By elisimone_

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in which two people are quite literally polar opposites... #1 in jasper category 4/29/2021 #8 in mates categ... More



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By elisimone_


jasper's POV

My eyes widened as my hand shot to my mouth. The cashier in front of me looked at me confused and frightened... very frightened. My head went down, my hair covering my eyes as I did so just in case my eyes changed. When I peered to the side, Audre had her hand over her mouth as she furiously tried to cover her laughter. I saw as she then took a breath before she looked at the man still before us, probably too scared to move.

We were at the airport, on our way to catch our flight back to Forks to make it in time for Edward and Bella's wedding. I couldn't help but feel a little sad about our vacation being over. Of course, I wanted to see my family, and I'm sure Audre wanted to see hers as well. It may sound a little selfish, but I wanted to keep her close. I couldn't help but worry about her, even if I didn't have to.

"Sorry, so sorry about that, Jazzy here was just clearing his throat, sorry it was loud... he has a medical condition," she says, feigning apologetic laughter as she sat her hand on my shoulder.

I inwardly sighed at the situation at hand. I'd growled, loudly at the cashier in front of us. Audre had wanted some hot chocolate, so we went to a coffee shop at the airport. Someone had even walked past the shop, and had looked in, stopping when they saw Audre. They stared the entire time Audre ordered and was waiting for her drink so I got upset. Unfortunately, I let out a growl I hadn't meant to, and it was unintentionally directed towards the cashier.

"O-oh, okay, well I'm sorry to hear that. No need to apologize, it's okay," the man stuttered slightly as he straightened himself out. I inwardly sighed as I took a gamble with my eyes and moved my hair. I grunted a bit, unnecessarily clearing my throat as I fidgeted, trying to make it look like I was getting it together.

"I'm sorry," I said before I feigned a cough into my elbow.

"No, no it's fine, okay," the man sputtered. I quirked an eyebrow at his cheeks, which reddened even further he stared at Audre a bit. My jaw clenched, as I fixated my eyes on him. I knew Audre could feel my sudden tense nature and glanced at me. She stared confused, but I saw as it roll off her shoulders quickly after.

"Well we have a flight to catch," she told him with a small nod before she took my hand in hers and began leading me out of the almost completely empty little coffee shop to the way to the waiting room for our flight. As we walked, I turned my head to look back at the man.

A small growl released from my throat, one I knew he couldn't hear, as I sent him a fierce glare. His composure changed as he looked at me, flinching hard as he saw my look. He coughs and got himself together before he awkwardly walked off. I huffed in irritation before I turned my back to him, turning my head to look at the top of Audre's head.

Her hair was the first thing I saw, her hair that'd grown at a rate that actually kind of worried me. She had in individual twists that came about to her chest. It was pulled up in a bun with 2 of them framing her face. It was almost midnight, and she'd taken to wearing sweats and a hoodie to which she had a tube top underneath. We wore similar clothing of course since this was the airport, with me wearing one of her huge hoodies that she seems to take everywhere with her, even if it's a hot place like Costa Rica.

I smiled slightly at the warmth coming off her hands, letting her drag me away from the stranger. I pushed the small encounter to the back of my mind as I looked down, seeing our intertwined fingers. I beamed a little a bit, seeing the engagement ring on her finger before turning my head a bit to look at her other hand, seeing it hold onto her styrofoam cup of hot chocolate, still wearing the promise ring I gave her a couple of months ago despite now having a new one.

Another small smile came to my face as I  looked at her. It wasn't long before we'd reached our destination. We sat down together with me setting the backpack I wore on the floor, her hand still in mine as she sipped her drink, chuckling as she brought it away from her face. 

"So, how's the medical condition?" She asked jokingly. I shook my head at her, sputtering out a small laugh before I leaned back against the wall.

She hummed lightly, taking her hand out of mine briefly so that she could set her bag down. She leaned back, hooking her hand around my arm before she relaxed her body. We waited patiently for the boarding process to begin, listening to the quiet conversations around us. Maybe 30 minutes later, it began, and we were shown to our seats. I sighed as we sat down again, putting the backpack in between us on the floor. She stretched a bit, her drink already having been discarded as she got comfortable in her seat.

Luckily, we'd only needed to take one plane to get from here to home, but it would be a long ride. The plan was that Emmett, Rose, and Bree would pick us up, but halfway there, Audre would get out and make her way to the pack to greet them. I knew she was excited to see them again, especially since the packs were still conjoined. Even my siblings were surprised by what how Audre's family excitedly broke the news to us during their excitement of it all. From my understanding, the packs were to stay together until the end of the summer, training each other relentlessly, which Audre had a so-so feeling about. She told me that she actually enjoyed training, even with her Uncle Thomas, but not when it felt like they were trying to kill her.

I smile a bit at that. I knew she was happy here with me, but I also knew she was happy when she was with her family. She wasn't alone in that because I don't quite remember my human family, but ever since Carlisle found Alice and me, all I truly recall is my time with Maria and then becoming a Cullen. As a vampire, I remembered almost every aspect of my vampire life after being turned into one like all of us do and though useful, it was nothing but an added curse. Having to remember everything, the good and the bad, and when you're not human, you tend to attract the bad. Though just as I was given a second chance at life, it seems that I was also given a second chance at a family.

Despite Edward's actions over the past year, he and the rest of my family were of the utmost importance to me, right behind Audre. I guess it was rather odd to not be around them since I've been with them for well over 40 years now. My body relaxed against the seat I was in. Audre moved a bit, having moved her hand out of mine, hooked it on my elbow, and then proceeded to lay her head on my shoulder. I smiled at her before I laid my head atop of her.

Hours went by, and I just sat in relaxation as Audre slept. We'd be home in only a couple of hours, and in that time I'd swiftly retrieved a book from my bag and was reading silently as Audre slept. Time went by slower than it usually did, but I guess that was to be expected when you're pulled out of your own little world like that.


I held Audre's hand as we walked through the airport. The smell in the air was new, but still familiar to the nose. Audre smiled widely as she pulled me with her to where she'd spotted my brother. Emmett smiled at us as he and Rose spotted us. Behind them, stood a timid Bree, who was the newest addition to the Cullen family.

As we walked over to them, I looked down at Audre, with her bearing the same expression as I. Worry, evident on her and I's features. Her hand squeezed mine a bit, and I returned it as we quickly made our way to our family. We had 2 carts for our things which each of us was pushing towards them.

"You guys enjoy your vacation?" Emmett asked, a major grin on his face as he asked. I shook my head at him, looking over to Audre to see her covering up a chuckle as Rose looked at her with the very same knowing look on her face as Emmett looked at me with.

"Let's go assholes," Audre said shaking her head with a laugh.

We moved quickly, exiting the airport and then loading the things into Emmett's car, before we got in the backseat, with Bree sitting in between Audre and me.

audre's POV

Out of the corner of my eye I saw and felt Bree shift a bit against me. I looked over at her with a small smile, sensing her nervous aura.

"How are you? Do you like it here?" I asked her. No one paid us any mind in the car, as Jasper was talking to Rose and Emmett. Though, even if Bree didn't know it, I knew they were either listening in or expecting me to tell them what we spoke of in order to accommodate her even further.

We all felt how frightened she was when the Volturi were out for her head, and we knew it was only right to make her feel her best while she was here, especially since we were the ones who told the Volturi to back off with their little bounty on her. She also couldn't have been more than a handful of months after she was changed, and since she was changed at such a young age as well, 15, it was hard to tell how she was doing just by looking at her. Emotions are pretty high right in the middle of being a teenager, and she was changed while all those emotions were still being figured out so it only made sense for hers to be higher than the average vampire. As the years are to go on, it only made sense for them to mellow out as she matured as a vampire so now it was only a matter of time.

"Oh, oh I'm fine! Everyone's been really nice, and understanding," she said with a nervous smile.

I breathed out a sigh of relief as I lifted my hand and sat it on her shoulder.

"I'm glad you're doing okay," I told her with a smile. I watched as she paused before she nodded with a small smile.

I wasn't sure what it was, but I felt strangely protective of her. She reminded me of Bella in a way. Maybe it was the hair, or how she shared Bella's anxious nature, or maybe it was how I encountered her. To me, vampire or not, she was just a scared little girl. Snatched from whatever family she'd come from to fight a war that had nothing to do with her, and on top of all that, she was almost killed for it. She was only a couple of years younger than me, and in this condition, she'd stay that way. Plus we'd soon be family anyway since they'd had her name changed almost immediately.

She was now Bree Tanner-Cullen.

"Hey, drop me off at Charlie's okay?" I asked.

"Sure thing Audre," Emmett said with a smile.

After the war and since I'd graduated, Aunt Lydia and Uncle Thomas insisted that I moved in with them until Jasper and I discussed our plan. I was hesitant at first, having taken a liking to living with Uncle Charlie, but he too also insisted I go. He told me that if I didn't leave now then he wouldn't have the strength to let me go later. We laughed when we said that, and I agreed, but still, I missed him. He was still the closest thing to a good dad that I had, and I'm not sure if it's selfish or not to want to hold onto that for a little while longer, but I couldn't help it.

The drive was fast, since it was pretty early in the morning, and I was convinced that all vampires share a common characteristic of reckless and fast driving. Soon, we were outside my house and I couldn't help but beam at it. Jasper opened the door for me and kissed my forehead.

"I'll see you later," I said before I placed a kiss on his cheek.

"I'll see you guys later," I said waving at Rose and Emmett who smiled at me.

"Hey Bree if you ever need anything, call me okay," I told Bree throwing her a smile as I was then released from the hug Jasper had enveloped me in.

"O-okay," she said. My eyes widened at the genuine smile on her face making me smile at her softly. I couldn't help hugging her before I left, so that's what I did.

I walked away then, Jasper getting back in the car as I did. I get my keys out of my bag and unlocked the door. When I opened it, I was greeted with a heartwarming sight. A sight that made me beam at those before me.

Uncle Charlie sat at the table, looking at me wide-eyed with a cup of coffee in his hands. He had a newspaper in his other hand with a plate of eggs and bacon beside it. Bella sat on the other side of the table, a plate of bacon and eggs in front of her with a glass of orange juice on the side of that.

"Audre!" Uncle Charlie said in surprise. I chuckled as he stood up. I met him halfway, walking over quickly to hug him. He sat down his cup quickly, hugging me tightly when we met.

"I've missed you, Uncle Charlie," I told him.

"I've missed you too Audre," he told me. The hug didn't last long as he'd pulled away quickly and began inspecting my hand.

"Which one is it?" he asked, looking back and forth between my engagement ring and my promise ring. I gave him my left hand, indicating that the ring on my left hand was the engagement ring.

"No way!" Bella exclaimed loudly, as she moved over from her plate to come to look at my hand.

"Yes baby cousin, I'm getting married," I told her with a happy smile on my face.

Bella laughed loudly as she brought me into a hug, Charlie joined in our hug, squeezing the both of us tightly.

"Ah both, both my little girls are getting married, when'd I get so old?" he asked playfully.

I chuckled, but then sighed inwardly as I saw the tears building in his eyes as he looked at the 2 of us. I shook my head as I took his hand into mine.

"You're not old Charlie," I told him as I squeezed his hand on my shoulder.

"So, how was your vacation?" Bella asked.

From there I told them an abridged version of how it went down. Instead, I told them about how we went to museums, out to dinner, touring, sightseeing, and all that jazz. They listened intently to my small stories before the topic switched off of me to what they did while I was gone, which mostly included talk of the preparations.

"Alright, I have to go see Sam and Aunt Lydia," I told them as the talk ceased, literally buzzing at the thought of seeing them again.

I wasn't sure they knew if they knew I was here, as none of them had my frighteningly keen sense of smell, but that didn't matter because I knew they were training on the other side of the treaty like they were supposed to this time of the day.

"Alright, sweetheart I'll let you go," Uncle Charlie said.

"And I'm sure I'll see you later. I know Alice will rope you and Jasper into all of the planning," Bella said with a small chuckle. I laughed at her as I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Oh Bells, who do you think she put in charge of your bachelorette party?" I asked her with my eyebrow quirked. Her grin faded, as she suddenly looked at me drained. I couldn't help but chuckle as I pat her back and shook my head.

"You know as your maid of honor I'd of been happy to plan the whole thing, but I wanted to give Alice her time to shine," I told her. She rolled her eyes at me, not being able to hide her smile as she brought me into one last hug.

"I'll see you later, Audre," she told me.

After our goodbyes were made, I made my way out of the house, making it look like to Uncle Charlie that someone was picking me up. Though, once the coast was clear, I took off into a sprint. My shoes flew off as I ran, but I paid them no mind as the excitement drove me. With a huff, I flipped, removing my sweatpants to reveal the running shorts I wore underneath. I ran slower than normal, taking in the beautiful forest of greenery that I didn't even realize I missed so much.

I sped up as the treaty neared, pushing my all into my legs as I jumped the treaty, hiding my scent as I did so. I moved as quietly as I could, running and weaving, my body feeling light on my feet, almost like they missed the exhilaration. I was in front of Emily's house in no time, and I was met with the pack lounging, relaxing in human form, probably having just finished a workout or something of the sort. All the pack training was run by Sam while I was gon, and according to my Aunt Lydia, Uncle Thomas had stepped in to help with it all.

"Audre?" A voice said. Seth, stared at me with wide, happy eyes, which caused them all to look at me, and it was only then did I release my scent.

"Hey guys," I said.

It didn't take long before I was enveloped in hugs.

"We've missed you," they said. I laughed loudly as I was toppled over, my back roughly hitting the ground as they hounded me.

The only people in the pack who weren't a part of this group hug were Sam, Aunt Lydia, and Hank. Though it wasn't long before they'd hugged me next, Sam kissing me on my forehead when it was his turn.

"Excuse me, is that a ring I see?" Aunt Lydia interjected as the commotion between us rose. But with her words, it lowered again, all the attention now put on me. I chuckled as I looked around me at the beading eyes, not being able to wipe the smile off my face as I looked down at the ring discreetly.

"I'm getting married yall," I said.

You know, I thought about how I'd tell them I was getting married to Jasper, but nothing could've truly prepared me for the whirlwind of different reactions that erupted around me.


"Ah, I'm so happy for you! Finally, I thought I'd die before you guys got married," Lydia said excitedly. I smiled at her, trying to keep my focus on her and not on the plotting group of wolves around me.

I wasn't sure if this was had to do with the fact that I of all people was getting married, or if it had to do with the fact that I was getting married to Jasper. When it came to my cousins, my Uncle Hank and Thomas, the 1st option was probably the answer. Though, when it came to the Quileute's, it was hard. I wasn't sure what they expected to happen between 2 mates. I mean, even before I left they had told me to call them if anything like what happened last year. I knew it was still a peeve for them, given that he was gone and they couldn't do anything about the incident because even if he bit me, not only could they not hurt him because he was my mate, but because he didn't technically break the treaty because I'm not human. It also didn't help that after that we had an entire war to fight with those they hated. The co-operation during the newborn situation was temporary, and of course, I knew that. Somehow though, I'd forgotten their nature.

Vampires were their natural enemies, and hunters were mine.

"Aunt Lydia, I just graduated, you'd think you'd be more concerned about that," I told her.

"Oh please Audre, you and I both know that you and my boys are going to graduate a few times," she said. I laughed at her before I shook my head.

"Regardless, I'm happy for you. My baby niece, all grown up now," she told me. I smiled lightly at her before Uncle Thomas had wrapped himself around me.

"Why couldn't you stay that way? You could've stayed my beloved baby niece. First, you meet your mate, then you become Beta, just like me, and now you're getting married?! You're growing up too fast Audre," he said, smushing his face against mine in angst.

I rolled my eyes at his behavior, but couldn't help my laugh.

"Uncle Thomas, I grew up when you taught me how to gut you," I told him shaking my head. He grumbled quietly but ignored me before he placed a kiss on my forehead with a sigh.

"I know, I know. You know... it's just... to me you're still 12 year old little Audre. You know, flipping through the air and taking down hunters with your Uncle Thomas," he said shaking his head. I looked at him with a smile before I shook my head.

"Yea I know, I know," I told him sincerely. He smiled at me but this was over quickly.

"So what does that make Jasper to us?" Lars asked.

"We know we're you're cousins, but come on, you know you're our sister," Joseph said next.

"So, as your brothers that'd make him our brother-in-law," Damien chipped in.

"So that means we have to start including him when we say family," Lucas said with a clap of his hands.

"Cousin Jasper has a nice ring to it," Damien said.

"Didn't you just say that he's our brother now?" Lars asked, his arms crossed with a quirked eyebrow.

"Yea, yea, but labels are confusing okay because if you really want to get into specific's, then Audre would be our godsister, not our cousin," Lucas chided.

"Cousin's just easier," Joseph shrugged.

"Shouldn't we just call her our sister then?" Damien asked.

"Good point, good point. That means everything you just explained meant nothing since Audre is just our sister," Lars added on.

"I-" I tried, but they talked over me.

'You know, every time they talk in portions with each other, we lose years off our life span' Adrea sighed.

I agreed with her.

"So Jasper IS our brother now! Or will be, I guess. Regardless, does that mean we should visit more often? I mean, not seeing 1 of our family members for so long is rough, make it 2 now," Damien said, a grin on his face as he stared expectingly at his mother who rolled her eyes at him and his brothers.

"Well technically, since we're a conjoined pack, that makes them our family now too. So we wouldn't be missing just 2, it'd be 9, 12... no wait! We didn't count the Cullens. I mean since Jasper's our brother now, wouldn't that mean his entire family is our family now?" Lucas said with a click of his fingers.

"You're right Luca! Gosh, that'll put it over 20 of our family members!" Lars said in agreement.

'They're still at this aren't they?' Adrea said.

'Looks like it' I told her.

The boys have been trying to convince their Mom and Dad to live out here. They claimed it was because Forks was perfect for them, especially because San Jose was so hot, especially when it came to us being in wolf form. They said it didn't matter which school they went to, and it gave them an opportunity to remain in a pack this large. It would've been hard at first, with 2 Alphas in one pack, but Sam and Lydia had easily settled that they'd be in control of their respective packs and that one would take over if anything happened. This means that my Uncle Thomas and I were now not only responsible for the training of both our packs, but also responsible for the interactions between both packs, planning runs, and patrol patterns with one another. This along with the additional jobs of helping with any future shifts or helping fellow pack members whenever something was happening that Sam had given me. Not that it really mattered since I was already doing that.

I winced at the feeling in my head a bit, suddenly feeling Jacob's anger thorugh the pack bond. Rolling my shoulders, I pat Sam on the back, he who was still intently looking at his fellow Quileutes.

"Hey, I'm going to go talk to Jacob okay?" I told him.

"Already getting to work Audre?" Hank asked making me chuckle as I nodded, waving him off. I broke out into a small job as I used my nose to find Jacob, which wasn't hard.

"Hey Jake, anything new?" I asked him.

He looked at me from the tree he was sitting against. I'd found him in the forest after a couple of minutes of jogging. I'd felt his mixed emotions through the pack bond, knowing that this was only because he hadn't known how to cover them up as I could. I could only assume that this had to do with Bella's wedding that he no doubt had been invited. Honestly, I disapproved a little, I mean it was odd to invite the guy who's been in love with you for a good portion of your life to your wedding with his natural enemy.

"I see you have a new ring," he told me, peering down at my left hand.

"Yeah, he proposed," I told him simply, not even attempting to hide the small smile on my face as I looked at him. His eyes widened at my cheery attitude before he turned away and glared at the ground a bit. I sighed before I walked over and sat down next to him.

"I know, you don't think it's fair and you don't get it either," I said before I heard him give a loud huff.

"It's not about that, how could she huh? Chose him over me? I mean, shouldn't I... I get to get the girl?" he asked. His tone changed as he spoke before he sighed and rubbed his face. I sighed, leaning my head up against the tree behind us. I then lifted my hand, and placed it on his shoulder, rubbing it softly.

"Jacob, there was nothing you or anyone else for that matter would've been able to do that would keep them apart for long," I told him honestly, feeling his muscle tense under my hand when I did.

"And, when you meet someone who you want to protect, platonic or romantic, then you'll understand. Until then, I don't think there's anything I can say that'll help you to understand truly understand a bond between mates," I said again.

After I said that, it was silent for a bit. I sighed, deciding to elaborate.

"You ever see how Emily looks at Sam? Or how my Uncle Hank looks at Lydia?" I asked looking over at him.

"Of course I do, I even feel it and hear in their thoughts," he said with a sigh of slight annoyance.

"Exactly! It's overwhelming, and it's mushy, and kind of gross sometimes," I said with a small laugh. He joined me in my laughter, sitting up straighter as he did so.

"Yes! Oh my god, and then they sometimes forget you're even there, or Sam will start thinking about all the stuff Emily asked him to do in the house and it's so intense for no reason," he continued making me laugh.

"Right, right! Or when Uncle Thomas will start daydreaming about Sandra in the middle of training, and you have to hear about it as you fight," I said. He laughed loudly, his eyes squinting as he threw his head back in laughter.

"Imagine, someone being on your mind so often that it interrupts what you do daily? And, it's always stuff like what they said, or something they asked you to do. A joke they told or something, and sometimes it's just a random comfort memory you have of them," I said with a chuckle. His laughter died down, small chuckles still escaping from his mouth.

"Is that how it is with you and Jasper?" he asked. I quirked an eyebrow before I looked at him in question. He rolled his eyes at me before he continued.

"You know, sometimes I think you're way too understanding. You can talk about Jasper, he's your mate for fucks sake and I know that the only reason you don't do it is because you don't want to make us uncomfortable," Jacob said. I was taken back by his words, my hands squeezing the hoodie I wore.

"You're our Beta Audre, the least we can do is listen to you talk about your future husband," he grumbled.

My eyes widened even further before a small grin came to my lips. My body shook a bit as I nodded at him, biting my bottom lip as I leaned my head on his shoulder. I tried to stop my softly trembling hands, the small, but giddy feelings in my lower abdomen growing. My body then felt lighter, like a very small weight had been lifted off of me, small, but still lifted.

I inwardly sighed at myself. I can't believe I got so excited over something like this. I mean, all he said is that I'm allowed to talk about Jasper around them. It wasn't much, but still, it meant a lot. It meant that they, or Jacob at least, was taking steps to further tolerate the Cullens in my life. And it was Jacob of all people, I mean, you'd think he'd hate them even more because of this whole wedding thing, but I guess it wasn't as much as I feared.

'I feel... looser' Adrea spoke up.

'Yea, me too'

I hope you guys enjoyed !!!!

sorry it's a little late, i started my math course and the only numbers i like are the one in my wallet so-

anyways, ill see you guys later, the next chapter shouldn't take too long


also if you haven't eaten anything, make sure you do and if you havent drank any water lately, pls do so

anyways, want to let you gusy know I LOVE YOUR COMMENTS YALL ARE SO FUNNY LMAO BYE

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