Love Live! Dear Song (Maki Ni...

By Emraldknight

7.6K 236 31

Y/n was often in the Nishikino General Hospital as a child and was in the care of Dr. Nishikino. Cooped up in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 12

263 8 0
By Emraldknight

As I finished getting ready for the day, I sighed and left the house, headed to Maki's home. Me and Maki have been making sure to enjoy our time together these past few months but sadly tomorrow is the day that Maki leaves the country to study in Denmark for the next year. However I want to make this one last day something that Maki can enjoy.

As I reached Maki's home, I rang the doorbell and after a few minutes, the door was answered by Maki.

"Hey Maki, how about we go on one last date before you leave tomorrow?" I said

Maki smiled and said "Geez, I still have a little bit of packing to do before tomorrow. Give me a minute to get ready."

"Alright." I said

After a few minutes, Maki came outside and we began to walk and talk as we went until we reached our first destination, the park where we walked to school together our first day, where we often meet up for dates, so on and so forth.

"It kind of dawned on me that while both come here to meet up pretty often, I don't think we've ever really just spent some time together here." I said "So I figured while we were out today we might as well take the scenic route before we go get something to eat."

"I don't think we really have either." Maki said

We began to walk along the path through the park, talking without any particular topic in mind as we went until we reached a resting area sitting under a shady tree. I stopped walking and said "Maki, being with you these past two years has been absolutely amazing." While I still get that I'm young so there's plenty of time in the future to experience more and find what'll be the greatest time in my life, within these eighteen years of life, I can say that this has been the best. And I'm sure that the greatest time will without a doubt be by her side. "And while we're gonna be apart for a while, I wanted to give you this, as my way of saying that I want to be with you for a long time to come, and that if you ever need me, just call and I'll be on my way."

I then pulled out a rectangular box and handed it to Maki. She opened it and saw inside a gift for her, a silver necklace.

She smiled as she looked at it. "Thank you Y/n, I love it." She then unclasped the necklace and placed it around her neck.

"I'm happy to hear it." I responded. I wanted her to have some memento of me to remind her that back home I'll be waiting for her eventual return. Truth be told, there was a little bit of time where I thought about the possibility of proposing to her today, but in the end there were two reasons that led me to changing my mind. One of them being I still worry about it being a bit too soon for that sort of thing, the other being that before I propose, I want to be a person who can give Maki all the happiness she deserves. I'm not there yet, but hopefully I will be someday soon.

We shared a kiss and began to resume our conversation on our way to a cafe we've gone to on a couple of dates.


Later on, as we began to reach Maki's house, I suggested "Hey, you said there was still some stuff you needed to pack before tomorrow right? How about I help you finish it up"

Maki began to blush and said "I'll be fine doing it by myself. You don't need to come help me."

Maki's reaction definitely amused me and knowing her, there's something that probably would embarrass her if I did help her. And while I'm now kind of curious what it is that would be embarrassing to her, I figure I probably should not try to press for more details.

Once we reached the front door before I said "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you then." Maki responded


The next day, Maki, her parents, and I stood at the airport gates. Mr. and Mrs. Nishikino gave their farewells to her before the last person to say goodbye to was me. Her parents walked away to give us a moment of privacy.

"This is it huh? We're not gonna be able to see each other in person for a year." I said

"Yeah, but at least we'll be able to talk over the phone." Maki said

"And you make sure to if you ever need someone to talk to. I may not be able to be beside you in person, but I'll at least be there for you whenever you need me." I said

Maki and I embraced each other before sharing a kiss. I'm definitely gonna miss these moments with her, but I guess in the end they'll be all the sweeter when we can finally be together again.

As our lips began to separate, we heard over the intercom that Maki's flight would be leaving soon.

"I better get going. I love you Y/n." Maki said

"Love you too." I responded.

And soon after, Maki walked through the gates and boarded her flight. I stayed at the airport long enough to see the plane Maki was on enter the skies. As I began to walk away, I swore to myself that over this next year, I'm going to become a person who can give Maki all the happiness she deserves.

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