The Tattoo Girl

By Sav_and_Cat

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“Can I help you?” Addie asked rolling her eyes at the two teenaged boys messing around in the front of the sh... More

The Tattoo Girl
Chapter 1 - Addie
Chapter 2 - Boys Boys Boys
Chapter 3 - The Party
Chapter 4 - Venus Fly Traps
Chapter 5 - Man Child
Chapter 6 - Friends, Coffee, and Donuts
Chapter 7 - Devastation
Chapter 8 - Piercings
Chapter 10 - Party Time?
Chapter 11 - Movies and Jammies
Chapter 12 - Traffic Trouble
**Not an Update**Please Read**
Chapter 13 - Kay G'night!

Chapter 9 - The Concert

1.1K 34 3
By Sav_and_Cat

A/N remember the dedication goes to a commenter :)


Two days ago, Calum and Luke came into the shop and Luke got his lip pierced, Calum was just there for moral support. It was like super awkward the whole appointment, and towards the end, he asked me if I wanted to come see their concert. Obviously why would I pass up a free concert I have nothing else to do. Also apparently there is gonna be an afterparty, and I’m sure there is definitely going to be some awkward moments, but ill keep you updated.  It should be fine though because Ildri will be there so I’ll just stay by her. So the concert is today wish me luck.


It had taken me like three hours to figure out what to wear. I obviously didn’t have any band merch that I could wear. Then I found a bag at the back of my closet of clothes that I had never worn from when Ildri and I had gone shopping.

It was a black tank top that says “school sucks start a band”, black skinny jeans with slits in the knees, some random bracelets, some black converse, and like curled my hair kinda not really.


Cal and I had been texting a lot lately so I just asked him to text me the adress to their house thingy that they were staying at, and I was currently trying to find it. I should’ve called a taxi or ridden the bus, but I thought I could find it on my own. Obviously, I was wrong.

After fiffteen minutes of wandering aimlessly around, I finally found their street. It didn’t take long to find the house because every other lawn on the street looked perfect except theirs.

I walked up the sidewalk and rang the doorbell. I heard a lot of yelling and even a loud crash coming from inside.

“CALUM THOMAS HOOD JUST OPEN THE STINKIN DOOR!” A voice yelled and I could tell that it was obviously Michael.

“Michael you are yelling,” I could hear Ashton say.

Suddenly the door swung open, and I saw Calum with a really red face.

‘Umm Hey Addie!” he says with a big smile.

“Hey Cal... and others,” I said laughing.

“We have to leave in like 10 minutes cuz we’re always late and our tour manager is getting mad,” Ashton laughed.

“Okay!” I said.

“Here I wanna give you a tour super fast!” Calum said grabbing my arm and pulling me into a random room.

“Umm..okay,” I laughed awkwardly.

He walked into the doorway to the left to the door, and it was the living room.

“So this is the living room. We pretty much spend all of our time in here gaming it up. Michael has pretty much claimed all the gaming devices though,” he laughs.

“Fun,” I said as he dragged me into another room.

“This is the kitchen. We spend the rest of our time in here eating all kinds of junk food.” I nodded my head not really knowing what else to say. He took me into a hallway. “This over here is a bathroom, and this is a closet,” he said pointing to random doors. “I have no idea what this one is,” he said as he opened one of the doors. “Oh dang its a laundry room. HEY GUYS DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE A LAUNDRY ROOM?” he screamed to the rest of the boys.

“What no way!”


“How come we didn’t know about this before??”

The rest of the boys came running down the hall to see this magnificent new discovery.

“WHOAAAA this place is sickk!” Luke said as they all starting jamming the buttons on the washer and dryer.

“Guys don’t break it on the first day!” Ashton screamed. “And c’mon we need to go we are already late..again.”

“Aww we’ll have to finish the tour later,” Cal says to me, and they all raced to the car.

“I call shotgun!!!!!!!” someone screamed.

“NUH UH I already called it Michael!” Luke yelled.

“You got it last time!”

“NOOO Ash did bro!”

“Whatever I get it on the way home!” Michael pouted as he slouched into the back of the van.

“Are they always like this?” I asked Ildri laughing.

“Yeah pretty much, it’s like living in a house with infants,” she said.

“Oh how fun that must be!” I said sarcastically.

“Totally,” she said rolling her eyes.

“Addie this is our driver. His name is Chives,” Calum said (a/n shoutout to those of you who understood this reference)

“Hey Chives,” I said. He did the “sup” head nod as a response.


After like 15 minutes of random conversations and me mostly talking to Ildri, we had arrived to the venue. Calum showed me around quickly before he had to get on stage and rehearse.

The boys were currently rehearsing, and Ildri and I were hanging out backstage until she had to perform.

“So are you gonna watch from backstage or sit in the audience?” Ildri asked.

“Probably the audience. That way I can get the whole concert effect.”

“Cool! I’ll look for you while I’m performing. Then I’ll sit by you when I’m done,” Ildri said.

“Won’t the fans like attack you or something?”

“No, they’ll be too hypnotised by the boys,” she said laughing.

“Okay good I didn’t wanna be a loner!” I laughed.

Suddenly Michael burst through the door and tackled Ildri, and the boys walked into the room behind him.

“Babe they said you have to go get some final touches before you get on stage,” Michael said getting off of her.

“Yeah I need it since you completely just threw me to the ground,” she laughed.

Ildri left the room leaving the rest of us in an awkward silence.

Ashton finally spoke up, “This is gonna be our first show on our own headline tour. We’ll have a few shows in different cities, but we’ll have a lot more once the One Direction tour finishes.”

“Ohh fun! Are you guys nervous?” I asked.

“No, not at all, we’ve performed in front of crowds way bigger than this,” Calum said.

“Nuh uh Cal we all know that before every gig you almost wet your pants,” Luke chimed in.

Calum just glared over at Luke.

“Yah one time he-” Michael started yelling but was cut off by Calum body checking him into the wall.

“C’mon guys don’t embarrass Calum in front of his new girlfriend,” Ashton said giggling like a 5-year-old.

“Okayyyyy I’m gonna go find my seat now,” I said trying to hide the blush spreading across my face and to get out of this weird situation with 4 guys I barely knew.

“Hey you’re still coming to the afterparty right?” Calum yelled as I was walked out the door. I stopped and turned to look at them.

“Maybe,” I said shrugging my shoulders and strolling out the door. Realizing I forgot which way I had to go to get to my seat, I turned around to go back and ask. I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard someone say my name.

“Great now you’ve scared her off,” I heard Calum say.

“No way dude. Addie sooooo likes you,” Michael said.

“Yeah right.”

“No seriously. Didn’t you see her blushing when Ash said she was your girlfriend?” Luke aforementioned. (a/n as you can see we use fancy words from that we don’t even know the definition to)

“Really?” I figured I should probably go in before they find me out here eavesdropping.

“So... um.. I kinda forgot which way to go.”

“Oh! Calum can escort you to your seat,” Ashton said pushing Calum in my direction. “Right Cal?”

“Uhh.. yeah I’ll show you.”

“Okay thanks!” I laughed awkwardly.

Calum walked out and held the door open for me.

“Whoaaaa what a gentlemen!”


“Such a perfect boyfriend!”

Calum ignored them and slammed the door shut once I stepped out.

“Sorry about them they’re a little..strange,” he said turning red.

“It’s all good!” I giggled awkwardly.

The entrance was only like a 30 second walk down the hallway. He had to hide behind the door so no one would see him and stampede the door.

“We got you and Ildri front row seats. Number 8 and 9,” Calum said pointing to the seats.


“Thanks again Cal,” I said giving him a weird hug that I instantly regretted. I didn’t want wrong impression. “and break a leg.”

“I’ll try not to,” he said laughing and walked back toward the dressing room.

Once I found my seat, I was just being a weirdo and sitting and doing stuff on my phone as I waited for Ildri to come out.

She finally came out after 10 minutes. I saw her scanning the front rows looking for me, and once she did she was waving her hand wildly in the air. I just awkwardly waved back as I felt everyone’s eyes staring at me.

Ildri sang a like 5 covers, and I only knew one. I wasn’t going to know any of Cal’s songs, so this was already a disaster.

Once again I found myself on my phone as they got the stage ready for the boys to perform.

All the girls started screaming and killing my eardrums which I thought meant they were coming out, so I looked at the stage and they weren’t so I just went back to gaming.

Like 30 seconds later I got a text from Calum: u didn’t see me:( look to the left

Oh great this was obviously why they were screaming. I looked up and saw Cal with a huge smile on his face looking at me.

My face got super red and I looked down.

Shouldn’t u b preparing for ur first big show..make sure u go to the bathroom lol

He replied almost instantly: Haw haw very funny

I was about to reply when I heard even more deafening screams followed by someone yelling into a microphone.



hiiiiiiiiiii basically i have nothing to say and i’ll leave the talking to savannah bye now XD


heyyyy bros :D if you didn’t see it at the top, the dedication goes to a commenter so you better get commenting. I don’t really know what to say either but ummm there was some more Caldie action in this oneeeee woop woop does anyone else ship it cuz I do lel hopefully these chapters are getting more fun to read because they are getting more fun to writeeee anyway thats like pretty much it byeeeeeeeee

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