Super Trouper

By anderssonlyngstad

13.2K 627 410

Benny and Frida have been together since eleven years by now, they are happily married and have a successful... More

Wake Me Up.
Family Together.
Back Home.
The Sexy Robe.
Introducing Me.
The Cigarette.
Am I Falling In Love?
Old Frida.
The Cast.
A Part Of Me.
Body memory.
A Kid.
Bad Mom.
The Conversation.
Var Är Min Clown
Super Trouper
The Reason Why
Anniversary Present
a lyngstad attribute
sick & tired of everything
bleeding love
private life
da ya think i'm sexy?
knowing me, knowing you
benny's a fool and he thinks he'll be okay
litte game
fall and risk
christmas eve
little maria
stressed mama
passionate love.

The Feeling.

353 17 16
By anderssonlyngstad

After a pleasant chat, Görel and Frida left the library, Benny and Anders were still in the kitchen and apparently they had finished drinking the bottle of champagne. "Honey, we're leaving," Görel said.

"Why so early?" Benny complained.

"We have other things to do," she replied.

"I thought you were staying for dinner," he insisted.

"On another occasion."

"Görel, you can seriously stay for dinner," Frida said, deep down she wasn't sure yet of staying alone with Benny.

"No honey, I promise we'll be back soon," of course she just wanted them to be able to have that time alone and she wasn't going to ruin it.

"Well, thank you for everything you brought us," Benny said.

"Yes, thank you, you really didn't have to," Frida agreed. They said goodbye and Görel and Anders left the house. It was barely dusk and it was cloudy so everything was gray, Benny stayed picking up the glasses and the things that Görel brought to organize them and thus not leave a trail, Frida for her part left the kitchen to make her own world.

On the way back, Görel saw Björn's car heading to Benny and Frida's house, "honk the horn," she asked Anders and they lowered the windows, Björn pulled to the side of the street so as not to create a barrier and allow the other cars to pass. Görel got out of the car and they met, "Hi Björn, Lena."

"How are you?"

"Fine! Are you going to Benny and Frida's?"

"Yes, do you come from there?"

"Yes, I recommend that you don't go," she said.

"Why?" Björn got worried.

"It's nothing but I think they need this night alone, it's the best," she explained.

"Frida, how is she?" Lena asked.

"Better but she's still very confused," she replied. "They are still working on their relationship," she continued. Björn looked at his watch and saw the time, he honestly didn't want to go home and that weekend Agnetha would stay with the kids, they would go to a park with her new boyfriend Dick, so he had to find something else to do.

"Where are you going?" he asked them.

"Although Benny invited us to dinner at home, I preferred it to be better to leave them alone."

"Why don't you go have dinner with us?" he proposed her. "We really don't have much to do tonight." Görel and Anders agreed, so now they would have a double date with Lena and Björn.

Frida was watching television in her bedroom, it had been a while since she left Benny downstairs in the kitchen, that time she used to think about many things, especially what she had talked with Görel, really every time she thought about Benny she did it with tenderness even if she wanted to deny it, but still her feelings were very vague and ambiguous, as well as her thoughts. She was interrupted by the door of the room that opened, it was him who entered with a tray in his hands, "I brought you dinner," he said approaching the bed.

"You didn't have to bother," she told him, putting the control aside.

"It doesn't bother me," he put the tray on her lap. "If you fancy something more you can confidently ask me," continued.

"Everything is perfect," she commented and took the fork to start eating.

"May I help you?" he asked as she still couldn't use her hand. She nodded, wanted to see how far she could go without letting her nerves control her. Benny took the fork and began to give her the food, he wanted her to be as comfortable and calm as possible, now that he had the opportunity to have her back he was going to do everything to make her okay, just to imagine the horrible two weeks she had in a coma gave him chills and all he thought about was lowering her the moon.

"How was our first date?" Frida asked. Benny looked up trying to think and couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't remember," he said but his face said otherwise so she didn't believe him.

"You do know," she insisted.

"Well, I do know. Do you really want to know?"

"Of course I want to know, I don't like feeling so empty."

"Well..." he paused and gave her that seductive look that he always used to do and that for some reason was familiar to Frida. "Our first date was in a bar but it really happened at my hotel," he commented.

"Your hotel?"

"Yeah, we were in Malmö for work and well we hit it off, we basically had sex," he continued. Frida blushed and she didn't know what to answer to that, but she got so nervous that she started choking and coughing, Benny got worried, "Are you okay?" he patted her on the back and handed the glass of water for her to drink.

"I'm fine," she replied when she controlled her cough. "I wasn't expecting you to say we had sex on our first date," she made clear.

"It's just that we couldn't help it, we knew we were made for each other."

"Can I make you a question?" she got a little more serious.

"Sure, you can ask me whatever you want," Benny leaned a little closer, everything about him was perfect.

Frida cleared her throat as she didn't know exactly what response to expect, "when I found out that I had children I thought they were ours because you are my husband," she began. "Then I understood that I was married before and that my children are from that first marriage, then that you also have two children from your first marriage but since then there is something that has left me intrigued," Benny knew where things were going, he already imagined what she was referring to. "Why haven't we had children if many things happen in eleven years?"

Benny didn't know what to say, it was a very delicate topic that he didn't like to talk very much, he knew why but he was not ready or did not have the guts to tell her, not even himself wanted to believe it, "we just haven't had time," he lied to her, knowing that this was not the correct answer but it was the one they gave to everyone and the one they wanted to believe. "A small child takes a lot of time and since we got famous we haven't had time," he continued.
Frida noticed how difficult it was for him to give that answer and she did not understand why but she sensed that there was something beyond what he said.

"Will there be a moment?" she dared to ask.

"I don't know, why? Are you asking me for a baby?" he joked causing her to smile.

"No, but I would like to have your opinion."

"I've always wanted whatever you want," was his reply. Frida decided not to comment further on it, perhaps she should wait a little longer to go so deep.

At dawn, Benny began to wake up feeling a hand on his chest, when he managed to open his eyes he realized that Frida had her left hand tucked into his chest and was sound asleep so she didn't realize it, he couldn't help but smile and held it. She used to do that whenever they slept so it was strange to him that she even unconsciously losing her memory did it, it gave him hope. He caressed her and left her hand right there, closed his eyes to continue sleeping, now he was more comfortable, he couldn't believe it and he was excited; she was so sound asleep that she was snoring.

In the morning, Frida unconsciously began to caress his chest, she still didn't open her eyes and wasn't aware of reality, she only contemplated everything through her subconscious; Benny felt the movements and was also waking up. She opened her eyes little by little and saw where her hand was, still tucked between his hairy chest so she tried quickly to get it out of there but Benny knew what she was doing and smiled, she blushed and pressed her lips thinking that he hadn't noticed.

"Good morning," Benny said, managing to open his eyes wide and his blue ones met her green ones.

"Good morning," Frida replied and immediately looked away from him.

"You used to do that," he stroked her face.

"What?" She asked confused.

"Put your hand on my chest, you did it every night to sleep," he replied. "I find it interesting that you did it this night."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," she explained. "I didn't even realize when it happened," she added and managed to sit up on the bed but she was even more surprised when she could feel Benny's erect penis through the sheets. Benny noticed it as her eyes were his guide, he immediately knew what she was looking at and what caused her cheeks to turn red.

"You were just playing with my weak point," he explained and chuckled, then sat down on the bed as well. "But it's normal, it'll come down in a moment," he added careless and tried to cover himself. Frida said nothing to it and instead, she got out of bed and went to the bathroom. Benny chuckled again and leaned back, his Frida would have done everything humanly possible to lower the situation.

Benny also got out of bed when he noticed that his problem was not going to be solved yet, he had to prepare to do something else to solve it. He left the bedroom and went to the kitchen, he was hungry and wanted to make breakfast for himself and Frida.

When Frida heard the bedroom door close decided to leave the bathroom, she had felt very ashamed but also bad, she wanted to side with Benny and understand him but on the other hand she did not feel comfortable. She understood that this whole situation should not be easy for him because in the end she was his wife and it is assumed that he expected to do and live husbandly things but she felt that it was all her fault, she didn't want him to feel bad for her.

She looked at the clock, it was Sunday at 9:30 a.m. which meant that the sun must already be outside, so she went to the window and opened the curtains letting all the sun enter the room, perhaps that would also help illuminate her thoughts. She began to fix the bed and organize everything that was out of place in there, in essence she didn't change even if she had lost her memory a thousand times.

Twenty minutes later Benny came into the bedroom and saw that everything was more organized than a thought and Frida was finishing putting the cushions on the bed. "Hey! What are you doing? you can't be doing these things," he quickly approached her worriedly.

"Why? I needed to do it," she explained.

"Because if you don't calm down, you will never recover."

"I am always calm, I have rested long enough but I needed to do it," she repeated.

"You may not remember anything but you definitely do a lot of old Frida things," he commented. Frida stared at him and began to think so many things.

"Do you miss her?" She asked carefully.


"Old Frida," her eyes watered but she didn't stop looking at him, Benny frowned and moved closer to her putting his hand on the back of her neck and then hugging her.

"I have you here," he answered. Frida separated a little from him and sighed, she was unsure of many things but she did not want to make life more difficult for him so she chose to hold his hand so that he would not feel offended. "I made breakfast, let's go downstairs," he wanted to put the bad vibes aside.

"Let's go," she agreed. They both went down to the kitchen and Benny had served everything and placed it delicately on the table, he opened the chair so that she could sit down, then he took a seat. Benny helped her with the syrup for the pancake and she was more or less able to eat by herself as it didn't require much effort. She was quite hungry from what she ate in a hurry, including that it was very good all over and she couldn't stop for a moment.

They were both silent, Frida staring at her plate and Benny eating and staring at her, he couldn't help it. "Does it taste good?" he smiled at her; she raised her head when she noticed that she had barely paused.

"Yes, you are good at cooking," she stated.

"And other things," he murmured.

"What?" she could not understand.

"No, nothing. If you want something else please feel free to tell me, I am here to give you what you ask," he made himself available for whatever she needed. She took the napkin and wiped her mouth, then swallowing completely as she wanted to ask him something.

"What was our relationship like? I need to know more thoroughly."

"Our relationship was beautiful, passionated, wild, sensual, loving but you also used to be hot tempered that contrasted with mine a little more passive; We did, well, we make a good combination. The truth is, I don't want to talk about us in the past."

"I don't think it's necessary," she replied looking at him.

"Do you think you can get to love me again?" His voice was shaking now, it hurt to be asking her that because he never thought he would, he was very afraid.

"I don't know," Frida was sincere. "I need to find out on the way," she added.

"You're right, I don't want to pressure you, far from it. If I lose you, at least I will have the satisfaction that you are alive," he said.

"You don't have to think about losing me either. I don't even know what I want, I think it's still too early to give a verdict." She took the cup of tea and took a sip, Benny stared at her but still felt peace having her there with him.

Benny was taking a shower while Frida was in the bedroom, she had become curious and began to search through their things, finding a small album with some photos. They were in a green area, both wearing white shirts and posing together, he had her hand on her waist and her on neck and chest. "ABBA The Movie, 1977," it had written at the bottom. She stared at them, what can I do to feel the same love? She thought, no matter how much she tried to do with it, she couldn't get her ideas clear and it was exasperating. She ran her fingers caressing the photos, she had a strange feeling of softness, love but at the same time discomfort and confusion.

They looked so in love, Benny as always happy, she knew that he always tried to do his best and she was sorry that he had to go through all that, all because of her. He was so patient, loving, caring, and devoted to her that she didn't know how to pay him back, how to thank him; in fact, she knew but it was difficult for her no matter how much she tried, maybe she should try more.

He came out of the bathroom with the towel covering his body from the waist down and went to the drawers to find the underwear. Frida looked up at him and her heart began to accelerate feeling a heat in her stomach, she was willing to do something to see if it would give positive results in her attempt to recover the memory. She got up from the armchair and walked towards him slowly getting behind him, Benny, when he felt the short distance from her turned around, maybe she needed something. Frida was trembling, he didn't say anything because he didn't understand, he wanted her to speak.

They both stared at each other, she approached a little more even more nervous, she was hesitating a lot to do it but wanted to analyze each step she took, she put her only free hand on his cheek gently grasping his face and began to approach more and more slowly, Benny didn't understand anything of what was happening, he was almost in shock. Their lips finally met, she was the first to close the eyes, she wanted to feel it, she wanted to have the sensation and at that moment she only felt her whole being shudder; Benny slowly closed his eyes and let himself go, maybe it was for the best that way.

Benny decided to put his hands around her waist to bring her a little closer to him and hold her while they kissed. The kiss lasted a few long seconds, it was passionate but tender, the two of them made it special. Frida had goosebumps and felt a great nostalgia that she could not avoid, adding the lump in her throat that unleashed in tears, Benny noticed it immediately and stopped the kiss because he was worried. Frida couldn't even open her eyes.

"What's wrong?" He asked wiping her tears with his thumb. Frida didn't have the courage to answer and she moved away from him a little to hide her face from him, she really didn't want him to see her cry. Benny approached again and as she had turned her back on him he stood behind and hugged her kissing her shoulder. "Tell me what you have, please," he insisted anguished.

"Sorry, I'm fine," she said in a scruffy voice.

"I know you're not okay, please don't close yourself to me," he begged. She turned around and looked at him, tears streaming from her eyes like an open faucet.

"I wanted to kiss you to see what it felt like," she explained.

"What did you feel?" He asked nervously.

"I don't know, everything is so confusing. I want to love you as you deserve but I am very confused," she burst into tears again. Benny hugged her, laying her on his chest.

"Don't worry, you don't have to try so hard, please give yourself time," he suggested holding her in his arms, he couldn't deny that it hurt but he didn't want to see her like that either, he knew the effort she made and none of that was her fault. "I love you and that is the most important thing now," he added.

"You are a great man," she said smiling and caressed his face, Benny put his hand on hers and also smiled, it was not really what he expected her to say but he couldn't complain either.

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