White Fangs [ON HOLD]

By OneDirectionAllDay

37.8K 636 121

Arielle Winston just wanted to make her sister smile again but didn't know she signed a contract to being One... More

Chapter 1~ Blood Sucker
Chapter 2~ Neck Bite
Chapter 3~ Vampires Exist..?
Chapter 4~ The Contract
Chapter 5~ No Choice
Chapter 6~ Vampires 101
Chapter 7~ Decisions
Chapter 8~ Drained
Chapter 9~ Doppelganger?
Chapter 11~ Elizabeth's Insight
Chapter 12~ Two-Face

Chapter 10~ Liam's Past

1.9K 67 12
By OneDirectionAllDay

Arielle's P.O.V

"Colton, what the heck is a doppelgänger?" I asked in a hushed tone of voice making sure I didn't wake Louis up. "It's your copy or double, or to put it in simpler terms, your twin without the need to be blood related. They are usually made to bring misfortune or evil" Colton said reading off of some paper that rested in- between his hands. To bring misfortune or evil? What did I do to deserve this? "Earth to Elle!" He shouted snapping me out of my trance. "What?" I whispered. "I think you should go to the Grill and investigate. Get to know this 'look-alike' of yours" he suggested ruffling his messy hair around. "Why would I want to encounter this person who is supposed to bring me misfortune?" I said utterly puzzled with this whole idea. "It's kind of cool to have a copy" Colton replied with a deep chuckle. "Not funny Colt!" I said a little too loud. Soon I heard twisting and turning above me and a raspy moan. "You see what you do! You woke up Lou" I whispered glaring at Colton through Skype. "Me!? That was you" he complained starring right back at me. "Urghh, got to go," I quickly rambled hanging up on the video call. "Elle?" Louis called looking down at me since I was sitting on the floor. "Yeah Louis?" I asked innocently. "What are you doing in my room?" he asked with a toothy grin. "Well...I don't really trust anyone else, and I'm scared of the other four lads. So um I wanted to stay in your room," I replied honestly looking down at my bear legs. Louis' deep blue eyes examined my appearance and I suddenly felt self conscious...again. "What happened to your clothes?" he asked hoping off his bed and walking over to his dresser. "Harry," was all I managed to say. It was embarrassing talking about why I only had a t-shirt on.

"Oh gosh no! Nothing happened he just thought body warmth was the best way to warm my freezing body and yeah that's what ha-happened" I stuttered realizing how Lou could misunderstand me if I just said Harry's name. "Calm down love, I understand. How are you feeling?" Louis asked relatively concerned with my well being. "Well...alright I guess. Just really scared and I don't know. I'm still upset with...Liam" I breathe out scrunching my eyebrows together in confusion to the context of the question.

"Why do I feel okay? Shouldn't I have a bite mark right here?" I asked Lou rubbing the soft unharmed skin on my neck. He just stood silent walking over to me and shoving a pile of clothes in front of my face. "Change, I'll be right back to answer your questions" he replied hurrying out of the room. I watched him leave the room in a hasty manner. I then let my gaze travel down to my lap where the clothes he handed me rested in perfect folds. It was a simple black t-shirt with a pair of gray sweatpants. I got up from the floor and wobbled over to the bathroom locking the door and swiftly pulling off Harry's Ramones shirt and yanking up the sweatpants. I needed to role them up three times because they were too big for me to fit in and the oversized shirt stopped about mid-thigh. The clothes were comfortable and I was thankful Louis made such a kind gesture. I unlocked the door walking back into Lou's room noticing he was sitting cross legged on the floor with his duvet wrapped loosely around his shoulders and two cups of boiling hot tea in his hand. I smiled brightly down at him taking the seat on his left as he handed me one of the two cups of tea. I wondered what flavored tea he had chosen. "Yorkshire" he almost immediately replied as if he read my mind. He took the duvet and wrapped it around my shoulders bringing me closer to his chest so I could cuddle into him. I took a sip from the tea instantly scrunching my face up to the burning sensation on my tongue. I should have know to wait a while before drinking it. Louis let out a groggy chuckle obviously amused by my lack of common sense.

"Harry fed you his blood" Louis suddenly blurted out cupping his hands tighter around his cup, like he was annoyed by the action. It took me a moment to piece together what he was talking about but he was referring back to my question before. "W-why" I asked starring down at the pool of liquid that was steaming into the air. "To save your life, and heal your wound" He replied again with a clench of his jaw. My life? I would have died? "You lost a lot of blood, but Niall didn't know. He wasn't in control, it was a compulsion please don't blame him" He added turning to me with concern flooding in his blue eyes. I took a breathe just keeping silent. I actually appreciated how Lou was so straightforward with these answers, he didn't beat around the bush but just laid out the cold hard truth. But I don't know if I can handle the truth. "Does that mean I'm going to turn into a vampire!? How could Harry do that to me!" I shouted coming to a slight realization. "No, no it's much more complicated than that. You must die with vampire blood in your system to turn. He did it to save your life," he replied nonchalantly. I rested my head on his firm shoulder trying to piece together a few words to reply to him but nothing escaped my mouth. The fact that I could have died and Harry still fed me his blood, I would have turned into one of them.

"Niall is really sorry you know? I heard him crying late last night...I went to check on him and his cheeks were stained and eyes pried shut. I think he cried himself to sleep. The guilt probably eating him alive," Louis said after minutes of silence, trying the change the subject. I had a feeling he knew what I was thinking about. I pursed my lips together thinking of the Irish lad, Lou was right I couldn't blame him but that doesn't mean I shouldn't be scared of him. I was stuck as their blood bag I reminded myself, I couldn't just avoid Niall forever. I don't even think I have the heart to avoid him.

"You know who else is really really really sorry?" Lou asked nudging my side with his elbow. I turned my head to look up at him and simply shook my head. "Liam" he replied pushing a strand of my loose brunette hair behind my ear. I let out a sigh bringing the now cooled tea to my lips to taste the sweet warm liquid sooth my mouth and throat.

"I am sorry" I heard a deep British accent call out from the door frame of Louis' room. I brought my attention to Liam who gave me a humble smile. "I think you two should talk, so I'm going to leave" Lou said sharing eye contact with Liam. I grabbed his hand not wanting him to go. I was so warm and comfortable cuddling next to him, I actually felt like I was safe, which was highly similar to how I felt wrapped in Liam's arms. Lou looked bewildered that I gripped onto his hand. His eyes were wider and his cheeks showed a tint of pink in them. "I'll see you later" he cooed into my ear placing a lingering kiss on my forehead. Now it was my turn to look surprised. Lou walked out of the room patting Liam's back and whispering something into his ear right before he left us alone. The tone of his voice was too low for me to make out the words he spoke to his best mate.

I took another sip of my tea as Liam sat down right beside me. I scooted over increasing the distance between us, still dissatisfied with how he rejected me. "Elle.." He breathlessly spoke grabbing my hand and lacing his fingers with mine. His warm touch brought shivers down my spine. "I am truly deeply sorry for rejecting you" he sternly said, turning his chocolate eyes to stare at my face searching for any hint of emotion. I turned my head to the side feeling his fingertips grip my chin and turn my face to look into his eyes. "Please don't look away" he begged. I puffed out a breathe studying his deep eyes, noticing the sorrow, guilt, fear,and passion in beaded into the color. "Liam you don't have to expla--" I tried saying before I was cut off. "I need to properly tell you why I could not feed from you. I had a good reason and I did not want to risk hurting you" he whispered rubbing his thumb gently on my chin.

Liam's P.O.V

Here I was desperately longing to apologize to Arielle. I needed her to except me again and I had no idea why. My head and mind just wouldn't leave me alone unless I made good terms with her once again. I noticed her single handed grip on her cup of tea tensed. I didn't want her to fear me but I needed to inform her of my past it was the only way she would truly understand why I needed to step down and let her choose Niall to suck her blood.

"Can I tell you about my past?" I uneasily asked her examining her confused facial expression. She just nodded her head to my question looking unable to compose any words. "One time long ago I was a ripper. Any contact with sweet human blood would trigger my craving to suck endless amounts of the scarlet liquid. Although I was in control of when I fed and who was my prey, I would still suck my victims dry to the point of their death," I explained shutting my eyes still being haunted by the many flashbacks and memories I had of my heartless past. I felt a reassuring squeeze of my hand. I think Elle had realized how painful it was to actual confess my ruthless actions, but she looked so pale and frightened of me in this very moment. "You see I was afraid that if I sucked your blood it would awaken that side of me once again. I didn't want...to hurt you Arielle. It is never my intention to bring you harm. And it seems like I did either way. If I had just said yes you wouldn't have nearly died, I feel so awful and defeated and--" "Don't you dare say those things about yourself!" Elle shouted shooting me a glare with her warm gray eyes. "But if I just--" I tried countering just to be cut off again. "No, now I understand why you couldn't drink from my vein. You where on animal blood for so long that you were afraid switching so drastically would trigger another episode of yours. What happened to me is no ones fault, not yours and not Niall's, no ones got it?" She gushed out, keeping an intense stare to my less breathtaking eyes. I nodded my head looking down at my hands until I felt two small arms wrap around my neck causing my balance to tip sending us plummeting backward into the carpeted floor. "And I forgive you" Elle whispered into my ear

I brought my arms around her lower back as her face was buried onto my chest. We just laid there engulfed into each others arms. This is what I adored about Elle, she was so understanding.

Arielle's P.O.V

I had no idea of Liam's rough past, it almost made me regret being mad at him in the first place. However, I was grateful we made up. I listened to the chiming ringtone of my phone indicating I had an incoming call. I rolled off of Liam and quickly answered my phone. "Elle!" Miley's voice greeted over the phone. "Hey, what's up?" I asked turning back to Liam who smiled brightly at me. "Girl's day at the Grill? Meet us there is 30?" She asked. "Yeah sure, sounds good. Why all of a sudden?" I asked suspiciously. "Let the investigation of your doppelgänger begin!" She stated before hanging up her phone. Colton can never keep his mouth shut.

"I have to go Liam, talk to you later" I said walking out of the room. I tip toed back to Harry's noticing the shower was running. I needed to get in and out of there with my shoes as quickly as possible. I ran over to my converse sitting down on the bed while tugging them on and tying them tightly around my feet. "Leaving so soon" a deep husky voice asked. I looked up to find Harry with a towel loosely wrapped around his hips and his dark brunette curls soaking wet. I licked my dry lips turning my attention back to my shoes not wanting to stare at his finely toned chest. "Yeah I need to go take care of something, " I answered feeling the bed shift. Harry was already seated next to me, and was to close for my comfort. His large hand caught my wrist and pulled me onto his lap. I gasped at the contact as his arms pulled me into his bare chest for a tight hug. "Hurry back" he whispered seductively into my ear. I scrunched up my face in disgust receiving a throaty chuckle from him. I pushed him away with the palms of my hands feeling his soft skin under my touch. I gulped down a mouthful of saliva before hopping off his lap and running out of his room. That room was so hot...or was it just me? I shook my head searching for Lou through the living room. "Lou can you drive me home?" I asked once I found him sprawled out on the couch. "I can't right now love, I'm not even dressed. Have Zayn do it" he said with a smile tilting his head to Zayn who was already slipping his denim jacket onto his body.


Finally updated, I feel so bad for not doing this sooner but I have a bit of writer's block at the moment. :( This chapter is kind of a filler and insight on Liam's past but next chapter we will learn about this doppelgänger of Elle's >:)

Thank you so much for the 20 votes last chapter it means so much to me! I love all of you who read this story!<3

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