Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

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With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty two
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

chapter thirty four

25 4 5
By honeysympathy

The next morning june woke up to the smell of strong coffee and sweat . Grimacing as she tried to lift her head , her cheeks sticking damply to a bare chest beneath her .

A sharp twang vibrates between her ears as she squeezes her eyes back shut tightly , the throbbing in her head making her whimper .

Shit fuck.

Her mouth tasted disgusting , grimacing as her tongue pressed against the dry roof of her mouth desperate for water .

A steady heartbeat thrummed soothingly beneath her ear . Counting each beat she inhaled slowly , holding her breath for four seconds before exhaling for six .

Fighting away her sudden rush of nausea she cracked open one eye gently this time around .

"I think I'm dying ." The words fumbled out incoherently as she winced against the bright light shining through the room. They had forgot to close the curtains last night .

Syd grumbled underneath her , his hand clumsily cupping the back of her head in a half hearted attempt to pull her back down .

"Shhh. Sleep . Sleep." He sleepily moaned, his palm accidentally siding over her face instead .

Nose crinkled she turned her head sideways away from his hand .

"No , no more ." She groggily slurred carefully sitting up onto his stomach and shifting herself sideways so her feet dangled lazily on the ground .

"Get up ." She muttered yawning , her hand reaching behind her to slap against his chest repeatedly .

Syd groaned miserably , squinting his eyes up at her "you fucking monster . Waking me up . Crazy girl." He slurred attempting to turn his head and go back to sleep .

June was having none of it. Her hair standing up in every direction and eyeliner smudged under her eyes messily , she was not in the mood .

Pinching his boxer clad hip sharply "get up ." She relates sternly "I'm hungry ." She croaked after a moment feeling her stomach rumble .

Huffing he finally fully opened his eyes and glared over at her from where she had her butt perched on his stomach .

Grimacing he lifted his shoulders up and rubbed the sleep away from his face , grumbling to himself .

"Fine . Bloody woman . Bossing me around ." He muttered pushing her off him .

Winding as the jostling rattled her already aching head she stumbled after into the kitchen .

"Painkillers ?" She croaked , Syd pointing lazily over to the draw beside him .

She wasted no time pulling it open and popping two paracetamols into her mouth , leaning over the sink she tilted her head under the tap and pulled it on .

Washing the painkillers down with the water she gulped it down greedily before finally pulling away before she could make herself sick .

Turning off the tap she pulled her head away breathlessly , wiping her lips with the back of her hand as she turned back around .

Syd had pulled out two bowls and placed them on the tiny breakfast table . Holding two boxes of cereal in front of him he looked between them with a long sigh .

"You'll have to pretend these cornflakes are a sausage and eggs . The cocoa pops are mouldy." He stated not surprisingly throwing the box back into the cupboard for Lennon to find .

Head buried in-between her arms she only groaned loudly "I don't care . Just feed me before I throw up." She pleaded to him .

Huffing a laugh he quickly took two painkillers of his own , swallowing them dry before pouring a good amount of cornflakes into the bowls .

Pulling open the fridge door he picked up the milk and eyed the date warily , sighing in relief once he realised that it still had another two days left .

"Thank fuck." He muttered before pouring it into the bowls and spooning sugar over them heartily .

Picking up a bottle of syrup he looked hopefully over at her , holding it up for her to see "syrup?" He asked.

Humming her approval she watched greedily as he poured a generous amount over the flakes before sliding her bowl over to her .

Quickly snatching up her spoon she dug in , chomping loudly as she shovelled spoonful after spoonful in her mouth .

Syd watched her in amusement before taking his seat and beginning to eat his own . It was quiet between them for a while as they let the painkillers kick in and ate there breakfast peacefully .

Licking the syrup from his teeth he peered over at her curiously "got any plans today?" He asked her casually .

June eyes him contemplatively before shaking her head , recalling jett's cruel words to her last night . She wouldn't be seeing him like usual , so she supposed her day was once again free.

"Depends." She squinted over at him playfully "what do you want to do?" She quizzed pushing her now empty bowl away from her .

Brightening up he grinned over at her "wanna get ice cream and head over to the park later ? The sun is shining and I don't fancy siting around her with Lennon and Cora when they wake up." He said .

Tilting her head she considered it before nodding her head and smiling happily back at him.

"Alright . I need to go back to mine first though ." She frowned with a sigh "no doubt my fathers waiting to ambush me." She muttered to him.

Syd hummed sympathetically "no doubt ." He agreed in pity

"I'll drop you off and then give you a hour to get things sorted ." he told her kindly , getting up and putting there bowls into the sink.

Lennon could clean them later .

Slowly getting to her feet june carefully walked around the table , keeping her eyes on syd who was watching her with a amusement quirk of his lips.

Knowing what she wanted he opened his arms wide in invitation , laughing lightly as she pushed her face into his chest .

Sliding her arms gently around his waist , she let her eyes fall shut as he hugged her firmly to him . His arms wrapping around her shoulders , a palm rubbing circles soothingly into her back .

"It's all gonna be alright you know ." He whispered softly to her as he gently rocked them from side to side .

Feeling her lips curve against his chest , feeling a sense of calmness wash over her .

"You really believe that ?" She asked him quietly, hopefully .

He nodded , resting his chin against the top of her head "I do . We don't need to follow anyone's rules but our own june . You have control over your own life , no one else ." He told her firmly .

Looking up at him through her lashes she smiled small "there is something stopping you from living your own life the way you want to though ..." she reminded him amused .

His eyebrows furrowing confusion as he met her gaze feeling his stomach flutter , up close he could see every individual freckle scattered over her nose and near her eyes . They had only seemed to darken with the sun .

"What is?" He murmured with a tilt of his head.

She grinned up at him widely "money! You're broke as shit . You can't do anything without it ." She laughed at the look of realisation on his face .

His lips parting with a huff "you're right ." He agreed smirking , shaking his head at her "you didn't have to remind me though . Bloody hell!" He laughed .

June squeezed her arms around his chest with a giggle "sad but true." She quoted the song she had been screeching the night before .

A contemplative mood settling over them as june watched the different emotions flitter over his face like an open book .

"If you had the money what would you do?" She asked him softly , curious.

He bit his lip in thought and hummed , looking back down at her again "I'd travel around ." He decided then.

"maybe France ? England ? Whatever ticket I could get." He told her truthfully .

He would get the hell out of this killing town .

June nodded in understanding before her eyes lit up with mirth "one day we'll go somewhere other than here ." She stated seriously leaning her head back to look up at him , meeting his eyes that were already watching her intently .

He breathed out a laugh "yeah? You're coming too are you?" He teased pulling on a strand of her disastrously messy hair .

She glared playfully back at him "of course !" She exclaimed "someone has to have your back!"

She clucked her tongue at him in amusement "I'll go somewhere with you if you promise to never cut your hair !" She declared stepping away from him and thrusting out her hand .

He looked down at it with a smirk before shaking her hand firmly in his own , shaking his head at her antics .

"Deal." He said before running his hand through her messy hair making her wince as his fingers caught onto a big knot "want me to braid it ?" He offered her nicely .

She giggles and turned her back to him "you want matching braids with me syd? Am I gonna get a friendship bracelet next ? Oh I know we can make it out of our hair!" She joked closing her eyes blissfully as his fingers skilfully detangled her hair and gently began to braid it .

Focusing on the hair in his hand he hummed "if that's what you're into ." He teased pulling one of the bobbles off his wrist and tying the end of it neatly.

Carefully pulling at the soft strands to loosen it slightly so she wouldn't get a headache .

He patted her shoulder and spun her back around with a grin seeing the pretty flush on her cheeks as she stared up at him in amazement at how quick he has done it for her .

"You know I've always wondered what the difference between friendships and relationships were." She spoke faintly , fiddling with the bobble at the end of her new braid .

A small small tugging at her lips as she eyed his matching one .

Syd rose a brow "well the sex for one thing." He pointed out with a cheeky smirk .

Pulling out his phone from his pocket he pressed the camera icon and held it up to her face , biting his lip in concentration as he began snapping candid pictures of her making her laugh .

Sticking out her tongue at him she giggles "obviously but I meant emotionally . You would assume that to be someone's partner and for it to work that you would have to be there friend first right?" She said with a furrow of her brow as she leant her head against his shoulder lightly .

"I mean ... if you don't like them as a friend then what's the chance that you're gonna like them as something more ? It's be like loving a stranger wouldn't it ? Very artificial . Only good until you spend some time with them and realise how bloody annoying they are!" She exclaimed grinning as syd took a selfie of the both of them .

Pulling away from her , he snorted "is this how your brain works June? This is what you like to think about after breakfast?" He shook his head in amusement at her.

"I'm starting to think that something may be wired wrongly up there." He teased tapping the side of her head gently .

Swatting his hand away from her with a faux glare "I'll have you know that my brain is perfectly fine ! It's everyone else that's the problem ." She stated as though it was obvious .

Grinning he ran his tongue over his teeth , huffing a laugh "sure ..." he drawled leaning over the table to grab his car keys "you keep believing that ."

She followed after him with a frown , reaching up to tug on his long braid .

"I will." She promised kissing his shoulder lightly after he shot her a exasperated look before the door shut behind them .

Feet up on he dashboard , june hummed along to ac/dc . The window rolled down enough that a cooling breeze soothed her pink cheeks . She had always burned easily and she was certain that her skin would never adjust from this permanent sun.

England's heatwaves usually only came in a three day period , never for months at end like this.

Syd wiped a line of sweat from his hairline with a miserable groan , sniffling "think I might have to borrow one of your dresses june." He joked weakly rolling down his window even further .

June laughed quietly as she pictured heavy metal Syd wearing a cute babydoll dress.

She thought that he would probably be able to pull it off too , with a bit of eyeliner he would look fantastic . He certainly had the beautiful hair to complete the look .

"First matching hair and now you want to steal my dresses too? That might be a step too far for this relationship Syd." She exclaimed teasingly , glancing over at him with a smile .

He eyed her briefly , a smirk tugging at his lips "relationship ?" He repeated slyly making her flush and sink down in her seat with a groan .

"I thought this was a friendship ? Is your big brain still buzzing around that topic ? Are you thinking about the differences between husbands and horses now?" He snickered laughing harder as her hand struck out to slap his forearm , hard .

Scoffing she pointed her finger at him "ive heard friendship breakups hurt more than relationship ones do." She told him seriously, squinting her eyes at him .

"so I'd be careful if I were you , otherwise you're gonna be crying over your soggy cornflakes soon." She warned him playfully .

He pursed his lips to hold back his grin "my bad." He muttered amused just as he pulled up outside her house.

Fighting back a sigh of reluctance she unclicked her seatbelt and picked up her leather satchel bag .

"I want strawberry and chocolate chip Ice cream ." She told him with a purse of her lips , looking between his golden eyes and feeling a warm flood deep in her chest .

The difference between friendships and relationships were that she didn't feel guilty for being happy . She didn't feel a strained need to make sure everything went right . It was a day to day feeling of excitement , of curiosity and playfulness that just couldn't be achieved elsewhere . There was no judgment with a real friend . You could fuck up without breaking up . You could be understood .

It was nice to have a friend . She was realising what she had been missing out in all these years.

Nothing came close to this feeling , at all.

Syd tilted his head at her , his fingers drumming on the steering wheel to the rhythm of the song playing .

"Yeah? I'm just gonna get vanilla ." He lied leaning his head back on the rest and tilting his head towards her .

Admiring the way the sun seemed to light her figure like a painting  . Only he wasn't foolish enough to believe her to be an angel .

Close . He thought absentmindedly with a pull of his lips as she smiled over at him , her whole face lighting up .

June scoffed in disbelief "if you get vanilla then I'm going to leave ." She told him strictly "you're going to be a good boy and get something with flavour or else!" She threatened lightly , leaning closing to him subconsciously.

Chuckling he twisted his lips "does a good-boy get a reward ?" He flirted grinning easily .

Rolling her eyes at him she pretended to think it over , stroking her chin slowly "hmm I don't know. I don't think you are one-" she started to say only for the breath to be stolen from her mouth as syd's hand firmly cupped around the back of her neck , pulling her face to his before his lips pressed over her own .

Lips parted she felt herself sink into him , her arms wandering around his neck and into his hair as she let herself kiss him back .

His tongue slowly caressing her own like a gentle dance between the two of them . His thumb tracing softly into her neck , her body relaxing a she breathed him in .

Only pulling away once the need to breathe became to strong , soft pants falling between the small space between them as his nose bumped against her own .

She could almost feel the smile on his lips as he spoke quietly not wanting to breaking the soothing thrum of calmness that had washed over them .

It had felt right . Nice . She realised dazedly as she stared back at him with soft eyes.

"I'll get mint chocolate chip ice cream." He whispered to her , his eyes bright as he watched her fight to pull herself away .

Inhaling deeply she shook her head with a amazed grin , giggling breathlessly .

"You bastard ." She murmured affectionately before kissing his cheek one last time .

Syd grinned widely watching as she got out of his car , leaning over the console to see her better .

"I'll pick you back up in 45 gorgeous !" He shouted over to her happily , starting up his engine and only pulling away once she had given him the okay .

June was still feeling content with herself as she walked into her home , not even pausing at the sight of her father sitting on the couch .

He quickly shot up once he saw her , his eyes wide and bloodshot from the stress of worrying all night long .

"June!" He exclaimed in relief hurrying over to her as she walked into the kitchen and casually picked up one of the bananas from the fruit bowl .

"Are you okay? Where have you been?" He fretted watching her with a look of concern and bewilderment . Confused to why she suddenly seemed as though nothing had ever happened .

The smile was still held bright as she met his weary eyes "I was at Cora's ." She lied easily "and I'm fine why do you ask ?" She replied innocently as she perched herself up on the kitchen counter , swinging her legs back and forth.

Leon gaped back at her "why do I ask ?" He repeated in disbelief "you had a blow out with my girlfriend and stormed out of the house . You didn't even come back ! Do you know how worried I was june?!" He ranted pacing in front of her .

Biting into her banana she watches him in faint humour "you must have been biting your nails father ." She muttered not buying his concern for a second .

Huffing at her sarcasm he turned to face her again , placing his hands on his hips firmly "what the hell even happened ? Sarah was furious ! Hell, she was even crying !" He said still in shock to how quickly things as turned sideways .

He should have been used to it by then but his skin seemingly still wasn't thick enough and his mind not as controlled as his daughters was .

He couldn't fathom were to even begin with her . One day she was the dream girl that he had hoped she would be . The next she was a nightmare that he wished he could get rid of .

It was 50/50. All of his bets were off.

June pulled a face "she was being dramatic . I should have been the one crying ." She told him with a raise of her brow "she called me a whore." She lied.

Her father paused and frowned over at her , his eyes widening "what?" He was dumbfounded .

She nodded her head with a purse of her lips "yup . I bet she didn't tell you that though did she ? She said that you told her that I was crazy too." She added to the makeup story in her head .

Leon snapped his mouth back shut "no I didn't ! She was the one throwing that awful word around not me!" He quickly spat taking a step towards her , his frown deepening .

Tilting his head at her worriedly "she told me that you had been tormenting her June. Is that true?" He needed to know .

June only snickered and fiddled with her satchel bag in her lap "of course not ! When would I have the time?" She played it safe looking at him as going she was offended.

"I'm always at work or with my friends dad! You know this!" She whined like she was upset , subtly unzipping her bag.

Leon sighed loudly and ran a hand tiredly over his face "I know . I know . I just - why would she say such a thing then? I thought she could be the one..." he trailed off sadly turning his back to her for a moment .

June quickly took out the small photo from her bag that she had stolen before silently dropping it by his feet .

She put on a sympathetic face as he turned back around looking like a man who was struggling between a lie and the truth .

June was trying so hard not to smile.

" I don't know." She shrugged with a frown " I don't think that she liked me . She wanted to pull us further apart . She looked at me like I was shit in her shoe daddy." She mumbled pouting her lip as she looked carefully down at her swinging feet .

Her father looked at her apologetically "I just can't believe all this ... I'm sorry that I let her make you feel this way june . You should have told me ." He sighed reaching over to pat her shoulder gently in comfort .

Lips twitching "it's okay . I know that you didn't mean it to happen ." She whispered then tilted her head with a curious hum "what's that?" She asked him pointing down at the photo beside his feet .

Leon followed her finger and frowned , leaning down to pick it up only to freeze as he looked down at the picture of Sarah and another man kissing .

Lips parting he swallowed "it's Sarah." He mumbled lips turning down as his hand shook slightly , unable to tear his eyes away from it . His heart squeezing in his chest as doubt began to quickly creep in .

"She must have dropped it before she stormed out yesterday ." He murmured swallowing as he slowly straightened back up , the picture still pinched tightly between his fingers .

June grimaced pitifully "I didn't want to say anything but..." she pretended to hesitate as he finally looked back over at her , vulnerable and his heart breaking right before her eyes .

"I saw her get into his car yesterday when Cora picked me up . I didn't want to tell you or make things worse . She already hates me enough ." She told him quietly, fidgeting with her hands .

His jaw quivering Leon attempted to smile back at her reassuringly , stiffening his upper lip .

"It's okay . Thank you for telling me June . I know that we don't always have the best relationship but I know that no matter what , we have each other . Blood is thicker than water and all that yeah ?" He laughed pathetically shoving the photograph roughly into his back Jean pocket .

June smiled gently and jumped down from the counter , wrapping her arms around her fathers neck loosely and giving him a brief hug .

"Of course . I've got your back dad." She whispered with a glint in her eye , Leon unable to see the threatening twist to her lips .

She didn't say how she would have his back . With a tip of a knife preferably.

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