sleeping
Wanna go shopping or sumn?
Maybe food 👀👀👀

Jae z
Yeah I'm down
But where?

Hongdae or itaewon?

Jae z
Ohh itaewon sounds good!
Let's go get drunk!

I should have known
Ok I'll go pick you up

Jae z
Im gonna change real quick

Hyunjae quickly got up to change. She changed into a comfy pair of black jeans, black mesh long sleeve with a white checkered short sleeve  over it, her combat boots, and finally a black denim jacket embroidered with the sentence hotter than hell in black and red (that she designed of course). She finished off the look with her necklace and a few rings and bracelets. She finished brushing her hair out just in time. The knock on her door was Kunhang of course.

"Are you gonna control yourself this time?" Was the first thing Kunhang said as Hyunjae opened the door.

She simply smiled and patted his head, "No I don't think I will."

"Ok please don't throw up, that's all I ask," he said with a sigh ignoring her basically petting him.

"Come on when have I actually thrown up?" She asked him seriously. Hyunjae has never recalled once where she's actually gotten so drunk that she had to puke.

"It's cause you're too drunk to remember, whatever we better go to catch the subway."

Hyunjae agreed stepping out of her dorm, she shut the door behind her as they headed towards the subway station. The ride to itaewon was a good twenty minutes, nothing bad. Itaewon was packed with clubs, restaurant, bars and everything in between. Which only meant that there would be tons of people. Many, if not all, of them also looking for a place to drink. The pair found a semi packed place and were greeted upon entering. They got a table near the window and started with some beers and a side of fried chicken. Hyunjae took a sip of the beer making a sour face, she didn't like beer that much but she promised to start light.

"Question was Yuta being obvious that night at the club?" She asked Kunhang as he bit into a piece of chicken.

Kunhang raised a brow surprised, "not really why?"

She paused taking a bite of her own food before answering him.

"Well because yong noticed that he was glancing at me a lot."

"Taeyong noticed?"


Before the continued the conversation Hyunjae ordered two bottles of soju and some grilled pork belly. Thankfully at this place they didn't have to cook it, they often let it overcook.

"That's weird for Taeyong to notice something like that," Kunhang admitted, "Why was he paying attention to Yuta?"

She shrugged opening the soju bottle and pouring a shot for both of them, "but it doesn't stop there. He asked me if I thought Yuta was cute."

Kunhang laughed before downing the shot. He knew exactly what was going on now. Hyunjae downed the shot as well before beginning to eat.

"What did you say?"

"Yes Duh. I cant lie, Yuta is in fact attractive," she spoke up drinking some more.

He nodded, he felt the same way. If anyone had asked him if he thinks Yuta was attractive he'd also say yes. No offense but you'd have to be blind to not admit he's handsome.

"Okay so what then?"

She laughed as she recalled the conversation, "He asked if I would date him."

Kunhang almost spit out his food. Oh god it couldn't get anymore obvious than that, "Oh my god did you say yes?"

She nodded, "Again I'd be lying if I said no!"

While Hyunjae and Kunhang's conversation was progressively getting louder nobody seemed to mind considering the atmosphere. Many people were also just as loud if not louder, plus the loud music in the background wasn't helping.

"He got all defensive though. Something about how he doesn't seem like my type which is a good thing I guess," She said before drinking.

She was still confused about the conversation earlier. How was Yuta not her type? In her opinion he kind of seemed like the guys she dated previously just way nicer. Right? She began to think about her recent ex. Nah they're not similar, maybe just the fact that they dye their hair a lot.

"I mean I think it is a good thing though. Your type is shitty personality to be honest."

"Yeahhhh I know," she sighed taking another shot, "but that Hyunjae is loooong gone I promise."

Kunhang nodded giving her a thumbs up, "good. She better stay that way."

"We're gonna need more food," She said looking down at their shared plate.

"And alcohol."


Liked by nayutas heresjohnny loselose and 655 others
Hyunjaes i have not blacked out yet so that's a good thing I guess 🥱
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Heresjohnny I give it two more shots and then you're out
Iamyeri ^ three shots is my bet
Notkunhang she's pretty drunk LMAOO I had to type the caption for her
Baeirene smh at least get home safe
Notkunhang yes ma'am !


Liked by baeirene loselose and 822 others
Notkunhang Hyunjae is pretty good at taking pics even when drunk
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Baeirene happy Kunhang 🥺
Heresjohnny she's gonna give me a run for my money 😭
Hyunjaes neverrrrrr
Iamyeri so cute omg have fun!!


Liked by baeirene valentineboy and 829 others
Txyong the first official post of many more to come 🥰
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Valentineboy 🥰
Baeirene finallyyyyy
Hyunjaes heY I JNOW HIM
Loselose whoaaaa so it's official official 👀

"Come on Jae work with me here," Kunhang sighed.

So much for controlling herself. Note to self never listen to Hyunjae about controlling how much she drinks. She was fine on the subway but now that they were walking back to campus it wasn't so easy.

"I'm trying! I swear my brain just isn't braining," she mumbled clinging onto him.

"I am not about to give you a piggy back ride," he said seriously.

"Where is everyone?" She asked looking around confused as they walked (Hyunjae was mostly stumbling) towards campus.

"Probably sleeping or out still. Are you staying with me or do you want to go to your dorm?" He asked holding her up.

"Oh I don't know. Is Yuta okay with me staying with you?" She asked genuinely concerned. The thought never crossed Hyunjae's mind but drunk Hyunjae was a different story. In fact she was probably overthinking.

Kunhang did his best to not laugh at hyunjae's drunk questions and outbursts. This one was actually so wholesome it made him laugh.

"Jae I'm sure he's fine with it but if you're worried I'll take you to your room," he chuckled heading in the opposite direction.

"Okay. I'll ask him next time I see him," she smiled letting out a giggle.

"Jesus what a simp."

They made it to her dorm in one piece thankfully. He unlocked the door pushing the door open. They stepped in and he shut the door behind. Since there were not lights on he assumed that yeri and irene were still out.

"Okay Jae we're here," he said (gently) plopping her on to her bed.

"Yay!" She clapped, "thanks!"

She was content being on her comfy bed. She was ready to pass out for the next twelve hours. And that she did.

"I'm gonna go. If you can please put on some sweats or something. Goodnight."

"Goodnight Kunhang." She yawned loudly as he shut the door.

On his way out Taeyong was also arriving. Kunhang gave him a small wave which Taeyong returned. He came back alone so his date with Jaehyun must be over. He didn't think too much about it so he headed to his dorm minding his own business.

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in which she finally feels bold enough. instagram!au COMPLETE
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╰┈➤ ❝ 𝖺𝗍 𝖿𝗂𝗋𝗌𝗍 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒'𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝗌𝗄 𝗐𝗁𝗒 𝗒𝗈𝗎'𝗋𝖾 𝖽𝗈𝗂𝗇𝗀 𝗂𝗍, 𝗅𝖺𝗍𝖾𝗋 𝗍𝗁𝖾𝗒'𝗅𝗅 𝖺𝗌𝗄 𝗁𝗈𝗐 𝗒𝗈𝗎 𝖽𝗂𝖽 𝗂𝗍 ! 𝗂𝗇 𝗐𝗁...