Star Crossed Lovers: Second G...

By gurdianoflight

874 37 5

What if the famous Mockingjay from the hunger games never killed President coin and killed Snow instead. Kat... More

Chapter one: Destiny sets its course.
Chapter 2: the woods
Chapter 3: The Train
Chapter five: let the training begin
Chapter 6: Individual assessments
chapter seven: The final five plan and a day in dresses
Chapter 8: The Interview
chapter nine: let the games begin
Back in district Twelve
Chapter eleven: the blood bath
Chapter twelve: Family differences
Chapter 13: When together, love grows stronger.
Chapter14: The first and maybe only date
Chapter 15: The final words
Chapter 16: Victory comes with a price
chapter 17: on our way home.
Chapter 18: Protective parents

Chapter 4: The tribute Parade

64 2 0
By gurdianoflight

I wake up at six A.M. exactly. I always wake up at four in the morning back home. I have this two-hour workout routine that I do in my room on the days I have school. I look through my drawers and find a black bra and a short shorts. I start doing my routine of push-ups, sit-ups, and jumping jacks. I do other things like lifting my dresser over my head and use it as a weight. Eventually, I end my routine and look at the clock. It's eight A.M. I guess I better head to  the dining car. I head to the dining car and find Effie and Adrien talking. 

Diana's workout outfit

Adrien's sleeping outfit

"So Effie, you were originally an escort. Now you're both an escort and mentor?" Adrien asks Effie. 

"Yes, I like having both jobs though. Good morning Diana," Effie says as she sees me walk into the dining car. 

"Hey, Diana! Can you please not walk into every room with only a bra and really short shorts please!" Adrien says while covering his eyes. 

"Oh come on you dork. You will get used to it," I say as I sit down to eat. 

"When did you get up this morning Diana?" Effie asks me. 

"Around six. I probably will be getting up a four every morning till the games start. Because of the time changes throughout the country, I was set off a little," I say while taking a drink of a sweet hot brown drink in front of me. I remember my father telling me about something similar to this. It's called hot chocolate. 

"That is really early. How do you wake up at that time?" Effie asks me. 

"I don't know. It is what my body is used to. I always do a workout routine in my room for those two hours," I say. We sit in silence until an Avox comes in and hands Effie a note. 

"Oh good, we are right outside of the capital. Diana get a shirt on. I don't think you would want people seeing you in a bra," Effie says. 

"I'm okay with showing my abbs Effie," I say as I eat a piece of bacon. Adrien smirks and puts his hands down from his face. We look out the window and see the beautiful city of the Capital. We go and look out the window and suddenly the train is covered by a tunnel. We end up in a train station full of people with different colored wigs and skin? That's different. We started waving at them and many yell back at us and some young boys came to see us and faint. I think it's because of my abbs. We then are escorted out of the train and sent to a place called the remake center. Three people walk in, two men and a woman. Barak is one of the men and has blue hair and very long nails. He kept scratching me when he was cutting my hair. Next is Delano, the other man. He is very tall, bald, and is wearing a dress? Not sure what he is wearing. Lastly is Petunia, she is really nice. She does my nails and make-up. It takes them three hours to finish with me. Then they send me into a room with two white couches and a white coffee table. A man walks in with silver eyeliner and very simple clothes. 





"Hello Miss Mellark, I am Calix. I am designing your clothes," Calix says. 

"Hello," I say. 

"I saw how you were only wearing a bra and a skirt this morning. Why was that?" Calix asks me.

"Yes, well, I was doing it for two reasons. Promise you won't tell anyone," I insist. 

"I swear. Now what is it," Calix asks. 

"One was because I like to show off my body and I was trying to flirt with Adrien," I say while blushing. 

"Well good, your tribute parade outfit is very showing. Come with me," Calix says. He shows me into a little room with a bag hanging from a hanger. "It's under that. Why don't you open it," Calix adds.

Diana's tribute parade outfit

I open the bag to find a black metal bra with a gold design and a long black skirt.

"This is beautiful, where did you get your talent for designing clothes?" I ask Calix.

"My father actually," Calix says.

"Who is your father?" I ask. He looks down at his feet. I think I pushed it too far.

"Sorry, did I push it too far?" I ask.

"No, my father was your mother's stylist. Cinna," Calix says while wiping away a tear.

"Oh, sorry. I was told he was a legend with his clothing line," I say.

"Let's get you into that dress," Calix says while changing the subject. He helps me out on the bra which is actually really comfortable. I put on the skirt and it feels really dense

"Hey, Calix, why is the skirt so dense?" I ask him. He is sitting on one of the white couches eating a small salad.

"Because when you turn it on it makes a lot of smoke and fire is going to be dancing on your skirt and crown," Calix says as he stands up and presses this remote in his hand. The dress glows a bright red and orange.

"Calix this is beautiful," I say as I twirl around the room. Suddenly Adrien walks in with his stylist.

Adrien's tribute parade outfit

"Nice dress Diana," Adrien says in my ear and he catches me in his arms and stops me from twirling.

"Oh come on! I was enjoying myself a little. Why did you come and ruin the moment," I say in his face.

"And the wall goes up again," Adrien says as he lets go of me.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him.

"Nothing, I have seen how around some people you are very relaxed and some other times your very uptight," Adrien says.

"Come on lovebirds," Adrien's stylist says to us as the two stylists walk out the door.

"We aren't dating," Both Adrien and I say in unison. We walk out of the room and to the elevator. We ride down to the chariots in dead silence.
We walk over to our chariot and are about to get on when Calix stops us.

"I need you two to do three things for me. One, smile. Second, make people like you. And third, hold hands," Calix says.

"I don't like any of this but if it keeps us alive fine," I say with a growl. Adrien just nods his head and we get on the chariot.

"Why don't you like smiling?" Adrien asks me as the chariot starts to move.

"Because if I smile a hole is made into that wall you say I have. Also, no one expects me to smile," I say as we ride through the big door and into the city.

"Well I like your smile," Adrien says with a smile. We both look forward and our hands find each other and we smile. I look around and the big TV screens hanging in the city show me glowing with flames and Adrien's cape glowing with flames too. I take our interlocked hands and raise them above our heads. The people chant our names. We get to the center of the city and see President Coin standing at a marble podium. The same one Snow used when he was President. I don't really listen to the President's speech and neither does Adrien. Close to the end of her speech, I feel the urge to kiss Adrien. From him glowing in those flames or my feelings are exploding so I kiss him on the cheek right as the president says the famous quote of the hunger games.  May the odds be ever in your favor.  The chariot starts to head to the Tribute center and People chant our names once again. We get into the Tribute center and the first real face I notice is of a man about six feet and with red hair. Finnick Odair Jr. I jump off the chariot and run over to him. Finnick notices me running to him and he stretches his arms out. When I reach him I pull him into a nice big hug. Our family has a history. My parents fought in the war with his dad. He wasn't born yet though. He never met his father but our families stayed close. We would visit them in district four and he taught me how to use a trident when I was six. About ten years ago he was picked into the hunger games. My parents told me he was picked but I know he volunteered. Just like me, we did it for our family legacy. He won and is now a mentor for district four. 

Finnick Odair Jr. 

"Hey D," Finnick says to me when we break our hug. 

"Hey, Finnick. I have been meaning to call you. How are you?" I ask. 

"Good, better than you," Finnick says to me. I know he is talking about the games. 

"I am actually doing pretty good," I say with a smirk. 

"Diana, you volunteered to go into the games, and you're happy?  You won't be when you get into the arena," Finnick says. 

"I volunteered because it is the legacy I must fulfill. I don't care if I die. At least I die doing what I am good at," I say while looking down at my feet. 

"You are good at other things than just killing," Adrien says from behind me. 

"No, I'm not. Name one thing I am good at other than killing?" I ask him. 

"You can draw," Adrien says. 

"You draw?" Finnick asks me. 

"Yeah, only for fun though," I say. 

"See you are better at other things other than killing," Adrien says. 

"Who is this guy?" Finnick asks. 

"Oh sorry, Adrien, her fellow tribute," Adrien says as he shakes Finnicks hand. 

"Oh, now your reason Diana makes a lot more sense," Finnick says as he turns back to me. 

"Well, we better get going up to our penthouse. See you around Finnick?" I ask him. 

"Yeah see you around," Finnick says. I walk over to Adrien and drag him over to where Effie was standing. 

"Where were you two?" Effie asks us. 

"I was visiting with my cousin," I say. 

"Yes, I got to meet her cousin Finnick Odair jr. He looks nothing like you in any way. Maybe the eyes," Adrien says. 

"Have you never heard if a group of friends are so close they think they are family? That is what is going on with mine," I say. I walk onto the elevator and Effie is right behind me and Adrien behind her. We ride up to level twelve and find Calix and Adrien's stylist up there waiting for us. 

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