Almost Honest

By honeysympathy

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With dreams of chaos and destruction , June Liera is no stranger to getting her own way . Using what she has... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
chapter Twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter twenty four
Chapter twenty five
Chapter twenty six
Chapter twenty seven
Chapter twenty eight
Chapter twenty nine
Chapter thirty
Chapter thirty one
Chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
Chapter thirty six
Chapter thirty seven
Chapter thirty eight
Chapter thirty nine

Chapter thirty two

22 4 14
By honeysympathy

Ever since they had gotten back from his birthday celebration , Jett had been acting more intense that usual .

Normally June would easily brush his hovering and neediness aside , she had liked this caring side of him . The way he seemed to always find a way to touch her and hold her close .

She hadn't had someone cared to blatantly before and it was nice , for some time , but lately his behaviour had gotten a little too much for her to bare , even by her standards .

He had vehemently insisted that she ate every meal with him , that he was to be the one to prepare and make it . No more junk food . He had told her sternly as he snatched away her bag full of candy and snacks .

He had began texting and calling her almost every hour whenever she wasn't there , demanding to know where she was and who she was with .

If she refused to tell him he would quickly become upset , his voice cracking as he accused her of lying about her love for him . Then he would become angry , snarling and shouting down the phone at her until she gave in and went back to his cabin to spend the night again.

He still cared . She knew he did . He loved her . Yet he seemed to be forgetting that love didn't have to be so painful all the time . She liked the way they had toed the line between pleasure and pain , she liked the way he would get rough with her , pull her hair and bite her skin till she bruised . For she knew that he would always make her feel better afterwards .

He would hold her close and run her a bath , running a brush gently through her hair from where he had pulled on the soft strands. He would kiss her bruises and whisper to her how much he loved her , how he would never let her go.

He didn't anymore . Each shove , each bite and each bruise was overlooked . He didn't hold her to his chest after hurting her , he didn't carefully wipe the blood from her lips when he bit too hard .

He wasn't being very nice anymore and june didn't know what to do . So she had just ignored it .

If he pushed her , she would push back just as harshly . If he shouted , she would scream . If he demands , she would stay silent .

She loved him despite whatever the consequences may be . What else could she do ?

When she felt herself become too overwhelmed from his smothering she had claimed that her father was getting suspicious of there closeness , that he was asking her why she was spending night after night at her bosses cabin .

So she had told him that she needed to go back home for a little while , to breathe , to make things better.

He had put up a fight , eyes darkening in anger as he accused her of abandoning him when he needed her most .

Maybe he was right . But it was all becoming too much for her to handle . She could feel herself slowly begin to hate him again , she didn't want to feel so badly about the only man in her life that she had ever wanted , ever needed. She just needed some time to herself , she was so sure that this hurtful phase in the relationship would pass.

So she had began sleeping back home again which both came with relief and frustration, she didn't sleep well without jett's heavy arms slung around her .

She missed the bastard even when she was the one who had put the distance between them again .

It didn't help the growing darkness clouding her mind , the anger bubbling away each time she stumbled down the stairs in the morning to find Sarah cooking breakfast in there kitchen wearing one of her fathers shirts , her messy and a pretty smile on her face .

She had began staying over five out of the seven days of the week . June still hated her , now more so than ever . She hated finding her toothbrush and self care bottles in there bathroom , her clothes on there washing line and her floral towels in there cupboards.

The fridge was filled with bright colours now , Sarah was apparently a health freak . She didn't eat cake or cookies , she turned her nose up at the chocolate bars in June's bag .

She wished that the woman would just disappear , she found herself weirdly missing the way it had just been herself and her father . The house had always been silent and peaceful for Leon was hardly ever there at first .

Now he was always home with his arms around Sarah , her two children often visiting on the weekend too.

She had almost lost her composure when she found a new picture of the four of them hung up on the wall up the stairs . She wasn't in that photograph , she didn't know when they had taken it either , didn't really want to know .

They had all looked so happy together , without her . There was no pictures of June anywhere in the house , she didn't get a place on the wall. She never had .

She felt lonely for the first time in a while . Cora was always spending her time with Lennon now , smitten with her first ever love . June didn't want to be the second choice so she hardly answered her calls anymore .

Jett wouldn't leave her alone , she only answered him when the pit in her chest threatened to reach her mind , when her hands were shaking and her eyes stung with tears . She would breakdown and cry .

He would tell her he loved her , told her to stop being so silly and to come home to him.

He said that she was acting irrationally, that she didn't know what she was doing . That she needed him . Demanded her to stop acting like a child .

She would only the end the call , gritting her teeth as she roughly wiped away her tears . What she hated the most was that he was right .

She did need him , she didn't know what the hell she was doing or what she was currently feeling . All she knew was that it hurt .

To see her father act like a new man with his new perfect little family , excluding her .

She just wanted jett to stop suffocating her . She wanted Cora to notice her again , to stop babbling about her boyfriend in her every conversation they had . Most of all she just wanted her father to love her.

June was starting to realise that her wishes never came true .

And so the numbness set in . She didn't cry anymore , she didn't refuse to answer there calls.

She left Cora ramble away about her love life , she let Jett scold her like she was a naughty child who had ran away . She let her father put more pictures up on the walls .

She let it all happen and slowly those walls began to rise higher and higher , her eyes growing colder each time she saw Sarah's bright white smile .

She wasn't going to let these people hurt her anymore .

June had begun her silent torment of her fathers new woman . Her new dress suddenly went missing , she heard Sarah complain about it to her father one night when they thought she had gone to bed .

Then her necklaced had been snapped and found on the bathroom floor on top of one of her fancy floral towels that June hated so much .

June had only smiled serenely at her when she asked her if she had broken her necklace. She had.

Then her money began disappearing, the odd note here and there . June gave all the money to syd , he was the only person she could stand in her life anymore .

He didn't demand anything of her , he didn't look at her with disgust whenever she went off on one her childish rants . He would only grin and join in.

He took her to the park on the edge of town every time the sun was shining , helped her carry her paints and new canvases. He would lay down on his stomach and watch her quietly as she painted , never saying her word . Just letting her be free.

She painted him a canvas with him holding a blue Flying V guitar with fire raining around him .

Syd had nearly cried . He had hugged her for a long time and took her for pizza with the money she had stolen , he siding turn his nose up at her junk food, he bought her some more.

She was thankfully for there new friendship , she thought that he was cool and laidback . The type of person she aspired to be . He didn't care what anyone thought of him , he did what he want and he didn't answer to the demands of anyone else.

June thought he was just what she needed.

She had just gotten off the phone with syd that Saturday afternoon , he had invited her over to his apartment . 'Come sing with the rats ' he had told her jokingly . It was more like a fly tip he had said.

Cora would be coming over to see Lennon too . June had agreed to let them pick her up at seven at the promise of some good booze .

Syd had vowed to share his vodka with her , she immediately said yes.

She skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen , her eyes narrowing at the familiar woman making a sandwich at the table . The wood was covered with lettuce, tomato and other vegetables that June had never even seen before .

"Good afternoon June." Sarah said hesitantly, looking up from the food to smile at the younger girl .

She was well aware of June's hatred for her . She wouldn't speak to her unless spoken too and whenever she did it was never to say anything nice .

Each word was spat like venom and Sarah had began to make herself scarce whenever she saw June . The uneasy shiver she would get up her spine put her on edge , she had seen each blank look of fury that was directed at her whenever her father kissed her hello at the door after work.

Sarah had tried being nice and it wasn't getting her anywhere , if anything it only seemed to make june angrier . Her eyes narrowed into slits and her lips pursed as she stared unnervingly back at her.

"Where's my dad?" Was all she said , ignoring her greeting as she took a seat at the table.

"In the garden . He'll be back in a moment I should think . Can't garden for his life ." She told her with a fond smile as she buttered her bread .

June bit her cheek in annoyance "I know . He can't do anything . Never has. Unless he's digging a grave ." She mumbled moodily picking at her nails.

Sarah blinked at her owlishly before softly clearing her throat , shifting on her feet anxiously.

"are you doing anything nice tonight ?" She tried to be nice asking about her day just like Leon had advised her to.

Rubbing her lips together she sighed lowly and reluctantly replied "I'm going to hang out with my friends . I haven't seen them in a while." She admitted .

Sarah watches her eyes flitter around the room at anything but her .

She smiled warmly "Cora is it? Leon told me that you've got some new friends . I had a terrible time making them when I was your age." She told her honestly , still surprised that june could actually be nice to anyone but her .

She felt like she was walking on a carpet of sharpened knifes , tip toeing between danger at every flash of her eyes .

June's lips quirked up slightly "were you a mean girl?" She asked her bluntly .

She looked like one .
Like an old cheerleader who hasn't gotten over her high-school sweetheart running off with somebody else .

Sarah's lip parted as she frowned back at her feeling insulted "of course not ! I've always treat everybody with kindness . 'Treat those how you want to be treated' is what my mother used to tell me." She said.

June grinned humourlessly "what if I want to be treated badly hmm? Does that pillow slogan still count ?" She taunted , half truthful.

She didn't like it when someone was overly nice all the time , there wasn't a reason for it unless they were hiding something . Where these 'good people' still good when no one was watching ? She didn't believe so .

So many people fought to prove that they were good . I wouldn't do that. They would say whenever something terrible had happened to a young woman . They seemed to want to be rewarded for basic human decency . Oh thank you young man for not raping a girl! However can we repay you ?

She didn't trust these 'good' people . You never knew what was the truth with them . At least with a liar you knew that the words they spoke were only bullshit . No surprises or bullets in the dark .

Sarah's eyes had widened in shock "why would you want to be treated badly june ? That's awful !" She exclaimed , the young girl permanently confusing her .

She didn't understand this hot and cold flow that she ran with . One moment she could be as sweet as apple pie , the next her teeth were bared and she was snarling cruelly at your face .

June only laughed "I didn't say I wanted it . I was talking hypothetically Sarah ." She lied popping a grape onto her mouth with a smirk of amusement .

Just then Leon came stumbling in with a dramatic huff , wiping his dirty hands on the clean floral towel .

June watched Sarah's eyes twitch as she looked at the now muddy fingerprints on her favourite fabric .

"Gardening is not for me!" He declared seriously before noticing June sat at the table , his face brightening as he grinned over at her .

"You still here ? Aren't you going out with your friends ?" He questioned curiously .

Grimacing , June nodded her head "yup. There picking me up at seven . I'll probably be staying there overnight so don't bother waiting up." She mumbled chewing on another grape , red this time .

As if he would . She snorted mentally . He had never cared where she was before .

Her father frowned at her "who's going to be there?"

She lifted her eyes to his annoyed "my friends." She replied blankly making him stifle a sigh .

"Don't be so difficult june . I was only asking ." He scolded her lightly before taking a bite of the sandwich Sarah had made him .

Inhaling sharply she glared at the both of them , her blood burning quickly around her body .

What was with all the fucking questions ? Couldn't they just shut the fuck up and leave her alone?!

"Fine . I'm going to a orgy dad! We're all gonna get drunk and fuck each other silly . Is that what you want to hear ?!" She shouted annoyed standing abruptly to her feet making Sarah flinch .

"You want to come father ? You can bring your perfect little gold girlfriend who's apparently never done anything wrong in her life !" She snapped bitterly , narrowing her eyes at the woman beside him .

Leon looked on at her outburst in surprise "june!" He exclaimed gaping at her.

"don't be so rude ! Apologise now !" He demanded standing to his feet and crossing his arms tightly over his chest .

She looked at his muddy jeans and ratty shirt , then her eyes flickered over to the lithe blonde who couldn't even meet her gaze .

Feeling a furious laugh bubble up her throat and out of her lips sharply "you want me to apologise ?" She repeated loudly before nodding her head quickly

"Alright I'll apologise." She said coldly before straightening her shoulders and feeling her phone buzz in her pocket .

"I'm sorry that you're such a stupid fucking cunt who can't do anything for himself ! I'm sorry that I don't do your washing , I don't feed you like a pig or fold your dirty clothes . I'm sorry for not acting like your fucking mother !" She started pointing her finger at him harshly .

Her fathers eyes wide as he blanched , his mouth opening and closing several times but no words escaped him.

The she turns her attention to Sarah , laughing humourlessly "and you !" She scoffed with hatred .

"I'm so fucking sorry that I'm ruining your perfect little family but guess what ? I was here first !" She screamed . The picture on the wall flashing red in her mind .

"June-" she tried to say but she was quickly cut off.

"I'm sorry that your husband left you and that you're  still not over him . I'm so fucking sorry that you're trying to replace him WITH MY FATHER!" She snarled making her take a step away from her .

She continued with her furious rant, too far gone in her hurt and her anger to stop now .

She wouldn't be demanded to do anything . Not anymore .

"I'm sorry that your a stupid fucking bitch who wants life to be all rainbows and daisies ! I'm sorry that I can't stand the sight of your stupid fucking face ! I don't want you here ! I don't want to see every morning! I fucking hate the both of you !" She screamed , roughly grabbing her bag from the floor and swinging it over her chest .

Leon took a step towards her , his heart pounding hard in his chest as he watched his daughter lose control .

Feeling the electricity in the air spike dangerously as she shot him a look of utter hatred over her shoulder .

"June please calm down -" he pleaded to her quietly , worried .

June only shook her head vehemently "don't tell me what to do !" She shot back at him . Blinking back the sharp stinging in the back of her eyes .

Her voice cracking over her nexts words "I'm so sick of people trying to tell me what to do . Demanding that I do this and that ! This is my fucking life and I'm not letting you cunts ruin it for me again!" She swore stomping over to a glass picture frame that sat by the front door next to the small table that kept there keys .

Picking it up quickly in her hands , she looked down at the photo of Sarah and her father smiling widely and scoffed.

Lifting her head she sniffled to herself "you can take your stupid fucking pictures and go to hell!" She shouted before pulling her arm back and throwing it at the there feet .

The glass smashing loudly as Sarah yelled in fear , cowering near the fridge . Trembling as she watched the young girl shoot her one last look of disgust before storming out of the house , the door slamming harshly behind her making the walls rattle from the strength of it.

It was silent for a moment before Leon swallowed dryly , turning around to face his girlfriend .

Exhaling shakily he ran a trembling hand over his brow "what the hell did you do ?" He accused in shock by what had just happened .

He had only been in the garden for ten minutes !

Sarah's eyes widen at the look of anger on his face , her mouth dropping open "I didn't do anything !"

"Your daughter hates me Leon ! She's fucking crazy! I know it was her who broke into my home , it had to be !" She hissed , afraid and hurt by his sudden frostiness towards her .

Leon shook his head with a school , narrowing his eyes at her "she's not crazy . Don't call her that !" He snapped getting de ja vu .

He had called June's mother crazy over and over again and look what good that did him , it had only made things worse . His own daughter hated his guts  and his girlfriend just couldn't keep her mouth shut!

Sarah looked at him In disbelief "do you seriously think that behaviour is normal Leon ? Do you ? There's something seriously wrong with her!" She shouted at him .

Leon was in denial "you're just paranoid Sarah! Of course she doesn't like you , she doesn't like anybody , you're not special !" He snapped defensively .

She gasped "are you serious right now ?" She demanded frustrated.

"I won't be surprised if I go home and my place has been smashed to pieces , she's trying to tear us apart !" She said .

He frowned at her deeply "I think you're the one trying to tear us apart ! That's my daughter you're bad mouthing !" He shot back at her unable to believe it .

"She's been doing so well recently . She got herself a great job , great friends and she was finally starting to talk time again without biting my head off . It's since you've been in this house that it's all gone wrong !" He accused her angrily .

Sarah couldn't believe what she was hearing "so it's my fault now is it ? It's my fault that your daughter is a fucking psycho  ?!" She shouted laughing humourlessly .

The house fell deathly silent for a long minute as Leon looked at her like he had never saw her before .

Then his eyes turned cold and his face hardened.

"get out ." He told her quietly , furious .

She looked over at him shock "you can't be serious ?" She exclaimed loudly .

Leon only shook his head , gritting his teeth "I don't want to fucking look at you right now Sarah . June is still my daughter and I won't have you talking about her like this. Get out !" His words bounced against the walls angrily .

Sarah shot him one last look before storming out , the door slamming behind her .

Leaning against the counter behind him heavily , he groaned miserably . Running his hands over his face feeling them shake against his skin.

This was not how he expected this day to go. Not at all.

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