Beauty & The Beast

By drippynae

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THIS IS AN INTERSEX STORY ABOUT ARI & YOUNG MA! Ari is a hardworking hairstylist. She's loving and looking fo... More

Q & A
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2
Part 2


12.2K 343 209
By drippynae

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Ari Pov

"Now this is what I like to wake up to" Trent say rubbing my body and then pecking my lips "I love you girl" he was just talking like he didn't have morning breath. I got up before him and went to brush me teeth.

Trent is so fine. "I love you too" which I do. This man has been there for me as long as I remember. I just don't love him how he loves me

"Well quit playing with me Ari" Trent say

I rolled my eyes "what can we do for each other"

"We already do everything people in relationships do" the roles switched, right? Normally the female is begging to make it official. I just want sex and friendship from him. I don't know how much I can stress that.

"Sex. That's all we do" I say "I want to grow with someone. You know? Learn a thing a two from each other. Maybe start a business that our future kids could run "

"I ain't asking for marriage just give it a shot" Trent say "yo brother would not want you to be anybody's fuck buddy. I love you Ari and I want more than that"

"Okay" I say

"Okay" Trent smile "so you my girl"

"Trent don't go around running your mouth" I say. I did not want to be with him but I'm tired of him asking. He's not ugly but it's just his personality and what he chooses to do for a living "and this is nothing official. I'm just agreeing to work towards something. I'll give you a fair shot"

"I'm not" Trent wrap his arm around me "we might as well go for round three or four"

"I have work" I say "and you have a plane to catch"

"So you might as well stop posting all that shit on Instagram and Facebook for them thirsty ass niggas" Trent say

"I did not agree to be with you. I agreed to work towards something. Do not confuse the two" I say

"Fasho" Trent say "and you made your mind up about Chicago"

"Yeah I'm not going" I don't want to see my family. I really wish I didn't have to be like this but I really don't have a choice. My family don't really care about me too much, more so my money. I do pay all my parents bills.

"Kyle would come slap y'all if knew you haven't communicated in a year" Trent say. My brother was really big on family.

"Stop bringing up Kyle, Trent" I say

"Ight. Just think about it a little more" Trent say

Chicago brings me to a dark spot. I just rather stay here in Atlanta. "Okay I will" I got out the bed "okay you need to get up so I can take you to the airport"

I really did have to go to the shop and get the hell away from Trent. We both got out of bed and I watched him get in the shower and I went and got in the shower in the guest bathroom.

I just put my hair in a messy ball. I did natural makeup and then my lashes. Today I just put on some light ripped jeans, a black Armani shirt I got from the men's department, and my black Tory Burch sandals.

I walked out my closet and Trent was making the bed up. I really love that in a man. "Okay let's go" he pick his bags up. I grabbed my phone and purse and followed him out.

We got to the airport and he reached over the seat and pecked my lips a few times "safe travels and text me when you get there"

"Ight and you let me know if you need anything" Trent say

"Okay" I say popping the trunk. He got out and then got his bags and I drove off

As soon as I got in the shop I wanted to walk right back out. It was busy as hell. The waiting room was full and everyone had somebody in their chair "good morning everyone" I smile

Some spoke and back others just looked at me. I walked to my office and sat my purse down

Unknown: aye , you do photoshoots

I did not respond. I don't know who the hell that is and I honestly don't care. Probably got my number off instagram or something.

I walked to the receptionist desk and looked at the book of appointments. Everybody want wigs and weaves. I can't do any of these braid down with my nails. I walked to my station "I can either style the hair after y'all put it in or somebody do my braid downs"

"I'll do your braid downs" Kelsey say "here style her please and I'll start the braid downs"

"Okay bet, what you getting love" I smile as she got up from one chair

"Middle part" She say

"Okay and you want curls or just keep it straight" I ask

"Curls" she say "and I want the extra baby hairs"

"Yes ma'am. You can have a seat here" I hardly ever do hair because for one I like my nails extra long and for two I'm a shop owner. I feel like once you've accomplished that goal it's certain things you can calm down on. Therefore other people can have the chance to make more money.

I started doing her hair and I just zoned out. Hair is my passion.

I handed her the mirror "do you like it" I know I did damn good. People can talk hella shit about me but they can't deny the fact that I do this hair stuff

"I love it" She smile looking in the mirror.

"You're so pretty" I say "look like a chocolate Barbie" she started smiling and blushing.

"Thank you girl" She stand up "who do I pay"

"At the desk. Upfront" I say

"Thank you" she smile and walked off

I checked my phone. When I do hair I try not to look at because I don't want to hold nobody's day up. It's unprofessional and a lot of hairstylist don't think about that.

Unknown: hello

Me: who is this

So damn unprofessional. I'm not the hairstylist that'll just let you talk them anyway. I will cuss you the fuck out because at the end of the day you need me not the other way around.

Unknown: young . my sister and her friends trying to have a shoot. i need her hair done

I don't know who this is. "Okay, who's next" My phone started ringing. This unknown person was calling me. "Well hold on" I grabbed my phone and walked to my office "hello"

"Hey Ari" the voice sounded familiar but I couldn't remember who it was

"Hey, who is this" I ask

"It's me, Kayleigh" she say

"Oh hey, who's Young" I ask

"That's my sister. She don't like her real name, did she ask you about the photo shoot" Kayleigh ask

"Sorta, what exactly did you need" I ask

"Well it's for my dance team. We're taking pictures and everybody liked my hair so I want you to do my hair again for the pictures so I can look better than them" Kayleigh say

I started laughing "okay when is it" I ask

"Wednesday" Kayleigh say "can you do it please" she was begging and I couldn't say no. I'm actually flattered she liked her hair that much "my sister is going to pay extra"

"Okay, so like Wednesday morning or Tuesday night" I ask

"Um I actually want you to come on Wednesday. Just so it can be fresh, you got a car right" Kayleigh ask

"Yes I have a car, I have to check my calendar" I knew I didn't have anything planned but to sit around here and help out a little.

"Okay. Thank you so much Ari" I smiled

"You're welcome" I say "I'll text your sister if I'm able to do it and she can give me the information if I'm able"

"Okay" Kayleigh say and I hung up. I walked back out and I got to my station and went back to work

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Young POV

I sat in the car until I saw Ari walking out. This girl is just sexy as fuck. I got out and approached her "aye" she didn't even turn around "Ari" she turned around "hey"

"Hey" Ari say

"Thank you for coming to do her hair, did she pay you" I ask

"Yeah and she did. I love y'all late appointment fees" Ari laugh

I looked her up and down "of course, what are you about to do"

Ari looked me up and down "I don't know, why"

"Let's go somewhere" I say

"Somewhere like where" My car duh. The body on her is crazy.

"Where you trying to go" I ask

"You asked me" Ari say

Maybe trying to fuck would come off too strong. "Okay let's go get some food" I say

Ari looked at me "okay let's do it"

"Okay you can get in my car. I'll bring you back to yours" I say

"And I just want you to know I'm carrying and ain't scared to use it" Ari say

I started laughing "alright" I lead the way. I opened the car door for her and then got in myself. "What you in the mood for"

"Um" I looked at her as I started my car

"Um what" I ask

"I don't know" Ari say

"Wings" I ask

"Okay we can do wings" Ari say and I pulled off "you got drugs in here"

"No" I say "smell like it?"

"Yeah it does" Ari say and I let the windows down and cut the air on

"My bad. I smoke" I say

"It's no problem. I was just asking" Ari say

My phone started ringing and I pulled it out. It was Jada but I knew if I didn't answer it'll make everything awkward and I don't have time for the questions "yo"

"Where you at" Jada ask

"Getting food. Something happened" I ask

"No, can I have some money? I want to go out tonight" Jada say

I smacked my lips "okay when I finish with Kayleigh I'll see what I can do"

"Okay. I love you" and I hung up

"You look like you talk too much, so, why are you so quiet" I ask

"I'm in a strangers car. Give me a second" I started laughing

"I'm cool" I say "I know where you work and what you drive. If I was gone do some I would've been did it"

"Still doesn't change anything. How about you make conversation" Ari ask

"Is your ass real" I ask

She started laughing. "Not my real name, height, or nothing"

"Is your name not Ari" I ask

"Ariana but I prefer Ari" she say

"I like Ariana. Never met an Ariana before" I say

"Really? Common name" Ari say "but my ass is real"

I smacked my lips looking at her. "I'll take it, how many kids you got"

"Just four" I had to hit the brakes

"I know you fucking lying" I say

"What's wrong with that" Ari ask

"Four kids? How old are you" I ask

"Twenty three" Ari say

"And you got four kids? You just was popping that pussy" I say. I'm not one to judge but damn, do you know how to do anything more than take dick

Ari started laughing "no I don't have any kids, you got any"

"One" I say

"Boy or girl" Ari ask

"A boy he's three" I say

"Okay that's nice, did you carry him" Ari ask

"Carry him" I ask "ohh yeah you don't know me" I laugh "I have a dick"

"Oh you're a transgender" Ari ask

"Nah born with it" I knew she was confused but she nodded

"So you have a girlfriend" Ari ask

"Why you trynna get with me" I ask

"No I just wanted to know" Ari say. She got some big ass lips. I know for a fact she suck dick. We got to the Taco truck right around the corner from the hotel. 

We got and ordered and then I paid. "You want to eat in the car or outside"

"In the car" yeah she definitely want to fuck. We got back to the car and I let me seat back a little more so that I can enjoy me food.

"Ari you single" I ask

"Yeah" Ari say "where you from? I hear an accent"

"New York" I ask

"I can hear it" Ari say "it's cute"

We started talking about really nothing. Just laughing and enjoying each others company

"Hello" I answer my phone

"Where did you go" Kayleigh ask

"To get some food, what you ready" I ask

"Yes" Kayleigh say

"Ight here I come" I say and hang up "Ooh she's so annoying"

"Y'all have a cute relationship. I can tell she's a spoiled princess" Ari say

I smacked my lips "that's my mama that got her like that" which is true

"Really because she got you wrapped around her little finger" Ari say

"Please, don't nobody got me wrapped around nothing" I'm just nice to her because I know if I don't then she'll find a nigga or bitch to do it for her.

We got back to the hotel and I parked in handicap "thank you for this. I really enjoyed myself" could've been better if she gave me some head.

"Yeah you cool people, Ariana. We could definitely hang again" probably not. I hardly ever hangout with somebody the second time.

"Yeah I would like that. This is your second time giving me food and you haven't disappointed yet" Ari say

"Oh nah. I know how you girls are and don't think I'm Young for free food because it ain't happening" I say making her laugh

"Okay next time I'll buy the food. I'm just saying you know the food places. I be eating the same spots every time" Ari say

"You look like you eat good. Missing no meals" I say

"Are you calling me fat" Ari ask

"Nah but your ass is just big as fuck" I say making her laugh

"You say whatever you want, huh" Ari ask

"Yeah" I laugh "ion mean no harm"

"It's okay" Ari say

"Yo mama blessed you on God" I say "and I ain't a pervert but it's hard not to look at it"

"You can look all day" Ari laugh "as long as you don't touch"

"Why? Yo man go get mad or some" I didn't really give a fuck if she got a man or not. That nigga is not my problem and will never be my problem

"I don't have a man. I told you I was single" Ari say "but you just can't go around grabbing peoples ass"

This girl can not be single. I mean I've seen some pretty single girls but somebody gotta be breaking her back in. Not good enough but they doing it.

"Of course not just gotta make sure they're of age" I say making her laugh

Kayleigh started pulling my door handle and I unlocked the door "I'm sure I have to find another hairstylist now. Sorry Ari hope you enjoyed yourself because she's not going to call. I'm telling mama"

"I'm not sure what you're use to but nothing happened between the both of us. We just ate and talked" Ari laugh

"Really? I'm proud of you girl" Kayleigh say looking at me

"Girl shut the fuck up" I say "you ready"

"Yeah I am. Did you pay her" Kayleigh ask

"Of course I did" I say

"Okay I see you in two weeks" Kayleigh say as she got in the car.

"Yeah see you in two weeks" I say. Her ass is just fat as hell. I mean real fucking fat. No way that shit is real.

"Okay see y'all later" I watched her walk into her shop "ain't her ass fat"

"It is big" Kayleigh say "you like my hair"

"It's ight" I say driving off "you going home"

"I want to see my nephew" Kayleigh say

"Let me see where Jada at" I say pulling my phone out. I tapped her contact and waited for her to answer

"Hello" Jada say

"Where Bryce" I ask

"I asked you for some money earlier" Jada say

"Nigga I know, where is Bryce" I ask

"Here for now. My sister is about to come and get him" Jada say

"Well my sister wants to see him so tell her fall back. I'm on the way" and I hung up "you need to get you some clothes"

"These are my clothes" Kayleigh say

"You half ass naked" I say "don't be a hoe. That's all I'm asking"

"I'm not a hoe" Kayleigh say

"That's good" I say

"Yeah mama already got one hoe daughter" Kayleigh say

"I'm not a hoe" I say

"You gone try to get with Ari" Kayleigh ask

Kayleigh is always in my business "no. She cool though" I will fuck the shit out of her though.

"Hope you don't get back with Jada punk ass" Kayleigh does not like Jada. I'm not too sure why.

"I was never with Jada" I correct "she just ended up pregnant and I had to step up"

"And live with her" now that was something I just couldn't explain. I moved Jada out of her moms house and we got the apartment. Strictly for Bryce and in house pussy. You can never go wrong with that. Whenever you want it just roll over.

"She live with me. Don't ever say I live with her" I say

"Right she just put you out" Kayleigh ask "if that was your place you wouldn't have left"

It's way bigger than that. As long as Jada is living for free then I have full access to my kid and somewhere to stay. I messed my credit up right at eighteen. All them fuck ass credit cards I thought was free money. Jada allows me to put everything in her name. Win-win.

"Kayleigh when you get you some kids. I promise it's gone all make sense" I say

"I'm not having any kids. I'll just be the cute Aunt. I know you'll have a football team" Kayleigh say

"Oh nah. I'm done with kids" I say. One and done. The whole parent thing is nice and it's a blessing but having to deal with the other parent is a headache.

"Jada was on Facebook talking about she got morning sickness" Kayleigh say

I smacked my lips "that ain't got shit to do with me" I say

"So it's no way that baby is yours" Kayleigh ask

"Why are you so nosey? Here let's listen to some music" I turn it up

I have been fucking Jada with no rubber. Since we've been living together we been fucking. I thought the hitch was on birth control or something because she always talking about how she'll never have another baby by me.

I got to the house and parked and we got out. I walked up the stairs and unlocked the door. "Wassup Bryce" I pick him up

Bryce smiled "I hungry" he grab my face

"Jada make him some food" I say walking to the couch with him

"Am I the nanny" I looked at her and then Kayleigh

"Nah but you is his parent" I say

"And so are you. You don't do shit so the least you can do is make him some food" Jada say

She really trying it. "Jada find you some safe to do" I wasn't going to get out of character in front of them and she knew that shit.

"Hey Bryce" Kayleigh smile taking him from me.

"Are you going to keep him" Jada ask

"I got work" I say "I just had to make some moves with Kayleigh"

"Hm" Jada say

I walked to the kitchen with her right behind me. I'm telling you this girl loves to argue "what Jada"

"I asked you for some money" Jada say

I smacked my lips "girl fuck you. Should've thought about that shit before you started getting fly at the mouth" 

"Okay then I'll get a job" Jada say making me look at her

"If that's what you want to do then do it" I never made Jada get a job. I keep her nails, hair, and everything else done. All I ever ask is for her to keep the apartment clean and make sure my son is not wanting for anything. Easy fucking job but this bitch is just dumb and lazy.

"That's fine. McDonald ass hoe" I say grabbing a water

"Ya mama" Jada say

"At least mine did not put me out" I laugh

"For getting pregnant with your baby! She couldn't take care of the both of us" Jada say

"You was grown ass shit. I can guarantee if you didn't have my baby and didn't get put out you would still be living with her" I say "Fucking dependent"

"Well we would never know where I'll be because I didn't get an abortion like you wanted me too" Jada roll her eyes

"Jada let's be serious you wanted an abortion too but yo dumb, irresponsible ass did not have an ID" I mean yeah this might sound bad but Bryce is only here by the faith of God. I was willingly to drive and pay for the shit. I still think Jada set me up because, who the fuck doesn't get an ID when they are of age?

"Well it doesn't matter. He's here now" Jada say

"And I'm forever thankful" I say opening my water. I love my kid. As long as I'm alive him and his bitch ass mama will never have to worry about anything. My phone started ringing and I looked down. "Work" I answer "yo"

"Nigga, we got business, where you at" Dominique ask 

"I'm on my way" I say and hang up "Kayleigh you staying here with Jada" I walk out the kitchen

"I'm about to go" Jada say

"Oh no. I do not like her" Kayleigh say

"Your sister is so disrespectful" Jada say

I honestly don't know why Kayleigh doesn't like Jada but she just don't like her. I never get in the middle of it because I just don't have time for the petty shit.

"Are you telling on me" Kayleigh ask

"Okay y'all chill out. What you doing? You want me to drop you off at Mama house or what" I ask as someone started knocking on the door

I looked at Jada before opening the door. Jada bitch ass sister. "I'm going home" I looked at Kayleigh

"Alright let's go" I say

"Um Young" I looked at Jada "are you not gone speak to my sister and what about what I asked you for"

"Oh what happened to you getting a job" I laugh "pick a side" I reach in my pocket and grabbed my keys. "Car" I throw them next to Kayleigh

"Thought she wasn't here" Jada sister, Linda say

"Bitch this is my house" I say "fuck you telling people if I'm here or not"

"Girl it's not that serious" Jada say as Kayleigh walked out

"Why you even here" I do not like Linda. This bitch is just rude and weird.

"To get Bryce" she roll her eyes and walk in

"And what you gonna do? Go trick" I pull my money out

"You so disrespectful" Linda say

"Linda, how am I disrespectful" I ask

"You just useless and you talk to her any kind of way. She is the mother of your child" Linda say

"Linda chill out because you know how she is" Jada say

"Girl she scares you not me" Linda say as I went and picked Bryce up because he was about to put something in his mouth

"If I'm so useless why did I just pay for like your second or third abortion? Bitch you better invest in some conforms or birth control" I say pulling two hundred dollars off my stack

"You told her" Linda ask

"Young! I'm sorry Linda but I had to get the money" Jada say as I handed her Bryce and the money

"Y'all be easy" I smile and the passed Linda "aye next one you gotta have. Bryce ready for a cousin or a sibling"

I walked down to my car and Kayleigh was sitting and waiting. I got in and pulled right off. "I'm hungry"

"I'll give you some money to order a pizza or something" I say "because I'm already late and I'm not even about to deal with no fast food"

"Okay" Kayleigh say

I dropped her off and headed right to the trap. I just know I'm about to be working all night. I doubled park and got right out.

I didn't bother starting any conversation with anybody. I put my AirPods in and started packing pills. It's pretty easy just time consuming.I did this shit for like three hours. I had cramps in my hands and I was ready to go to sleep.

I felt somebody nudging my shoulder making me take my AirPods out with an attitude "what"

"Are you ready for Chicago"  I looked at Dominique. It's extremely rude to have someone take their AirPods out for some fuck shit. We're going to Chicago just for work nothing else, so why the fuck would I be excited to work?

"Dominique" I say because I already don't want to be here now he trynna hold a damn conversation

"Here you go about to start with yo bitching" Dominique say

And he was right! I do not like being bothered when I have my AirPods in. That's my time. "I wasn't even about to trip. I just need a perc"

"And I got you" Dominique say

That's how we spent the night. Getting high as fuck and I didn't even make it home.

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