Lion's Oneshot of Kung Fu Pan...

By LionWarrior1

27.2K 790 493

This is an old collection of Oneshots from my portfolio. It contains some of my best and worst works of Kung... More

Love to Hate
The Chinese Hat
Late Time Date
Strange Behavior
Fan Club
The Snake and the Bird
Ask the Bird
If He were Alive...
The Interesting and Exciting Conversation A Person Can Have with a Pear
Who's Your Favorite?
The Party
Croc and Cat Know a Lot about That
Don't Read It
Where's Po?
Breaking Up
Back Pain
The Story of Monkey
To Wake up Happy
The Cookie War
Food Preparation
The Springs
The Annoying Thing
Another Job
To Be A Friend
The Glory of Watermelon
The Bear
Be Lazy at Your Own Risk
The "What If" Game
Forgotten Friend
Who shall be next?
The Tiger's Back
Where I Come From
The Daughter of Tigress
A Friend in Need
College Life
Jack the Panda
A Broken Leg
Walking in a Person's Shoes
Different Pairs of Shoes
Polar Opposites
The Interview
The Doorknob
So Sick of Love Songs
Dreams and Clarity
Poa and Tiger
Zeng Hangs
The Big Bad Lion
Tai and Tig
Sleep like a Kitten
The Bird and the Cat
Crane's Sister
Monkey's Tea
Tigress Makes Love to Po
Viper's Brother
How to Understand
Don't Say Birthday
The Rules of Fanfiction
A Writer's Lament
Perfect Love

Crane's Dreams

138 8 2
By LionWarrior1

Crane is an odd bird sometimes. He'll act very level-headed and courteous, but without that facade, he does some very awkward stuff. Examples range from the way he talks to the way he walks. But he's a great friend to be around and very simple with certain things, making him rather plain and humble. So most wouldn't expect him to have some personal secret or hidden ability. But that wasn't that case one night when Crane was sleeping. The bird was in his room fast asleep, dreaming happily about what he dreams about most. Suddenly, in the dream, everything changed to a familiar setting. Most times, Crane dreams about doing normal stuff like relaxing next to his imaginary wife in some posh hotel. This time, he was in the middle of the village road and it seemed like the whole village was excitedly talking about something. He could see people whispering with giggles and laughter, but he couldn't tell what they were saying. Then he heard a commotion behind him. He turned around to see two familiar people coming towards him. Po and Tigress were walking side by side... with their hands intertwined with each other. Po was laughing at Tigress kissing him on the cheek. Crane stood there shocked and surprised. This was a dream of Po and Tigress dating each other. He watched the two-pass him as he finally woke up to the morning sun blurring his eyes.

"That was weird," He muttered sleepily, still remembering the dream. Why on earth would he dream about Po and Tigress dating? It was also strange because as far as he could tell, Po and Tigress weren't dating in the slightest! "Hmmm," Said the bird to himself. That didn't mean they weren't hiding it. Crane was still thinking about it when he walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, Crane. Did you sleep well?" Po asked in a cheerful mood. The others were eating the food that Po prepared for them.

"I did," Crane replied plainly.

"That's good. Anyways, breakfast is on the table," Po replied. Crane purposely sat right next to Tigress and whispered to her.

"Tigress," Crane whispered.

"Yes," Tigress replied, wondering why he was whispering to her.

"How well do you trust me with telling me your secrets?" Crane asked. Tigress's eyebrow rose. "It's... relationally complicated," Crane smiled cheesily. Tigress rolled her eyes thinking it was one of his relationship dilemmas.

"I don't trust you to the point of personal things. Like relationships," Tigress said truthfully. Crane nodded, knowingly. He ate his food normally and then left the room. In order to answer the question if Po and Tigress were dating secretly, he would have to follow Po. Tigress was impossible to sneak up on. And even if he could, it would be a death sentence if she caught him. Po was much easier.

For the rest of the day, Crane followed Po by the sky, on the rooftops, or by ground. There were perks to being a bird. The only problem was that he had to make sure he didn't attract much attention to himself since he was well-known. After following Po around all day, in the Jade Palace and out, he concluded that Po wasn't dating Tigress. And just by the look of Tigress, it didn't seem like there was much difference. Maybe it was just a weird dream. He did have Po's weird new drink last night. Maybe that's why he had the dream. So the bird went to sleep and forgot about it.

That didn't work out because the next dream was similar. In this one, Crane found himself in a festival in Mr. Ping's shop. He could tell by the snow that it was a winter festival, but it didn't look like one he had been to before. This one had different kinds of banners. Red, black, and white. Not traditional colors for the winter festival. Then he heard a loud noise from the shop. He looked to see the crowd cheering to see Po and Tigress kissing each other. Crane noticed that Po and Tigress were in traditional wedding dresses. Crane's eyes widened. They were getting married in this dream?! Crane woke up to the sun rising up again. "Impossible," Crane muttered to himself.

"What's the matter, Crane?" Viper asked, who was outside his door.

"Nothing, Viper. I just keep having this weird dream," Crane replied.

"Dreams, huh? Maybe you should tell Master Shifu about them?" Viper suggested. It wasn't a bad idea. Shifu had more experience with these things than Crane did. But the bird wanted to wait another night to see if this was a recurring thing.

The next night, Crane saw himself in the Training Hall with Tigress practicing her flying high kicks. For a moment, Crane thought he was awake, but then Po came in, excited about something. Suddenly, Po slipped on a training staff on the floor, tumbled into the training pit, rolled into Tigress, and stood in a position that was hovering over Tigress. They didn't realize that their muzzles were touching each other. The two blushed brightly as they got off of each other quickly. Then Crane woke up. He walked to the kitchen to get some food and was going to go to Master Shifu when he passed the Training Hall to see Tigress practicing her high kicks. Tigress was too focused to noticed Crane, but Crane was feeling deja vu all over again. As if it was a repeated play, Po came in through the doors, excited about something and Crane's dream played out right before his own eyes. Before the two could find out where Crane was, the bird had slipped out and flown to Master Shifu. "Master Shifu, I need your help urgently," Crane said, bowing to his master.

"What's the matter, Master Crane?" Shifu asked. Crane explained the dreams that he had been having.

"And just now my latest one came true," Crane replied. Shifu's perplexed face didn't do much to ease Crane's concern. "What's happening, Master Shifu?"

"I... I believe that you are having dreams of Po and Tigress dating. Rather, you're having visions," Shifu answered. Crane was confused.

"Then why are they about Tigress and Po?" Crane asked. Shifu stroked his chin hair then he smiled.

"Why don't you ask Tigress and Po about that?" Shifu instructed.


"If the last dream came true, then the obvious thing is that they may either grow to have feelings for each other, or they already have feelings for each other," Shifu explained.

"Master, I can't just come up to them and ask them if they have a crush on each other. That would be too awkward," Crane said.

"You've been in worse," Shifu replied. Crane could only nod in agreement. "It will probably be easier to get it from Po than Tigress." Crane bowed to his master and left. The bird was walking to where Po usually was when he was angry, flustered, embarrassed, or sad. The Heavenly Peach Tree.

On the way there, he happened to bump into Tigress who was staring deeply into her small portion of food. She was stabbing the fork into the food. "I'm pretty sure that's not how you eat food," Crane mentioned.

"What are you doing here?" Tigress asked, not even looking up.

"I live here," Crane replied. Tigress rolled her eyes.

"I meant what is your purpose for stopping and talking to me. You were obviously going somewhere," Tigress answered. Crane sighed as he walked into the kitchen and sat down.

"What's the matter?" Crane asked, "You're usually smashing wooden dummies when you're upset."

"I'm not upset. I'm... confused," Tigress replied.

"About what?" Crane asked, having an idea about what it is. Tigress sighed and paused for a moment.

"I think I like Po," Tigress confessed. She looked at the bird and gave a small chuckle for the sound of his beak dropping. She saw Crane shaking awake.

"Why would you tell me that?" Crane asked. This confused Tigress. It wasn't the first thing that she thought would come out of his mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that's something very private and I'm surprised that you're telling me this," Crane replied. "I would expect you to tell Master Shifu or Viper."

"I trust you," Tigress explained, "Plus you were the one who saw the whole thing in the Training Hall."

"You knew I was there?" Tigress smiled.

"You should know that I can hear things very well," Tigress smirked. Crane nervously laughed. "I just wish that when he kissed me, it wasn't because of an accident."

"And you've had this thing for Po for-"

"A year now," Tigress replied, sadly, surprising the bird. "I don't even know if he likes me." Then Crane remembered his previous mission. He stood up and offered the best help he could.

"Well, I know that these things happen in good time. You'll find the words and what to say to him," Crane replied. Tigress nodded as the bird left. Crane quickly went to find Po. Now that he knew Tigress was interested, he had to find out if Po was too. It would be easier with Po because he was horrible at keeping things to himself. Crane found the panda eating peaches like no one's business.

"How could I mess up like that," Po muttered to himself.

"I don't know, it seemed like a normal mess up," Crane spoke. Po jumped.

"AHH! Oh! It's just you, Crane," Po panted, holding his heart. Then the panda went back into panic. "Wait, you saw the thing that went on in the training hall?" Crane nodded. "Oh man, Tigress must hate me."


"SO?! What do you mean 'SO'?" Po asked in frustration.

"Why do you care so much what Tigress thinks about you?" Crane asked, expecting Po to just blurt out the answer.

"Because I love...the...way she... is," Po tried to recover. Crane just held a knowing smirk as the panda sighed. "I love her, okay? I've had a crush on her ever since I've first seen her. Please don't tell her," Po pleaded.

"I won't. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." Crane replied, "And don't worry about Tigress. She's completely fine about the event. She was just as surprised as you were. You have to remember that she's your friend, Po. She won't get as angry with you for being clumsy." Po smiled brightly.

"Thanks, Crane."


The next week, Crane woke up from a vision of Po and Tigress kissing each other at the Heavenly Peach Tree. From the dream, he could tell it was morning, but he had to do something first before he could check. The bird flew down the mountain, found a big hay barrel of flower petals, rolled it into place, blocked off anyone from touching it, and flew back up the mountain. Crane walked up the mountain of the tree and heard a conversation going on between Po and Tigress.

"It's really beautiful, isn't it," Tigress commented, looking at the sunrise.

"Yeah, you are," Po said. Tigress looked at Po with wide eyes. Po stuttered. "I mean. What I meant to say is... uh...You... are beautiful." Po and Tigress blushed immensely.

"Thank you, Po," Tigress smiled, blushing nervously. "Po... can I ask you a question?"


"Promise that you'll be completely honest with me," Tigress conditioned.

"Of course," Po replied.

"Do you... love me, intimately?" Tigress asked. Po fell silent. Come on, just tell her Crane thought to himself.

"Yes," Po rasped out with a dry throat. "I do love you." Without thinking, Tigress pressed her lips against his, shocking the panda. But Po slowly began to kiss back. Crane smiled as he came out of hiding and walked up to them.

Then it happened.

As Tigress suddenly heard a noise behind them, she turned around, said, 'Uh Oh', pushed Po off the cliff, and acted as if she was training. "Oh, hello, Crane," Tigress nervously said, trying to play off the screaming that was coming from a falling panda. Crane couldn't help but smile as he heard a soft Fhomp at the bottom of the mountain. "What brings you here?" Tigress asked, still trying to keep a normal conversation. Crane suddenly laughed.

"Don't worry, I heard and saw everything. And don't worry about Po. I made sure to put the flower cart underneath the mountain," Crane said looking over the cliff with Tigress.

"IM OOOOOOOKAAAAAYY!" Po shouted from the bottom. Then Tigress's curiosity was peaked.

"How did you know he would fall off?" Tigress asked. "And how did you know we were up here?" Crane smiled as they walked down the mountain and he told her the amazing future she would have with Po.

The End

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