Entangled Ménage (Ménage Seri...

By SophiaMills9

851 98 0

Mature Audiences: Everything happens in 3's, a murder, a lost love, and a fantasy, many years in the making... More

Entangled Ménage
Prologue - Jay
Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy
Chapter 2: The Club - Joe
Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal
Chapter 4: Vision - Jay
Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy
Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe
Chapter 7: Graduation - Cal
Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay
Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy
Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe
Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal
Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy
Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe
Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal
Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy
Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe
Chapter 18: Unreal - Cal
Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy
To My Readers

Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay

35 4 0
By SophiaMills9


Walking into Elizabeth's club, with Sue on my arm, the place astonished me. This far surpassed any place I've been to. And Susie is speechless, which is very hard to do. The club is busy tonight, but I hope to spend some time with my sister. When I told her I was bringing a friend, Liz was fine with it, so I knew Amy would not be coming here tonight.

I'd hoped that was part of my surprise, but I guess not. Either way, Sue is a good friend and we will have a blast.

We went shopping earlier and found Sue in the perfect gown. It's a shimmery white sequenced dress, with a thin tie that goes around her neck. The dress is cut very low in the back and it just barely hides her perfect bottom. The gown hugs her in all the right places, but it looks easily accessible to me. When she walked out of the dressing room, she took my breath away at that moment. Standing up, I walked to her, and she smiled. All I said was, "Yes" and we were out of there in a flash.

Sue and I have always had a very sexual relationship, but looking at her, dressed like that, I became ravenous. She is a wonderful friend and we have always enjoyed each other company. Sue is not looking for a relationship and neither am I, well, not with her.

Stepping into the Speakeasy bar, the hostess greets us and asks for my name. When I give it, her eyes light up and she takes us to a table already prepared and waiting. There are three place-setting though, but I say nothing and hope Liz will join us.

As if on cue, my sister emerges wearing a beautiful diamond studded gown and a feathery diamond-crusted mask. She lowers it and winks at me, then takes a seat at our table after kissing me on the cheek. At first, Susie looks put out until I introduce them.

"Susan, I'd like you to meet my sister, Elizabeth. She is the manager here, and this place looks amazing, sis." I say and see the two smile.

Seconds later, they tell each other the stories of Jacob and I just sit there and laugh. Luckily Sue behaved mostly, but then she started explaining to my sister how Caleb and I shared with her. Looking at Sue, I shook my head, and she stopped talking immediately, and my sister just giggled. That was not what I wanted Lizzy to know about me, so I was quite embarrassed.

"Jay, do you honestly think I don't know about you? I've heard many tales of Jacob and Caleb. You two are legends at Sigma Pi. Keith told me all about it after he found out you were my brother. Plus, I knew about Mary and her little escapades in high school, too. This is no news to me, big brother. I'm not as naïve as you and dad want me to be. Jacob, look where I work and stop being such a prude." She says with a laugh.

At that, we all crack up, and then we order our dinner. The menu is like a five-star restaurant. The staff was very gracious, of course, their boss lady was sitting with us, but the ambiance was perfect. It's a very upscale place and I bet if most people came in here, they would never even know it's a sex club. I'd have no problem bringing clients here and wished we had one of these in Syracuse.

Once dinner was over, they needed my sister, so she slipped my keys to one room upstairs. This place is so phenomenal I can only imagine what the rooms on the second floor look like inside.

Dangling the key in front of Sue, she finished her drink with a grin.

"Are you ready for some fun, Susie Q, or would you rather..." As I say the words, she grabs my hand and we are off.

Heading up the stairs, several people are milling about in this beautiful foyer below. Everyone is dressed in gowns and black tie, so I'm very glad Liz gave me the heads up. Looking at each door, we finally find our number 6, The Gold Room.

Slipping the key into the door, Sue hops up and down.

She is very excited and I'm glad Sue is here with me tonight.

As the door opens, I turn on the lights and find a very sophisticated adult playroom. Everything in this room is gold, with black and white accent colors. Stepping further inside, Sue just stares and takes it all in while I smile at her reaction.

Oh, this is going to be fun.

Closing the door, she drops her purse on the ground and slowly walks forward. Sue goes directly to the wall of toys and just looks at each piece. She's silent, which is not like her, but Sue is very distracted at the moment.

Walking along the wall, she suddenly stops and picks up a very interesting massager. Sue turns to look at me with the biggest smile on her face and I just nod while making us each a drink at the wet bar.

Keeping my eyes on her, she continues around the room, then stops at the St. Andrew's cross. It's 2 very thick wooden beams, in the shape of an X, attached with black wrought iron fasteners. The piece is set inside an alcove and its back lit, giving the cross a golden glow. She walks around it and sees the mechanism which will lower it if need be.

All I can think is, yes, we will need to do that as well. Again, she looks at me, and I nod with a smirk.

Sue keeps going, sliding her hand along the white leather couch, and then finds her way over to the bench. She pulls on the iron shackles and opens the stockade. Feeling its hard-wooden exterior, Sue looks nervous, but then she caresses the piece. She sheepishly glances over at me, and I shake my head no.

Seeing her breathing easier, Susie nods and keeps going. This is all new to her, I can tell.

We will start slowly, kitten.

She then glides over to the giant bed and sees the shackles once more. With a quick turn, she looks at me with a smile. So again, I nod at this amazing woman.

Returning to the center of the room, Sue undoes the tie, takes her right, then left strap down. Watching her, the dress slides down her body as soft white bubbles do on wet skin, and I'm very aroused. She looks good enough to eat, but little Susie missed the pièce de résistance.

Slowly I walk over to this naked beauty, taking her gently by the arm. I walk her into the lavish jacuzzi area, which is set back into a nook in the room. It's already full and ready to be used. Ferns surround the tub along with several white candles that are lit all around the second alcove. Again, it gives it a warm feeling bathed in golden light. Lizzy asked if I wanted a Jacuzzi, and I felt this would be a good way to ease Sue into this world.

It was the first thing I noticed when walking into this spectacular room.

Taking her hand, Sue steps into the tub. She stands there silently as I undress for her. It's nothing she has not seen before, but I take my time as she watches me intensely. When I finally remove my shorts, I'm ready for her and she lays back into the water.

Pressing the button on the wall, the jets come alive in an instant. Sitting up with a shock, Sue is surprised by the force, as they do their job superbly. Then she grins at me as I step in and take my place behind her. Neither one of us says a word as I caress and bathe this gorgeous woman. We have the room all night, and I'm going to spend some quality time with Susan.

In the morning, when she wakes, I have breakfast waiting for her. Ordering everything I know she likes, and I added toast to the menu as well, because of our inside joke.

Sitting up, she smells the coffee and looks at me with a big grin while I take a bite of the toast.

She says to me, "Nice, really and truly nice, Jacob. This was wonderful, and I've never felt so pampered and pleasured in all my life. Thank you for doing this for me on your birthday."

With a nod, I pull out her chair and as she slides out of bed, the sheet falls. Seeing her in all of her glory, I reach out and take her hand. This woman is so beautiful, fun, and a wonderful friend to me. Susan joins me at the table and waits for me to sit. Looking up at her, she takes her place on my lap. Once more we make love while feeding each other pieces of our succulent breakfast.

So far, turning 30 years old isn't so bad.

Walking down the stairs, she stops for just a moment and kisses me. She giggles and I do as well as we continue down to the bar area. Looking inside, I hope to see my sister, but there is a gentleman at the bar. The entire place is empty now, but each table is ready for the next patron.

The man sees me and asks if we would like a menu, but I shake my head no.

I ask, "Is Elizabeth is still here?"

It's only 9:00, so I doubt she stayed all night.

"Are you her brother Jay?" He asks and I nod.

He adds, "Oh, yes, I will get her for you."

I try to stop him, but he's already out the backdoor.

My sister does not get up this early ever and he is probably going to wake her.

Moments later, the man returns with my elegant sister on his arm. She's dressed in a long golden Kimono. Her hair is up in a twist. She looks thrilled and well-rested. With a grin, she looks at me as I give her a big smirk back.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She says as the man goes back behind the bar.

Liz takes a seat and asks, "So, how did you like the room? Was it everything you wanted?"

Susan gets up and hugs my sister, and we all laugh.

With a chuckle, I reply, "Liz, this place is far beyond anything I could have imagined. It's elegant, stylish, and very modern with a touch of the roaring 20s to boot."

She smiles and I add, "All I can say is wow and that I'm so very proud of you. We had a wonderful time and thank you so much for my birthday present."

Liz says, "I'm so glad you enjoyed yourselves. I had some other surprises for you, but they didn't come to pass. I'm glad you two had a good time."

My sister looks at me and I know what she had planned, but at some point, I will see her again.

I ask, "So, were you able to get some sleep? You're not on call all night, are you?"

She giggles and shakes her head no.

"Well, I got some rest, but being the manager, I do not have to stay overnight. We have several staff members who hold down the fort after I go home. Last night, however, I stayed and made sure you had everything you needed. Plus, I ran into an old friend of mine and we reconnected." She explains, and I nod.

Nope, not letting that thought into my head.

The Bartender says, "Miss Elizabeth, you have a phone call."

Lizzy just nods and gets up to leave.

Before she does, Susan adds, "Elizabeth, I just wanted to thank you as well. This is a beautiful establishment and you are very a gracious host. I had the best time of my life. Jacob is a wonderful friend of mine and it's just what we needed. I enjoyed the facilities and thank you for doing all of this."

"You are very welcome, Susan, and come back anytime," Liz replies.

I chuckle as my sister walks over to me and we hug each other.

When she does, Liz whispers, "She just couldn't get away. I'm so sorry."

With a kiss on her cheek, I nod and we say goodbye.

Even though Amy couldn't come, Susan and I had a wonderful time, and that's all that matters. Someday I will bring Amy here and we will have the time of our lives. Hopefully, if that comes to pass, I will not have to let her go again.

For the next few years, I frequent the club often and enjoy its amenities. Lizzy and I have a group of friends here, and we enjoy hanging out occasionally. She is forever fixing me up with girls that she thinks I will like. Often, she comes close, but there is only one that I want to see again.

Maybe it's because she is unattainable. Amy is this star that I strive to reach for, but I doubt that is the answer. No, that woman grabbed hold of my heart. She is my perfect match and my counterpart. I'd almost say that I'm in love with her, but can you fall in love with someone you barely know? There is something about her I crave, but I will bide my time and pray she returns to me one day.

While sitting in court, I get a text, but the judge is waiting for my rebuttal. We are almost done, and whoever it is can wait a half hour. After this, I'm done for the weekend and I have plans on spending it with Kate. She and I have been spending a lot of time together lately.

Katie is another fix-up by Liz, but this one has promised. She's intelligent, funny. We enjoy each other immensely, and the sex is beyond measure. Lizzy has not brought up Amy lately, so maybe she has moved on and my sister just doesn't want to tell me. Last I knew, she was not seeing anyone, but things can change.

A few days ago, I ordered Amy a bouquet of lavender flowers to be delivered on her birthday, as I do every year. Someday maybe she will take me up on my offer, but I'm thinking it will never be.

Walking out of the courthouse, the weather is perfect and I'm looking forward to being off for a few days. Then, I remember my phone and hope it wasn't Kate calling to cancel. Reaching for it, I see that there is a text message that I missed.

Clicking on it, I'm shocked when it opens and by what it says, "I'm back!"

My god, Cal came home!

Quickly I return the call, but he doesn't answer.

How odd. I wonder where he is tonight.

Putting the phone away, I hop in my SUV and head home. Thinking about the text, I wonder if he still owns the house on Lakeshore Road.

After all this time, he must have sold it, I would assume.

Curiosity gets the better of me, so I drive up to his street and then remember it's a gated community. For a moment I think about asking the guard, but at the last minute, I just turn around. I doubt he lives there anymore, and Caleb will call again when he gets situated.

When I walk in my door, the house is quiet as always. Grabbing a beer out of the fridge, I set my briefcase down and take a seat.

Caleb Rothschild is home, shit this is going to be fun and I wonder if Kate would enjoy one of our sessions. Then again, for all I know, he could be married with kids by now.

Taking another swig, I laugh at the thought of Cal settling down.

No, that would never happen, well not in my lifetime. I have tried for years to find him a woman, but none could ever compare to his girl.

Hearing a noise upstairs, I get up to see what it is and then remember, I never turned the alarm off. If I didn't, then who did? Walking up the stairs, it hits me. What if Cal came here? Where else would he go and he knows the code to the house?

Picking up the pace, I turn on the lights and head to his old room. But it's empty. Then there is a sound coming from my room. The jacuzzi is running, how strange.

He wouldn't... Well, he might.

Opening the door, I walk in and say, "Hello... is someone there?"

Then I hear giggling and I know that laugh.

With a grin, I ask, "Katie, what are you up to?"

"My question to you is, who else would be in your tub? Now get naked and join me, big man." She says, and I laugh.

We spend the weekend together. It was a blast. But I keep waiting for his call.

How strange that Cal would text me he's back in town and then never return my call.

It's now Monday morning. Kate is getting ready to leave, and I ask her to stay a little longer. We had so much fun together, but she has to work the late shift tonight and needs some sleep before it begins. Lord knows she won't get to sleep here, so I kiss her goodbye and we talk about getting together next weekend.

I have a big case coming up the week after, but I'll make time for her.

Sitting here with nothing to do on Labor Day, how sad is this and I would love to hang out with friends.

Maybe I should have planned a party, but who would I invite? All I do is work, I have no life and my sister even finds me girls to hang out with. Now that is pathetic.

Deciding to clean out the garage, since I never got around to it this summer, I find the broom and garbage bags. Looking around the neighborhood, it's an epidemic. We are all cleaning when we should enjoy our one day off.

As I put my motorcycle back in the garage, I consider taking it out one last time for the year.

That's what I need, to feel the air, to feel free.

When the phone rings, I see that it's 4:00 in the afternoon and that would be plenty of time for a ride, but then I see it's Lizzy calling me.

When I answer, she is talking fast, so I ask, "Liz, what's wrong? Are you ok?"

She laughs and answers, "Yes, I'm sorry I was answering a question for one of my servers, but I have news for you."

"Okay, what's up? I was just going to go for a ride on my bike." I say and she laughs again, even harder.

Liz says, "Oh, big brother, you're going for a ride tonight, but not on your bike. Are you ready for this? Amy is coming tonight, and it's her birthday."

I'm stunned.

"Tonight, Amy is coming to your place?" I say, trying to tamp down my enthusiasm.

Lizzy says, "Yes, Jay, and for her birthday, I want you and your friend to make her erotic dream come true. Do you two talk anymore? You haven't mentioned him in a while? Oh, crap, he moved away, didn't he?"

Oh, this could not be more perfect if I can reach him.

With a chuckle, I reply, "Actually, he just came home a few days ago, but I could not catch up with him. Of course, Kate was here all weekend, and she kept me busy. Here, I'll try to get a hold of him now."

Holy shit, this is perfect... Now, what we will do to her tonight.

Then it hits me, and I ask, "Hey what dream?"

That's when she fills me in on Amy's little fantasy. Liz tells me in detail what she has told her over the years and I'm now champing at the bit to call Caleb.

See, I knew she was perfect for me.

After I finish talking with my amazing sister, I call Cal and pray he answers this time. He is the only one I would trust with her. Caleb falls for no one, and he will be very good to her. I have other friends that would fit the bill if need be, but no one is as good as Caleb Rothschild.

Dialing the phone, my friend finally answers, and I fill him in on my sister's plan. He seemed preoccupied when I call, yet surprised by my request, and willing to join. Cal has grown up some, I can tell, and we can't wait to see each other again.

Jesus, I'm so excited, and this is going to be perfect tonight.

Smelling myself, I'm in desperate need of a shower after working in the garage. Maybe I should take care of some business because with her I do not want to go off like a top.

Damn, I'm thrilled that this will finally happen. Cal and Jacob ride once more and with Amy as our guide.

Pulling up to the club, I'm nervous and that is crazy.

Why does this woman excite me so much? Christ, I'm hard as a rock again and I haven't even walked in the door.

Seeing Lizzy's car, I park next to it around back so Amy doesn't notice. This is a total surprise for her. Liz is making her dreams come true, and I do not want to blow this chance with Amy.

Waiting for Cal. I look at my watch and wonder where the hell my friend is.

He's 15 minutes late and if I don't go in now, this will get all fucked up.

Opening my car door, I hop out and going through the back. The kitchen is closed, so I slip through and make my way over to the stairs. Peeking through the door, I see that she's here...

Then, I notice that Amy's looking rather nervous while talking to my sister. Liz must be telling her the story, so I have time.

Taking a moment to just look at her. She is so beautiful and I can't believe tonight is the night.

Walking up the stairs, I think about what I need to do.

I'll set up the room and play music for her to keep the noise level at a minimum. Hopefully, Cal will get here quickly and quietly, but this should help to some extent.

Sending him a text to get him moving, I pray he arrives here soon, but if not, I will start without him. As I glance over the list of preloaded songs, I listen to each one for a few seconds. There are several here, each with a sexual name, but they are tinny and sound like a porno.

When I come to one called "Deep Tantric Massage" I listen to it and this one works for me. It's relaxing but stimulating. I hope Amy likes it and that it doesn't freak her out. Cal would want our music, but I don't have the CD on me tonight.

No, this will be fine, it will work out. Christ, why am I so anxious?

This is all new to Amy, so we will take it slow. Just like anyone new. I will massage her for quite a while until she's ready to move forward. Lizzy has told me the plan. There are specific things she wants us to do, but it follows how we start normally.

Sitting here waiting, I fear she will back out. Amy has never done this before. She is innocent when it comes to stuff like this, but her lovely mind has other ideas. Thank God!

Tonight, I will try to win her over before she realizes there are two of us. Well, that's if he shows up. Either way, we will have a wonderful time and she will then know the real me.

About 15 minutes later, there is someone at the door. Listening to them talk, it's the girls...

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