Entangled Ménage (Ménage Seri...

SophiaMills9 tarafından

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Mature Audiences: Everything happens in 3's, a murder, a lost love, and a fantasy, many years in the making... Daha Fazla

Entangled Ménage
Prologue - Jay
Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy
Chapter 2: The Club - Joe
Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal
Chapter 4: Vision - Jay
Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy
Chapter 7: Graduation - Cal
Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay
Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy
Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe
Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal
Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay
Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy
Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe
Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal
Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy
Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe
Chapter 18: Unreal - Cal
Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy
To My Readers

Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe

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SophiaMills9 tarafından


Sitting here at the party. After a half-hour, Mark has not returned, so I go out the door and look for Deidre myself. This place is immense, but I'll find her. I've watched several men leave this banquet room and go out that main door.

So far, this has been rather tame, but I don't want Deidre out there all alone.

As I get up and make my way to the door, I felt off again. Stepping into the hallway, I become very dizzy and disoriented suddenly. Looking around, it's very hazy out here in the lobby.

Slowly looking up, I see several naked women engaged in some pretty heavy petting on the couch in front of me. As I glance around this large vestibule, there are some men in full elaborate masks, being serviced right here, in front of everyone, while they watch the display on the small stage to the right.

Behind these beautiful women is a large winding staircase that leads up to another floor, I would assume. It's hard to tell since we were in an elevator and all the windows are closed off with heavy, extravagant drapes.

Slowly I walk around the corner, into a room where there is another wooden platform and several chairs lined up around it, filled with masked men in tuxedos and naked women sitting at their feet.

It always amazes me that anyone would like a woman so subservient. How is that a turn-on or a challenge?

The room is dark and slightly smaller than the first one, but it's entirely decorated in gold. On stage, there is a very tall woman with long black hair, adorning a beautiful golden mask with white plumes, standing naked and proud, while an unmasked, naked man kneels at her feet, between her legs. This man pleasures her while reaching up and grabbing her buttocks to hold her in place.

Seconds later, another woman on all fours crawls over to him and pleasures him. She lies on her side; her red hair flows down along the floor as we all watch this play out in complete silence.

Her lips are blood-red as she takes him down to the root.

Another man from the crowd, wearing a half-white mask, comes up on stage to join the party. He undresses in front of all of us and lays down on the floor. The redhead's beauty moves for him and he kisses her mound as he starts his manipulations on her.

A few seconds later, a woman walks over to him and takes a seat on this man and she enjoys the ride of her life.

It's like nothing I have ever seen before. Their bodies are all moving together. They look like a long snake and the sounds they are making become loud and erotically stimulating. I have to admit, this scene is like moving art as they move in unison. It is so diverse and beyond belief, like my mind cannot quite believe what we are all witnessing.

Glancing around the room, I notice the man from before. He nods to me and I'm curious, wasn't he looking for his wife? Guess he got preoccupied as I did.

Turning to leave, to continue my search for Deidre, he comes up behind me.

We both walk out and he says, "That was an intense scene. I forgot I was worried about my wife for a moment there."

After watching that, I look at him and I'm in total agreement with that statement.

"Yes, that was very thought-provoking. The girls must be around here somewhere." I say, and he nods.

We move on to the next room, where there are two unmasked women, but it's not them. We are in an enormous bathroom. These two gorgeous women are enjoying each other and playing in the bathtub. It's not very original, like the last one, but I am a man and I'll spend a moment watching them frolic and play. The large claw-foot tub is full of water and bubbles as they wash each other and arouse the crowd.

Glancing over at other groups of people enjoying the scene, I turn and continue my quest.

"My God, they are beautiful." My new friend says, and then I realize I don't even know his name.

Turning around to ask him, he walks out a different door in search of his wife. I follow him out and we are on to the next room. How many could there be? The adjacent room was more of the same, not very original, so we keep going until we find another stairwell, but this one goes down. The two of us watch a few people descend the staircase, so we both head down there as well.

At the bottom, there is a shadowy dungeon-like room. The gray and black walls make it feel eerie and uncomfortable. It's hard to see where I'm going, and the sounds in here are mostly an echo of clatter and moans.

Around the corner, there are at least 15 pieces of equipment dimly lit in this room and they occupy every piece. While looking for Deidre, wandering through the room, I notice all the women seem to enjoy this very much and they are really into all of this pain and pleasure. The raw sex is very overpowering and amatory, but this is more of Mark's thing than mine. I enjoy tying women up, but I don't use machines on them, other than a vibrator or something like that. There are many pieces in here that I have never seen before, but I also would never use them.

As I watch for a moment, I'm amazed how everyone in here looks to have been well-versed on how to use all of this paraphernalia.

This seems so sadistic and it reminds me more of a horror movie than a good porno.

Most of these rooms are very erotic. I'm still hard as a rock, but I am more worried about Deidre.

By now I thought I'd find her, so I'm getting anxious about our girl and what Mark has up his sleeve. He best not sharing her with anyone again. We still need to talk about that. Not tonight, but soon.

This guy and I go back up the second set of stairs, on the other side of the dungeon, and out into the hallway. There in front of us is a man being whipped by a woman, and I do not understand why anyone would enjoy that type of pain, either. His back is bleeding, and she looks cold and viscous. This is the first woman who has had any clothes on tonight. Just a bustier. But she's not completely naked as the rest of them. You can see the anger and rage in her each time it takes a bit of flesh. The man seems to go along with this, but I will never understand why anyone would allow that to happen. When I give pain, it's never very much, and it intensifies the pleasure.

That just seems like torture, but everyone is different, I guess.

My new friend pulls me aside and says, "That is one evil bitch. I'm going to stay clear of her. Who the hell wants to be whipped? That's just crazy."

I nod, and we continue walking.

"I'm Joe, by the way. I am being inducted tonight," I say while holding out my hand to shake his.

He reaches for mine and says, "Oh, I'm sorry. How rude of me. I'm Charles Coleman, but everyone calls me Charlie. Nice to meet you, Joe. It's been such a strange night that I guess my mind was elsewhere."

I smile at that and couldn't agree more. We head into the next room as another scene is playing out. Once again, there is a small platform, with quite a few people viewing the act between these two people.

It seems like more people are in this one compared to the other previous rooms. Couples are standing because there are no more seats available.

This one must be very different.

I catch my first glimpse of the man and woman. This is more of a passionate scene. It's just two people on a bed, making love for all to see. She's not tied, and neither is he. There is no equipment or props. Just two people, naked, moving together and very much in love. They have such an intense passion that these two have undoubtedly stolen the show. The room is packed full of people and the audience seems moved. No one is talking. All eyes are on them, while they enjoy each other as though they were all alone in their bedroom.

When the man kisses her and caresses her body, she holds onto him, rubbing and caressing his back. Her legs are wrapped around him as he takes her. There is no anger, no rushing, it's actually quite beautiful. They smile at each other and kiss some more. Then he moves deeper into her. The sounds that she makes are soft moans and gasps. She wants him so badly and he is doing everything for her pleasure. More kissing, some caressing. Then he moves down to her breast and enjoys them as he moves faster and more urgently. You can see him straining to hold on for her, to ensure that she is satisfied. While she moves with him, whispering in his ear erotic things, I'm sure. She moans louder and starts gasping for breath.

I don't think I've ever seen two people making love before. Sure, I have witnessed sexual acts many times, but never love. This is very... I have no words, but I know, one day, I want this for myself.

I'm startled when I feel someone pull the back of my hair. When I turn to see who it is, she smiles, and Deidre stands there, looking almost immortal. She is so striking and voluptuous, Deidre is completely naked, except for her gold shimmery mask, which is very extravagant and diamond collar. The headpiece is mostly gold, but it is more like a headdress, with its plumes of red feathers. Her clips are still in place, attached to her collar by the gold chain, and I would know that smile anywhere. They have brushed her skin with gold and she looks so radiant.

Isabella hands the leash to Mark, who is suddenly standing beside me. He walks like he's taking the dog out for a stroll. Deidre seems very unfazed by all of this, and I am not sure why. He tugs on her leash as she moves through the crowd with him. We head directly into an enormous room, the size of a gymnasium, with an actual full stage.

In mid-scene, there are two people, a man, and a woman. They are performing the ropes for us. This man is wrapping a woman up with a very long white cord.

I have heard about this, but I've never seen it in actual life. We have missed most of this scene, but it is still very interesting.

He wraps the line around her as she's suspended in the air.

Once again, this seems more like art than sexual, I feel.

This guy winds the rope around her legs, abdomen, upper body, and her arms. She's completely immobilized, I can tell. He knows what he's doing because she looks very relaxed and comfortable while swinging back and forth. He plays with her and she must trust him to be put in such a position, pun intended.

The man stops her from swaying and takes her up on stage for all to see. This becomes very erotic and less artistic quickly.

This entire night has been very surreal, almost dreamlike.

Looking at her, I'm glad I found Deidre, or rather, that she found me. As I watch the scene play out, Deidre moves closer to me. She rubs up against my body, and then she massages me.

I whisper, "Oh God, Deidre, that feels incredible, baby," as she undoes my pants right here in front of these people.

Normally I would never, but when in Rome.

She slides her hand down and grips my member in her palm. At this moment, I'm so turned on, but I feel very dizzy. Looking around the room, it feels like everyone is watching us. There is no way to tell because they are all wearing masks, but I feel uncomfortable again and not myself. Deidre stops and before I say a word, everything gets blurry, and Mark gets right in my face.

"How are you doing, buddy? You okay?" He shouts.

I'm trying to act as if it's no big deal, but I need to take a seat.

Deidre helps me sit in the chair right behind us, along the wall.

What the hell is wrong with me?

Glancing up, I see Mark put on a red cloak. He and Deidre are walking up on stage, and the room is full of people. Looking around the auditorium, I notice they are all wearing black, red, or green robes, suddenly. It's hazy in here again, and that gives it a dreamlike quality.

They must use dry ice to make it look so foggy.

The lights are dimming, and there is a spotlight on Mark. Deidre kneels at his feet as he says something in another language.

Suddenly everyone stops talking and there is complete silence while Mark walks forward to the front of the stage. A man chants in Latin, maybe? I suddenly feel nauseous now.

Looking around, the room is spinning. I'm wobbly and feel very nervous.

This feels more like a cult type of atmosphere, which makes me want to grab Deidre and get the hell out of here. Why does she look so relaxed? She looks almost bored up there, in front of these men.

They all stand and begin chanting the words, it's almost deafening. I hear a woman screaming in the back of the room and I turn to see her being brought out in shackles, down through the center of the crowd.

She's trying to free herself, but there are men in white masks. Are they naked? No, the men are wearing gold shorts, and standing guard on either side of her, holding this woman's bonds. She has long, flowing red hair and is screaming in complete terror.

The naked woman is taken to the exact center of the room and is forced to stand in front of everyone, with no mask and in chains.

This woman looks familiar to me, but I can't place her. My heart is racing and I feel like vomiting, but I can't, not now, not in front of these affluent people. What the hell has Mark got me involved in? Christ, I feel like my heart is about to beat right out of my chest and I'm about to pass out.

Sitting back in my chair, I try to relax and ignore all that is happening to me. The men who brought the woman out have gold collars around their necks, just like Isabella's. The one man places a ball gag in her mouth and then he chains her to the floor.

There is a design on the floor, but I can't make it out from where I am sitting.

Looking up at Deidre, she seems unfazed by all of this.

While I am completely panic-stricken.

As the chants get louder, my head pounds. Then they all stop chanting at once. Dead silence as Mark raises his hand.

Deidre is just sitting there at his feet, as though they were at the beach, or the park, for Christ's sakes. Something is wrong with her. Did they drug her?

"My brothers, we have an infidel who has wormed her way into our midst. She is a demon that needs to be exorcised. What say ye?" Mark exclaims.

All at once, they scream, "Yay!"

"My brothers, she needs to be banned from our clan, from our ways and means. What say ye?" Mark shouts.

They all reply, "Yay!"

"My brothers, she must be expunged from our written word, as though she never existed. What say ye?" He yells.

They all reply, "Yay!"

"My brothers, this woman, who shall no longer be named, must be cast out from our lands and to be banished from our lives forever. What say ye?" He screams from the top of his lungs.

They all reply, "Yay!"

"My brothers, please remove her from our sight and have her go back into the world once she came, naked and forsaken. She is not to be sheltered. Anyone doing so shall face the same wrath. What say ye?" Mark shouts in anger.

They all reply, "Yay!"

The woman is unchained from the floor and she is still screaming as best as she can. The girl looks terrified as the two men drag her out of the room. I assume, from the way Mark was preaching, they will throw her out the front door.

Christ, this place is crazy, and yet, Deidre sits there, looking uninterested by it all.

We can still hear the woman screaming as the double doors slowly close behind them. Mark continues as though that was no big deal.

Shit... They just threw a naked woman out into the street, and my boss continues with this meeting.

He says, "My brothers, on to a more jovial topic. The inductions of new members, into our coven."

Everyone claps loudly, and I look for the door. Turning my head, I almost fall off the chair as the room sways.

"I wish to hear ... G," Mark says to the crowd.

What was that? I'm feeling exhausted, so I will just close my eyes for a moment.

"Sir ... induct my nephew... wife... and Victoria ... society," a man says, and the crowd cheers.

I can't stay awake; my mind is a mess, and Mark is about to introduce me. Shit!

"Welcome Brother!" Mark says as the two of them walk up on stage and I drift off again.

As I open my eyes, the two new members are on stage now, and I notice the long-nosed mask in his hand.

It's the guy I was walking through the house with moments ago. That must be Charlie...

Mark says, "Next we will hear from House...". "Sir, we wish... cousin and his... Laura Mill...," another man says, and it's like they are speaking another language or something.

They are talking, but I can't hear them.

"Welcome Brother!" Mark says as two more people walk up on stage.

The man looks unfazed, but the woman looks heavily drugged. He is carrying her up there, and Mark just chuckles while they all cheer. What the hell is going on around here?

Mark then says, "Now, my brothers, I have a surprise for you all."

Christ, this is it. I better stand up and hold on to the chair. I cannot drift off now.

"It's taken me a while, but I have acquired some interesting new members who will start their initiation tonight. I would appreciate your guidance and your wisdom with our two recruits. Please welcome, Mr. Joseph Whitney and Deidre Murray-Blake!" Mark exclaims in excitement, and there is stillness for a moment, and then they all cheered rather loudly.

Suddenly he points to me. There is a bright light shining down and for a moment I'm blinded. Then, I'm engulfed by several men and they are all congratulating me. Trying to monitor Deidre proves to be impossible. They are blocking my view by standing in front of me.

Mark says something else, but I missed it and then they are gone from the stage.

As the crowd dissipated, I looked up, and the curtain was closing. Mark and Deidre disappeared behind it, and I try to run towards them.

I needed to see Deidre for myself and to make sure she is alright.

Trying to step away from these men, another one would shake my hand. I felt so disoriented but determined to make my way towards the stage.

Finally reaching the steps, I'm stopped by two sizeable men.

"Sir, you may not enter." The one said and the look on their faces told me they meant business.

Feeling off, I backed away and followed the crowd to the bar for a soda, since I was still not feeling up to par.

The bartender handed me a Ginger Ale, and I sipped it while walking over to the booth to sit down. I was so tired and ready to go home for the night.

Deidre seemed fine with all of this crazy shit going on. I know Mark wouldn't let anyone hurt her, would he?

I woke up to 2 women in my face, staring at me. They invited me to join them in the other room. As I try to respond and tell them I'm not feeling very well, they seduce me right here in the bar.

The dizziness and confusion cloud my brain. They take me into a large room, a bedroom of sorts, I guess?

Once there, I fade in and out. I have flashes of memories where I'm having sex with these two. Their faces are distorted and I am fearful of them. Their eyes are wild, they look like demons, and the two are covered in blood.

Then I see Mark, sitting in a chair, watching me and clapping. He is cheering for me, and that seems strange. I'm so tired that I close my eyes and drift off to sleep.

When I wake, I'm in another room, completely disorientated. Alone and naked, I sit there on the edge of the bed, trying to piece this strange night together.

It's like an insane nightmare, but was it was real?

Standing up, I find my clothes folded neatly on a chair. My head is throbbing, and I need to get the hell out of here.

Now I know how Alice felt when she went down the rabbit hole.

Stepping out into the hall, it's deserted. No people in masks milling about. No naked women cavorting with the members of the club. It's totally quiet and calm as I wander down a long hallway.

Reaching the stairs, I head down, hoping to find Mark, or anyone for that matter, who can tell me how to get the hell out of here. Then, as I round the stairs, I hold on to the banister rather tightly, because I'm very unsteady and dizzy. I'm in total confusion when I see the foyer.

At that moment, I realize that I'm actually in Mark's home.

How in the hell did I get here?

Continuing down, I stager into Mark's study and find him there, at his desk, working on some papers.

"Jesus, Mark, what the hell happened? Where's Deidre?" I ask, and he looks up at me and smirks.

He laughs and says, "There he is, feeling better, old man?"

The entire room spins, and I have to sit down. Grabbing hold of the leather couch, I make my way around it and drop onto it.

"How did I get here?" I ask, and Mark looks at me and seems confused by my statement.

"You don't remember? How many glasses of that 50-year-old scotch did you have before we got there?" Mark asks and I have to think about my answer because I'm not sure.

He adds, "You passed out in one of our observation rooms right before the ceremony began. You missed your own party, Joe!"

"What? No, that's not right." I reply.

He adds, "One of my girls called me and I had my driver bring you here. He took you upstairs with Evelyn, to our guest room. She said you were moaning in your sleep, and that you seemed upset, but she took good care of you."

Mark winks at me and I shake my head, trying to figure out what is real.

"I missed the ceremony, so none of that happened? I am so confused. Isabella, the naked slave girl, I remember her, and then room after room of sex. Then you both found me and we went into the meeting hall. It all seems so real to me. We were having a wonderful time until you left me at the ceremony and took Deidre behind the curtain. They would not let me up on stage, so I went to the bar and two girls took me into a room. They had their way with me, while you cheered them on. That's the last thing I remember. Where is Deidre?" I ask, and Mark shushes me.

He gets up from his desk and comes closer to me.

Mark sits down and leans in to say, "I don't know what you are talking about, Joe, but stop talking so loud. Jesus, Deidre is back at the office. Seriously, man, keep it together. Isabella, the naked slave girl, like I need Evelyn to hear you saying that shit like that. I never saw you screwing two girls, and I didn't cheer you on for fuck's sake."

Hearing this and seeing his expression, I just look at him in total confusion as he gets up to get me a drink.

I quickly say, "The last thing I want is another scotch, but water would do the job. Why does my mouth taste like paste?"

"Joe, you need to relax and calm down. Here, have some orange juice and take a breather." Mark says to me, and now I am questioning everything.

How many drinks did I have? What was real last night? What happened to me?

Okumaya devam et

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