Teen Titans x Fem Reader

By bcaceres25

218K 5.1K 1.4K

It has been bothering me of seeing barley Teen Titans fan-fiction and some that are not have updated for year... More

please read!!!
Divide and Conquer
Final Exam
Forces of Nature
The Sum of His Parts
Deep Six
Mad Mod
Car Trouble
Apprentice Part 1
Apprentice Part 2
How Long Is Forever?
Every Dog Has His Day
Only Human
Fear Itself
Date with Destiny
Titan Rising
Winner Take All
Aftershock (Part 1)
The Beast Within
Can I Keep Him?
Bunny Raven... or... How to Make A Titananimal Disappear
Titans East Part 1
Titans East Part 2
Episode 257-494(Don't Touch That Dial)
Cyborg the Barbarian
The Quest
Employee of the Month
The Prophecy
Mother Mae-Eye
The End (Part 1)
The End (Part 2)
The End (Part 3)
Homecoming, pt. 1
Homecoming, pt. 2

Aftershock (Part 2)

2.3K 77 9
By bcaceres25

It was a foggy day the city was now invaded by Slade's robots "Well we did it there really gone." Terra says on her rock next to four robots one robot was taken down by Raven's magic while the other one exploded by Robin's device, from the explosion Terra fell off her rock and hit the ground she sees your shadows in the fogs "No I destroyed you!" Terra threw a car your way but nothing hit you guys, thanks to you, your using all your power to switch everyone to a different spot

Cyborg goes in and punches her in the back causing her to fall Starfire then blasted her she tries to leave on a rock but you broke the rock bits by bits you all hit her from every side Beast boy was in a wolf form in the shadows "Beast boy, stop aren't you even going to talk to me!" Terra says "There's nothing left to say." Cyborg tells her "We gave you too many chances already." you said "you tried to annihilate us!" Starfire spoke up "Did you think we wouldn't take it personally." Raven tells her "Its over Terra." Robin said, Terra quickly went up in the air flying away 

"She looked scared." Starfire says "Scared isn't the same as sorry." Raven said "I don't care how she feels Terra is a dangerous criminal and she has to be stopped." Robin pointed out "She will be, I'm going to make sure of it." Beast boy says with anger "Got a lock she's heading east." Cyborg said, times past and you guys found her she tries to fight back/escape "Slade I need help!" Terra yells then appeared Cinderblock, Plasmus, and Overload the three of them then merge together "And I thought they were ugly before." Cyborg says "Titans go!" Robin announced 

during the fight Plasmus wrapped around Robin then electrocuted him  you caught him before he hit the ground "You okay?" "I don't understand how you always come back to fight after being shock." he says "Aww is Robin done fighting after getting shocked?" "Very funny (Y/n)." he said then running into the fight the monster grabbed you and cyborg with its tongue then brought you inside of its mouth then spitting you both out, causing you both crashing into a building

"I was not ready for that." You said, while getting up "Well are you going to be ready for those guys." you turn to see many of Slade robots and one big one  "As ready as I'll ever be." Cyborg took on the big one while you teleported to the dozens of robots they try to jump you but you quickly teleported away "Come on guys I know you can do better then that." you snapped your fingers and the robots who jumped you exploded "Yo dork move out the way!" Cyborg yelled he had a sorta robot heart you teleported out the way and he threw it at the rest of the robots which caused them to explode

but there was one more huge robot that grabbed Cyborg and hit him on the wall you were about to do something but Beast boy comes in his dinosaur form he bites the robot off of Cyborg then destroyed it, he turns back to normal "Wheres Terra." Beat boy says in rage "Whats the matter a robot army and a giant freaky thing isn't enough for you?" Cyborg asked "I don't care about them I want Terra." one of Slade's robots came in Beast boy turned into a gorilla and crushed it Beast boy went his own way, you decide to follow him from a distance so he won't notice you, you guys were under ground "(Y/n) I know your there." Beast boy says "Just go back to the team." he tells you "Whats wrong with me joining you?" "Because I can handle this myself I let her fool us, and you guys got hurt because of me." 

"Don't blame yourself for that, were in this together no matter what." you said, you two were face with a door Beast boy knocked it down in his mammoth form then quickly turned into a mouse to disconnect the camera, when you walked in you hear crying you see Terra "Destroy me quick." "Huh?" you responded "Come one isn't that what you came for, do it now!" something shocked her to use her powers to throw you both back and hitting the wall

"Forgive my apprentice as usual she can't control herself, so from now on I'll be controlling her every move." Slade says "What have you done to her." Beast boy asked "Nothing she didn't want me too Terra came to me seeking control and that is what I given her."  every move Slade did Terra also did you avoided every rock she threw at you but you still got 1 scrape here and there you quickly pushed her back and use your powers to restrain her from getting up "You have to stop me (Y/n) please I don't want to fight anymore." "Then stop letting Slade control you!" you yelled "I have no choice." "Shut up you always had a choice you always had an option to leave!" Terra/slade made the ground push you up hitting the roof then hitting the ground "You always had a choice, you chose to betray us and now you choose to give him control Slade isn't doing this Terra you are!" Beast boy yelled

 Terra send rocks on top of Beast boy causing him to be stuck you try to get up but the massive headache you have nearly made you pass out "He's too powerful, I can't stop him." "Yes you can Its your power not his." Beast boy tells her "Its too late." Terra made rocks come together into a dagger "Stop!" Robin yelled the team surrounded her while Slade yelled for her to strike yelling here and there it gave you a even more of a headache you use your power to break the dagger into tiny rocks "It does get hard when people say yes then no but it doesn't matter it's all up to you, some people don't even have a choice and you thought you didn't have one either until now." you said "I'm sorry for all I did." Terra then send rocks towards Slade 

Terra starts to fight Slade Starfire went and pick you up from the ground when slade fought back it wasn't pretty for him of course "You can not control me anymore!" Terra then unleash a volcano "This is big enough to take out the whole city, and way too big to stop!" Cyborg yelled "We have to get out of here." Raven says but Terra stayed back she knew she was the only one to  stop it you all leave but came back when it was all over you all see her in stone Starfire left flowers and Beast boy left a frame that say Terra, A Teen Titan And A True Friend.....

you put up a picture on your wall with the Teen Titans and Terra "You were gifted with tremendous powers and cursed with it as well you were a dangerous enemy, but you were also a good friend and a great teammate how I wish you were still here."

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