Raven (Fred x oc)

By belle_kafer

523K 12.8K 2.2K

My name is Valerie Black and Sirius Black is my father, but I don't remember him. You see, he was taken away... More

1. Brains, Charm, Fire, and Mischeif
2. Escaped
3. The Black Name
4. Again
5. Family Relations
6. Newspapers and Boggarts
7. Ramifications and Voices
8. Cat and Mouse
9. Hogsmeade
10. Torn and Mended
11. Pre-Game Traditions
12. Badgers and Lions
13. Accusations
14. Christmas
15. Arguments
16. Eagles and Lions
17. Tall Tales
18. Nerves
19. Lions and Snakes
20. End of Term and All that it Entails
21. Rats!
22. Schoolboy Grudge
23. Truth and Justice
24. Explosion
25. Turning Time
26. The Conclusion
27. Explinations
28. Loose Ends
29. Resettling
30. Ton-Tongue Toffee
31. The Mystery of the Lack of a Quidditch Captain
32. Reconnecting
33. The Sensitive Nature of Money
34. The Quidditch World Cup
35. Death Eaters
36. He's Coming
37. Back Again
38. N.E.W.T. Classes
39. Something Not Right
40. Raven
41. Une Surprise
42. Happy Birthday
43. The First Task
44. The Yule Ball
45. The Ring
46. Changes for the Purpler
47. Psychometry
48. Spiritual Mediumship
49. The Third and Final Task Preparations
50. Force Field Generation
51. A Little Dose of Fear
52. Spirits
53. Trauma
54. Summer Pains
55. Grimmaud Place
56. Potter Temper
57. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
58. She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Remembered
59. Bewitched
60. Disillusion
61. Fears
62. Back Again
63. The Story of that Night
64. Umbi- Oop, I Can't Say That
65. Emotions and Quidditch
66. Toxic Masculinity
67. Rough on the Pitch
68. Loss of Quidditch, Loss of Safety
69. Gain
70. Lions and Serpents
71. Animosity
72. Guilt
73. Chocolate Oatmeal Biscuits
74. Escaped
75. Chiaroscuro
76. Soon to be Parted
77. Until We Meet Again, Luv
78. Lions and Eagles
79. Foreboding
80. Loss
81. Connections and What's to Come
82. Summer Break
83. Mid-Summer
84. A Moment You'll Never Forget
85. Back Again, Grown-Up Addition
86. The Dragon Falls Further and Further Away
87. The Dragon Steps to the Path of Fire
88. The Dragon Takes His Firsts Steps on the Fire
89. Lions and Snakes
90. The Sickly Dragon
91. Navidad
92. Badgers and Lions
93. The Dragon's River of Blood
94. The Raven's Dreams
95. Moonlight, Dark Curly Hair, Fangs, Blood, and the Figure
96. The End of a Book That Took a Hundred-Fifteen Years to Write
98. Forgetting
New Story!
99. Black-Wealsey
100. Second Wedding
101. Calm Before the Storm
The Siren's Call (A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction)
102. Bondage
103. Frozen
104. Stories, Snatchers, and Mushrooms
105. Crucio
106. Plot-Twist
107. The Dragon Living in Fear
108. Andromeda Tonks
109. Home
110. The Dragon Calls to the Dragoness
111. An Escape
112. Pain
113. Shock and Delight
114. Orphaned
115. Hope
Uncontrolled (Remus Lupin x oc)
Disgraced of the House of Black

97. Too Much Potter

1.8K 51 21
By belle_kafer

Huge, huge shoutout to @finja042 for all their help in brainstorming for this next part of the story. Couldn't have done it without you! Thank you also to @RhiannonElizabeth128, @Black_roses47, and @alohastitch626 for all their input and feedback. Thank you, guys! I hope you and everyone else enjoys what is to come. Love you all! Now, on to the story!


"Harry!" I cried, wrapping my arms around him as I stepped into his house. 

"Valerie," he replied, returning the hug. 

As everyone else greeted him, Hagrid said, "All right, Harry? Ready ter be off?" 

"Definitely," he replied, "but I wasn't expecting this many of you." 

"Change of plan," Moody replied as I moved to stand by Fred. "Come on." We moved inside in the kitchen and sat around, waiting for Moody to explain the plan to Harry. Several of us had volunteered to go. There was Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Bill, Mr. Weasley, Moody, Tonks, Remus, Kingsley, Hagrid, myself, and Mundungus. 

"Kingsley, I thought you were looking after the Muggle Prime Minister," Harry said. 

"He can get along without me for one night," he replied. "You're more important." 

"Harry, guess what?" Tonks said excitedly, jumping up to sit on the countertop and flashing her wedding ring for him to see. 

"You got married?" Harry said excitedly, looking between her and Remus. I couldn't help but smile. He had finally listened to me. 

"I'm sorry you couldn't be there Harry, it was very quiet," Remus explained. "Only the two of us, her parents, and Valerie." 

"That's brilliant," he replied. "Congrat-" 

"All right, all right," Moody interrupted, dumping the two bags in his hands to the ground. "We'll have time for cosy catch-up later." 

"Moody, you talk too much," I said irritably. "Listen, Harry, one of the department heads has been imperiused. We can't just apparate or anything now. So instead, we have to use things they won't be able to detect. Otherwise, we're screwed. So, we're each heading for a safe-house. You're going to Tonks' parent's place." 

"But won't they be able to tell where I'm going?" 

"No," I replied. "Because we'll each look like you." 

"No!" he shouted instantly, spotting the potion in Moody's hands. "No way!" 

"I told them you'd take it like this," Hermione said. 

"If you think I'm going to let six people risk their lives-" 

"-because it's the first time for all of us," Ron interrupted with a smirk. 

"This is different!" Harry countered. "Pretending to be me!" 

"Well, none of us really fancy it, Harry," Fred said. "Imagine if something went wrong and we were stuck as speckly, scrawny gits forever." Turning to me, he added, "Think about it, luv, it would look like you were engaged to Harry Potter." I snorted. 

"You can't do it if I don't corporate," Harry said firmly. "You need me to give you some hair." 

"Well, that plan scuppered," George said sarcastically. "Obviously there's no chance at all of us getting a bit of your hair unless you corporate." 

"Yeah, thirteen of us against one bloke who's not allowed to use magic; we've got no chance," Fred joked. 

"Funny, real amusing," Harry said. 

Rolling my eyes, I said, "Harry, we're all overaged. We're willing to take the risk." Before he or Moody started arguing, I came up behind him and pulled out a few of his hairs. 

"Ouch!" he cried. "Valerie." I smiled at him, dropping the hairs in the potion. 

"Right then, fake Potters line up over here please," Moody growled. Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, and I all got into a line. He poured out the potion and handed it out. Taking a deep breath, I downed the potion, trying not to gag at the taste. Instantly, I felt myself grow taller and my hair go back into my skull. My chest flattened and my limbs grew bulkier. 

Once it was complete, Fred and George looked at each other and said, "Wow, we're identical." 

"I dunno, though," Fred said, looking at his reflection in the kettle. "I think I'm still the better-looking." I grabbed some of the clothes from the bag and moved to another room to change without saying anything. 

When I came back, everyone was changed, and Moody said, "The pairs will be as follows. Mundungus will be with me, by broom. Arthur and Fred, George you're with Remus. Miss Black, you're with Bill by thestral. Miss Granger with Kingsley, again by thestral." 

I made my way over to Bill, crossing my arms over my chest. We moved outside and I attempted to mount one of the thestrals. I fell back, unused to the body I was now using. "This is so weird," I said with a laugh. Bill chuckled, helped me up, and mounted in front of me. I grabbed onto his shoulders and waited. 

"Good luck, everyone," Moody said. "See you all in about an hour at the Burrow. On the count of three. One...two...THREE!" We soared into the air, climbing higher and higher into the sky. When we had gotten up a way, we were suddenly surrounded. I let out a surprised cry, reaching for my wand on instinct. Without a word, I shot spell after spell at the Death Eaters surrounding us. Bill had taken out his wand as well as was helping. 

The thestral seemed to have a sort of second sense as it moved, avoiding the curses with admirable ability. Before we had gone far, a cry sounded to our right. I looked and had to hold back a scream. Voldemort was flying over Moody and Mundungus. I began to hyperventilate, my wand useless in my hand. With a crack, Mundungus disapparated, leaving Moody alone. A flash of green sped towards him, hitting him in the face. 

He was frozen, suspended in the air for a moment before falling. I cried out, covering my mouth with my hand as I watched him topple to the ground. Voldemort turned, looking at me. The thestral sped up, unnerved by the hundreds of flashes of light going past us. I turned, shooting back as many spells of my own as I could, throwing up a shield when I could while my entire body shook, but they were gaining on us. 

"Hold on!" Bill shouted. I moved my arms so I was holding onto him by the waist before he guided the thestral downwards. I paled as I saw a green light streak above us. A figure rose up behind us on a broom. The black greasy hair and black eyes gave him away. A flash of light went passed and I ducked, trying to avoid the light. Just before they all were on top of us, they disappeared. The thestral landed harshly and I slid to the ground, staring up at where the magical barrier must end. 

Ragged breathing was the only sound as I collapsed, my legs giving out. I tried to talk, but no sound came out as Bill offered his hand to help me up. I took it, my hand still shaking. I trembled as we walked inside. We were in Moody's house. 

"W-What's the portkey?" I asked. 

After looking around a moment, Bill replied, "It's not here. We'll have to fly back to the Burrow." I nodded, collapsing in a chair. 

"Y-You don't think anyone else is..." I began. 

Without answering, he said, "We should get going so they don't worry." I nodded and went with him back to the thestral. After we had mounted, we went to the barrier and just barely went out to see if any Death Eaters lingered. They were all gone. After a moment's more to make sure, Bill urged the creature into the air. 

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