Entangled Ménage (Ménage Seri...

By SophiaMills9

721 98 0

Mature Audiences: Everything happens in 3's, a murder, a lost love, and a fantasy, many years in the making... More

Entangled Ménage
Prologue - Jay
Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy
Chapter 2: The Club - Joe
Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal
Chapter 4: Vision - Jay
Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy
Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe
Chapter 7: Graduation - Cal
Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay
Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy
Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe
Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal
Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay
Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy
Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe
Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal
Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy
Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe
Chapter 18: Unreal - Cal
To My Readers

Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy

37 5 0
By SophiaMills9


While laying here in Mayhem's arms, after the incredible sexual experience that we just had, I feel Jay caress my back. Then, I am picked up and carried over to what sounds like a bubbling Jacuzzi. Slowly, I'm gently placed into the warm water and onto a seat with bubbles surrounding me. He climbs in and pulls me over to him. Mischief kisses are softer, gentler again, and I know for sure now. This is Jay.

I feel his shoulders, then run my fingers up through his hair and pull on it, as he holds me tight while kissing and caressing each other. For a while, we enjoy the water and he holds me close. My body relaxes as the bath soothes my muscles.

Then Mischief washes my body, every inch of me, diligently, and it feels so good.

The smell of lavender is in the air as he massages my body and cleans me as though I am a queen. Is he preparing me for more to come, or is this over?

Jay slides me in front of a powerful jet and I feel the water caress me, sending tiny little waves of elation while he rubs my thighs. He slides his hands up higher and holds me open as the jet sprays onto my very over-sensitive area.

"How does that feel, baby? Does it excite you, Amy? Just relax and let it massage all your muscles. Does it feel good, sweetheart?" Jay whispers wickedly as I gasp and feel my body tighten again.

My God, this is too much. Jay has turned into Mischief once again.

Gripping his hair, he pulls me open, and the feeling hits. Trying to move away, he holds me tight, right where he wants me, and I'm electrified. As I moan and cry out by the sensations, I feel his hot breath on me and know what is about to happen.

The orgasm explodes as I release again, more violently, while my body expels every ounce I had left. Mischief slowly closes my legs and holds me tight, while I try to catch my breath yet again.

His kisses are tender as he rubs my back and nuzzles my ear. Jay pulls me onto his lap. I feel his erection, but I can't take anymore. He nibbles on my neck while he slides his hand between my thighs and up into me.

Oh God, this is insane, and I have nothing left to give him. My head drops onto his shoulder as I hold on tight to his chest for the coming onslaught.

He gently massages me for a few moments, then slowly withdraws and says, "Just relax Amy, we are done, for now."

When the jets go silent, I think about what he just said... For now.

Then I hear the other man come walking over to us, and he whispers something to Jay. They help me stand up, then a towel is wrapped around me and my nearly lifeless body is lifted out of the tub.

Mayhem dries my body methodically, every inch and crevasse. This is so sensual and gentle, almost tenderly. I'm being cared for by Mayhem as he inspects his work.

Once he's satisfied, I'm carried over to the bed again. The towel is removed and there is that chill in the air again. He lays me down on the bed, my pillows are fluffed, and he covers me up with a very soft and luxurious fur comforter. That's when I panic.

What if they leave and I never get to find out who Mischief and Mayhem truly are, whether it is Jay or someone else?

Quickly I ask, "Wait, are you going to allow me to see you both before you leave?"

It's quiet for a moment and I think to myself, that came out a lot needier than I thought it would.

Mayhem answers, "Well, we are not through with you just yet, but we will talk about it and get back to you."

Oh, thank God, it's not over. Not that I feel like doing anything, but I'm not ready for it to end either. My body is sated, but I don't want my dream to end just yet.

"Amy, we want you to relax, maybe take a brief nap and we will be back in a few minutes." Mischief says and I nod.

Sadness fills me as I realize they are leaving me here alone again. What if they are lying and aren't coming back? Why do I let the past control my emotions? I need to say something quickly.

"Thank you for a wonderful time. I will remember this night forever. You both were so good to me. Thank you for bringing my dream to life." I say, and they both walk back and kiss me.

One kisses my hand while the other kisses my head.

"Amy, we are not through with you. We are just sure you need a break. Take a nap and we will be back. I promise." Jay says, and I must have a grin from ear to ear because they both start chuckling.

I turn over and answer, "Okay, you're right, I am a little tired and need some rest."

As they tuck me in, I feel better and believe my two men will return to me.

Then I hear the door open and close.

My god that was so amazing, I owe Beth big time for this session. My body feels tired and used, but in a good way. I'm pulsating everywhere, but it feels so good. It was everything I had ever dreamed of and then some. They were patient and took such good care of me. Like they knew what I needed at all times. I've never had so many orgasms in my life, that's for sure. My eyes are closing... I can't keep them open anymore.

Rolling over, I succumb to my body's needs.

When I wake up, the blindfold is off and as I look around the room, hoping to see these amazing men, but I'm surprised by my best friend. Beth is standing next to the bed, and she tells me something shocking. The boys are taking me somewhere and Beth says it's all part of her glorious plan. This makes me nervous, but she says that they want to spend the night with me and I'm not sure what to do or to say.

Yes, my parents are in hiding, but I'm in the middle of the Millhouse murder investigation. Then there is my dad's journal... Christ, how can I take time for myself right now?

"Amy, did you have a good time?" She asks.

I did, but this is different. Beth will not be there as my security.

Then my best friend tells me she will stay nearby, and that if I want her, she would be there in 2 minutes flat.

Still, I have so many responsibilities right now and I should do my job. I need to go to Mr. Millhouse's home, find Dave, talk to... Vin. Taking this time off was very unprofessional, but I needed to disappear. Do I deserve a break? Yes, but it's just such bad timing.

Before answering, I have to know, "Beth, is one man, your brother Jay?"

She tries to keep a straight face, but then giggles, and I have my answer.

"Hm... I'm not sure? I haven't seen him all day, so it's possible." Beth answers blissfully, and I smile at her knowingly.

So, Jay wants me to spend a little more time with him. How can I say no to that? I do owe it to him and myself to have some enjoyment. It's only a few more hours and waiting until the morning is not too much time lost. Plus, I am hiding out for my safety, technically...

"Okay Beth, I'll do it, but just until the morning. After that, I need to get some work done." I answer and then realize my mistake.

"What? You're here to work? You never told me that, Amy. What are you working on?" She asks, and I see the look.

Now I'm at a loss for what to say and I come up with, "It's not much, I just have to go to the federal building to look at some records of an old case for a coworker. It's nothing really and it shouldn't take me long, but after that, I want to hang out with you for a little while before going back." I answer innocently.

She looks at me and nods, but Beth doesn't believe a word I'm saying. She's going along with it for now, but I must tell her the truth soon.

"Okay, well, I brought you some clothes from the gift shop. Go take a shower and we will try these on and see what you think." Beth says.

As she holds up a candy apple red bustier, matching garter belt, stocking and heels, I look at her, and she giggles. Okay, that outfit looks outstanding. I love her and she is too good to me.

Quickly I say, "Thank you for always helping me to get out of my own way. For being the sister, that forever has my back and convinces me to do this session. It was an amazing moment in time for me, and I had the best time with them. Do you know the other man? He reminded me of... Well, it doesn't matter. I had a great time and thank you for doing this for me."

With a big smile on her face, she hugs me and hands me a robe. Then Beth walks out the door to give me some privacy.

Walking into the bathroom, I take a hot shower and think about all that has transpired. I reflect on our time together and my mind wanders to Vin.

Why is it I can never have a good time without him popping into my mind? When am I going to get over him and move on?

Clearing my thoughts, Jay returns and I flash to that wonderful night we had together. Then I think about the things he did to me today. Still feeling the effects of his ministrations, my mind wanders, and I try to put a face to my mystery man. I picture what he might look like doing those things to me. Then Vin reemerges as the other man again, and at that point, I get out of the shower.

Time to dry off and try on some new clothes.

Staring in the mirror, reality hits. Soon I will have to face Vin, and I don't want these sexual thoughts running through my mind while questioning him. I need to know who that man is, so when I see Vin tomorrow, hopefully, it won't be so hard on me.

When Beth returns, she does my hair while we discuss what just happened, to an extent. She has been hearing about my dreams since college so nothing will shock her, but some parts I will keep for myself. When we were roommates, Beth heard all about my dreams, so nothing surprises my best friend.

"So, it was everything you dreamed of... literally?" She asked, and I nodded with a smile on my face.

Looking at her in the mirror, she smiles back at me and I reply, "Yes, it was amazing, and I have to tell you something. For a while there, I thought it was Jay and Vin! Believing this, I felt myself relax, knowing they would take excellent care of me."

Beth's eyes get huge, and I realize that I probably should not have said that to her.

Quickly I add, "I'll admit, I was thrown a few times. When the one man called me Amelia, I thought it was Vin, and it was so shocking that I froze up. Then I realized you must have told them about my dreams and it made it more intense."

She looks at me and smiles strangely.

Shit, maybe Jay isn't here. There is something she is keeping from me.

We've discussed my dreams at length, for so long, that her photographic memory made this entire experience glorious. The only thing is, I'm worried about what they must think of me, and all of this. Those two seemed to be fine with it considering what we just did together, but I worry. If it is Jay, will he think poorly of me? It's not like I do this every day, or ever for that matter.

Probing for some information, I ask, "So, what did they say to you?"

"They both had an amazing time and the boys are not ready for it to end. You have blown their minds and I think they are just not ready to let you go yet. There, that's all I will say. The rest is up to the three of you." She answers, and I smile, feeling relieved.

That's all I needed to know for now. Beth holds up a cape and another scarf, but this one matches my new outfit.

Beth says, "Amy, you look gorgeous and..."

Her cell phone dings like a bell. She reads it and giggles.

"Okay, Miss Murray, they are ready for you. So, I will blindfold you again and walk you down to them. No employees are here, it's just us. Oh, and they wanted me to put these on you as well."

She holds up the handcuffs and my eyes must be huge because she laughs even harder than I have ever heard her laugh before.

"Oh, good Lord, help me. Okay, I guess." I answer hesitantly while holding out my wrists.

She smiles, reassuring me I'll be fine, and adds, "Can I just say how proud I am of you, for going along with all of this? I am also very flattered that you trusted me enough to continue. You know I did this because I love you girly and you deserve to be happy. Now, remember, if you need me, I am a phone call away. Enjoy yourself, Amy, and allow yourself to just let go."

Beth says this as she blindfolds me again. We walk out and head down the stairs. After the second step, I hear them both gasps and it excites me immensely.

They like what they see. I just hope I can continue to keep up with them.

When I get to the bottom of the stairs, my heel gets caught on the carpet and I fumble, but someone catches me. He holds me tight next to his firm muscular body, and it's Mayhem, not Jay.

He feels so warm and comfortable to me like my body fits in his embrace. The man takes my arm in his and he leads me through the lobby.

Jay says to me quietly, "Thank you, Amy, for honoring us with your trust. We both feel very privileged that you are willing to spend more time with us."

Hearing this, I nod and giggle as he kisses my hand, and I can't believe this is happening to me.

Mayhem whispers as he kisses my cheek, "We are completely captivated by your beauty and immeasurably grateful that you will come away with us tonight."

"I was very nervous at the beginning. You two helped me conquer my fear. Thank you both for being so good to me. You were more amazing than my fantasy could have ever been." I breathe, and one of them gently squeezes my arm as the other kisses me on the head.

Yes, I should work on my case, but a few more hours can't hurt. Mom and Jack wanted me to disappear for my safety. Well, I have, and I don't even know where we are going.

As they help me enter the vehicle, I realize that it's a big car or SUV. He has leather seats, and it feels very plush inside.

I remember Jay had a black Lexus, but this is a much larger vehicle.

Thinking back to that night, to my graduation. He did not come, but Jay was there for me. Beth said that he has wanted to get back together with me and she had hoped we would try again someday. Well, no time like the present. It must be Jay.

"Don't worry about anyone seeing you. The windows are tinted and no one can see inside the Escalade. Are you cold, would you like a blanket?" My Mayhem asks and I nod.

Within seconds, Jay covers me up in the back seat. He goes to leave, but I grab his hand and he chuckles.

"Amy, do you want me to stay back here with you?" Jay asks, and I nod at that as well.

This is so not like me, because I don't trust people, yet here I am, blindfolded and in the back of an Escalade, wearing lingerie. My body is trembling. I'm not freezing. A little chilled perhaps, but mostly elated and a little apprehensive as well.

Jay, or the man I believe is Beth's brother, puts his arm around me and I snuggle into him.

Am I crazy for doing this? Yes, probably. Knowing that Beth will be nearby makes me feel much better. I'm excited about my new adventure. My mind is on vacation for now and I'm just going to feel all of this and consume all the attention these two men wish to give me. Tomorrow I will get back to work and go to visit Mr. Calvin Roth.

As the car takes off, Jay grabs my hands and rubs them. He kisses them as he caresses my wrists. And it feels good. The cuffs are a little tight, but they are not bad. It's part of the fantasy and they are a very effective tool.

The boys are doing their job, stimulating me and making me feel a little scared, but I trust them.

Believing the man sitting next to me is Jay, the memory of our time in the woods behind Sigma Pi electrifies me. He rubs my breasts and kissing my neck. I hear him breathing, his hot breath on my neck is entrancing, and I am so aroused by this man again.

Picturing him that night, his beautiful face and amazing body, as he undressed before me in the moonlight. Our first time together was so wonderful. The smell of lavender in the air as we made love. He was so gentle and careful with me, just like he is now.

Yet still, I think of him.

Vin is never far from my thoughts. I know it's partially because of the case and all that I have read, but he is always there, lurking in my mind. Now tonight, after all of this, I see a very different side to Jay Goodwin.

He seemed calm, cool, and able to handle me very well. He is more dominant than I remembered, more structured, and stronger.

Being with these two, I could almost compare the two of them, and I found Jay would always protect me and keep me safe.

He is more my equal now. We are not looking to prove ourselves or hide our true nature. This is who we are, and I think he likes the real me. I just have to stay strong and not allow Vin to work his way back into my thoughts.

Jay asks, "Amy, is everything alright? Are you having second thoughts?"

"No, I'm fine, just a little tired is all. Is it a long drive to where we are going?" I ask.

Mayhem says from the front seat, "No, sweetheart, tonight, we will go back to my home and have dinner. Then in the morning, we will continue to our little hideaway for a few hours."

There it is again. That feeling and his tone reminding me... No, I have to get past this or these dreams will go on forever.

Feeling Jay next to me, I touch his leg, his stomach, shoulders, his neck. I reach up and feel the stubble along his jaw. These cuffs are making it difficult, but I need to feel him.

He is tangible. This man is sitting next to me, and he's real. I feel his warmth and his touch. Jay is not a little girl's high school fantasy. This man wants me, and I want him.

"That feels nice, Amy," Jay says quietly, and I continue touching him.

I let my fingers glide down to his lips, his cheek, and I wrap my handcuffed wrists around his neck and pull him in for a kiss. A deep sensual kiss, as he engulfs me in his big powerful arms. He then pulls me over onto his lap and continues kissing me for miles.

Hearing his moans, feeling his erection between my legs, and the urgent way we are kissing, Jay has pushed me past all of that nonsense. This is the here and now, not the past, but a new future.

At that moment, he tickles me and I laugh. Jay pushes me over and we are both laughing so hard that I can't catch my breath as he tortures me.

It feels like the car is all over the road, but it must be because of this blindfold.

He lays me down on the seat, and just as I think something is about to happen, he falls off me and we laugh all over again. Jay returns, running his fingers through my hair as we drive down the road.

"You are a vision, the girl of my dreams and my every desire," Jay says and then kisses me deeply again.

I'm becoming very enamored with this man. This will be a new beginning for Jay and me, now that we are older, more confident, and it's our time.

A little while later, we pull up into a driveway and the car stops. I'm a little edgy, but eager as well. They help me out of the car, and I felt apprehensive again.

Why am I so scared suddenly?

The boys bring me inside and sit me down on a very plush couch. It smells like flowers in here, and I wonder where we are. Not that we drove more than an hour.

Jay brings me a glass of wine. Smelling it, I know immediately that it's Mischief and Mayhem Chardonnay.

How perfect is this? It was introduced to me one evening at a wine tasting that Beth and I went to a few years back. I have loved this wine ever since. Beth orders me a case, once a year for my birthday, and this must be one of the bottles.

Taking a sip, I giggle a little.

If Jay only knew that I named him Mischief, he would find that rather comical.

Then I hear them scuffle around.

What are they up to?

After a few minutes, they take my now empty glass and escort me up the stairs.

Oh God, here we go again. I am so aroused and nervous but thrilled too.

They bring me into a room and sit me down gently on a bed. Hearing them walking around, I wait patiently for what is coming next.

That's when I hear my Mayhem say, "Amy, we are going to ask you some questions and if you are honest, I will remove one piece of clothing, but if you are not, I will put one piece back on and you will be punished. How does that sound, are you up for a little game?"

Mayhem is very confusing, and he keeps me off balance at every turn.

"Okay, I guess that will be alright," I reply.

Wait, punished?

Admittedly, I am a little concerned about the punishment part, but he starts easily, asking me if I am enjoying my time with them.

So, I reply, "Yes, I am having a wonderful time."

He praises me, removes my handcuffs, and calls me Amelia again, so I tense up. The next question is not so easy.

"Alright, number two, When I call you Amelia, you seem bothered. Isn't that your name?" Mayhem asks.

Now I am uncomfortable, so I will just be honest, but not as forthcoming.

"Um... Well, to be honest, most people call me Amy. So, when you called me Amelia, I was surprised that you knew my full name. Then I realized Beth told you it was part of my fantasy." I reply, and I'm rather impressed with myself that I came up with that so quickly.

There goes my cape.

"Question number three, Amy, why would you fantasize about someone calling you Amelia? Would you rather we both call you that?" Jay asks.

Shit, they will not let this go.

I answer, "Um... well, I guess... Oh God, how do I say this? It's because my ex-boyfriend called me Amelia and when he says my name, it reminds me of him. Please don't be angry or upset by my answer. I haven't seen him in years."

My heart races, and I need to calm down.

Mayhem is removing my shoes.

"Question number four, Amelia, do you like that it reminds you of him? Does it arouse you? Were you thinking of him as I made love to you?" He asks.

They just keep picking at it, like he's looking for a more in-depth answer. Did Beth tell them about Vin? Crap, I have to be honest, even if it hurts their feelings.

I explain that at first; I was scared, and that thinking of Jay and Vin made me feel better and more comfortable about the thing we were doing. If I didn't, I may have stopped the fantasy and would have ruined everything for myself.

I add quickly, "If you want to end this now, I understand, but I needed to be honest with you both."

There, I told them the truth and we will have to let the chips fall where they may.

He removes my bustier, button after button, and I can smell him. Once it's gone, I feel a chill and awkward, so I cross my arms to cover myself.

They are opening me up, and I feel very exposed, pun intended.

"Amelia, question number five. How often do you have these naughty little dreams and is your ex and this Jay person always the men doing naughty things to you?" He asks.

Shit, I am trying my best not to let this get to me, but he is poking at something he knows nothing about. I don't want to hurt Jay if he's even here. Oh God, this is so hard.

Quickly, I tell him the truth, that I'm almost always blindfolded, so I am never really sure who they represent in my dream. That the erotic beginnings come and go and it's very erratic, but there are normally two men tying me up and having their way with me. Then, I explain they were better than any fantasy I've ever had.

Mischief removes one of my stockings, and we are getting close now. I have little left on, and hopefully, this line of questioning will end soon.

Then Mischief asks me, "Amy, do you know who I am?"

Beth almost came out and told me, so I feel pretty confident that it's Jay, but I still could be wrong.

I reply the safest way I can, "I'm not positive and would rather not say because if I'm wrong, I do not want anyone to be embarrassed."

That's when I feel someone put the handcuff back on me. It was gentle, but I was confused.

I ask, "Why did you put them back on? I didn't lie to you."

"Amelia, you did not tell us the truth. You told us why you wouldn't tell us the truth. That is not the same now, is it?" Mayhem says, and I am afraid he is going to punish me.

Quickly I reply, "But I didn't lie to you, I was honest about why..." Then I admit I think it's Jay and hear him chuckle.

Oh, thank God, I was right. This time the cuffs stay and I lose the other stocking. My mind is filled with excitement to know he is here with me.

Mayhem tells me it was an excellent answer and then thanked me for being honest. He seems quiet now. Shaking it off. For now, I await the next question and I hear the doorbell instead.

No, oh no, did they invite more people over, oh God...

He says quickly, "Shit, Amelia, I'm sorry, baby. You're okay. We are upstairs in my bedroom and that is the Chinese food that I ordered for our dinner. It's your favorites, Szechuan Shrimp and Lobster Lo Mein. Sweetheart, please don't be upset. Jacob is already halfway down the stairs. You're okay, Amelia, I promise, baby." Mayhem says, and I know that voice.

How is this possible? The voice, the mannerisms, the kisses, the sex, the food, can it all be a coincidence... My God...

My mind is spinning. Getting up, I walk over to the sound of his voice. He grabs my hands and holds them up over my head.

Mayhem whispers, "Why do you have a problem with your own name, Amelia?"

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