With You

By LadyKxt

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Do Mika and Yuu finally get together? How will they get through this apocalypse? What is the Mikaela trait? H... More

CH. 1 - Mika's Confession
CH. 2 - Mika's Confession Pt. 2
CH. 3 - Yuu You Really Shouldn't Drink
CH. 4 - That Night
CH. 5 - Back To Reality
CH. 6 - I'm Sober Now
CH. 7 - Someone's Coming
CH. 8 - Who's Here?
CH. 9 - What Do You Say?
CH. 10 - Let's Go
CH. 11 - Perfect Fit
CH. 12 - What's Your Secret?
CH. 13 - Woah
CH. 15 - Mika's Confession 2.5
CH. 16 - 'Please Help Me'
CH. 17 - This Is My Secret
CH. 18 - What Happens in the Study, Stays in the Study
CH. 19 - His Killer Instinct
CH. 20 - We're Done
CH. 21 - Side Halloween Chapter :)
CH. 22 - Lizzy
CH. 23 A Conversation with Lizzy

CH. 14 - You're Mine

738 17 16
By LadyKxt

              "I love you too," Yuu smiled.

              They kissed again and Mika laid back on the bed with Yuu still on top of him, without breaking their kiss, and keeping his hands on Yuu's waist. Yuu tangled one of his hands in Mika's hair and in one swift movement he was under Mika. That's when they heard a knock at the door. 

              "Ugh," Mika sighed. 'What now?' he thought.

              "Great," Yuu sighed.

              Mika smiled at how annoyed Yuu sounded. He stood and walked to the door with Yuu following. It was Lord Crowley again, but this time the others stood behind him.

              "Hey," he smiled.

              "What?" Mika asked.

              "Hi," Yuu smiled back. It reminded Mika of how much they had changed. Four years ago it was Mika who would've smiled, and Yuu who would've been the opposite of friendly, like Mika was being now.

              "I was just telling everyone there's food in the kitchen. Apparently Ferid planned for this. I also found this note," he said, handing Mika a piece of paper. 

Hi there!

Hope you're all okay, and if you're here and reading this, it means Mika's there. Yey! I'm happy you're alive Mika! There's food in the kitchen, so help yourselves. Also, you'll find what you need in the closet on the second floor. The one next to the music room. Mika knows where it is. Be a good boy and show them where, would you Mika? Thanks! ^_^



P.S. Since it's right next to it, Mika, you should show them the music room, and maybe play them one of your songs! 

              Mika gritted his teeth, annoyed and crumpled the piece of paper in his hand. "Did everyone already-"

              "Read it? Yeah," Lord Crowley smirked.

              "Mika, you write songs?" Yuu smiled surprised. The others hadn't noticed Yuu standing behind Mika. They looked at him and were a little in shock. Yuu looked hot, like extremely hot. He looked almost as hot as Mika. Standing next to each other they looked like that one ideal, hot, badass, power couple. They had to stop themselves from staring.  

              "Um, well..." Mika blushed a little. "Anyway, you guys going to eat first, or do you want to go upstairs first?" Mika avoided eye contact.

              "Well, I'm kind of hungry," Kimizuki said. They'd eaten a little over two hours ago, but it wasn't much. Definitely not enough to say no to food. The others all agreed.

              "Alright then, let's go," Yuu said.

              They began to walk away. Yuu walked out the door and looked back, noticing Mika wasn't next to him. "Aren't you coming?" he asked.

              "No, you go. I'll wait here, when you guys are done just let me know," he smiled.

              "Are you sure?" 


              "Alright," Yuu said walking back to him. He gave him a kiss on the lips and followed after the others.

* * *

              They got to the kitchen, and sure enough the fridge was stacked with all kinds of food and drinks. They decided Kimizuki should probably do the cooking.

              About half an hour later the dining table was full of food. They all excitedly dug in, thanking Kimizuki, and Lord Ferid.

* * *

              Mika was reaching for his bookshelf when he heard a knock at his bedroom door. He walked over, secretly hoping it was Yuu.

              "Hey." It was Lord Crowley again.

              "You know, I'm trying to remember the last time I opened a door and you weren't there. What is it this time?" Mika said sarcastically as he noticed the glass filled with red liquid in Lord Crowley's hand.

              Lord Crowley laughed. "I figured you might be thirsty. Want some?" he asked, offering Mika another glass filled with the same red liquid.

              As much as Mika hated to admit it, Lord Crowley was right. He really was thirsty. He felt the fire in his throat again. The pain was becoming more difficult to endure every day. The more human blood he drank, the more he craved it. Those four years he had gone without human blood had been torture. He felt a never-ending and burning thirst in his throat, a thirst Krul's blood could only calm, but never really quench. Still, it was worse now. The thirst was stronger now. He used to be able to go a couple of weeks without any blood, but ever since he began drinking human blood, the craving for it became harder and harder to resist.

              "Whose blood is it?" he asked.

              "Well, by the taste of it, it's children's blood," Lord Crowley answered. "Unlike me, Ferid greatly enjoys children's blood. You should be well aware of that," he added.

              Right. Of course he was. He of all people knew that. He'd experienced it firsthand. As much as he tried not to, he remembered it clearly, like it was just yesterday. It was one of the main reasons he refused to drink a child's blood. He knew what it felt like.

              "I'm good, thanks," he said as he closed the door.

              Great. Now all he could focus on was the fire in his throat. He stayed standing by the door trying to regain his self-control. He heard a clink sound and then the low sound of Lord Crowley walking away, a sound so low a human wouldn't be able to hear it. He was about to open the door again to see what the clink was when a certain smell reached him. Blood. The smell was strong. He froze in place with his hand less than an inch away from the door knob. The smell seemed to take over his body. Before he could stop himself, he yanked the door open and took the glass of blood, quickly closing the door once he had it in his hand. 'No,' he thought just as he was about to place the glass to his lips. He took a deep breath, and using all his strength, he placed the glass on the table. He sat on the chaise lounge and stared at the blood. He could feel the burn growing in his throat, but he had to resist. Using his vampire speed he quickly took the glass to the bathroom, and poured the blood down the drain before he lost what little control he had left.


              "Ugh. I'm so full," Yuu sighed.

              "Well then here's an idea, why don't you stop eating?" asked Kimizuki.

              "Because Mika hasn't had blood in a while, and though he won't ask, I know he's thirsty."

              "Alright, but you look like you're about to burst," Mitsuba pointed out.

              "I'm almost done," Yuu said sounding like he had trouble breathing. "One more bite and I'm done."

              "I'm starting to feel sick just looking at you," said Narumi.

              "Done," Yuu said as he swallowed the last bite.

              "Alright," Kimizuki said collecting the plates.

              "Here, I'll help you do the dishes," offered Yoichi.

              "Thanks," Yuu said. "Meet me at Mika's room when you're done. Take your time," he said to everyone now as he walked away.


              Mika laid on his bed after washing the glass that had been stained with blood when he heard a knock on the door. He wasn't sure how much time had passed but he was hoping it was Yuu. He sighed and went to open the door.

              "Hi," Yuu smiled.

              "Hey." Mika couldn't help but smile back as he stood aside signaling Yuu to come in.

              He closed the door and held Yuu by the waist bringing him in for a kiss. As Yuu wrapped his arms around Mika's neck they walked back to the bed. Mika pushed Yuu down and quickly moved his lips to kiss Yuu's neck. 

              Yuu felt Mika suddenly pull away. "Mika, are you ok?" he asked as Mika stood up.

              "Yeah," Mika swallowed. "I'm fine."

              "You're thirsty. Here," he offered, slightly pulling down his shirt off his shoulder exposing his neck and collar bone. "Drink."

              "No, I'm fine," Mika lied.

              "Mika," Yuu sighed. "In case you haven't noticed... it's kind of a turn on," he admitted nervously.

              "I know," Mika laughed. "It's supposed to be."


              "Yeah, when a vampire bites, both sides feel... turned on."

              "Oh. I didn't know that."


              "Well, you're the only one who's ever bitten me. I thought that maybe it was just because well you know, it's you."

              "What about when we weren't together?"

              "Well, I still thought you were attractive. I mean look at you. Guy or girl, straight or not, no one can deny your... well... beauty."

              Mika couldn't help but feel flattered and laugh at the same time. He walked back and sat on the bed. Yuu straddled him again and kissed him, tangling one hand in his soft blond locks. He pulled away just enough to look Mika in the eyes. With his eyes lidded he craned his head to expose his neck. He nodded once and Mika leaned in.

              Mika dug his fangs into Yuu's neck. He could feel how soft Yuu's skin was against his lips. The taste of Yuu's blood was amazing. He couldn't get enough. A few moments later he felt Yuu's grip in his hair slowly loosen. He had to stop before he drank Yuu dry. He removed his fangs, and licked the bite mark. No sense in letting the excess blood go to waste.

              Feeling Mika's tongue on his skin made Yuu moan. He would've been embarrassed had he not known that Mika was as turned on as he was. He moved his head to face Mika.

              "Thanks," Mika breathed.

              "Any time," Yuu said as out of breath as Mika.

              He looked at Mika's lips and saw that there was still some blood on his bottom lip. Without thinking, Yuu leaned in and licked the blood from Mika's lip. It tasted like metal, he couldn't imagine it tasting good, but for some reason he found it hot. To his surprise, Mika didn't question him. Instead he kissed him. The kiss was intense. Yuu had a hard time keeping up with Mika. He pulled away just enough to breathe, as he did, Mika moved his lips to his neck again, just under his chin this time. He didn't bite though. Instead, he sucked on his skin. Hard. Yuu figured he left a hickey. Even if he was wearing his uniform and not a V-neck the spot wouldn't be covered and Yuu was pretty sure Mika knew that.

              "Really?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

              "What?" Mika smiled. "This way everyone will know that you're taken. That you're mine," he finished with a smirk.

              "So what? You're marking your territory?"

              "Well I wouldn't phrase it like that, but yeah I guess. Does that bother you?"

              "I feel like it should, but to be honest... it doesn't."

              They kissed again, softer this time. Their lips and bodies fit perfectly. Like they were made for each other. Born for each other.

              Yuu pulled away again. "I love you, Mika," he breathed.

              "I love you too."

              Just as they were about to kiss again, there was a knock on the door. "Well of course," Mika said.

              He gave Yuu a peck on the lips before Yuu got off of him. Mika stood up right after him and held his hand. They walked to the door and Mika opened it, still annoyed.

              "Hey," Kimizuki greeted.

              "Hey," Yuu smiled.

              The others noticed the hickey Yuu had, and Mika couldn't help but internally smile. Yuu noticed and gave him a look asking, 'Are you proud of yourself?' To which Mika smiled and silently responded, 'Yup.'

              "What is it?" Mika asked the others.

              "Well, um, you told us to let you know when we were done eating so that you could show us where Lord Ferid said everything we needed was," Yoichi said nervously. Mika was pretty sure Yoichi was afraid of him, and felt bad for him so he didn't argue.

              "Alright lets go."

              He closed his bedroom door and walked in front of the others, still holding Yuu's hand. He knew he was being possessive, but if he were being honest, it scared him how much Yuu cared about the others. Mika had always been special to Yuu, he'd always been the one that mattered most, he'd always been the most important, but now... Yuu had found other people who were probably just as important as Mika. It bothered him, but most importantly it scared him. It scared him that one day they would take him away from him.

              They got to the stairs, and went to the second floor. From what they could tell, there were more than two floors. They wondered what the other floors were. Once they got to the second floor, they passed a couple of doors before stopping at one. Mika opened the door and they were all shocked at what they saw.

Hi! Thanks for reading! If some parts seen familiar it's because I took some lines from the manga haha (literally four sentences). Feel free to comment and let me know what you think! :)

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