𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞. ✔️

By emilywithoutths

188K 3.2K 585

⚠️TOXIC LOVE! I've warned you guys so don't hate, there is no need just leave if you don't like it no one for... More

Info :)
1 minute
The family
The devil
The party
A good day:)
Good Choice
Hate? Yes_no
He's good?
Luca's family- not an update...
Diffrent treatment
The ball
If she stays I'm gone
What mom did
She's dead
Family ||


3.3K 67 5
By emilywithoutths

3 week later:
Arie's POV:

It have almost been 3 weeks since Luca went missing. I don't know if I should be worried, I mean why do I even care? 'Because he's your husband'. Yes I know but that doesn't change the fact that he treated me like shit...

"Anything about him?" I asked Matteo that have arrived with Philip a week ago. They both went back but with no Luca. They didn't even looked good when they came back, blood was all over them.

"No. Not yet" he said disappointed. I really wanted to know if he was okay. He is after all my husband, and it don't change the fact that I should be curious about where he is.

"Oh-okay then" I said while making Lya her food. She was still here and we did a lot together the past couple of weeks. I love her.

There was silent before I spoke. Matteo wasn't him self the last week. Neither was Philip. They were both so stressed and wasn't on this planet.

"Matteo..." I said looking over at where he was sitting.

"Mm" he said looking deep into the papers in front of him.

"W-what happened...is he a-alive?" I nearly whispered. They never told me what happened, because it should be Luca who have to tell me. But he isn't here, is he?

"Arie..." he sighs.

"Please...what happened just tell me. He is my husband after all" I said to him while moving in front of him.

"I can't and you know that. If boss know he will kill me. And yes he is alive." He said looking deep into my eyes.

"How do you know if he's alive huh?" I asked.

"Because Luca don't die easily. And trust me when I say we will bring him back. I promise okay?" He says. I stay silent.

"I know he will tell you everything when he's back...please shorty" he said and I honestly don't know what to say. I mean I'm not sure if Luca will tell me anything about what happened.

"Okay" I whispered and went back to where I was. Now that Luca went missing I was not allowed to go out. Luca's orders. It was so boring just staying home and not doing anything all day. I miss my old live. With Lya and my family.

Matteo's POV:

It was that day Luca made a deal with the Russian and Spanish mafias. He wanted to see his family for 10% of 'his' land. In the beginning they wanted 50%. But Luca wasn't stupid, he didn't even know if his family was still alive. So he only offered them 10%, and they accepted gladly.

At first I was shocked about how Luca can just give 'his ground' to them. He hate the Russians and the Spanish mafia. Nobody can control him when it comes to those two mafias. But he was not stupid as I mentioned.

After the meeting when he saw that his whole family was still alive, he changed his mind and decided to kidnap them. He didn't want to give what was his to the two most hated mafias in the underworld. Even if it was 10%. That 10% was a lot, it concluded warehouses, weapons, restaurants, oil and a lot of other things.

So he planned on attacking them. We had a rat inside the Spanish mafia and he 'tried' too help us.
Keyword: tried. Anyways so he got caught and the plan didn't go as planned. The same night we attacked they knew that we were coming. So the played us. And now Luca is with them.

Philip and some other men are trying to hack their system, but their security was gotten better since the last time. So it was a bit hard. But Philip is really good at his job and I'm sure he knows what he is doing.

Luca's POV:

"WAKE UP FUCKER" the leader to the Spanish mafia yelled while throwing cold water on me. I was chained to the chair and I had bruises all over me. 'When I get out of here I swear I'm gonna kill them all. I swear'.

"Look who finally decided to wake up" the idiot says chuckling. They have been torturing me since last week.

"Speak fucker" he says while cutting into my skin. I stay silent. 'First rule of being the Don. Never bow your head'

"As you wish" he says and sat power to me. It was now on 100V and it was hurting like a motherfuker bitch. 'Rule number two of being a Don. Never show weakness'

"You know I had fun of torturing your whole family the last couple of years" he says while turning the power to 200V. I wanted to kill him. All of them. 'Rule number 3 of being the Don. Be heartless' my inner self says. I stay silent.

"You know I think your whore is really hot" he says and with that all I see is red. 'HOW DARE HE'

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FOTTANO" I yell. I couldn't control that. He was talking about what was 'MINE'. HE WAS MENTIONING WHAT WAS MINE, WHAT I OWNED.
(Fattano~fucker. I guess)

"Ahhhh sooo now he talk....don't you like to share Luc? I mean that body she have ohhhh damn" he says smirking. He went down to my level and started to cut me in the right leg.

"Touch her and I will make your life hell" I almost yell. He went close to my face while his knife is digging deep into my skin, that it was now hitting my bones.

"Why not? It's not like you can do anything. I can fuck her right here. Right now. I could fuck her so hard that she can't even walk anymore. I can fuck her and make my men do the same, all in front of you. " He says smirking. I was now literally out of control. He can't touch what's mine. He will never touch what's mine.

"DON'T YOU DARE I'M GONNA KILL YOU FUCKING PUSSY. IF YOU EVEN THINK TO TOUCH A HAIR OF HER I WILL TORTURE YOU TO DEATH. YOU CLEARLY DON'T KOW WHO YOU ARE MISSING WITH. " I yell while spitting on his face. His experience changed and he punched me while sitting power to me again.

"Oh really? YOU ARE HELPLESS I WILL MAKE SURE TO CLAIM HER AS MINE WHEN IM DONE WITH YOU FUCKER " he yells. 'I will make sure he is dead. Nobody touch what's mine, even if it's over my body.'

Arie's POV:

It gave almost been 2 month without Luca. And I most say I'm really worried and scared. I should be happy that maybe he's dead and I can get my life back. But I'm not. I want to know if he is alive. I want to see him again. 'I miss him...' w-what god no, you can't.

I was sitting in 'our' room, besides the huge window. It was 9 in the evening and Lya was asleep in the room besides ours. She was having a lot of asthma attacks since last month, and I'm getting worried. The doctor came and checked on her and he said that everything was fine. But I feel like something is off.

Anyways. So I've talked to my family from the phone in Luca'a office. I know he will probably kill me when he's back, but I don't care. They are my family and he can't hold me from calling them. I also called Derk to know if everything is going smoothly. And it is. I didn't tell him what happened tho, he will be worried and I don't want that.

He asked me when I was coming back, and to be honest I don't know. I mean Luca made it very clear that I should forget my old life. But I can't and I will never.

I was trying to confirm Matteo and Philip to let me take back to Dubai, but they can't do that. Because if Luca finds out he will kill me then them. I've told them that I will eventually come back. But it was still a big no.

After looking out the window I decided to go and take a shower. I went to check on Lya and she was sleeping. She looked exhausted. I placed a kiss on her head and headed towards the bathroom. I undressed and went under the warm water.

Suddenly I felt the need of him. I needed him. I needed him inside of me. I need his touch. I closed my eyes trying to think of something else, but it didn't help. Without thinking I started to touch myself. Last I did that was 2 months ago when I talked to him over the phone. It was also the last time I heard him call me 'doll'.

It felt good to be honest. I went deeper and was by now touching my climax. I was moaning so much, I was literally trying to control it but I couldn't. 'Fuck'. I pretended that Luca was with me. That he was touching me. And by now I was moaning his name. "God".

After the 'shower' I went out and got dressed. It was a bit cold this night so I wore some black joggers and a Calvin Klein bra with lounge jacket on. I went under the covers and the smell of after shave and lemon hit my face. I closed my eyes and smelled deep to it.

Suddenly my eyes filled up with water. I was trying to know why I was crying. Was it maybe the fact that I miss him. Was it because I miss my family. Was it because I was thinking to much about what happened to me a couple of years ago?. I didn't know why. I just wanted to cry...

'Look at you...a pathetic person in this world' the toxic voice came. I hate that voice. It come and go when it wants. I could control it back before I meet Luca. But not more. I was having help to control it. From my family from my therapist. But I can't do it anymore. I pushed the voice and it eventually went away.

After sitting on the bed for 4 hours thinking about 'life', I decided to go to the gym. I love the gym in this house it's pretty and have all the equipment. I changed into some Nike shorts and sport bra. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and headed there.

The hallway was creepy silent, but I was used to it. I haven't really slept the last month, so I would either hit the gym or read in the library. And I most say that I worked out a lot. My body was looking way better than before. Even though my body was already shaped, not that I'm complaining.

Anyways. So I started to work out and suddenly the door to the gym opened and revealed Matteo. He was looking like shit to be honest. I stopped my workout and headed to him.

"Are you okay?" I said trying to catch my breath.

"Yes shorty. Just a lot of work. Let me guess you couldn't sleep today too?" He asked heading to the punching bag.

"Not really no" I said going back to my workout.

"Maybe you should take your sleep pills" he said. I haven't tooken any sleep pills since last month. I didn't want to sleep, because I didn't know if he was alive or dead. I can't sleep knowing he isn't okay.

"No. I don't want to" I said.

"We found where he is" he said making my heart pound.

"WHAT?" I asked heading over to him.

"OMG HOW I-IS HE OKAY?" I asked.

"We don't know...but we will get him tomorrow" he said. I don't know how to react...like he will be here tomorrow?!

"Shorty...are yo-" before he could finish I hugged him. I literally don't know why.

"Um okay" he said hugging me back. We stood and hugged each other for 5 minutes probably. Then I heard Lya cry. I ran over to her and so did Matteo. We went into her room and she was screaming in her sleep.

"Lya baby wake up mommy is here..." I said while shaking her.

"Lya..." Matteo then came. I placed my hand in her head and she was literally burning.

"Matteo she's really hot...please do something call the doctor" I panicked. He nodded and headed to call the doctor. Lya was by now awake in my hands.

"M-mommy..." she whispered.

"Shhhhh it's okay I'm here baby" I said hugging here closer to me.

15 minutes after the doctor arrived:

"We need to take her to the lab to make some tests" the doctor said. I got really worried.

"W-what why? Is she okay? Please" I said while looking over to a lifeless Lya on bed.

"I can't tell anything by now Mrs. Rossi" he said while packing his bag. I looked over at Matteo and he looked blank.

"She can't leave the mansion. Please do your tests here doctor" Matteo said to the doctor. He can't be serious it's my daughter we are talking about.

"I can't we don't have the equipment here Sir." he said.

"Well Boss will kill us both then" he said to the doctor that was now scared.

"Matteo please...it's my daughter we are talking about, Luca don't have to know..." I begged him. He stayed silent for a bit but then nodded.

We headed towards Luca's private hospital, and we had a lot of guards with us. Like a lot. There was 4 cars behind us, and 3 in front of us. I was literally wondering what was happening but I didn't ask, because all I was thinking about Lya.

"You can't come Mrs. please" the doctor said. Like what does he mean I can't come, it's MY daughter we are talking about.

"The fuck yes. I'm coming inside with her either you like it or not. Not back the fuck off" I almost yelled. The doctor looked at Matteo and he nodded to him.

"Mommy I'm scared" Lya whispered when she saw the needle.

"Shhh it's okay...look it's only gonna hurt in the beginning but after you're gonna be alright, plus I'm here with you okay?" I said to her, she was now crying and it broke my heart.

"After we can go and buy ice cream Lya" Matteo said to she then nodded.

"Can mommy come too?" She asked.

"Yes she can" Matteo said looking at me.

45 minuter late:

We were still in the hospital waiting for the answers of Lya's test. She was doing fine now, the doctors gave her some pain killers that made her sleepy. I was sitting next to her on the bed holding her hand and Matteo didn't leave us. I told him to go and get some rest, because he have a mission tomorrow but he didn't want to.

"I think you should rest a bit" I said to Matteo that was looking out the window.

"I think you should do the same" he said crossing his arms. He looked tired.

"Haha funny...but I'm serious I mean you probably have a long day tomorrow" I said playing with Lya's hair. I'm so worried about her.

"It's fine. It's not like it's the first time" he told me.

"Why what happened? Was there another time?" I asked.

"Yes. My mom and dad" he said still looking at the dark sky.

"W-what happened to them?" I then asked something I shouldn't ask.

"They got killed by the Russians" he said calm. Matteo was very calm the opposite of Luca. Luca got made at the smallest things. But Matteo was almost always calm.

"Oh-I'm sorry...it most be hard not to have a dad and mom" I said. I almost feel how he have it. Like I've only grown up with a dad. Not a mom.

"No it's fine...I'm used to it" he said. There was silent before I spoke again.

"Do you have any siblings?" I asked.

"Yes. I have a 2 little sisters" he said happily. They most be something special to him.

"Really? I thought you were only child. What are they called?" I said.

"Allison and Natalie" he said.

"How old are they?" I then asked.

"Natalie is 22 and Allison is 18" he said.

"Where do they live?" I asked. I feel like I ask a lot.

"In New York" he then said. Before I could ask any further the doctor came in, and he looked sad.

"Is everything alright?" I asked looking into the doctors eyes. He stayed silent, and by now I was very worried. I mean what could have happened?

"She asked you a question doctor...is everything alright?" Matteo then said in a harsh tone. I never saw him like this, he looked exhausted and stressed.

"I'm sorry..." the doctor then said making me jump from the bed. I went over to him and by now I was in front of him.

"What the fuck do you mean I'm sorry? Is she okay?" I asked. 'No no no Lya is fine I know that'

"She...- she have blood c-cancer" he muttered. When those words came out of his mouth all I saw was red. I slapped the doctor and took him by his shirt.

"NO SHE HAVE NOT... make your tests again. Lya is fine I know that she is...she can't leave...no no make the tests again I don't care make them again"I yelled. Matteo came and pulled me off the doctor.

"Can't you heal it?" Matteo then asked while hugging me. I was crying my heart out. Lya can't leave me.

"I'm sorry that I can't...this is one of many types of cancer that doesn't have a medicine to heal" he said making me cry even more.

"H-how long does she have" Matteo then asked again. I pulled off him and gave him a disgust look.

"The cancer is spreading fast and it is now taking over her lungs...I will say 2 more months...I'm sorry" he said calmly and went out. I fall on the floor and was by now a mess.

Luca's POV:
(Mathias is the name of the Spanish leader)

It have been 2 months. 2 months without my doll. 2 months without seeing her, and I feel lost. I need her. I found out that I can't live without her. She is my everything.

After I found out that my family was alive the asshole Mathias started to torture them in front of me. They didn't know that I was looking at them. He didn't tell them. They think I'm dead. My sister look so different. She is probably in her 18-19. And my mom and dad look old. I miss them.

It was probably night now, because they were done torturing me. They will usually come and torture me the whole day and go when it's night time. They only give me water and old bread. So I'm pretty weak by now. Not to mention that I've lost a lot of blood and looked like shit.

The next day;

I was sure that it was morning by now, because the sun was shining through the small window in their basement.

I was confused of why they weren't here to torture me. I mean they will usually come when the sun is still asleep. But I guess they have better things to do then get informations about my warehouses and companies.

Nobody came the whole day, but suddenly the door opened and revealed Matteo. God he is so late.

"Took you long enough" I whispered. He came closer and started to unchain me.

" 'Hey Matteo thank you for saving my life again' oh you're welcome brother" he said making me want to punch him.

"Funny...get me the fuck out of here" I said to him. Some of my men come and helped me to stand. I really don't like when someone is helping me, but I can't stand on my own feet right now.

"Don" the all said I nodded to them and we went out of the dirty batsmen.

"Where is the puttana Mathias?" I asked Matteo.

"He managed to escape but we've killed all of his men except of his right hand. He could be useful" he said.

"This idiot thinks he can hide. Fucking pussy" I said trying to stand on my own.

"Per quanto riguarda la tua famiglia Don" Matteo said while loading his gun.
( what about your family Don?)

"Non voglio che mi vedano...portali nel seminterrato ma dì alle guardie se impongono una mano sbagliata su di loro li ucciderò" I said and headed towards my SUV.
(I don't want them to see me...take them to the basement but tell the guards if they lay a wrong hand on them I will kill them)

"Luca let a doctor check on you" Philip said. We were now all on the jet heading to Italy. I was angry about what the son of bitch Mathias did to me. I will kill him. I will let every man in my mafia to mark him. I will burn him and fed him to my dogs. That fucker.

"Shut up Philip" I said to him. He nodded and went back to his work. Matteo was on the other jet with my family that I wasn't ready to meet yet. I don't know why...I just don't know what to do when I see them. I don't want them to see what a monster I've became.

After what felt like ages we arrived. The cars and guards we're waiting for us and they all bowed their heads when they saw me. They better. I headed to one of my cars and the driver drove off.
'God I miss my doll, I miss her smell, her hair her everything'

"Don we are here" the driver spoke opening my door. I was in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that we arrived.

Some of the guards helped me get inside.

"To the office" I said to them. I didn't want my doll to see me like this. After we reached the office I told them to call the doctor, they nodded a quick yes and went out leaving me with my thoughts again.

Some time after;

"Don you have to rest for a couple of days and eat a lot. You have a lot of blood lose." He said while snitching my wounds. After what felt like ages of torture the doctor left and I headed towards 'our' room.

I opened the door that revealed nothing...I got annoyed. But it was good she wasn't here, she can't see me with blood all over me. Without thinking I went to the bathroom, I looked at the mirror and I looked like shit. There was marks all over my body. My fits clinched together and I want to kill Mathias. I want to make him run out of blood I swear I'm gonna kill that fucker if it's the last day in my life.

I went under the shower and I most say it felt good. I did my business and went out to put some joggers and a shirt on. Even tho I hate to wear shirts while I'm sleeping I couldn't let every man see my scars.

I went out from the closet and saw my doll standing in front of the door. She looked....God hotter. Her body was shaped way much since last I saw her. I stayed where I was and looked at her. I felt something in my chest pounding...

She was also studying me good, suddenly her eyes were looking in mine. Her green orbs were now looking deep into mine. Within a second I felt her in my arms.

"Are you okay?" Her sweet voice asked. 'God I've missed you doll' her vanilla scent was flooding to me and I felt like calming down. She is like a drug.

I pulled her away and lifted her head so she was looking me in the eyes she looked sad. There was something in her eyes....

"I've missed you doll" I said making her give a little smile. We stayed like this for ages and after I kissed her cherry lips. She kissed back without fighting. She then placed her tiny hands behind my neck while I placed mine on her waist pulling her closer. I lifted her shirt that revealed her lovely breasts and then I started to play with them.

Suddenly she hit one if my wounds making me growl. She pulled away and looked in confusion.

"You are not okay are you?" she whispered. I moved her closer to me.

"Doll I'm fine" I said trying to let her believe me.

"No you're not, I think you should rest" she said heading out from the room. Before she could got out I slammed the door and pushed her on it.

"And where do you think you're going huh? I asked while placing kisses on her neck.

"L-Luca you have to rest please" 'God my name from her mouth'

"But I miss you...I need you" I said wanting to let her give in.

"I've m-missed you too Luca but please you have to rest" she said. My chest started to pound harder and it felt strange. Very strange.

"Fine. But you stay with me" I said wanting her to stay. I want her besides me. I need her beside me. She was silent before she sighed.

"Okay" she said. I took her by her waist and headed her to 'our' bed I laid down and pulled her on my chest. After I let sleep take over us.

Hello babiesssss😆 what's up? I hope you guys are enjoying the story, and if you thinks that anything can get better please just write it in here. 🦋 oh and sorry because this chapter is late it needed a lot of work 😩

-Is risk sometimes good? Even if it causes to lose someone or something?

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