Surviving | grey's anatomy

By FiorraCavazza

156K 4.3K 782

"You know I used to love working here...good memories, seeing my friends who are my second family. And now? N... More

Season 3
Author note
I'm back
You're gonna hate me
Thank you!


4.4K 126 5
By FiorraCavazza

Walking into Joe's bar Eve sees Cristina and surprisingly Meredith sitting down talking.

"Hello Hello I see I'm late." Eve greets them both taking a seat next to Meredith who kept a seat open for her.

"So what did I miss? Weren't you supposed to be with Derek?" Eve asks curiously. Meredith shakes her head as Eve moves to take a sip from Cristinas

"Derek is married." Is all Meredith says making the brunette choke. Cristina gets up to pat her back. "We can't have you dying here Sparkles. Your job now is to make everything seem better."

The brunette nods quickly coughing it out. She takes deep breath thanking Cristina before turning to the depressed blonde.

"Look okay he's married but being married does not mean he's still in love with that woman. Maybe they are already seperated. Every 10th person in America is actually married but not living with their partner. Sometimes there are actually tax benefits. At least in Germany. But nonetheless he's..." 

The brunette pauses. "He's a McBastard or McAsshole you choose." She concludes making the women actually chuckle. Because they rarely hear the young women curse. The brunette grins sheepishly happy that she got both of them to smile.

They seem to be on a very rough patch at the moment.

Just when the atmosphere seemed to be getting better, Joe collapses making all of them jump up to help. Immediately getting him ready for a trip to the hospital.


In the locker room Eve is getting dressed. She sadly had to cancel with Johnny because it was getting too late but he was fine with it and understanding.

In the corner she sees Alex glaring and George and decides to walk over to him making her friends burrow their brows. She couldn't help but feel bad for yes he's an asshole but it takes two to tango. And he was all alone while everybody was with George. She even layed in bed with him stroking his hair while he was upset. 

"You alright?" The brunette whispers leaning on the locker next to his. He grunts ducking his head not wanting to show his black eye. 

"You should stop holding a grudge are you really thinking about fighting back?" She teases making him lightly smirk. Even Alex Karev couldn't resist the brunette. He turns to her.

"He started it right." She just raises a brow. "I mean the syph came from you. It was like subconcious team work for a disaster." She replies making him huff out a laugh looking at her incrediously. SHe just smiles innocently. He could stare at her all day if he was being honest. Before ALex could say something though Bailey walked in.

"Ok, people, assignments. Yang, you're on discharges. O'Malley report to room E19. Grey and Lee come see me, and who was on call last night?"

Alex and Izzie raise their hands. She throws them at both "Sloppy, sloppy, sloppy. Redo these and return them to me before lunch, understood?" She asks clearly annoyed at them not trying to hide it. "Understood." He grumbles.

She then turns to the brunette and blonde. "Somebody's popular." Is all she says before walking.

"Who do you think we're meeting?" she asks Meredith curiously. The blonde shakes her head. "No idea." 

"Meaning?" Meredith asks making Bailey scoff looking at both women. "There's been a request for you and for safety messures I'm adding Lee." Then she continues walking before they come to a halt at a beautiful women, Derek and Dr. Burke. Meredith's breath seem to catch in her throat the brunette turning to look at the blonde worriedly.

Suddenly Bailey pulls Eve down to hear. "I want you to play switzerland today alright? I don't trust these women together in one room." Is all she whispers before walking away having Meredith and Eve look at each other before walking up to them. The brunette furrowing her brows. "Why exactly do I have to be switzerland?" she whispers to herself.

They come to a halt. The women is talking. "I was just checking to see if Dr. Burke secured the intern-"

"Intern you requested? He did." Meredith speaks up making all three attendings turn to them.

The women nods before turning to Eve. The Asian women feeling slightly intimidated. Derek doesn't like that. "And who are you?" The brunette raises her brows. "Switzerland apparently." She mumbles making Derek despite the situation and Burke chuckle lightly.

"I-I mean I'm Dr. Lee. Dr. Bailey decided to throw me into the mix." She finishes with a nervous grin. "Nice to meet you." She ads hoping to not make the women hate her. But she just smirks putting her hand out. "I'm Dr. Addison Montgomery-Sherpherd." The nervous grin is like frozen on Eve's face her eyes widening not knowing to react. "Hi." she squeks out. Oh boy she whispers making the uncomfortable Meredith nod in agreement. Know I know why I'm switzerland.

It's gonna be a long day.


They're in a room with a pregnant women. Julie who has TTTs.

"Define TTTS" Addison asks in a strict tone while looking at the ultra sound.

"Twin-twin transfusion syndrome. Conjoined fetal twins." Meredith answers.

"Connected by?" She continues raising a brow. "Blood vessels in the placenta." She replies quickly. The brunette is biting her lip. Not liking the tension going on.

"Meaning?" Addison asks looking up. When Meredith struggles to answer she turns to Eve. 

"Dr. Lee?" The brunette glances at Meredith. "One twin gets too much blood, the other too little, endangering the lives of both. Twenty-five percent of twins share a common placenta, and approximately 10 percent of those twins develop TTS." she replies making the attendings eyes widen lightly.

"Really good. I'd expect you to know that Grey." At that scolding Eve's smile slightly drops turning into a grimance. SHe starts chewing her cheek as they leave the patients room.

"I could've answered your question if you would've given me a chance." Meredith tells her in a slightly offended tone making Eve slightly fear that a fight is gonna occur. What would switzerland do?

"Chin up, Grey. I'm this tough on everyone, not just the women my husband sleeps with. Order an ultrasound for her and pre-op labs in full." Addison only replies seemingly less intimidating in a lighter voice. At that Eve let's out a reliefed sigh.

"Dr. Lee." the brunette turns to look at the taller woman. "Yes?" "The fact on the TTTS where did that come from?" Addison asks curiously. "Are you interested in neo?" she continues. The brunette shakes her head but quickly stops. "Well actually I'm interested in everything haha I read articles and books about all kind of medical stuff in my free time." she quickly replies not wanting to upset Addison.

She squints her eyes. "How about I show you around neo today. I wanna see what else you got." The brunettes eyes widen. Did she like seeing new things? Hell yes. Did she like spending time with a gorgeous intimidating wife of her best friends might be boyfriend? Not really.

"O-oh y-yeah sure. But I'm supposed to be on Dr. Shepherd's service today. The other Shepherd I mean." She laughs uncomfortably snd glancing at the blonde who just nods at her giving the okay to go. Addison smiles. "Don't worry I'll let my husband know that you'll be with me. Come on."


Down in the lab Eve is waiting for some lab results for a patient from Addison when Johnny walks up to her kissing the crown of her head making her look up and lightly smiling. 

"Hey cutie, you alright? You look..Done?" Johnny asks questioningly.

"I'm on Montgomery-Shepherd's service with Meredith." SHe breathes out. Johnny lets out a grimance. Of course he knew about Derek and Meredith. Everybody who lived in her house knew about them. "That doesn't sound like a great mixture." he concludes taking a hold of her hand pulling her closer. Before they get to kiss a nervous George comes up to them not even caring about their moment. 

"Do you think Alex is going to kill me?" George whispers between them. "Hello to you too George." Johnny mumbles. The man in question turns to the nurse nodding at him still not noticing that Eve and him in the we-want-to-kiss position.

Eve stares at him realizing he's not going to leave. She smiles nevertheless. "No Gerogie he's not going to kill you. Me and Cristina and Izzie are all watching out for you. George ducks his head mumbling. "Funny you just mentioned only girls names." He laughs disbelievingly.

Eve grimances "Sorry but maybe you both should make up and talk. you Shouldn't come to the hospital every morning ready for a fight." She suggests but George shakes his head. Looking at her determined. "I'm ready. If he wants a fight he's getting one. See you guys." He finishes quickly walking away.

Johnny chuckles grabbing Eve's chin who's been looking after George. "Where were we?" he whispers leaning closer. For a while Johnny has been thinking about asking her to be his Girlfriend officially. Of course almost everyone in the hospital knew about them but they were only known as the friends with benefits but he wanted to be more. He really like Eve.

Before they could kiss though the lab tech speaks up. "Johnny how about you do that in your freetime? I got your results." The nurse drops his head on the interns shoulder. Eve chuckles at Johnny's friends face. "Thank Chris." Johnny grabs the file walking away but not before kissing Eleanors blushing cheek.

"And here are Dr. Shepherd's lab results. Dr. Lee." Chris wiggles his eyebrows at her. She just smiles pursing her lips. "Don't judge me Chris." she smirks turning to walk away.


Back in Julies room Meredith and Eve are getting ready to do an ultrasound. Meredith sitting on the chair while Eve is filling out the chart.

It is quiet for a while. "What does it take to go after another woman's husband?" Julie suddenly blurts out making both women look at her in shock but quickly masking their shock with a faint smile. A funny sight if it weren't for the situation.

"Excuse me?" Meredith asks glancing the Eve who just slightly shakes her head not having a clue why the patient is asking that.

"It happened to me. Jeff moved in with a long-legged miniskirt who answer his phones, three weeks into my pregnancy. By the way, that gel is really cold." She grunts annoyed. Eve bites her lip.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry about your husband." Meredith replies still polite although Eve can sense that she's getting uncomfortable. Switzerland. Bailey said be Switzerland. "Are you sorry about Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd's husband?." the patient relentlessly continues. Eve grits her teeth. How is that any of her business.

She grips the charts tighter. "Julie we're going to be checking a few things today." Meredith just ignores the question.

"I bet she asked to work with you. It's what I would have done." she replies snobbily at that Eve shuts the chart loudly turning to Meredith with a bright grin. "Dr. Grey how about you check on the labs once more. I'll take over for you." Meredith shoulders deflate. She nods gratefully taking the charts from the brunette. 

Eve sits down doing the ultrasound. Moving the transducer across Julie's womb.

"Are you agreeing with what Dr. Grey is doing? How can you be accepting of that?" Julie now pesters her.

Eve just calmly shakes her head. "I don't know what is going on in Dr. Grey's life and even if it was I don't think it's any of my concern." She finishes smiling lightly before turning back to the screen.


After the ultrasound Meredith and Eve found some abnormalities that needed to be checked out. But not before she told her about the talk with Cristina and the fact that Cristina only told Eve about the pregnancy and Burke. Eve only explaining that she figured it out herself.

Now they're standing at distance from the openly discussing married couple. "So do you-" the brunette stops her question seeing Meredith's look. She nods. "Alright. I'm switzerland. I'll do it." She whispers to herself walking up to them. 

The closer she got the more she could here. "So not only are making Meredith uncomfortable no you also try to steal away my team partner?" he asks angrily both still not having noticed the brunette.

Was he talking about her? She felt giddy at that. Glad that she was appreciated by her boss. But that wasn't important now.

Clearing her throat. "Dr. Shepherd?" "What?!" both of them turning the wide eyed brunette. "I meant Mongomery." she looks at Derek before turning to the woman. "Labs confirm what look like abnormalities on the ultrasound. We think you should come and see for yourself."

The redhead nods taking the file. "Alright let's go." Eve quickly follows along with Meredith who looks so tired as she ignores Derek's calls for her.


Back in Julie's room. "See. Bilateral pleural effusion with evidence of subQ edema." Eve explains. Having done most of the talking between the women. It was getting tiring.

"In english, please?" Julie asks confused. "We've detected what looks like beginning heart failure in the twins. Don't be alarmed." Addison assures her.

"Are my babies gonna be okay?" Julie asks worriedly making Eve sympathize with her a little. Yes she was rude but no one deserve to have their baby in danger.

"I'm gonna go ahead and take you into surgery now. We're not gonna wait. Book the OR. Move." She tells Meredith who moves quickly.

In the OR Meredith and Eve both got to scrub in. "Julie, we're just gonna go in laparoscopically. You're not gonna feel anything and neither are the twins. Ok, let's get going. Ten blade. Begin with a three-millimeter incision." Addison states as she starts working.

The entire time Meredith wouldn't stop staring at her. At one point Montgomery even asked "How you doing?" finally snapping the blonde out of her trance making Eve let out an exasperated breath.


The surgery went well. Everything was fine with Julie's babies.

Addison lifts her gown. "See? Just a small scar." she smiles and Julie who returns it. "And my babies?" the pregnant woman asks nervous to hear the answer. "Your babies are doing very well. And Dr. Grey  or Dr. Lee will be back to check on you a little bit later." She assures packing up the chart. 

"Actually, I'd prefer it if Dr. Grey were taken off the case." Julie states. Eve takes a deep breath as Meredith exhales ready for being judged. Eve lowers her left hand holding Meredith's who squeezes it tightly. 

Addison looks confused. "Why is there a problem?" she asks. "Just reminds me of someone I don't like very much. Someone my husband likes a lot. Particularly in lingerie. You understand." she starts once again.

But Addison is still not catching up just shakes her head. "Well, she's sleeping with your husband, right?" Julie finally elaborates. Addison just scoffs shocked at the patients audacity.

"Ms. Philips, I lack Dr. Grey's class and patience so, let me set the record straight. My husband didn't cheat on me, I cheated on him. So the wronged woman here, Dr. Grey. So, I think you owe here one hell of an apology." She explains angrily before quickly leaving. Ignoring the shocked faces of Eve and Meredith who stare at each other.


After a long day Eve is walking out of the hospital with Meredith both ready get a drink. When Johnny calls for her still in his work uniform. Eve furrows her brows glancing at Meredith telling her to give them a second. 

"He Johnny you alright?" The brunette asks concerned why he didn't just text her. He quickly nods before grabbing ahold of her face and kissing the brunette deeply and sensually. After a few seconds they pull away. "Wh-what-" Eve stutters not comprehending. "Be my girlfriend." he states looking at her slightly swollen lip.

Eve still not talking. "Look I'm just gonna be bold and say that I think you're one of the cutest, smartest and nicest interns I have ever met. And I've met plenty over my time here. So...maybe just think about it alright? I'm fine with waiting." He concludes looking her deep in the eyes.

The brunnette bites her lip. Yes at first she was worried about it. Her friends loved to point out their age gaps. And slowly it was actually starting to mess with her head. But looking at him now. Everything felt right for her. Who cares what everbody says. She never cared about age gaps. Not with Don and not with Johnny. "Okay...I'm yours." She nods before pulling him into a kiss. But before it could deepen Meredith clears her throat. The brunette pulls back blushing. "I'll see you later?" 

The nurse nods hapily saying good bye to his girfriend and her best friend. As Meredith and Eve both walk towards the car Meredith pumps her hip against the brunette making her chuckle lightly.


In Joe's the blonde and brunette are chatting when Cristina joins them. Taking a large gulp out of Eve's glass before sitting down to Eve's right.

She takes a deep breath while both woman stare at her questioningly.

"The clinic has a policy. They wouldn't let me confirm my appointment unless I designated  emergency contact people. Someone to be there, just in case, and to help me home, you know, after. Anyway, I put both your names down. That's why I told you both I'm pregnant although at different times. You both are my "person." She concludes ducking her head. 

"We are?" Meredith asks curiously her face hinting at a smile. "Yeah, you are whatever." She mumbles not liking this heart to heart talk. 

Eve just nods. "Whatever." she says in a concluding tone.

"He dumped me." She concludes. It's quiet for a few minutes no one know what to do. That'S when Eve grins putting an arm around Meredith's shoulder and Cristina's pulling them both close to her. Meredith is laughing while Cristina groans.

"You realize this constitutes hugging right?" She asks in a fake disgusted tone. Eve chuckles. Meredith decices to speak up. "Shut up we're your 'person'" she giggles.

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