Isaac Lahey One-Shots

By mersuperwhosmthng

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Isaac Lahey One-Shots, Drabbles, Prompts and requests from my tumblr! More

Drifted Apart
"Goodbye Aiden."
Save Me
Wolf Boy
Something Stupid
Needed You
Needed You Pt.2
Drabble Request #1
Drabble Request #2
Drabble Request #3
Drabble Request #4
Drabble Request #5
Drabble Request #6
Prompts 13 & 35

Someone Else

222 3 0
By mersuperwhosmthng

Lately, things have been weird between you and Isaac. Normally, things were weird. Why wouldn't they be? You have only been dating each other for a month, and he already moved into your house because Derek kicked him out for some reason. Even though everything happened, and the two of you felt like you were moving too fast, things were never like this.

He's barely there anymore. You guys probably spend 5 minutes with each other a day. You didn't even have normal conversations anymore.

You questioned your relationship with him, a lot, but every time you did, it was either Scott or Stiles who would reassure you that he still loved you, always making excuses for him. Like, "Don't worry, he still loves you. He's just going through something." Or, "Don't worry about it, he just doesn't want to be awkward around you, so tries to go." Even Derek tried to reassure you that he still loved you, but it still hurt.

There was one person that he was always with, Allison. You couldn't help but think something was going on between the two of them.

"Hey Scott, where's Isaac?" you asked your brother as you walked to his room and laid down on his bed.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that you have your own room."

"I do, but it's more fun coming here to bother you." you teased.

"Don't you have any homework or anything?" Stiles asked you.

"I finished that hours ago. I'm bored." you replied.

"Well, why are you bugging us? We're trying to figure out our homework. Did you come here to brag?" Scott asked you.

"No, I came here to ask you if you knew where Isaac was. But, I can totally help you with your homework."

"No, it's fine. We have to learn stuff. I can't keep asking my little sister for help with my homework. It should be the other way around." Scott said.

You smiled.

"Okay then, I'll head back to my room. Goodnight."

"What? You're going to bed? This early?! That's a first." Stiles spoke in shock.

"Oh shut up. First off, it's not early, it's 11 PM. Second, I have a chem test tomorrow morning, and I would really like to be prepared for that."

You never really slept. You would normally binge-watch shows till 3 in the morning. But the nerve in your stomach, which constantly made you worry about Isaac, was telling you otherwise.

"What's wrong?" Scott asked.

"Nothing's wrong. I just want to sleep early." you shrugged.

"(Y/N), I know you. I know that you stay up till 3 in the morning watching Supernatural. I know that you don't care about Chemistry. I can tell something's off." Scott sighed.

The two of them sat on each side of you.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just worried about Isaac. I think I'm losing him." you said, as your eyes started tearing up a bit.

"(Y/N), don't worry about that. Isaac loves you, you won't lose him." Stiles tried to reason with you.

"I don't think that's true anymore. I mean, we barely even see or talk to each other anymore." you explained, as more tears started coming down your face.

"He does still love you." Scott said.

You didn't reply. Scott and Stiles noticed you crying, and they were shocked. They both hugged you. You just laid there on the bed, looking at the roof of Scott's room, slowly drifting off to sleep.

Once you fell asleep, Scott and Stiles slowly carried you to your bed. As they put you in bed, they heard the front door open. It was Isaac.

"Stay here with her." Scott mouthed to Stiles.

He nodded his head as Scott went to Isaac.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Scott asked Isaac in anger.

"Whoa chill. I was just helping Allison with something." Isaac replied, not sure what the big deal was.

"You need to talk to (Y/N). She thinks she's losing you. She cried herself to sleep today! She's worried that you're going to leave her, and  Stiles and I are always covering for you!" Scott yelled softly.

"I'm sorry Scott. I'll make it up to her, I swear." Isaac replied, looking worried. You never cried, ever. Not even when something sad happened. You were a strong person, and that was one of your many good qualities. Isaac knew he made a mistake, and he had to make it up for you.

As you woke up, you smelt something burning, then you heard some yelling.

"What the hell?" you said, as you took your sheets off and walked downstairs.

"Isaac, what the hell are you burning?" you asked him, as you covered your face from the smoke.

"Sorry, I, uh, was trying to make you breakfast. I'm not really the best with a stove." he replied.

You started coughing.

"I really appreciate the thought. Thanks, Isaac." you smiled at him.

After the smoke died down, Isaac went to you and pulled you into a passionate kiss.

"What was that for?" you smiled.

"I'm sorry for being the worst boyfriend, ever. I really screwed up. To make it up to you, I made a reservation. For tonight at 8." Isaac smiled.

You grinned widely, and kissed him once again. "I love you." you said with a smile.

"I love you too." he replied.

After school ended, you went home to quickly finished up your homework and started getting ready for your date with Isaac.

"What's going on?" Scott asked you as he leaned against your doorway but quickly fell over.

You laughed at him. He immediately got up, as his face was red with embarrassment.

"Oh my gosh, that was the best thing I've seen all day!" you laughed harder.

"Yeah, yeah. I get it. So, where are you going?", he asked you, ignoring your laughing.

"Isaac's taking me out for a date tonight." you said with a smile.

"Nice. Well, have fun." Scott said as he left your room, and tripped over the rug.

You started laughing even harder again.

"Today really isn't your day!" you laughed at him.

You were finally ready. You wore an ocean blue dress, with black heels.

"Hey brother!" you said as you peeked your head into Scott's room. As usual, Stiles was there.

"Do you need something?" he asked.

"Uhmm, I kinda, sorta need you to uh, drop me off at the restaurant." you smiled at him.

"I'll do it." Stiles said.

"Really?" you asked him.

"Yeah, I have to go home anyway, it's on my way." Stiles said.

"Thanks! I'll see you in the car!" you exclaimed as you disappeared.

"You have to go home? I thought you were gonna stay here and help me figure out what the hell this is!" Scott asked worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'll be back. My dad needs help with something. I'll be gone for an hour, tops." Stiles replied as he grabbed his keys and left.

"Thanks again for the ride." you said to Stiles.

"No problem. Have fun." Stiles smiled before you hopped out of the car and he drove off.

You stood there waiting for Isaac, for a long time. Longer than an hour for sure. You were freezing. You decided to call him.

"Hey Isaac, are you coming?"

"Isaac it's getting late. Are you coming or not?"

"Isaac, it's (Y/N) again. I'm still waiting for you. Please tell me if you're coming or not. I think I'm getting sick."

"Isaac, it's been over two hours."

"I'm going home."

You sent Isaac voicemails until your phone died, so you had no way to contact anyone. You felt heartbroken, as you walked home in the freezing cold weather. You couldn't help but cry. Isaac let you down. I can't believe I actually believed he would come. You cried to yourself. It was gonna be a long way home.

When you entered the house, your hair was ruined, as well as your makeup. There were mascara smears all over your face as your freezing body opened the door. You looked like hell. You were crying and your teeth were chattering. Scott was the first person to see you, and he got scared.

"(Y/N)! What the hell happened?!", he yelled as he ran to you with a blanket.

"I-Isaac didn't come," you cried shakily.

"Why didn't you call me? I would've picked you up!" he exclaimed.

"M-My phone died." you said as he walked you to the couch and hugged you, giving you some warmth.

Soon after, Stiles came as well.

"(Y/N) what the hell!?!" he exclaimed.

You saw Scott mouth something to Stiles, but you weren't paying attention.

"Where the hell is he?" Scott said angrily.

"I-I don't know. H-He's not answering my calls." you cried.

"(Y/N), let's get you to bed." Stiles said softly.

You nodded your head as he led you upstairs.

"I'm so stupid." you cried.

Stiles looked at you in pity. "No (Y/N), don't say that."

"I trusted Isaac to come! I actually believed him! That proves what an idiot I am!" you cried.

"Listen, (Y/N), you're not the idiot. Isaac is. He doesn't know that he has the most valuable person in the world by him." Stiles comforted you.

"Thank you, Stiles." you gave a small smile to him, sniffling.

As you started getting ready for bed, Isaac came into your room.

"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed breathlessly.

"Don't talk to me." you hissed.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. It's just, Allison needed some help and, I forgot and-" you cut him off.

"Enough about Allison! Every time I want to do something with you, you're always with her. I try not to be a jealous or controlling girlfriend, but you make it so hard! You're always with Allison!" you yelled at him.

"(Y/N), I'm sorry. I am, but-" you cut him off again.

"Isaac, I just want to ask you one question. Do you like Allison?"

He went silent as he looked down.

"Do you like Allison or not?" you asked him.

"(Y/N)-" he sighed.

"No! Stop lying to me! Just tell me the truth!" you cried.

He slowly nodded his head as he continued to look down. That was when your heart shattered.

"Why didn't you tell me before?" you asked softly, still crying.

"I-I didn't want to hurt you. (Y/N), I did love you. I promise." Isaac said, his eyes getting watery.

"Go away Isaac." you said.

"(Y/N), please. Let's talk about this." Isaac begged.

"No. Please, just leave Isaac." you cried softly as you turned away.

"(Y/N)." Isaac said as he put his hand on your shoulder.

"No Isaac! Please! Go away!" you screamed at him as you pushed him out and locked the door as fast as you could.

"(Y/N) wait!" Isaac yelled, trying to stop the door, but it was too late. He leaned his back against the door and slid down, tears taking over his face.

A little while after, you were still laying on your bed, crying softly. Isaac left your door and was off somewhere else. Scott came in and sat next to your sobbing figure.

"(Y/N)." he said softly as he hugged you.

I hate him. You guys were wrong!" you cried.

"(Y/N) he's just an idiot. I'm sorry." Scott whispered to you.

"I-It feels like someone ripped my heart out. I-It hurts Scott." you cried.

Scott sat there hugging you gently, as you clung onto his shirt tightly, crying on him. You didn't need words. You just needed your big brother. And you were happy he was there for you.

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