You Are Mine, Deku (A Boku no...

By Yuuyakizami21

174K 1.7K 1.1K

A collection of Yandere one shots, where the girls of BNHA go yandere on our favorite cinnamon roll. More

Side Effect of Φ's Gear (Kamen Rider Faiz!Ochako x Izuku) Pt.1
Wave of Love! (Nejire x Izuku) pt.1
Creation of Despair (Momo x Izuku) Pt.1
Wave of Love! (Nejire x Izuku) Pt.2 (Conclusion)
A (Un)Holy Kind of Love (Ibara x Izuku) Pt.1
Totally not a Saiko Kind of Love! (Saiko Intelli x Izuku) Pt.1
Loose Ends! (Toga x Izuku) Pt.1
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.1
Side Effect of Φ's Gear (Orphnoch!Ochako x Izuku) Pt.2 (Conclusion)
A (Un)Holy Kind of Love (Ibara x Izuku) Pt.2 (Conclusion)
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.2
Totally not a Saiko Kind of Love! (Saiko Intelli x Izuku) Pt.2 (Conclusion)
The Night Whip (Teen!Nemuri x Izuku) Pt.1
Mina's Rampage (Mina x Izuku) Pt.1
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.3
Loose Ends! (Toga x Izuku) Pt.2 (Conclusion)
Yu and I, Forever (Yui x Izuku) Prologue
Yu and I, Forever (Yui x Izuku) Pt.1
Froggy Crisis! (Tsuyu x Izuku)
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.4 (Interlude)
Yu And I, Forever (Yui x Izuku) Pt.2
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.5
The Night Whip (Kamen Rider Blade!Teen!Nemuri x Izuku) Pt.2
Yuu Are Mine, Deku (Yuu x Izuku) Pt.1
Joker + ❤️ (Emi x Izuku) Pt.1
Creation of Despair (Momo x Izuku) Pt.2 (The Conclusion)
Yu And I, Forever (Yui x Izuku) Pt.3 (The Conclusion)
Mina's Rampage (Mina x Izuku) Pt.2 (The Conclusion)
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.6
Update - I can't believe it
The Dark Helen (Kamen Rider Dark Kabuto!Teen Eri x Izuku)
DEKU SOULS (Izuku x Harem) Pt.7 (The Conclusion)
Twincest with Izumi (Izumi x Izuku)
Unseen Love (Toru x Izuku) Pt.1
The Night Whip (Teen!Nemuri x Izuku) Pt.3 (The Conclusion)
Yuu Are Mine, Deku (Yuu x Izuku) Pt.2 (The Conclusion)
The T-Virus (Izuku x Harem) Prelude
The T-Virus (Izuku x Harem) Pt.1
Camie's Time (Kamen Rider Kaixa!Camie x Izuku)
A Greenshade Birthday (Nemuri & Saiko x Izuku), July 15 Special
A Mirror Image (Kamen Rider Ryuga!Nejire x Izuku) Pt.2
A Mirror Image (Kamen Rider Ryuga!Nejire x Izuku) Pt.3
Foreign Invasion (Pony & Melissa x Izuku) Pt.1
The T-Virus (Izuku x Harem) Pt.2
The Blazing Black Twilight (OC x Izuku) Pt.1
The Blazing Black Twilight (OC x Izuku) Pt.2
The Blazing Black Twilight (OC x Izuku) Pt.3
The Blazing Black Twilight (OC x Izuku) Finale
Fade To Black (OC x Izuku) Pt.1
Turn On, Tune In, Deku Out (La Brava x Izuku) Pt.1
Turn On, Tune In, Deku Out (La Brava x Izuku) Pt.2
The T-Virus (Izuku x Harem) Pt.3 (The Conclusion)
Wattpad Exclusive skit - Rank Requirements to face Ryuko
Rogue (Lady Nagant x Izuku) Pt.1
Turn On, Tune In, Deku Out (La Brava x Izuku) Pt.3 (The Conclusion)
Night with Jirou (Kyoka x Izuku) Pt.1
Unseen Love (Toru & Nemuri x Izuku) Pt.2 (The Conclusion)
Slicing Those In The Way, Izuku! (Slice x Izuku), Part 1
Three's A Party, Izuku! (Yui & Itsuka x Deku) Part 1
Mother Will Give Her All! (Inko x Izuku x Nejire)

A Mirror Image (Kamen Rider Ryuga!Nejire x Izuku) Pt.1

1.7K 19 16
By Yuuyakizami21

A/N Expect the unexpected moments in this chapter, especially from one certain villain.

"Hado Nejire. You are one of the chosen people to have a card deck." A male voice said, as he stood in front of a blue haired girl who is at awe at what she is seeing right now.

A middle aged man in a grimy suit and fedora appeared in front of her, handing her a strange square shaped object that holds a couple of cards. On top of the object is the face of the Dragon Pro-Heroine Ryukyu.

Using it, she was able to beat down more villains than she did when she used her normal costume. The only downside is that she became paranoid around mirrors, as she felt her reflection having a life of it's own.

Much later she met Izuku Midoriya, a freshman who intrigued Nejire as he wasn't able to control his own quirk or that he'll break his bones.

She has taken quiet an interest in the boy after he vowed to protect Eri, and dealing the final blow to Overhaul at the end of the Shie Hassaikai Yakuza Raid.

Interest becomes having a crush. Having a crush becomes having an obsession in which she tries to resist so that she can focus on being a hero.

It became much worse until one day... Nejire was at a clubroom pulling an all-nighter on a difficult school project in which she and Yuyu Haya are in the same group together alongside Tamaki.

Tamaki lent her his laptop for the project, and she couldn't focus between thinking of the project or at the cinnamon roll. She begins to feel a little heated in her body, especially on the spot between her legs.

"...Which is why, saving people in a building fire without the personnel with the appropriate quirk has a low chance to rescue the entirety of victims inside..."

And then she suddenly felt that the air is feeling hot. She looked to her right where her oil lamp, which she used so that she didn't waste much electricity has shattered due to the heat, and the fire is spreading inside the room.

Nejire widened her eyes, got up from her seat and reached for the fire extinguisher before spraying the entire room with it.

The next morning, Tamaki entered the room first.

"Yo, Nejire. Are you done--"

A few moments later, Yuyu went inside.

"Heya, Nejire how's--"

And finally a scuffle is heard from inside the room as Izuku walked over with a bunch of files in his hands that Nezu told him to give to Nejire, and he walked in to see Tamaki crying as he hugged on the laptop, which is soaked in extinguisher foam while Yuyu puts Nejire in a chickenwing submission hold.

"So you dreamt of a fire last night and you destroyed our group work!?"

"Owieowieowieowie! I'm sorry, Yuyu~!"

"No sorry over this one, Nejire! The deadline is tomorrow and we had to do it all over again!"

Izuku stared at the two girls as Tamaki cried over his laptop screen he heard it beep and after wiping the foam off the screen he sees that someone has requested for a student with a Provisional License to come help them.

"Ah, it looks like a dangerous villain just attacked."

He then asked the person the details of the villain, and upon seeing that burned face, Nejire widened her eyes and broke free from Yuyu's grasp.

"Yuyu, let me handle this villain! They don't call me one of The Big Three for nothing!"

Yuyu laughed, and as she noticed Izuku staring at them she then said, "Ah, Kouhai! Can you go instead of her?" Before choking Nejire in the same hold as before. Clearly, Yuyu is still pissed off.

"I got it! Today's my class's day off anyway!"

Izuku then stormed out to put on his costume and went out.

"You can't let him go after Dabi alone, Yuyu!"

"Nejire. He beat you once, and this time I don't wanna risk you dying to a burned man whose raps are like literal fire!"


"But what?"

"Forget it."

Izuku hurried over to the scene as he sees a burning building, in which the flames burning it is blue instead of the usual yellow color it gave out. Clearly, Dabi was here. He then went inside the building, making sure that everyone has evacuated the site and he finds Dabi, alone in a wide room.

Debris from the ceiling fall over behind Dabi, who is wearing a black tank top and denim jeans, as well as having a blue Rolex watch on his left wrist. Next to him is a portable radio, playing some beats.

"Ayy." Dabi greeted Deku, making an OK sign using his fingers before he then started to sway his arms there and there as the beats continued.

Obliterating everybody I disintegrate
You're far too late
Commiserate you're fallen breathen I eliminate

Izuku then screamed desperately as his ears, and his entire body felt like burning. Dabi's rap is fire, but he never expected it to be literal.

I'm turning it up
Feeling the heat as I'm burning it up

He then used his quirk to make more fire as he points at Deku, shooting out blue flames from his fingers.

Returning for blood
Feeling you sweating
Upsetting, forgetting to show me your stuff

Deku managed to dodge the incoming flames, and tried to use his shoot style to attack. However Dabi dodged them as he danced to the beat and continued with his fire rap.

Having enough?
I cannot stop
Unleashing my power, I'm staying on top

In return Dabi then shoots out more flames, as Izuku dodged them again only to realize that it's just a bait and Dabi dashed to him to give a sucker punch with his bling ring and brass knuckle that reads "DABI" to his head knocking Izuku down.

You can't lay a finger on me
Because I'm far too hot

Dabi then proceeded to fire more blue flames at Deku as he is still flat on the ground only for him to use his adrenaline to roll outta the way. Deku then leaped back up to his feet to see Dabi has vanished but his stereo is still there in the middle of the burning room.

Feeling like a damn hard captain

Dabi whizzed behind Deku, and knocked him down to the floor as he continued to rap.


CRACK. Izuku felt his spine being cracked by Dabi's shoes, as the latter stepped on him and used his back as a dance floor.

Leader of the vanguard acton


I will leave you downed in a minute
I'm overflowing, boiling
Cus I'm testing out my limits
Hot-headed like you're mad at me
I'm calm and making strategies
I have a different viewpoint on morality
A tragedy
'Cause nobody recognised your remains
Yeah you're trash
Burn and be a kindling for my flames

The flames around Dabi then jetted up as he raised both of his hands to the air.

The stereo stopped playing the beats, as Dabi heard it being knocked over.

He looked to see Nejire, in her instant costume.

It's the same as her usual costume but with black pauldrons and a dragon head shaped gauntlet on her left wrist, and she wore a silver knight's masque.

"Get your hands off him, Dabi!"

"STRIKE CARD" Nejire inserted a card into the gauntlet, which has a reader attached.

An ethereal form of Ryukyu then floated behind Nejire as she readied her right arm which is imbued with her Wave motion quirk, which she used to shoot at Dabi, as Ryukyu followed the shot wave. Dabi dodged out of the way and the attack hits Izuku instead, by accident.


"Fool." He made a swag pose, as his bling ring glistened and he made a wink afterwards.

"You're dead... You're SO DEAD!"

Dabi just skipped away out of the scene, grabbing his stereo and running off.

Nejire then carried the wounded Deku over to the hospital. She sat down in the waiting room and one of the doctors came out after a few minutes.

"How's Midoriya...?"

"Not good. The attack hit a vital area, and he's now in a critical state. If he continues to fight, then he'll surely die."

Nejire's heart throbbed. The pain of the throbbing is akin to that of a dagger being plunged into her chest. She then slumped down, fighting back against the tears that flowed out of her eyes.

She went over to the restroom to wash her tear stained face on the sink, a few minutes later. It was then when she heard the voice.

"Do you resent Dabi?"

Nejire looked up, and around for the source of the voice. There is nobody else in the restroom.

"Who's there?"

"Oh come on, you don't recognize me? We met everyday after all."

She then looked back into the mirror to see that her reflection is different from herself whereas she is wide eyed in fear while the reflection had a smug look on her face.

"Let me ask you again. Do you resent Dabi?"


"He tried to kill what's yours. And he made you hurt him... Part of it's your fault for being weak."

"I am... Weak?"

"Yes, indeed. Let me take over you, and we shall be able to take on everything."

She froze as her reflection then warped out of the mirror and held her cheeks, before closing in for a kiss. The reflection's whole body slowly climbed out of the mirror as the real one took one step back, before the former then climbed on down to the floor. They continued to kiss, as they pressed their bodies against one another, and the reflection's body is merged inside the real one.

Silence ensued, as Nejire then grinned as she looked at her form.

"Finally... I became real, I obtained a body..."

She looked over at the mirror, where her reflection is absent because of what happened earlier.


"Yo, Shigaraki mAh bro! I took care of the Midoriya boy, where's my praise, brotha!?" Dabi greeted into the dark alleyway.

He obtained a message from Tomura that they should meet up in an alleyway as the crusty lipped fellow wanted to praise and reward Dabi for defeating his arch enemy, Deku.

A figure walked out from behind a corner, and Dabi's expression became that of surprise.

"Ah, that hoe from before, whatchu wanna do this time? Where's mah bro Shiggy!?"

"Shigaraki... Is dead." Nejire grinned.

Dabi raised a brow, before widening his eyes in sheer terror as he sees what Nejire is holding in her left hand.

The head of Tomura Shigaraki, his eyes are gouged out and his tongue is cut off.

"Now, let me reward you instead... With a one way ticket to hell."

She then pulled out her card deck, which is different. This time instead of a yellow Ryukyu sigil, it's black in color.

"Henshin." She chanted as her eyes turned from blue to blood red and her hair from blue to jet black.

She slid the card into her belt buckle, and three silhouettes spin around before fusing with her, forming her instant costume.

"B...Black!? Ayy, did you just magically have a hair dye or something!?"

No answer. Dabi just readied his brass knuckles, and his fire fists. He then moonwalked over to Nejire to make the first move, a backhand punch using his flaming fist only for it to be caught and twisted by Nejire.

"Stop dancing, and fight."

Dabi then made a spinning kick only to have his leg being caught by Nejire's other hand which she used to swing Dabi over and slam him to a wall.

Dabi slowly recovered, and tried to punch her again, only to have his fist slapped away and getting a backhand punch to the head instead.

Nejire silently puts a card into her gauntlet, as Dabi is still recovering. He didn't see it, so he thought that he found an opening. He jumped and shouted



The ethereal form of Ryukyu, only this time in a black color then flew out from the ground and trapped Dabi in her jaw. She flew him over to a brick wall, and brutally scraped his head along it.

Blood is now coming out of his head, as Ryukyu then dropped him down. Nejire then puts another card.


Kuro Ryukyu flew behind Nejire as she floated a few feet above ground, and launched her off as she made a flying kick. A black slime attached itself onto Dabi's ankles immobilizing him, and he stared helplessly as Nejire then kicked him, bending his body 90 degrees until his spine cracked, which is when the slime dissipated.

Dabi laid down, as Nejire stepped on his chest.

"You should know better than to nearly killing someone's lover."

She twisted her heels, and Dabi screamed in agony.

"Shut your mouth."

She then raised her foot and went over to stomp on his crotch, crushing his testicles all the way down, causing Dabi to scream and squeal like a girl.

"Oh look at Enji Junior... Gonna cry now?"

She then grabbed Dabi by the throat using only her right hand, and bent it 90 degrees to the right, breaking it. She then dropped the body as her instant costume deformed, and left it to rot.

"It's over. He will never make a mixtape ever again... Now let's make sure you're mine and mine alone... And safe with me, Izuku~"

- To Be Continued

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