the king and his bride |

By x_linn_

274K 15.5K 8.1K

[discontinued] "He must be quite fond of you if he's calling for you even in the middle of the day." "I don't... More

TKAHB universe


2.5K 192 164
By x_linn_

All yours

3. person

The bright moon behind the giant windows that reached both ceiling and the ground was the only source of lighting in the cold corridors as Taehyung made his way up the staircase, aiming for his room after a long day of work.

The echo of his steps resonated all around, creating an eerie atmosphere, yet not as disturbing as Taehyung's mind at that moment.

It felt too depressing returning to his room when he knew Chaeyoung wouldn't be there waiting for him. A cold night full of restlessness was awaiting him and as much as he tried to prolong his day with work, his mind didn't work clearly enough for him to get anything done anymore.

As he was about to start climbing from the second floor, another pair of steps echoed on the other side of the dark corridor and he stopped in his tracks, wondering who would be roaming around the place at three in the morning.

To his surprise and distaste, it was Jeon Jungkook, walking with a sling bag around his slouched shoulder and his head to the ground.

Turning to him, Taehyung observed the boy before speaking up.

''You're leaving already?'' Startled, Junkook looked up from his thoughts, stopping in his tracks at the sight of the king himself, ''I thought Seokjin prepared a room for you to sleep in for tonight?''

Gulping, Jungkook looked the emperor in the dark pits of his eyes.

''Yes, that is right, your majesty. However, something came up and I need to leave immediately.'' Taehyung nodded, observing the younger with an empty look.

''I see, that is unfortunate. I hope you enjoyed your stay, at least.'' Jungkook nodded immediately, clutching the sling of his bag so tightly his knuckles turned white.

''Yes I did very much, thank you.''

Suspiciously, Taehyung watched the younger, noticing the guilt in his features. However, he did not dwell on it too much, not wanting to talk to him any longer for it was only his exhaustion that kept him from unleashing his true emotions.

''Very well, then, I won't tardy you much longer. I hope you have a pleasant trip.''

''Thank you, your majesty,'' Jungkook bowed down and was about to walk around him when he stopped in his tracks, turning back around.

''Please give my regards to Chaeyoung and tell her I'm sorry I couldn't say bye to her.'' And with that he descended the stairs, leaving Taehyung watching after his back with a frown.

What could have been so urgent he couldn't say his goodbyes to Chaeyoung personally?

''Jin, you could have at least let me finish my breakfast you doofus,'' whined Jisoo, getting dragged by inpatient Seokjin to the fourth floor.

''You will finish it later,'' and with that, he opened the door to the smallest room on the floor, entering the cozy little library with its own bar in the middle, the familiar room making Jisoo smile softly.

Seokjin used to take her up there a lot back in the day, it's where they usually got the most privacy from all the snooping people in the palace.

Closing the door after them, Seokjin pulled her to one of the leather couches to sit down.

There was a short silence before he turned towards her slowly, gnawing at his lip anxiously.

''Did you sign it?'' Jisoo watched him quietly before reaching for her pocket and taking out the folded arrangement.

''I did,'' she handed it to him with a small smile and Seokjin couldn't help the wide grin splitting his face.

And neither could he help reaching out for the girl and hugging her tightly to his chest.

Surprised, Jisoo blushed in his hold before bringing her arms up slowly, hugging him back.

They stayed like that for a while before Seokjin spoke.

''Jisoo I'm so very sorry.'' The girl pursed her lips, holding him tighter as she felt tears at the corners of her eyes, ''I was such an idiot this whole time, scared of God knows what when all this could have been avoided so much earlier.''

''It's alright. We both have been scared of what the future would hold for us if we followed our hearts. I was a coward too. Instead of wanting to work this out I avoided you and have been mean to you in an attempt to cover up my own feelings for you. I was so stupid.'' The first tear fell and Seokjin pulled back a bit, holding her face in his hands tenderly.

''Don't say that So-ah, you had all the right reasons to be upset with me. And you were right. It wasn't the right time to get back together if we didn't dare to fight for it. But I'm willing to now. I don't want to ever be apart from you from now on. I love you. I always have but now I want to prove it to you. Will you let me prove it to you?'' he looked into her teary eyes desperately, searching for the answer.

Yet, Jisoo was too busy sniffing and swallowing down her cries of relief to answer him properly. And so she hugged him tightly once again, hiding her face in his chest.

''Shhhh, don't cry darling, everything's alright,'' cooed Seokjin softly, petting her hair in reassurance.

''All this time I've been waiting for this moment. I've missed you so much, I was slowly going crazy thinking we would never make things better again. And now-now-'' Seokjin shushed her gently, the girl was a stuttering mess as tears continued to roll down her cheeks, wetting his shirt.

''I know, I know. It's been a long time but we will make up for it all. I will make up for it all, I promise.''

The two stayed in silence as Jisoo slowly calmed down, relaxing against his chest while Seokjin stroked her hair, watching Jisoo's signature on the paper in his hand with a small smile.

''But I want us to go slow.'' Seokjin raised his eyebrows, looking down at her who was already done crying, wiping her cheeks with her sleeves as she slowly pulled away.

''Slow?'' Jisoo looked up at him, nodding.

''Yes, after all, I still am a bride in official terms. It would be dangerous if anyone suspected something.'' Seokjin nodded, sighing heavily.

After all these months without her, he just wanted to have her already but he understood her concerns and agreed with her fully. It would cause a lot of trouble if the wrong person got evidence of them being together. And the last thing Seokjin wanted was to mess things up just when they started to turn back around for the better.

''You're right. We need to stay lowkey till the next Bride fest in two months,'' he heaved, ''although it will be god damn difficult,'' he muttered to himself grumpily, however, Jisoo heard, smiling smugly.

''You waited this long, I'm sure you will be able to keep your hands to yourself for few more weeks,'' she chuckled, patting his cheek playfully.

Seokjin glared at her before grinning mischievously, making Jisoo narrow her eyes.

''Are you sure about that?'' he mused and grabbed her wrist, pulling her down on her back on the couch.

Jisoo squealed, laughing.

''What are you-no stop!'' she laughed as he covered her face in little kisses, holding her down.

And so, after painful months of separation, the two were back together as if nothing ever came in their way in the first place.

Chaeyoung was roaming the palace gardens with little Hank jumping around her legs, enjoying his time outside chasing butterflies and whatnot.

And while Hank was having the time of his life, the same couldn't be said for Chaeyoung who was walking around with a permanent frown on her face, looking down to the ground and occasionally looking up, hoping to spot her best friend.

But she never did.

From what she was told, Jungkook was supposed to stay the night at the palace and leave that day around noon. But since the morning, no one could find him. His room was empty of his stuff, meaning he must have left.

But why?

He didn't mention anything to Chaeyoung yesterday night and she couldn't think of anything that could make him leave earlier.

And the more she looked around the gardens in hopes to see him by a miracle, the gloomier she got.

Jungkook was nowhere to be seen.

Sighing in disappointment she took little stumbling Hank in her arms, ready to go back to the palace to announce to her friends that he is, in fact, gone.

Yet just when she turned around, she noticed Taehyung standing not far off, watching her.

Taehyung was on his way to the pond to clear his head when he saw Chaeyoung wandering around, the little dog from the day before stumbling around her legs clumsily with little yaps.

At the sight of her, he didn't know whether to turn around and let her be or approach her.

He was curious about what she thought of his gifts. Taehyung had to admit he felt nervous thinking about it. Did she like them? Did she throw them away? Something told him his Chaeyoung wouldn't do a thing like that but it was a possibility.

Before he could figure himself out the girl turned around, noticing him.

He watched the surprise bloom in her gentle features before she looked around and then back at him, probably contemplating what to do in this situation.

Not wanting to keep her in her misery and longer Taehyung was about to turn around and walk off when she took a slow step his way, making him stop in his tracks, the little skip of his heart's beat making him take in a sharp breath.

She stopped in front of him shyly with the little dog in her arms, watching the ground, not sure what to say.

''It's a really nice day for a walk,'' he started off, ''I'm guessing you're taking an advantage of that just like I am?''

Chaeyoung looked up at him, giving him a small smile.

''You're right. I was actually looking for someone as well but...'' she faltered, realizing she probably shouldn't mention the subject of Jungkook in front of Taehyung.

But Taehyung already caught up watching her guilty expression, sighing heavily.

''You're looking for your friend?'' Chaeyoung widened her eyes.

''W-well, I...''

''You don't have to hide it from me anymore,'' he reassured, pursing his lips, ''I thought we already discussed that.'' Watching him, Chaeyoung was relieved at the little, apologizing smile on his face. She nodded shyly.

''You're right. Yes, I was looking for Jungkook. He was supposed to stay till today noon but I guess he left early,'' she muttered, the sorrow dripping from her voice awakening the bitterness in him but he held it back.

''He left early in the morning,'' Chaeyoung widened her eyes at Taehyung, ''I met him in the corridors when he was leaving. Said something urgent came up and he couldn't stay any longer. However, he said he's sorry for he couldn't say goodbye to you before his departure.''

Chaeyoung frowned, holding Hank tightly to her chest.

''Did he say what was so urgent?''

''I'm afraid not,'' replied Taehyung and Chaeyoung nodded solemnly, the frown never leaving her face.

She wondered what could it be? As far as she knew, he didn't find himself a job yet. Could it be Mrs Lee? Did she send a letter to him? Or maybe Soojin?

''I'm sorry you had to separate like this.'' Chaeyoung shook her head, laughing it off weakly.

''It's alright, hopefully, I will see him again soon.'' Taehyung nodded his head stiffly before looking away.

He needed to get rid of this stupid jealousy soon, he realized. It was so vulnerable, so easy to spur, it did him no good.

Looking back to Chaeyoung, he focused on the little dog sitting in her arms, tongue out, looking at him with its big round eyes.

''Who's this guy?'' he asked, motioning to the pup before looking up at Chaeyoung who was already looking at the little puppy fondly.

''That's Hank. He is my birthday present from Jungkook,'' she chuckled, scratching him behind his ears.

At that Taehyung scowled grumpily, looking back down at the animal.

''You better teach him how to behave, I don't want an untrained dog running around the palace,'' he grumbled and despite his bitter mood, Chaeyoung chuckled, letting the puppy back down to the ground.

''Don't worry, I will train him well,'' she grinned, looking him in the eyes.

And with a single smile, the coldness behind his eyes melted away, leaving them soft and welcoming. She had that effect on him and although he was already getting used to it, the grip she had on him still felt odd.

It was unlike him being this easily controlled.

Running his eyes from her face to her neck, Taehyung's breath hitched in his throat as he noticed the familiar gold necklace laying atop her collarbone.

Noticing where Taehyung was looking at, Chaeyoung grabbed the little heart pendant shyly, looking down to the ground.

''Thank you for your gifts. I really liked them.''

Shaking off the trance, he looked back at her eyes, parting his lips.

''I'm glad,'' he breathed.

There was a short silence and Chaeyoung couldn't feel more awkward. Remembering how shamelessly she went off on him that evening made goosebumps of embarrassment run up her spine, making her cringe inside.

She needed to fix this.

''Taehyung,'' she breathed in, closing her eyes as she tried to collect her thoughts, ''I'm really sorry for the other day. I didn't mean to be so...irrational and mean and all just came out in the heat of a moment, I was upset with you, with my parents, with myself...I didn't mean to, I really didn't, please-'' but Taehyung didn't give her the chance to finish, pulling her to him by the back of her head and crashing his lips against hers impatiently.

She had absolutely no reason to apologize. No reason to feel like this because Taehyung knew it was all his fault, all his mistakes and he couldn't have her apologize any longer.

Startled, Chaeyoung watched as he detached himself momentarily, breathing heavily.

''Don't apologize my love, please don't. Nothing is your fault and I won't stand any longer you thinking it is. I made a mistake and you had all the right to react the way you did. I am the one asking for your forgiveness. I failed your trust in me but that won't happen again, I promise. I promise on my fucking title of the emper-'' widening her eyes Chaeyoung shushed him with her finger on his mouth.

''You shouldn't say things like that! That's a huge promise to make and-''

''I mean it,'' he retorted, determined.

Looking him in the eyes, Chaeyoung swore she could melt on the spot. He really was determined to keep his promise. The thought forced a bashful smile on her lips, the sight making Taehyung smile as well before he pulled her in for another kiss.

This time, Chaeyoung returned the kiss as well, pulling him closer by his shirt.

However, a low rumble of whispers from somewhere behind them made them part from the kiss. Taehyung looked behind him and cursed softly, seeing some aristocrat men watching them from the distance.

Turning back around he took Chaeyoung's hand gently and pulled her with him, Hank following right behind the two.

''Where are we going?'' pondered Chaeyoung, looking up at him in confusion.

''Somewhere more private.''

A few moments later, they were near a small pond at the back of the palace, the thick jungle of trees Chaeyoung was unfortunately so familiar with by now was not far off. And there was no sight of a single soul around, making it, in fact, a very private space at the moment.

The two sat next to each other on a boulder near the little forgotten pond, little Hank already playing in the shallow water near.

They stayed silent at first, listening to the birds chirping in the tall trees nearby, listening to the distant cries and laughter of little children. And at that moment, they both felt utterly at peace.

And they both realized it was the kind of peace they only experienced in each other's presence. It was the peace of knowing they had the other near, and there was no one else to bother them around. No one else to disturb the little bubble of warmth and comfort and familiarity they created around each other.

''I'm sorry for forbidding you to meet up with your friend.'' Taehyung was the first one to speak up. Surprised at the topic he mentioned, Chaeyoung whipped her head around to look at him, ''It wasn't right of me at all. I didn't let you explain your situation although no matter what your situation would be, I shouldn't have done that either way,'' he sighed, looking up at the cloudless sky above, ''I felt upset every time I heard about Jungkook, I felt upset when I found out you were meeting up with him and I was even trying to make you think it was a mistake on your part. It wasn't, you had all the right to meet up with anyone you wanted, just like all the other girls. I was being an unreasonable bastard. I'm sorry.''

Chaeyoung pursed her lips, clutching her fists in her lap tightly.

''I'm sorry for going behind your back to meet up with him. At first, I was very upset with you so I didn't feel guilty about it at all. But as time passed and we were becoming closer, I started to feel uneasy about what I was doing. I wanted to talk to you about it sooner, I wanted to tell you the truth but I was so scared. Scared you would get distant again after realizing I was lying to you.'' Taehyung shook his head, looking at her.

''Don't feel guilty please, I deserved it.''

Sighing heavily, Chaeyoung looked ahead, watching Hank paw at the water, splashing it all around him with little happy yaps.

''Well, what's done is done, right?'' she chuckled weakly. Taking a hold of her chin gently, Taehyung made her look at him, smiling softly.

''I learned my lesson Chaeyoung. I don't want you to forgive me now, but I hope one day we can go back to how we were,'' he hesitated for a second before proceeding, ''I miss you.''

Chaeyoung's chest erupted in a herd of butterflies as she gazed at his sincere eyes, the soft words making her want to melt into a puddle.

In silence, she watched him as he gazed at her eyes longingly before going lower, focusing on her lips, which were currently trembling from the abundance of emotions she was holding back.

''Will you go to my parents' graves with me?'' Surprised at the sudden request, Taehyung returned back to her eyes again, raising his eyebrows.

''Is that what you would want?'' he asked, carefully, his fingers going from her chin to under her ear, leaning his whole palm against her cheek.

''Yes,'' she whispered, watching him just as intensely.

''In that case, I would love to,'' he responded, smiling at her sadly.

However, Chaeyoung couldn't help the sincere grin lighting up her face.

''You're forgiven then,'' she chuckled, Taehyung's face lighting up immediately after.

Laughing he held both her cheeks before pulling her in for another kiss, a kiss full of little smiles and chuckles.

Parting to lean his forehead against hers, Taehyung closed his eyes, sighing in content.

''You're mine Chae. Your heart, your soul, your mind and body. All mine.'' Blushing she opened her eyes, looking at him in a little daze. Taehyung opened his eyes as well and Chaeyoung chuckled softly, rising her eyebrow playfully.

''Well, shouldn't that go both ways then?'' she mused, not really expecting any form of agreement. Yet once again, Taehyung surprised her greatly.

Chuckling at her playful behaviors he pulled her even closer by her waist.

''All yours,'' he breathed, taking her hand to place it against the left side of his chest, right where she could feel his rapid heartbeat, ''I'm all yours.''


helloooo wonderful people ^^

this chapter is a bit shorter than usual, hope you guys don't mind and enjoyed it nevertheless ^^

nowwww I would like to announce some good news

I'm publishing a NEW TAEROSE BOOK!!!

Bearing his scars |

it is unrelated to TKAHB and it is shorter as well (you guys will be able to read it in one evening) but I hope you guys will give it a chance still >.<

good thing is, it's already finsihed and I will publish the whole book already finished so you guys won't have to wait too long for my updates on that book as well xD

I plan to publish it during Tuesday next week, if anything changes I will let you guys know on my message board but so far there's nothing stopping me from publishing it on the planned date ^^

once again, hope you guys give my new book a chance, can't wait to show it to you >.<

love you all!! <3

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