Entangled Ménage (Ménage Seri...

By SophiaMills9

721 98 0

Mature Audiences: Everything happens in 3's, a murder, a lost love, and a fantasy, many years in the making... More

Entangled Ménage
Prologue - Jay
Chapter 1: Good Friends - Amy
Chapter 3: Can't Judge a Book - Cal
Chapter 4: Vision - Jay
Chapter 5: The Drive - Amy
Chapter 6: An Enigmatic Night - Joe
Chapter 7: Graduation - Cal
Chapter 8: Thirty - Jay
Chapter 9: The Vista - Amy
Chapter 10: Five Days - Joe
Chapter 11: Now is the Time - Cal
Chapter 12: The Speakeasy - Jay
Chapter 13: The Blue Room - Amy
Chapter 14: The Accused - Joe
Chapter 15: Coming Home - Cal
Chapter 16: Dreams Can Come True - Amy
Chapter 17: Our Girl - Joe
Chapter 18: Unreal - Cal
Chapter 19: The Truth - Amy
To My Readers

Chapter 2: The Club - Joe

38 5 0
By SophiaMills9


It's been two weeks since Mark has allowed Deidre to leave her "office chamber". I'm really worried about her, and he's taking this way too far. She is tired and you can tell this is wearing on her, mentally and physically. Mark sent me to Dallas for two days to meet with the Ashton group, and when I got back, I heard something that shocked me. One of our senior vice presidents, Nick Anderson, told me that after their late-night meeting, Mark shared a girl with him in his office. He used the words ménage à trois with a smirk on his face, and I almost punched him.

I'm at a point where I don't even care if he fires me. How could he do that to her and why the hell didn't she tell me it happened when I stopped in to say that I was back? Did she think I would blame her? This needs to end, but I don't know how to stop him, other than pleading to his humanity, not that he has any. Stupid me. I thought Mark would tire of her, but he hasn't.

As I walk past Linda, she sees me and waves, shaking her head no, but I ignore her and walk up to his office door. Mark and his wife are discussing something and she's crying.

Christ, this guy is such a son of a bitch. I'm already angry with him, so this just pisses me off more.

Linda grabs my arm and pulls me away from his door. She seems very upset, so I walk back with her into the hall and Linda gets right up in my face.

"I don't care what you two do or how you treat each other, but you do not involve Mrs. Roth. She's a wonderful woman and doesn't need to know what Mark does around here. She's been through so much lately and there is no way that poor woman could deal with the real Mark right now. Please, just give them a moment and when she leaves, I will call you." Linda says, and I am shocked by this and how she's acting.

As I go to say my piece and she shakes her head and walks away for me. At that moment. I just stand there, completely confused by her actions.

Linda is a very level-headed person, so there must be a reason for it.

Turning around, I head back to my office and shut the door. I'm furious with him, but I guess it will have to wait.

That was so strange. I have never heard Linda talk that way to me or about Mark in such a negative manner. It's refreshing. I couldn't believe such an intelligent woman would miss all the crap he does around here.

As I finish up the paperwork on my desk, I look at the clock and realize that Linda never called.

What is her problem today?

Going out into the hall, I look over at Linda's desk and she's left for the day.

"What the hell?" I say allowed.

Christ, everyone is on my last nerve.

Walking towards Mark's door again, I hear him inside laughing and talking to someone. This time I poke my head in first to see what's going on before I go inside.

Mark notices and says, "Joe, where the hell have you been today? Close the door for me."

I'm so confused, but I do as he commands.

Who the hell was he just talking to?

Then I see Deidre come strutting out of the bathroom.

"Joe, what do you think?" Deidre asks as she spins around for me.

Looking at this vision, I smile at her as she twirls around and around. Mark watches her, and he laughs as she curtsies at us. Deidre is in an amazing, strapless, golden gown that has an opening up to her hip. She shows me this slit by putting her leg up on the coffee table, throwing her arms in the air, and arching her back.

Smiling, I walk over to her and slide my hand up her leg and under to check what she is wearing beneath. It surprised me to find nothing there. No stocking, no garter belt, no panties, and she is shaved. Deidre giggles, and I am shocked by this new turn of events.

"Joe, hold on a second before you defile this beautiful young lady," Mark says, and I'm a little shocked by his good mood.

Wasn't he just in here with his wife? She was crying her eyes out a few hours ago?

The boss adds, "There is a party tonight, at the club, and you need to go get ready. It's our monthly meeting and black tie only. We can meet back here around six and then head over together."

He smirks and I'm not catching on to what he's saying. Walking over to the bar, he pours us each a scotch and then walks back to me with a glass in hand.

"Okay, what's the occasion, Mark?" I ask.

Last I knew, nonmembers were not invited to these closed-door monthly parties.

Mark says, "It is initiation day and you are becoming a new member tonight. Cheers and congratulations Joe!"

Hearing this, I'm shocked and also very excited. To be a member of this club would change my life completely.

Shit, I will be beholden to him forever, but am I not going to refuse the offer.

Instead of reading Mark the riot act, I shook his hand.

This feels wrong.

Heading towards my home, it hits me; I was just bought and paid for by Mark. I am his dog and I'm even housebroken now. Christ, what has happened to me.

Once my tie is tied, I head back to the office. Driving my black 1963 corvette instead of the company car. I feel good and excited about tonight.

Maybe I could drive Deidre back in my convertible. Only I'll whisk her away, back to my home, and keep her there, all to myself.

I'm falling for her, and can't seem to get Deidre out of my mind. Protecting her from Mark has been my top priority, and somehow I need to get her released from this contract. I never thought Mark would keep her locked up and hidden away from the world for this long. This will be her first time out of her room since our dinner that night.

Pulling up to the front doors, I see Mark's limo is waiting. I park behind it and hop out. As I walk in the doors, Burt, the doorman, says something to me.

When he comes over, I ask, "What's up, Burt?"

"We need your keys to park your car, Mr. Whitney. Mr. Roth specifically said that you would ride in the limo tonight with him." He explains, and I look at him as the phone on his desk rings.

He runs over and quickly picks up the phone. Then I hear a familiar voice on the other end.

I'm handed the phone, and he states nervously, "It's for you, sir."

Seriously, how does he do that? There must be cameras or something.

Feeling annoyed, I say, "Yes, Mark."

"Hello Joe, I should have explained that because of the sensitive nature of the festivities tonight, no one will drive their cars. The club's limos will take everyone to the party. There will be a lot of drinking and partying tonight. Plus, to get in the front gate, you must be in one of our cars." Mark explains.

Caving in, I say, "Alright Mark, I'll just park my car and be up. You know how I am about my corvette."

"Let Burt park it and if he gets a scratch on it, I'll fire him, Okay?" Mark says with a chuckle, and this does not sit well with me, but I agree and hand my keys over to our doorman.

As I walk to the elevator, I just shake my head.

The bastard always gets what he wants.

Once I reach the 20th floor, it dings and I step out. It's a ghost town up here, everyone is gone, and it's completely quiet. Then I hear a familiar sound, she's moaning.

What is he doing to her before we leave? Christ, the man has no control.

Walking into his office, I see her at his desk, putting on a show for him. He's sitting on the couch drinking a scotch, watching her, and I feel a little better, I guess.

How odd... Mark must have made her do this, but she's having a good time.

Ignoring my thoughts, I just walk over and take a seat.

After a few moments, Mark says, "What do you think? She's an exquisite woman."

Hearing this, I just nod as Deidre is about to climax. I can't look away as her hand moves faster. She's moaning, and I'm completely turned on now. Mark gets up, but I don't see where he's going. He comes back with a black bag and a diamond necklace for her. She is not watching him as the orgasm hits, and it is spectacular.

As soon as she regains her composure, Mark approaches Deidre and puts the diamond collar around her neck.

She thinks it's a beautiful necklace, but it's far more than that.

"Thank you, Mark, it's stunning!" She exclaims.

With a smirk, he replies, "You're welcome Deidre, now go clean yourself up and get dressed little one."

She hops down and runs into the other room. Then I notice as Mark puts the black bag in his pocket for later tonight.

He's tight-lipped about these parties at the club, and I am excited to see what goes on there.

Mark walks over to me and hands me a drink, and I need one after that little display. We talk over some business while waiting for Deidre to finish getting dressed, and I keep looking at the door. When she emerges as a gorgeous golden goddess, I'm again stunned by her beauty. We both stand as she walks over to us.

"You look amazing, Deidre, completely spectacular baby," I whisper to her, and Mark walks over and takes her hand.

"Deidre, you look outstanding and every man in the place is going to be watching you tonight." He says, and I just look at him.

That's what he craves. He wants every man in the place to want what he owns.

I pick up her golden wrap and place it on her shoulders as the three of us walk to the elevator.

Mark pauses and says, "You two go on down. I forgot something in the office. I'll be down in a minute."

The doors on the elevator open and we step inside. The doors close and we are alone... All alone. Probably the only time tonight that it will happen and I will not squander this moment.

Kneeling in front of her, she opens her dress for me at the slit, and I take her. Deidre is amazing. I feast on her as the elevator makes its descent. She hits the stop button on the panel as we approach the ground floor. I need her and we need this time, just for us. This is what I was looking forward to, and I'm glad Mark needed to...

Christ, he's probably watching us right now. That bastard stayed back because he knew I wouldn't waste this time alone with her.

She's moaning for me and I love the sound. I don't care. Let him watch as I make her scream in passion for me.

I use everything in my arsenal to bring her pleasure. Deidre grips my hair, pulling it tighter as she gasps for breath and has her release.

Fuck, I can't get enough of her, but I know we need to stop and let the elevator finish its descent.

Standing up, I wrap my arms around her, and she hugs me tightly. Deidre reaches for the button, looks at me, and I nod. Time to let the actual world in, for now. This wonderful woman leans back against me, and I enjoy our last few moments together. We get out of the elevator and head for the door.

Two steps away, I hear my name and turn around. The security guard is standing there with the phone in his hand again. I walk Deidre back to the security desk as he hangs it up.

He clears his throat and says, "Mr. Whitney, Mr. Roth just called and said for the two of you to enjoy a drink in the car and that he will be down in a moment."

"Thank you, Burt, and have a good night," I answer as we turn back towards the door and leave the building.

We walk out, and the driver comes around the car. He opens the door for us, and we climb inside. The Limo could easily fit 10 to 12 people, it's long, sleek, black, and tinted. This is a huge vehicle with a fully stocked bar. There is a bottle of Dom Perignon and a bottle of Chivas Regal, a 50-year-old scotch. I know Deidre will want the Champagne and I am checking out this scotch.

Opening the bottle, Deidre gets all excited as it pops, and I pour her a glass. I am very interested in this scotch, so I'm going to try a glass. As I pick up this $10,000 bottle, I realize it's been opened already, so I pour myself a small glass. Taking a sip, I'm amazed at how smooth it is, so I pour a little more. Deidre giggles and cuddles up to me as I close my eyes.

This is going to be a wonderful night.

The door to this giant limo opens, Burt steps aside and Mark climbs in. He takes one look at my glass and Mark chuckles.

He says, "You have always had good taste. Pour me one too, would you, Joe?"

With a nod, I pour both of us another drink and hand Mark his glass. The limo pulls away from the curb and we are on our way to a new life of importance and prestige. So far this has been a wonderful night and we aren't even there yet. I feel a little off, but I'm not letting that ruin my night.

Shit, I think I've just had too much to drink, and better get something to eat when we arrived.

"Do you like the Champagne, Deidre?" Mark asks, and she just nods.

This sexy woman looks so elegant tonight. The strapless dress just flows down her body like a river of gold, and so does her long, beautiful brown hair. Mark and I talk a little business on the way over, but I notice her smile as we drive by the park.

We have locked the poor woman up in her tower for far too long.

When we are almost at the club, Mark asks Deidre to come to him. She slides down into the seat, and he tells her to kneel in front of him. When she does, he pulls her dress down and begins fondling her breasts.

He's being gentle, and she seems to enjoy his attention somewhat, but I know our boss is up to something.

"Do you like that Deidre?" He asks and she nods.

Mark then kisses them and bites them as she moans. She is getting aroused and I would be as well if he weren't in the car. The sounds she makes when Deidre is excited it's like music to my ears and I can never get enough of that.

Glancing over at Mark, he pulls some clips out of his pocket. And now I know what the ass is up to. He applies one to her nipple, and it doesn't seem to hurt her because she is so aroused. Then Mark applies the second, and she takes it well. He kisses her and tightens them.

Now she is feeling it. To some extent, I'm sure.

"Are you okay, Deidre? Are they too tight?" He asks, and she shakes her head no.

Then Mark pulls out a gold chain and I realize that it's a golden leash. He carefully attaches the chain to her new collar and then to clips. Mark finishes and tells her to take a seat after he pulls her dress back up. She does, and Deidre looks at me like she's okay with all of this.

How can she be? It's like she's two different people.

Sliding over to her, I brush the stray hair away from her face and take her hand. I kiss her palm and kiss Deidre's long, beautiful neck.

This woman is so stunning and he is going to treat her like a dog. What kind of man does this to an amazing creature like Deidre?

A minute later the limo stops and two men are standing in the driveway's entrance to the club. I sit back as Mark rolls the window down. He shows his face, and the man nods as the gate opens for us.

Suddenly, I feel very warm and slightly nauseous. How many drinks did I have tonight?

We pull around back and there is a walkway all lit up for the members. After we stop, the driver comes around and opens the door for us to step out. I climb out first and take Deidre's small hand. Then Mark gets out and joins us. There is no one around, so it seems a little strange being all dressed up.

We must be the first ones to arrive.

Then I realize we are at a different entranceway, which I had never noticed before. It's all lit up, with a red carpet and baskets of flowers, which make this look like a grand entrance.

Once inside, we are greeted by a very large gargantuan man.

He must be the bouncer or part of Mark's security team.

"Good evening Damien, how is everything going tonight?" Mark asks.

He replies in a deep voice, "Just fine sir, right this way."

The guy punches in a code and the elevator doors open, so we walk inside. Once the three of us are in, I feel a little nervous, and I'm sure Deidre feels the same. The elevator doors open again, and we step out into a small lobby of sorts.

There is a coat check room, a hostess podium, but no hostess. I see Mark look around and instantly become annoyed. Seconds later, a beautiful woman appears. She is topless, has a gold collar around her neck, with a metal-looking bustier around her waist. The girl is dressed strangely, like a saloon girl from the wild west, but the front of her skirt is raised, revealing what looks like a metal chastity belt.

The poor thing does not look comfortable. She looks a lot like Deidre, same coloring, but much younger. The girl is smiling at us, so she must be our hostess.

"Good evening, nice of you to finally join us, Isabella," Mark says in an irritated tone.

Jesus, we waited less than a minute before she was back at her post.

"I am so sorry, sir. How may I please you? May I freshen your slave for you, sir?" She asks.

Mark gives her a stern look and then it's like a switch goes off as his attitude changes.

He smiles and says, "That's fine, Isabella."

Then Mark does something else that shocks me. He turns to Deidre, pulls her dress down, revealing her breasts to this woman. He reaches in to get her leash, then hands it to this girl. Mark smiles at her, and Deidre looks completely calm. I feel myself getting angry, but I have to stay quiet.

"Yes, take care of her. I want her prepared and read for me. Do you understand, Isabella?" Mark barks.

The girl nods and leads Deidre away by the leash. Deidre looks back at me, she's scared and I feel so guilty for allowing this to happen to her.

Mark turns to me and says, "She's fine, Joe, stop worrying. They prepare all the girls before they enter. All the slaves and mistresses enjoy a brief message, they freshen them up and fix their hair and makeup. Trust me, she will enjoy this. They all do, and when you see her, she will be thrilled and relaxed. Come with me."

We walk forward to another elevator. Stepping inside it's very luxurious, everything is gold and mirrored, and there is even a bench inside. I'm sure that has seen some action. We go up to the third floor, and I'm excited.

This is further than I've ever been, and the stories about this place are legendary.

Walking out into the hall, there is another set of double doors. Another gigantic man is standing at attention, next to a table covered in white, black, and gold-colored masks. On a closer look, they are all covered with gears, like they are mechanical or something. Mark is handed a gold one that will cover his face. It has shiny golden gears and is topped with large ram horns.

I'm not sure what to pick. Then he hands me a tarnished-looking black and gold harlequin half mask. Rather plain compared to Mark's elaborate one, but I would rather be in the background tonight. Right now, I don't know what to expect. Mark smiles and puts on his mask. So I do. The man standing guard nods and opens the double doors for us.

Mark turns to me and says, "You need to keep the mask on at all times while inside. Unless instructed to do otherwise. Do you understand, Joe?"

This is strange, but I nod as we continue into the next room. Inside, it's full of people, and here I was thinking we were the first ones to arrive.

As we walk to the center of the room, I am amazed by how magnificent this place looks. The rounded cathedral ceiling is cream-colored and trimmed in gold. The entire room is glowing and filled with food, flowers, and at least 100 people, if not more.

The men are all dressed in black ties and top hats, but not one woman is in here yet. Everyone is eating the hors d'oeuvres which look very appetizing. I try some scallops wrapped in prosciutto, a few crab puffs, and of course, some caviar. Everything looks perfect, but I'm still worried about Deidre.

"How is the food? We have a great chef cooking for us tonight." Mark states, and I nod as I swallow the last bit in my mouth.

He then says, "Come with me, Joe."

We walk over to the bar to get a drink. He orders me a scotch on the rocks and a brandy for himself.

This is the last thing I need, but I'll just sip it slowly.

Standing there at the bar, I am about to ask where the girls are when a gentleman in a black mechanical mask walks up to us.

"Mr. Roth, we need you in the back. There are a few papers that need your signature before we begin," the man explains to Mark, and he nods.

The bartender brings the drinks and Mark barely acknowledges the guy. He has dressed strangely as well as this man is part mechanical or something. There are gears and metal parts along his arms, yet his clothes resemble the old west too.

Mark takes a sip then turns to take it with him and says, "Joe, enjoy yourself and I will see you a few minutes."

What the hell am I supposed to do now?

Instead, I nod and walk back to the tables of food. Picking up another crab puff, a gentleman walks up to me, wearing a black mask too, and it's covered in gears as well. He nods and I nod back, then turn to look at the door.

"Is this your first time here?" he asks, and it sounds muffled because of the mask.

I nod again and slowly continue to walk around the table.

He continues, "It's my first time as well. Where are all the women, I wonder?"

"I'm not sure, I was just wondering the same thing," I reply.

He points to the door and says, "Well, I have watched a few men go out that door. I'm getting a little worried about my wife. She was pretty upset when the naked slave girl took her away from me. No one told me that was going to happen. I think I'd better go check on her. Have a good night."

He walks towards the door and leaves the room. Taking my plate of appetizers, I find a booth and have a seat. As I watch the men talking business, I wonder what paperwork Mark needed to do?

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