Ghost Hunt Fanfiction: THAT A...

By Jira03

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Mai Taniyama is just another highschool student when she met an unfeeling narcissist who came to investigate... More

Chapter 01
Chapter 02
Author's Note
Chapter 03
Chapter 04
Chapter 05
Chapter 06
Chapter 07
Chapter 08
Chapter 09
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
My Apologies!
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
EXTRA:🌲🎊Christmas Special🌲🎊
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44: The Final Arc (01)
Chapter 45: The Final Arc (02)
Chapter 46: The Final Arc (3)
Chapter 47: The Final Arc (04)
Chapter 48: The Final Arc (05)

Chapter 23

725 33 8
By Jira03

A/N: Hello! I hope you're all doing well! I am back with this fanfic again! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Love you a lot! I will continue the quizzes next time.


It is the cold month of December. There will be snow that will cover the buildings and trees. There will be lights everywhere due to Christmas lanterns and décor. There are smiles from people that she met while walking on the roadside. But despite the happy vibe, Mai couldn't make herself happy. These past three years, Mai never really enjoyed Christmas that much. It was so troublesome when the snow got thick. And it is very slippery when melted. There will be numerous car accidents reported on TV because of this snow. This is the reason why Mai sometimes wonder why people enjoy this season so much.

Her father died on December 26, nine years ago when she was just a little girl. Her mother also died in this same month 3 years ago. It was just a day after her father's death anniversary. The month of December is really a sad thing for her.

But this year is a bit different. It brought her so much peace and happiness. Maybe it is because she celebrated it with the SPR. She met his unfeeling young boss who can be quite be cute sometimes. He always rejects her ideas of having fun and always reprimand her for always being late. Though he's cold, he is very kind and a little bit considerate.

Last time, she was pushed by rude high school girls who came into the office to see Naru in the guise of having a case. Her elbow was wounded by the fruit knife in the table and her ankle is also sprained. And instead of entertaining the 'guests', he ignored them and help her up. He ordered Lin to drive them away and personally sent her to a clinic.

The wound is pretty deep and she need to finish the drip so she needs to stay in the clinic for some time. He then stayed with her the whole day and that really touched Mai's heart. However, the two of them stayed silent the whole time they were in the ward. And every time Mai opened her mouth to open up a topic, the young boss of hers will glare at her to shut up. Mai was really touched by his kindness but she nearly died out of boredom!

She also met this stoic and cold fellow assistant who is also a talented Onmyouji. She was a bit afraid of him especially when she learned of his identity. She had kept her vigilance around him and check if he have ever placed a curse on her. But she knew Lin wouldn't do that despite having a grudge against her. As the time pass by, she began to feel comfortable with him. He was a bit awkward but Mai noticed that he had a soft side so she maintain a friendly relationship with him while being vigilant, of course.

There was Bou-san who treat her like a younger sister and he also likes to act as an old father to her sometimes. Bou-san would also invite her and the others to his band's concert together but Naru and Lin who don't like noises, always decline his offers. He treats Mai well and will patiently teach her more about exorcisms and curses.

Ayako, on the other hand, acts like an older sister or a mother towards her. She will cook healthy food for her from time to time. And despite her spoiled and arrogant attitude, she surprisingly cook delicious and protects her like a mother hen. She is always in a conflict with Masako but Ayako will always treat her with so much care if she's hurt. She would also bake goodies for the team sometimes. And although she bickers with Bou-san a lot, they formed such a great team in cases.

Masako is a bit grumpy when it comes to Mai but it is still tolerable for the latter. After interacting with her for a few months, Mai learned why her attitude is like that towards her. Masako likes Naru but the latter is always ignoring her feelings for him and Mai, as an assistant, spent a lot of time with him than with her. Well, for Mai, she is better than those crazy 'Naru fanatics' so she never really held a grudge against her.

John is the angel of the group. He looks younger than his age but he is very mature and kind. He is not good at handling arguments but he always tries to calm everyone down in case there are fights. Of course, he fails to call them most of the time. He serves as Mai's counselor when she's feeling down. Sometimes, John would ask Mai to join him in visiting orphanages and helping people.

They had change how Mai lives more than they knew. She had become happier and cheerful, just like when she was a kid. Mai is really grateful to them.

Mai smiled before the two tombs in front of her after narrating what her life was after meeting SPR. She arranged the flowers on top of the tombs and caress the picture that shows the faces of her mother and father. She bid them goodbye and left the family graveyard.

She returned to China to visit her parents for their death anniversaries. She had stayed there for a few days to take care of some matters about the family business and also see how her employees are doing. She arranged a big party for them and gave them year-end bonuses. They were so happy and that made Mai even happier for this year's Christmas.

She took a trip to England to visit some friends and to also check on her new house and cafés that she newly built last year. Her house is now complete and she enjoyed decorating it in her first day there.

She went out on the second day to visit her how the café business she started. She had built 12 cafes all over England and it took her 3 days to tour all of it. She was resting in her café near her house and enjoying the time of her life when she suddenly noticed two familiar figures walking towards the direction of the building she is in.

She almost drop her teacup after confirming who they are. Mai is so confused as to why they are here and panicked as her body suddenly moved in haste. She hastily put on her sunglasses and winter hat. She stealthily sneaked to the bathroom to put on a disguise.

'Why are they here?!'

Her heart almost stop when she saw Naru and Lin coming. She knew they are originally working in England as scientists in BSPR but she has never expected them to be here- near the location of her house! She really want to slap herself hard for not knowing where the BSPR's HQ is located.

Mai knew their identities but it doesn't mean that they knew that she knew where their houses or workplaces! There will be a big problem if they knew she's here. They would know she knew their true identities and that would cause a big argument! Lin and Naru would hate her if that happens!

She had put on her sunglasses on top of her make-up filled face and went out of the rest room with a confident smile. She was really thankful that she brought the 'hanfu' she got from her designer to change her looks. Her thick make-up made her look older and if anyone familiar to her saw her right now, they wouldn't notice that she is Mai because she changed how she looks and also her temperament.

(A/N: Hanfu is a Chinese Traditional Clothes.)

No one knew how nervous she was despite her blooming smile. She knew of Lin's familiars or 'shikis' so she had put on a barrier around her to prevent those spirits from recognizing her. Spirits recognize someone by their soul and not their appearances so she really need to be careful while escaping.

"Here is your tea, Sir Oliver. Enjoy!" Mai heard the barista say as the young woman handed the to-go cup to Naru who is wearing his usual black outfit.

Mai tried her best not to look at the two as she slowly passed by the ones she knew. She noticed that the two didn't come alone. There is a woman with tagging along with them. She is very beautiful and her unusual pink hair increased her charm. She looks older than Naru and is very talkative. Mai heard the two sighed as the woman continued to talk. Mai is very curious but she really have to go now.

She hurried to the door and left the café but she didn't know that her hanfu had caught the attention of a certain woman after she passed by them.

"Wow. She is so pretty! Noll, Lin! Look at that woman!" Madoka exclaimed and pointed at the woman wearing a traditional clothes scurrying away from the café.

Lin and Naru followed what she is pointing at and saw the back of a woman wearing a Hanfu. Though, the two can only see her back, they noticed how elegant and graceful she walk. She also caught so many attention as she passed by. Madoka thought that the woman is really beautiful and was so regretful that she couldn't take a photo. She poured and turned her head to her co-workers.

"Lin, that is a traditional clothing from your country, yeah?" Madoka asked as the man she called nodded as an answer to her question.

"Don't fuss over it. It is not your first time seeing some Chinese visiting these café. This café was owned by one of them, so it is not strange to see some of them here." Lin said and grabbed his wallet to pay what they had ordered.

Naru focused on his tea after a few seconds staring at that woman. He didn't care about anything and find his way towards the exit. The two also received their orders and followed him outside as Madoka keep on talking about how beautiful that woman is.

Mai sighed in relief as she arrived to her house. She immediately erased the make-up from her face and went to her bedroom to rest. This is her last day here so she freed herself of worries. The matter of meeting her boss and fellow assistant slips her minds as she sleep.

Also wearing a disguise the next day, she entered the airport and left the country at ease. After 16 hours of flight, Mai arrived at Narita with Bou-san waiting for her. Even after sleeping during the flight, she couldn't sleep because her mind is full of worries. She felt a bit guilty for hiding the fact that she knew of Naru's try identity.

"Jou-chan! You're here! How's your flight?" the monk in a stylish outfit asked as he hug her frame tight.

"The food in the airplane is not so good but I'm fine! I also have the souvenirs I bought for you!"

"Really?! You're really my best little sister. Did you eat dinner? My treat! The old hag and John are already waiting for us in the restaurant. They chose to wait there since they're a bit late." Bou-san explained as he grabbed the handle of Mai's enormous suitcase.

That very night while having dinner, Naru called them and told them that they will be arriving the next day. Mai sighed in relief when she heard that and smiled happily, forgetting the encounter in England. Mai decided to give their souvenirs the next day when the two arrived. The others didn't know where Lin and Naru came from so they were left guessing where did they went overseas while having dinner. Of course, Mai just went with the flow and act as if she doesn't know until the topic went to a case in a particular high school.

"Ryokuryou High School, huh?" Mai muttered as she watch the news about them. It is about how a ghost was seen in a classroom while having a lecture. There are also students who refused to come to school in fear of seeing ghosts again.

"Hmm.. What do you think it is? Some said it was a curse. Others said that the students summon spirits over their school." John asked while watching the news with a serious expression.

"I think it is probably a curse based on how many psychic phenomena being reported about that school in the news." Bou-san answered.

"Like the previous case in Yuasa High?"

"I think so too. Oh, we got a request from them before our Christmas vacation, right?" John asked as he turned his gaze towards Mai.

"Yes. But Naru rejected the case since it attracts the attention of the media. You know how eccentric and secluded he is." Mai answered him and popped a candy to her mouth.

Mai's group finished their dinner and everyone returned home to rest. That night, Mai dreamed of that vision again and that was the reason why she was late for her work that morning. She had planned to clean the office before the boss and his cold assistant arrive but she woke up half passed 10.

She hurriedly got ready and arrived at the office one and a half hour later. The others are already there and were having lunch with Lin and Naru. The table is full of food and they're a bit loud. Lin and Naru are not happy with this arrangement as usual.

"Well, well. Someone is late today." Bou-san said while grinning playfully at her.

"She is always late." Masako seconded him while covering her mouth with her wide kimono sleeve. She was back to her usual bratty self and she is clearly mocking her.

"I am sorry!" Mai quickly apologized while taking off her coat. She put down a big bag on the floor and run towards the kitchen to make some tea for them even before the grumpy boss ordered her.

"Girl, what happened to you? You look like someone who needs some sleep." Ayako mentioned as Mai distribute their tea.

"Oh. I haven't had a peaceful sleep lately. It think I might have pushed my limits while travelling." Mai made an excuse before she sip a mouthful of tea to quench her dry throat.

"You really took some time to travel while on vacation." John said as he add a sugar cube in his teacup.

"So, where did you go this time?" Bou-san asked knowing that the girl loves to travel from one place to another.

"I have visited my parent's grave and took care of the servants in China. I also took them to sightsee. After that, I booked a plane to England to visit some friends and check how my cafes are doing."

"You went to England?!" Ayako asked that made Mai stiffened for a second. She realized what she had said and force herself to act like normal while monitoring Lin and Naru's expressions. And as expected, they look at her with suspicions! Mai almost cried after seeing their faces secretly. She really want to slap her talkative mouth!

"Yeah. I have started a small business there and that was the first time I inspect how they are doing. Unfortunately, I couldn't check all of them because I need to return here the next day." Mai answered them with truths and lies. The last sentence is a lie, of course.

"Oh? Really? What is the name of your café?" Naru asked making Mai more nervous inside. Mai maintained her cheerful and innocent smile and answered him.

"TeAmore." Mai answered truthfully making Lin and Naru furrowed their brows together. That is the café they frequently visited in England. It was recommended by Madoka who enjoys the sweets they sell there.

"I am also planning to expand it here in Japan. I hope you all can patronize it when that happened." Mai added, acting like she doesn't notice her boss and fellow assistant's suspicious stares.

"That is amazing, Mai! To think that you have a successful business overseas." Bou-san praised her while petting her head.

"No. The staff and my parent's assistant mostly do all the work while I wait for the money to be delivered. I couldn't do it without them." Mai answered humbly as she smiled at them.

Lin and Naru are really alarmed when she told them the name of the café. They bought tea from that café almost every day when they were in England. They thought that Mai, as the boss, know who her café's regulars is but by the look on her face, she didn't know them and as she just mentioned, she is not the one regularly managing the cafés.

Lin sighed in relief as he look at Mai's innocent face. He turned his head to Naru who has a complicated look in his face and sighed again. He knew that the youth is feeling so many emotions right now and he is confused as to what he should do about them.

Mai gave the gifts she bought for them. Her friends were quite happy about it. Naru stared at the keychain that has his nickname in it. There is a complicated knot made by red chord that served as a charm. Everyone received the same and Mai said that it was made by her employees as a gift for taking care of their lady. Mai also gave them cute animal miniatures for them to keep as decorations.

The others clean up and Mai suddenly popped in front of her narcissistic boss. He was caught off guard with her sudden appearance. Naru frowned at her but Mai just smiled and hugged his arm. The others who are planning to leave were a bit shocked at Mai's actions.

"Mai." Naru called her name as a warning while restraining himself not to blush. Of course, Lin who is a new professional paparazzi, did not fail to capture that.

"Though New Year is already done, It is still the first week of January."

"So what?"

"Let us have a date."

The others, including Lin, almost tripped as they heard her declaration. Their eyes almost rolled out of their sockets as they watched Mai drag the stunned Naru out of the office while carrying the latter's coat.


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