Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}

By TamiaDemarest

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When Lea Martin, Lydia Martin's adoptive sister, begins to hear voices in her head, she finds it hard to con... More

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156 9 11
By TamiaDemarest


LATELY, SCOTT AND Stiles have been wanting me to lie low. With Allison's family on the hunt for Scott, they didn't want risking me being seen with him. If Allison's father catches me with Scott, knowing he's a werewolf, they'd know I'd know, and it could end really bad. So all I've been doing is going to school, going home, hanging out with Lydia and Allison. Like right now.

Allison, Lydia and I stood on the elevator at the mall, going up to the second floor to look for formal dresses. Allison was mostly silent, but Lydia did most of the talking.

"Okay, what is wrong with you?" Lydia asks.

"Hm?" Allison asks.

"You're silent. Very silent, like, somethings wrong." Lydia frowns.

"Nothings wrong. I just...I have a lot on my mind." Allison explains.

"You could smile, at least." Lydia says. "Ever heard of the saying 'Never frown. Someone could be falling in love with your smile'?"

"Smile, Allison. I'm buying you a dress." I smirk.

"Have to admit, as apologies go, that's more than I expected." Allison chuckles.

"Excellent." I smile.

"But not as much as I'm going to ask."

"What? What's that supposed to mean?" Lydia asks.

"It means, you're not going to cancel on some dumb, roided-up jock you said yes to and you're going to go with somebody else." Allison explains.

"Are we talking about me or Lydia?" I ask. "I don't have a date." I explain.

"Lydia." Allison points.

"Who?" Lydia asks.

"Him." Allison points over to Stiles who happened to spray a perfume bottle and begins choking. He catches eyes with us three girls and he waved at us as if we didn't see what he just did to himself. Lydia stood frozen and gave Allison and slight glare.

"Don't frown, Lydia. Someone could be falling in love with your smile." Allison says. I let out a small gasp, covering my mouth in laughter.

The three of us split up and walked around the section of formal dresses. There are other girls around here shopping too. Must've did this last minute like we were doing. I spotted a dark, pink dress and held it up in the mirror, comparing it to my body, wondering if I was gonna like it or not.

"That's not your color." I turn my head and see a tall, dark haired teen wearing a black, dress shirt with the long sleeves rolled to his elbows. He had a strong jawline and medium cheekbones, blue eyes and a smile that I'm sure any girl would fall to their knees for. I furrow my brows in confusion, wondering why he was talking to me in the first place. I've never seen him before. Never seen him at school. He's a total stranger to me.

"Sorry if that was intrusive, but...considering your skin tone, I'd go lighter." He says.

"Because I'm pale?" I ask.

"Fair." He corrects. "I mean, you can't call skin like yours pale. Not skin that perfect." He smiles.

"Okay...?" I frown.

"Trust me. I-I have a unique perspective on the subject." He gently pushes me to the mirror and holds up a light red dress, holding it to my body for us both to look at. "See? Much better." He smiles. I pull away and turn to face him, holding a stare with him. "You're not here alone, are you? Shopping for dresses- with friends. High school dance."

"Formal." I nod. I take a step back and look around. "W-Who are you?" I ask. The man smirks at me.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" He asks.

"Should I?" I ask.

"With all the dreams and our first meeting out in the woods, I'd assume you'd know who I am." He smiles.

"I-I don't understand?" I question.

"Hm. Maybe you don't remember. It's okay, Lea. You'll remember eventually." He smirks.

"Why're you here? What do you want?" I ask.

"I wanna know why you're important." He sighs.

"I-Important?" I question with a laugh.

"You hear voices, yes? You dream of me, obviously. You sleepwalk into the woods, a lot. I wanna know why you're so important." He explains.

"I...I don't know. I just hear stuff." I shrug.

"Stuff? What do the voices say?" He asks.

"I-I don't know. Their always on top of each other. It's hard to understand them." I shrug.

"Oh. That's because you're not listening. Tell me, Lea. What are they saying now? What do you hear?" He asks. My eyes slowly fall to the floor and I began shaking my head.

"N-Nothing. I don't hear anything." I say.

"Oh, but their saying something, aren't they?" He asks. He leans in close to my ear. "Word of advice, if you hear the voices again, I'd listen very, very closely."

"Attention shoppers. To the owner of a blue Mazda, license plate-"

"Did she just say blue Mazda?" I hear Allison.

"-5768. Your car is being towed."

"Oh! That's my car!" Allison shouts and runs off. I turn back to the dark haired boy but he's gone. I let out a sigh and shake my head. He couldn't have been the alpha, as he's the only thing I'd been dreaming of lately and met face to face with him. But I'd figured the alpha would be something more like an older guy. But...that's not possible. What if it's actually him. But he advised me to listen to the voices. Why would he help me? Why would he help me feel even more crazier? That doesn't may any sense. If he wanted to, he would've killed me. But Scott did say...the alpha didn't want to kill us. He wanted Scott to do it.

Lydia, Allison and I finally find the perfect dresses and we take them home. Tonight's the big night and we were all stressing how we wouldn't find the perfect dress in time for the dance. But we did. Allison drops Lydia and I back home and we began getting ready.

"What time is stiles coming?" I ask Lydia.

"Might be here any minute. Are you almost ready?" She asks.

"Just about." I respond. Even though I didn't have a date, which I didn't care if I did or didn't, I decided to go anyways. I was carpooling with Stiles and Lydia to the dance. I'm gonna be taking my drivers test in a couple days and I'm more than excited to be passing it. Lydia has been allowing me to practice with her car and she's been helping me. It'll be easy for me.

"Lydia! Lea! Stiles is here!" Natalie shouts. Lydia helps me strap my other heel on and we both make our way down the stairs. As I called it, Stiles stood shocked in his shoes. He must've been impressed with Lydia's attire and I couldn't help but fall in aw with his reaction. Lydia would be stupid to go back to Jackson and not end up with Stiles.

"Wow. You look...amazing." Stiles smiles at Lydia. Lydia smiles and she thanks him.

"You look handsome, Stiles." I greet.

"Thanks. You look amazing, too." He blushed.

"Alright! Let's get some pictures!" Natalie squeals. The three of us stood together and smiled for the camera. Natalie sighs.

"Ugh. My girls. All grown up. Almost." She chuckles. "You guys have fun and Stiles. Better keep my girls safe."

"I'll always take care of them." Stiles smiles. "Shall we ladies?" He smirks. Lydia and I lightly giggle as we exit out of the house and head outside. The drive to the formal wasn't really exciting. Lydia and Stiles didn't start any sort of conversation. I didn't try to as I didn't know exactly what to talk about. If it were Stiles and I, it'd be easy. We'd have many to talk about-Scott, giving me updates of what's going on and everything.

The three of us make it to school and we climbed out. Lydia dusts her dress off in frustration as Stiles fixed up his tie. I turn my head and see Jackson and Allison walking by.

"Jackson." Lydia catches them. "You look handsome."

"Obviously. It's Hugo Boss." Jackson scoffs and walks away. I felt bad for Lydia, knowing Jackson was such a douche to her for no reason.

"I don't care. I don't want compliments. I will not fall prey to society's desire to turn girls into emotional, insecure neurotics who pull up their dresses at the first flattering remark." Lydia growls.

"What?" I question.

"Well, I think you look beautiful." Stiles says. Lydia looks up at Stiles and her mouth forms into a smile.

"Really?" She asks. Stiles puffs out his chest and turns towards the school, holding out his arm for Lydia to hold onto. Lydia flips her hair and gracefully accepts his arm and they head towards the school. I fell behind them, letting the two take their pictures for the formal. I also just took in how the school was decorated for the formal. Lights set up around the double doors, balloons floating in the air, a large banner that introduced this years formal and large star lights imprinting on the school. I look around and see mostly students with their dates heading into school. I even caught another glimpse of Stiles and Lydia walking up the stairs and heading inside.

I took a deep breath and let out a sigh.

"Smile, Lea. Somebody could be falling in love with your smile." I utter to myself.

I enter the building and noticed the hallway leading to the gym- walls covered in decorations and balloons covering the floor. I finally enter inside the gym and see the star lights lighting up the gym, star decorations and large star banners hanging from the ceiling. There's a live band playing on a set up stage and the students dancing in front of the band, enjoying the live music. I look around the gym and spotted Stiles and Lydia sitting at a table, neither of them talking. I quietly join the two and rest my chin in my hands. The music suddenly turns slow and everyone on the dance floor began moving slowly, others soon joined the dance floor, dancing with their date. I even noticed Scott and Allison slow dancing together. I felt happy those two are together again, or at least speaking to each other. Seeing Scott so depressed and down over Allison, it just bugged me out. I like seeing my friends happy at least.

Stiles suddenly turns to Lydia. "You wanna dance?" He asks her. I couldn't hold back the smile, waiting for her to say yes.

"Pass." Lydia smiles. And the dream is gone.

"You know what? Let me try that again." Stiles says sternly. He stands up from his chair and leans on the back of it. "Lydia. Get off your cute little ass and dance with me." He demands. Wow. That was a good one. If I were Lydia, I'd jump in his arms and let him take me to the dance floor.

"Interesting tactic. I'm gonna stick with no." Lydia says.

"Lydia, get up!" Stiles demands. "You're gonna dance with me. I don't care that you think you've got some sort of great power thing, I don't. Lydia, I've had the biggest crush on you since the third grade. And I know that somewhere inside that cold, lifeless exterior there's an actual human soul. And I'm also pretty sure that I'm the only one who knows how smart you really are. Uh-huh. And that once you're done pretending to be a nitwit, you'll eventually go and write some insane mathematical theorem that wins you the Nobel Prize."

At this point, my hands are covering my mouth from how huge my smile really was. Stiles finally told Lydia how he felt about her. I'm so happy for him and I will punch Lydia if she doesn't at least dance with him.

"A Fields Metal." Lydia says.

"What?" Stiles asks. Lydia pulls herself from the chair and fixes up his tie.

"Nobel doesn't have a prize for mathematics. The Fields Metal's the one I'll be winning." She sweetly corrects him. She grabs his hand and guides him away from the table. Stiles self-celebrates before looking at me, who held two thumbs up for his success. I showed him the biggest smile and watch the two join the dancing crowd. I let out a small sigh before resting my chin in my hands, looking at everyone dancing with their dates. As much as I didn't mind not having a date, it'd be nice to be slow dancing with someone.

"Wanna dance?" I see a hand held out to my side and I look up to see the familiar teen I saw at the mall.

"You again." I frown. "Do you even go to this school or are you stalking me?" I ask.

"Are you creeped out?" He chuckles.

"I don't even know your name." I frown.

"Peter." He chuckles. I slowly nod my head.

"And from what I recall, you know my name and you're so interested in my weird...abilities. What now? Are you here to tell me why I'm so important?" I ask.

"I'm here waiting for the prettiest girl in the room to accepting in dancing with me." He chuckles.

"Fine." I say. I stood up and accepted his hand. He guides me to the dance floor and we both stood still. I've never actually slow danced with anyone. Why did I do this?

"What is it?" He asks me.

"I don't know how to dance." I say.

"Easy. Just, rest your hands here." He grabs my arms and wraps them around his neck. "My hands will be here." He places his hands on my waist and he holds a stare with me. "Now we just slowly dance. Just step side to side. Kinda...rock your body." He explains. We both began moving the way everyone else did around us and I couldn't hold back a smile.

Two slow dancing songs play and I grew curious as to where Stiles and Lydia had disappeared off to. I kept turning my head in every direction and I grew worry my friend and sister left me here all alone.

"What is it?" Peter asks.

"I just wanna take a break." I lightly say.

"You wanna find your sister and her date." He corrects.

"Their my ride home." I explain.

"Yeah, no. Uh, sure. I'll just wait for you? If that's alright?" He says. Before I could even stop myself, I found myself leaning on my toes and kissing his cheek.

"I won't take long." I smile. I pull away and head off through the crowd, looking for Lydia and Stiles. I slowly come to a stop when I suddenly hear the voices filling my ears again. I stopped in the hallway and looked around, finding myself the only one in the hallway. I remembered what Peter had advised me to do the next time I heard the voices.

"Just listen. Listen, Lea. What are they saying?" I ask myself. I slowly shut my eyes and tried my hardest to listen to everything the voices are telling me. Their still on top of each other and that's what made it even harder. I took a deep breath and listened closely. That's when I was able to finally hear them.

"...field. Lacrosse field."

"Lacrosse field. Field..."

"Go find her."

"Lacrosse field."

"Find her..."

"Find her. Lacrosse field..."

"Find her. Find her..."

"Find Lydia in the lacrosse field."

I let out a gasp and immediately headed down the hallway. I step outside and look around, looking for Lydia. I made my way to the lacrosse field and watched as the lights suddenly began turning on. I noticed a person standing in the field and I realized it was Lydia.

"Lydia!" I hear. I turn my head and see Stiles running towards Lydia. "Run!" He screams. I look back to Lydia and see a man approaching behind her and suddenly attacking her. I let out a squeal and kick off my heels, running through the grass to get to the field. Stiles beats me to Lydia as the man hovers over Lydia's bloodied body.

"Lydia!" I shout. Stiles is quick to grab me and he holds me back. "P-Please, please! Dont hurt her." I beg. It finally dawned on me that maybe this guy was the alpha.

"Just tell me how to find Derek." The alpha says.

"W-What?" Stiles asks.

"Tell me how to find Derek Hale." He demands.

"I don't know that. How would I know that?" Stiles asks. The alpha is quick to snatch me in his arms and he holds his long claws to my throat.

"You're the clever one, aren't you? And because deception has particularly acrid scent, Stiles. Tell me the truth. Or I will rip her apart." He threatens.

"Look-Look. I-I don't know, okay? I sw-I swear to god, I have no idea." Stiles stutters.

"Tell me!" The alpha roars, both Stiles and I squeezing our eyes shut.

"Stiles!" I whimper.

"Okay, okay, okay, look. I-I think he knew-"

"Knew what?"

"Derek, I think he-I think he knew he was gonna be caught."

"By the Argents?"



"When they were shot, he and Scott-I think he took Scott's phone."

"Why?" The alpha tightens his grip around my throat, causing me go gasp.

"They all have GPS now." Stiles explains. "So if he still has it and if it's still on...you can find him." The alpha pushes me to the ground and he stands up.

"Let's go." He demands Stiles.

"No. I'm not just letting you leave her here." Stiles denies.

"You don't have a choice, Stiles. You're coming with me." The alpha growls.

"Just kill me. Look, I don't care anymore." Stiles argues. The alpha turns to me.

"Call Jackson. Tell him where you are so he can help you." He growls. I look at Stiles and nod my head.

"I-I have her." I shiver. Stiles hesitated before he huffs out a breath and slams his fist in the grass. He pulls himself up and follows the alpha. I quickly pull Lydia's phone from her pocket and I dial Jackson's number.

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