Voices ☽ Teen Wolf {Book 1}

By TamiaDemarest

7.4K 256 142

When Lea Martin, Lydia Martin's adoptive sister, begins to hear voices in her head, she finds it hard to con... More

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185 7 4
By TamiaDemarest


LYDIA AND I made our way to the library. We were meeting up with Allison to do some studying, and to just hang out. Right, Lydia's back. She's normal, still the same sassy diva. Which is a good sign. I missed her honestly. I'm glad she's okay.

It's been a couple days since that nut job dug his nails in my arm. I still have some scarring, but I didn't need any stitches thankfully. If I ever see him, I'm going to punch him in the face.

Another thing, I can't keep the thought of what I saw on the internet. I have a feeling Stiles knows something that we don't. Maybe Scott as well. How could Stiles know about it? Why would he be so interested in knowing I've ever seen the creature before? Yes, I've seen it, that one night I was sleeping walking into the woods, and another time in my dreams-repeatedly. But why would he be so interested? I have a feeling he knows something. I'd better see what he knows.

"The what of who?" Lydia asks Allison.

"The Beast of Gevaudan." Allison smiles, holding a book in front of her. "Listen, a quadruped wolf- like monster, prowling the average Auvergne and South Dordogne areas of France during the year 1746 to 1767. La Bete killed over a hundred people, becoming so infamous that the King Loui the 15th sent one of his best hunters to try and kill it.'" Allison reads.

"Boring." Lydia rolls her eyes.

"'Even the church even sully declared the monster a messenger of Santan." Allison continues.

"Still boring." Lydia waves her hand.

"Sh, I wanna hear." I say.

"'Cryptozoologists believe it may have been a subspecies of hoofed predators, or possibly a mesonychid.'"

"'Slipping into a coma bored." Lydia shrugs.

"While others believe it was a powerful sorcerer who could shape-shift into a man-eating monster.'"

"Any of this have to do with your family?" I ask Allison.

"This 'it is believe that La Bete was finally trapped and killed by a renown hunter who claimed his wife and four children were the first to fall prey to the creature.' His name was argent." Allison smiles.

"Whoa." I smile.

"Your ancestors killed a big wolf. So what?" Lydia scoffs.

"Oh, come on, Lydia. You can't tell me if Natalie and our family had something as dope as this, you wouldn't want to tell people about it." I say.

"Trust me, Lea, nothings special about our family." She smiles.

"Maybe I should do some research on my family." I say.

"Remember the last time you did that? You found out your parents didn't want you. Literally. The only reason why you were put up for adoption. I'm sure there isn't anything interesting about your ex family." Lydia scoffs. I shake my head and look at Allison.

"I think it's cool your family has some history about killing a big wolf, Allison." I smile.

"Not just a big wolf. Take a look at this picture. What does it look like to you?" Allison turns the book and she reveals the picture. I almost let myself scream when I realized what the picture was. It was the same exact creature I saw on the internet, the same creature I saw on Lydia's phone, and the same creature I saw in the woods.

"Lydia? Lea? Guys." Lydia and I snap back into reality and we exchange looks. Lydia smiles and she waves it off.

"It looks like a big wolf." She stands up and gathers her things. "See you in history." She smiles.

"I gotta go." I say, frantically gathering my books and papers up. I run off to catch up with Lydia in the hallway. "Lydia. You can't tell me what Allison just showed us was something we've seen before."

"What? That picture? Never seen it before." She says.

"But you did. I think we both did." I say.

"I don't think we're talking about the same thing." She laughs.

"Lydia, I'm serious!" I pull her back and we stop on the side of the hallway. "Look, I've seen that creature before. When I was sleep walking and I ended up in the woods? I was face to face with that thing. And let me tell you, it isn't a cute little dog like Prada." I say.

"Oh, please. You were dreaming, remember? That's the point of sleep walking." She frowns.

"No, I was awake when I saw that thing. Yes, I've dreamt of it before, but the very first time, I wasn't dreaming. Now, all I can dream about is that creature. What if that thing is real?"

"Not possible." She scoffs.

"Then what explains the picture on your phone? The night you and Jackson were attacked by a 'mountain lion.'" I frown.

"It's just a glitch from the camera, it's not important, drop it already." Lydia pulls away and heads to history class. I let out an annoyed sigh and lean against the wall of lockers. There's gotta be a reason why I've seen that thing and why I keep seeing it. And there's gotta be a reason why Stiles was so eager to know if I've seen it before.

The longer I sat in class, the more irritated and eager I got to go find Stiles and find out what the hell was going on. He knows that creature- well, wolf- and he was eager to know if I've seen it before. What if this all connects? What if something ties this all together? What if this is all happening for a reason? Why I keep dreaming and seeing the wolf, why Stiles wants to know if I've seen it, why Allison's family is pushing her to know about her family history. There's gotta be a reason for all this. There has to be.

I managed to get a free period. Instead of going home or leaving school campus, I decided to sit in the hallway and catch up on some reading. I tried my best to dig in more on the whole werewolf thing, but it was just too much for me to handle at this point. And without having the proper person to talk to, it was just hopeless. I wanted to ask Stiles about it, but I just knew if I'd mentioned it to him, he'd probably think I'm crazy. I mean, I must be crazy. I have to be. I went through a horrible childhood and now I'm literally losing my freaking mind. Intense sleepwalking, going face to face with a large, wolf-like creature, hearing voices in my head. I mean, what the hell is going on?

A pair of shoes pull my attention from my book and I look up to see Jackson standing over me and smiling.

"Oh, hi, Jackson." I utter.

"What are you reading?" He asks.

"Uh...just some story book I found in the library." I shrug. "Do you have a free period or..."

"No. I-I just don't like sitting through chem." He chuckles. I let out an awkward laugh, waving my hand around.

"Understandable." I nod. I turn my head back into my book, but Jackson doesn't leave. I slowly turn my head back to him and look up. "Did you want something?" I ask.

"Actually, um, yes." He pulls himself down and sits next to me. "I wanted to say something. You know what it's like to be adopted. So do I."

"Okay." I nod, completely confused of why he was related our past together. "I just wanted to say I'm sorry."

"For what?"

"I'm not so social with you like I should. You're my girlfriends sister. Every boyfriend should be at least friends with their family members." He chuckles. "I'm serious."

"Okay, I-I believe you're being serious...but I'm not sure you're being sincere." I say.

"Do you know what it's like to be the best player on the team? To be the star? To have every single person at the game chanting your name? And then-some kid-some kid just comes along, and then everyone starts looking at him instead of you. Do you know what that feels like?"

"No, I-I don't.-"

"Well, it feels like something's been-it feels like somethings been stolen from you. It's like our childhood. Living in the foster homes and we wondered why our families didn't want us. Everything is just taken away from us."

"Your parents died in a car accident. Mines didn't want me." I furrow my brows.

"But you'd do anything and everything to get them back, right? You'd do anything in the world to get them back." I averted my eyes to the side and let out a small sigh.

"Havent you heard there's no 'I' in 'team'?" I question him.

"Yeah." He nods. "But there is a 'me.'" I held a stare with him, trying to figure out what the hell his problem was. Jackson begins laughing. "Ha. That was a joke. Gosh. You must really, really hate me." He chuckles. I do.

"No! Not at all." I laugh.

"You sure?" He questions. "Because...I'm not a bad guy. I mean, yeah, I make stupid mistakes. A lot, but...I'm not bad. I really like you. And-And I really want you to like me. I wanna know you better." He smiles.

"Uh...how would we do that exactly?"

"We can always go get coffee. Just you and me. Talking. Getting to know each other." He smiles.

"Lydia would know about it, right?"

"Of course. It would be pretty shady of us to get together without Lydia knowing. Knowing her, she'd jump to conclusions and wouldn't let up on it until she's satisfied with her decision." He laughs.

"Yeah, she does that a lot." I nod. The bell suddenly rings and I quickly gather my things and standing up.

"Well, this has been weird. Fun! I mean...fun." I smile awkwardly.

"Yeah! Let me know when you're free and we'll plan for that coffee date." He smiles.

"Sure. Okay." I say.

"See you around, Lea." Jackson smiles. He turns away and heads off down the hallway.

"Jesus. What the hell was that?" I utter. I roll my eyes and turn away, heading to my locker.

I sat on my bed writing away on the math homework assignment. I let out groans and sighs from how long I've been working on this thing. I've finished every other assignment and I kept math for last, knowing I'd take so long to finish. I drop my pencil and let out a yawn, stretching out my arms and arching my back to ease the pain I felt. My bedroom door suddenly opens and Lydia pops in with her shoes on.

"Come on. We're going to pick up Allison." She says.

"Is she okay?" I ask.

"Scott's late going to her house. Which, if you've been paying attention, he's never late." She says.

"So...if Scott was supposed to meet Allison at her house, why are we picking her up?" I ask.

"Would you just come on?" She scoffs.

"Okay, okay. Geez." I utter. I pull my jacket from the desk chair and slip it on, grabbing my shoes and following Lydia outside. We both climbed into Jackson's Porsche and we begin driving to Allison's.

"Lydia says we're coming to get you." Jackson says on the phone.

"Please, don't. Okay, I'm sure he's on his way. He's only...26 minutes late." Allison sighs on the other end.

"You hear that? First it's 'he's 26 minutes late,' a month later it's 'he only hits me when he's drunk.' Slippery slope, Allison. Slippery slope!" Lydia says.

"We're picking you up." Jackson says as he turns onto Allison's road, already seeing Allison standing at the end of her driveway.

"No." Allison says sternly.

"Too late." Jackson chuckles. He rolls down his window as Allison approaches the car. "Lydia gets what Lydia wants. Come on, get in. We can stop by his place and see if he's there." Allison's phone suddenly rings and she pulls her hand up.

"Oh! Is that him with the best explanation ever of why he's half a freaking hour late?" Lydia scoffs.

"I brought you flowers, honey. Please let me back in the house." I tease.

"Not exactly." Allison frowns. She shows us Scott's recent text message and we all grow confused.

"Why there?" I ask.

"Who cares! Let's just get there and see what the problem is." Lydia says.

"I'll let you in." Jackson steps out of the car, pulls the drivers seat up and allows Allison inside. We both were too squished to be sitting back here. Even before Allison got here, I barely had any room.

Hi guys! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far! I know it's currently all over the place, but trust me, you will get answers and all really soon, just bare with me!

I know I don't have many reads, but I've seen almost every new chapter, a few of you are keeping up and I really appreciate it! Let me know if there's anything confusing of maybe concerning, let me know and I will try to clear it up without giving away any information.

But do please let me know how you feel about it so far! Do you like it? Do you think it's good? Just remember, the book isn't going to end until we're in season 3. And, like it's mentioned in the description, if you liked this book a lot, I will make another book that's broken into the last 3 seasons!

Enjoy your time reading! Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight:)


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