Entangled Ménage (Ménage Seri...

By SophiaMills9

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Mature Audiences: Everything happens in 3's, a murder, a lost love, and a fantasy, many years in the making... More

Entangled Ménage
Prologue - Jay
Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy
Chapter 2: The Club - Joe
Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal
Chapter 4: Vision - Jay
Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy
Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe
Chapter 7: Graduation - Cal
Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay
Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy
Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe
Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal
Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay
Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy
Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe
Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal
Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy
Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe
Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy
To My Readers

Chapter 18: Unreal - Cal

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By SophiaMills9


Laying here in bed with the woman from my dreams, my mind is finally at peace. My body is sated. I feel good about myself and what we have just done together. Gone is the anger of losing her to another, or of missing out on a life we could have had because she will be mine once more. Amelia is in my arms. She is touching me, caressing my chest, and even though she does not know it yet, I am here with her.

Right now, I want to talk to Amelia, tell her everything, but this is for her, not for me, not yet. Amelia and I have waited this long, so a few more hours of her fantasy will be fine.

Something must have changed for her to stay single. Maybe her memory of me and the life we could have stopped her from doing something so wrong.

Why did I leave, running away solved nothing? It just prolongs the inevitable and what will be will be. It was time wasted, the time I lost with her and for that, I felt sorrow. But not today, not right now. At this moment, we are together and I will do everything in my power to keep her here with me.

It's so peaceful, laying here rubbing her back. Deciding to free her hair, I let it down without disturbing her blindfold. Fanning it out and running my fingers through it, I enjoy the sensation and it always relaxed me.

After a few minutes, Jacob returns and mouths the words, "You okay?"

I nod, releasing my hold on her.

Feeling a bit dazed by what we have just done, he reaches for Amelia. Jacob helps her off of me and carries her over to the Jacuzzi. I just need a moment to regroup and relish what we have just accomplished. My mind is reeling, Amelia is back. Now how am I going to tell her it's me?

While I lay here thinking about all that has just occurred, I worry it will upset her when Amelia realizes the truth. It's not like this was my idea. I assumed she was married to that jerk by now, with kids and a house in the country. I wonder if she is divorced or if they ever got married. That guy seemed like a total ass. But then again, if some other man showed up to my fiancée's graduation carrying a dozen red roses, I would be an asshole too. Christ, my mind is all over the place and I need to think this through.

God, what a terrible day that was... The plans I had made and the presents I bought her, only to find out that she had moved on and met someone else. It completely wrecked me after that and was so upset that I couldn't even tell Jacob what had happened. It's not every day that you plan to ask someone to marry you. Hell, the Lamborghini that I bought her as part of her graduation present is still parked in my garage. I was going to trade it in, but couldn't let it go. I bought it brand new in 2007 and it's 7 years old, but it's still like new because I've been gone so long.

Watching her walk up on stage as the Summa Cum Laude and speaking to the entire auditorium, I was so proud of her. Then I met her fiancée at her dorm, and my world fell apart. The guy looked all wrong for her; he was not what I thought she would be attracted to, but she was spoken for, so I bowed out and walked away for her.

I should have found her and fought for her, but I didn't. I let her go. That was a terrible mistake, and I will not be giving up so easily this time.

Laying here in bed, I hear her moan and know Jacob is doing his water sports. They are around the corner, but I can hear her sweet little sounds.

She is like a siren drawing me to her.

Swinging my legs over the edge, I stand up slowly and slip on my boxers. As I walk into the room, I see her naked and dripping wet as she gasps for air.

The man never stops. He loves torturing women with water jets.

Walking up to them, Jacob smiles at me wickedly.

Oh boy, he is in a mood and I understand why... It's her. There is something about Amelia, and Jacob sees it too.

I chuckle and whisper, "Do you want to go downstairs and talk, while she relaxes for a bit? She must be exhausted."

He nods, so I grab a towel to dry off our sweet girl. Jacob steadies her as I wrap the big white fluffy bath sheet around her amazing body. Lifting her out, I dry her off and the feeling of her wet, naked body in my arms again is like heaven. Softly, I caress her skin and dry each little water droplet. Looking her over, Amelia's hair got a little wet. But it will dry the rest of the way in that big warm bed.

Wrapping the towel tightly around her, I carry Amelia back into the other room.

How I would love to lie down with her, but Jacob and I must talk.

Fluffing her pillows and tucking her in, we stand there staring at this beautiful creature before us.

"Wait! Are you going to allow me to see you both before you leave?" She asks in the sweetest voice.

I look at Jacob, and he shrugs his shoulders while nodding.

"Well, we are not through with you just yet, but we'll talk about it and get back to you," I say jokingly and she smiles.

Jesus Christ, this woman has me wrapped around her finger already, and I would give her the moon if she asked for it.

Jacob looks at me and is surprised by how I am reacting to her. I must look like a love-sick puppy, and that is not something my friend has ever seen.

Normally, when we take a woman together, I honestly feel nothing for her, which sounds bad, but it's completely true. I enjoy her and she enjoys me, but I clarify that I'm not looking for a relationship. Jacob has dated a few of them, but not me, never. My heart belonged to one person, Amelia.

Looking back, I consider climbing back into bed with her. I know she needs to relax for a little while, plus Jacob and I need to talk, but it's very tempting. Amelia looks like a princess, in this giant four-poster bed, with the big white comforter, but also a little sad.

Jacob sees this and says, "Amy, we want you to relax, maybe take a brief nap and we will be back in a moment."

He smiles and we walk toward the door.

"Thank you for a wonderful time. I will remember this night forever. You both were so good to me, thank you for bringing my dream to life." She whispers, and we both return to Amelia and kiss her.

I take her hand and kiss it, while Jacob kisses her on top of the head.

"Amy, we are not through with you. We are just letting you have a break. Take a nap and we will be back. I promise." Jacob adds, and she has the cutest look on her face, so we both start chuckling again.

Then she rolls over, facing us, and says, "Okay, you're right, I am a little tired and need some rest."

Quickly, I check on her blindfold, and we tuck her in again. Looking at her for a moment, I glance at Jacob, and then we leave.

I know she has always had a fear of being abandoned, so I hate to do this, but we need to discuss what just happened. After all, he was the one who invited me to join this little get-together this evening.

Walking down the staircase, neither of us says a word. Jacob seems like he is wrestling with something and is acting differently tonight. Beth was the one fixing him up with her best friend, so I wonder if he even knows her.

Actually, this was the first time that I saw him act excited about being set up with someone. Maybe he has met Amelia before tonight.

Now that I think about it, Jacob acted nervous on the phone when he called me, but I put little thought into it considering all that has gone on today. When he called me a few hours ago and asked me to join as his third, I was not sure I could make it, but after all this time I had to come.

Amelia seemed relaxed until I came into the room. Does she know him? These past few years he has been on his own, so they may have met. He never talked about meeting anyone named Amy or Amelia, but Jacob is acting differently with her.

We walk into the speakeasy bar area and there she is, in all her glory, Beth Goodwin standing behind the bar. Being so late, I did not see her when I arrived. Jacob had texted me the backdoor code and which room to go into once I finally got here. He said to come in through the back entrance, up the stairs to the Blue Room, and that he would leave the door open for me. Jacob also explained on the phone that this was a surprise for Lizzy's best friend, so to take it slow with her. And what a surprise this turned out to be, for all of us.

Beth looks at us with a smile. She doesn't recognize me at first, but she will in a moment. I've changed a lot. Working on an oil rig will do that to you. Plus, I'm wearing my contacts tonight as always.

We walk up to her and take a seat at the bar. Amazingly, she has barely changed at all. Beth has her long blonde hair up in a bun and she has a very cool-looking gold shimmery dress on tonight. The girl is beautiful, but she can't hold a candle to my Amelia.

Christ, I need to stop thinking that way. What if she wants Jacob and not me? I need to know what is truly going on around here tonight.

With a big smile, Beth asks Jacob exuberantly, with a gleam in her eye, "So, how did it go? Is she okay?"

We both nod, and that's when she looks at me more closely. I see the realization hit her.

"Oh My God! Vinny?" She exclaims in complete surprise.

And there it is...

Beth shouts, "Oh my God, does she know? How did she take it? Holy Crap!"

"You haven't changed a bit, Beth, it's good to see you," I answer.

We hug each other over the bar. She smiles and then looks at her brother with a concerned look on her face. Watching Jacobs's expression, he looks stunned.

I'm sure he's wondering about all of this, and so am I now.

It's time to explain, so I do. "Jacob, I have not been completely honest with you. Where do I start? I'm so sorry, but my mind is still reeling and I don't want you to be angry with me before I explain it all."

Jacob looks at me in bewilderment and is waiting for me to continue. So is Beth.

"My actual name is Calvin Roth, not Caleb Rothschild, and I've wanted to tell you the truth so many times, but it worried me you'd be pissed that I lied to you. It's not that I didn't trust you, but in college, I was hiding from the paparazzi."

They both look at me in confusion, so I add, "When we met, it was such a crazy time that I kept my true identity hidden from everyone."

Jacob is quiet for a moment, then he looks at Beth and back at me. He is trying to piece this together and seems a little mad, but this is all so bizarre.

Jacob says to me, "Okay Calvin Roth, I have to say something..."

Beth shakes her head no, then looks at the floor while I wait for him to say his piece.

Does she think he is going to lose it on me or something? Well, if he did, I couldn't blame him. Why didn't I just tell him the truth?

Jacob says, "I understand why you didn't tell me at first, with everything going on at the house, but after all this time? You could have confided in me. I thought we were friends. It's been 9 years since we met. We were close and then you up and left. What the hell happened?"

He looks me in the eye, wanting an answer, and continues. "We still kept in touch, but you just took off without a word. Then you reappear with a two-word text, I'm back and..."

"I know, Jacob, and I'm sorry about doing that to you. It was a hard time for me and I was going to tell you, but everything fell apart. My life to date has been one mishap after another, but there is no excuse and I should have explained myself to you a long time ago... Can you forgive me for being an asshole and not confiding in my best friend?" I ask while looking into his eyes and wishing I'd done things so differently.

Jacob answers, "Cal, you are my best friend and I guess you had your reasons."

He looks at Beth and then back at me, and adds, "I need you to be honest with me now. I know that you two have a history and even though I care for Amy a great deal, I will not stand in your way. She..."

Yeah, I cut him off.

"Jacob, yes, Amelia and I have a history, but that doesn't mean that I am laying claim to her. Trust me, she has her own ideas and whatever she wants I will go along with, as long as I'm still involved. I still care for her very much, but it's up to her, how we all proceed. If she will continue like this, I think I'll be fine with it because you and I can handle a relationship like this, don't you think? Are you okay with this?" I ask and wait for him to reply.

Beth's jaw is on the floor as she looks at her brother. I've never seen her so quiet, but this is all very bizarre.

Jacob replies, "I don't know how I feel or what to think. She is amazing and special to me. We had one amazing night together before today and I have been waiting to see her again for years. I know your feelings run much deeper than mine, but she is a remarkable woman and I would love to know her better. I thought tonight might change things between us, that's why I invited you, because Cal, you've never cared about any of the women we were with, until now. I'll be honest, I was hoping to have her in my life after tonight. I've missed her and thought this was our time to start again." Jacob says, and I am blown away.

The word shock doesn't even come close to how I am feeling right now. This is unreal. Listening to Jacob, I'm floored by his statement, and I'm trying to understand what he is trying to say. None of it makes sense to me. What is he talking about, and how did they meet? He is my friend, and she is the woman I love. Jacob wants Amelia to be a part of his life? How does he know her? There are so many questions filling my mind, so I decide to start with the most important to me.

"Waiting to see her again for years? You met her before... Where?" I ask more loudly than I intended.

He answers, "I went to Lizzy's and Amy's graduation with my parents. Before the ceremony, we met, and I was awestruck by her."

Holy Shit!

"Mom and Liz had talked to me about Amy for years, but she took my breath away when I saw her for the first time. We went to dinner and then afterward there was a graduation party at Sigma Pi. Amy, Liz, and I went to the get-together and something happened." He says, and I can feel my fists clenching.

I must keep calm, but my thoughts are spinning out of control.

He continues, "Cal, you need to understand. I had heard so much about her and Liz told Amy all about me, so it was like we knew already knew each other, but we hadn't actually met. She was upset about some guy at the party giving her a hard time, so we left there and spent some time getting to know each other."


"Her laugh was amazing. She is so smart and funny that I fell for her in that instant. Amy was everything Liz and mom had told me and more. We went into the woods and had the most amazing sex of my life. My God, that was such an outstanding and rather enlightening night." Jacob says, and I'm trying to keep my cool, but even I have my limits.

"Are you serious? What the fuck? Some guy told me he was engaged to her, that she went to dinner with her parents. Who the hell was that?" I shout out in fury.

Jacob and I both turn to look at Beth.

She looks completely shocked by all of this and says, "You were there? You came to the graduation! She was so upset that you didn't come. Engaged, no, she was never... Oh my God... No, that fucking bastard. It was Kevin, that son of a bitch! Amy is going to be furious when she finds out. She was never engaged to him, or anyone. That man, you met was Kevin, her stalker. He would follow her everywhere and tell anyone who would listen, that they were together. The asshole would threaten any guy who came near her."

Listening to Beth, I am so angry that I'm having a hard time dealing with all of this rage within me, but I need to know the truth.

She continues, "Amy dated him for a little while, then realized he was a psychopath, so she broke it off with him. Kevin still wouldn't leave her alone, so she had to get an order of protection against him. We thought he had finally stopped, but I guess not. He was there that night of the party and upset Amy so much that Jacob knocked him out cold. That was the last time we heard from Kevin."

I look at her, and I have no words.

Beth adds, "Then again, in the past couple of days, Amy was working a case and there was a 20-foot-tall, fully naked portrait of her, painted on a wall, in an alleyway, next to Dominic's, in Philly. She thinks Kevin did it, the rat bastard."

I'm trying to process all the information she has just said, and I am dumbfounded.

Finding my words, I exclaim, "So she was never engaged. She went out to dinner with you, your parents, and Jacob, the night of her graduation. Okay, so this entire time I thought she was happily married with 2.5 kids and so on, but it was a lie from her stalker. Well, that's just fucking fantastic!"

Beth looks upset by my outburst, but I don't care right now.

"So, some guy lied to me. She was never engaged, Jacob fucked her in the woods, and our entire night that I planned out, months in advance, all went to shit. Well, God Fucking damn it... Wait, what was that about a naked portrait of her..." I exclaim as I slam the drink down that Beth poured me while I was ranting.

Jacob asks, "Wait, what did you plan, Cal? Oh, hold on a minute. When I came home, I was bummed because she said that she didn't want to get into a relationship right then and you were... a mess that night. We went on a screw-fest and then you took off. Now I only hear from you once or twice a year. That's why you were so upset that night? You were in a rage, and that's why I didn't tell you about Amy. You were in no mood to talk to me about anything. Cal, why didn't you tell me, you stupid son of a bitch?"

Jacob looks angry and I just sit there, completely astounded by all of this bullshit.

I glance over at him and I'm not ready to share this, so I just say it in defeat.

"It was nothing, just had a nice evening planned for us to celebrate her graduation. I set up a suite at the Nittany Lion Inn and some other stuff. That's not the point, I gave up and I shouldn't have." I reply as my stomach twists.

Everyone is quiet as I sit here and try to resolve the fact that I should have not left without finding her, but he knows there is more to the story. Jacob looks at me, but I'm not budging on this one, not yet anyway.

Beth says, "Well, I'll tell you this much Vinny, she has never forgotten you or your time together and has always cared for you."

I smile, well it's something.

Beth seems upset. She looks down at the ground and then pours us another. She was hoping to get Jacob and Amelia together tonight, and I have ruined her plans.

"Holy crap... she's the one at the pond, on that July 4th weekend!" Jacob exclaims, and I look at him.

I reply, "Yes, I told you about that. It was our last day together."

I'm confused by his enthusiastic outburst.

He says, "No, the pond, the Heath Grove pond. You two were the couple I saw having sex. It was July 4th weekend, and it was the two of you! You're Vin! My God, how is this all possible?"

Beth and I watch him as Jacob's mind races.

"I watched the two of you have the most erotic and intense sex that I have ever seen in my life, all those years ago. I didn't have my contacts yet, and I wasn't wearing my glasses so you both were blurry, but I'll tell you something. That was the most inspiring sex scene that I have ever witnessed. This entire time, it was my best friend and Amy. How crazy is all of this?" Jacob exclaims, as though a lightbulb had just been illuminated.

I look at him and remember what he had told me.

He adds, "She called you Vin that day and I never put it together until just now. What the hell, this is just so bizarre!"

My best friend sits there completely shocked by his epiphany, and I don't even know what to say.

After a minute or two I look at him and reply, "So, my best friend is a peeping tom..."

I laugh and can't stop. Jacob laughs too, and Beth looks at us like we're nuts. She sets down the drinks and I slowly sip this one.

I do not want to get drunk, because we have a lot to do tonight if we continue down this road. I must have my wits about me and keep my emotions in check.

Jacob asks, "So now what do you want to do, Cal? Should we come clean or keep her blindfolded and make her wait a little longer?"

I look at him and have no clue at this point how to proceed.

Beth answers for me, "Not yet. Keep her blindfolded a little longer. Ever since she left Pinerest, Amy has had dreams about two men taking her and this is her fantasy. Let her enjoy it a little longer. Hey Jacob, take her to the cabin on the pond. How amazing for her to find out the two of you have been her fantasy men for real? This is going to blow her mind and I want her to enjoy this moment for longer than just a couple of hours."

Jacob answers, "I don't know, Lizzy."

"I'll tell her this was all part of the plan. That you are kidnapping her and taking her to a beautiful hideaway. I'll explain that it's all been planned out by me and that I will be minutes away if she needs me. All she has to do is just call and I will be there in a flash. I could stay with mom and dad, but I don't want to explain what we are up to, so I'll just stay at that motel in town." Beth states.

I'd love to have this last longer, but look what it took to get here.

Beth adds, "Give her this time to enjoy her fantasy. After all, she deserves this and so much more than a few hours of her fantasy. Then tomorrow morning you can reveal yourselves to her. Otherwise, she will come up with some excuse to run away or ruin this for herself. Trust me, I know Amy better than the two of you put together. I am going to pack up her clothes and that damn phone that never stops ringing. Christ, it was driving me nuts, so I muted it finally. You three are going to have a wonderful time together and enjoy yourselves."

Beth smiles excitedly, and I look at Jacob to see his thoughts on the matter.

"It sounds good to me if we can talk her into it," Jacob says, as I then nod.

Beth claps her hands and rubs them together.

"Leave it to me. I will discuss this with her. Now, I better go up. She will not sleep forever. There are some supplies in the closet behind the stairs. Take whatever you want and then hit the gift shop. Just leave me a list of whatever you take. I'm doing inventory tonight before I head out. Oh, text my cell when you are ready and I will bring her downstairs to you." Beth says excitedly.

I am shocked that she is willing to do this for us, well actually, for her brother, but now I'm involved.

"Beth, why are you doing this? I know she's your friend, but..." I ask.

She gives me a wicked smirk and says, "Because Amy can't get out of her own way. I love her like a sister, but she never puts herself first, and it's time she enjoys life a little more. That's why I set this up and so far, so good! Hey, Jay, before I head upstairs, can I see you for a moment."

Beth says this as she walks out of the bar.

Jacob answers, "Sure sis, be right there."

They talk for a minute or two as I finish up my drink. When Jacob walks back in, he has a strange look on his face, but today has been so crazy.

She was probably making sure he was okay with me being involved.

Jacob finishes his drink as well, and we head over to the large storage closet. Guess I forgot where we were because I'm surprised that it is full of several kinds of naughty toys.

Amelia is going to have tons of fun tonight.

"Do you think we still need to go to the gift shop? What else could there possibly be in there?" I ask Jacob, and we laugh.

Both of us walk over to the store, which is located down the hall, under the stairs. Looking around at this place, I amazed by how luxurious this club is and wonder about its clientele.

They must have some very influential people who come here, and Beth seems to love her job.

Stepping inside the gift shop, we look around. And I was wrong. There are lots of fun things in here too. Jacob and I about filled the back of the Escalade with several new toys.

Thank God Amelia's going to be blindfolded, so she doesn't see all of her extra presents.

When we walk back inside, Jacob texts his sister's cell phone to tell her we're loaded up and ready for her.

All I can think is, I am spending this entire night with Amelia. 

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