
By MaddyLib_21

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*Sequel to Bound* If you have not read the previous story "Bound" go back and read it! This won't make much s... More

Five Months Later
A New Alliance
A New Threat
War is Upon Us
A Promise
For the Love of Camelot
All Hail

The Cave

379 19 1
By MaddyLib_21

Arthur breathed in the fresh air as he overlooked the city from the palace wall. It felt like this was his only moment of peace since war became eminent. He looked intently into the town, every once in a while glancing toward the gate. He yearned to see something, he just couldn't put his finger on what. Some kind of hope probably. Merlin left just two days before in search of this Crystal Cave. Morgana and Lancelot left the day after him to save his stubborn backside. Arthur hoped that they were safe. More than anything he just wanted to see them walk through that gate. He knew, however, that even if everything was okay that they wouldn't be back yet. If they were lucky they would arrive back in Camelot the following day. Still, Arthur looked. He was so intent on looking out that he didn't even feel someone coming up behind him. They put their arm around his and rested their head on his shoulder.

"They will be okay," Gwen's voice came.
"They will look after each other."

"I know," Arthur sighed. "I just wish I knew what was going on. We can do nothing but assume that they made it to Merlin in time. We also just have to assume that they'll find the Crystal Cave and make it back before this battle. Speaking of which, we have no idea when the battle will take place."

"I know. You care for them a lot; for Morgana as your sister, and Merlin as a friend, brother in fact. You have to believe in them Arthur. Then after that, you need to believe in yourself."

Arthur smiled down at his wife and then wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers.

"What would I do without you?"

"Let's just say it's a good thing we don't have to worry about that," she chuckled. Arthur smiled in return.

"Seriously though," she looked up at him, "your plan is a good one. It protects the citadel and makes it harder for our foes to get past."

"Part of me still wonders whether or not we should start riding out to meet them now. We could get to the pass and make camp, but I don't want to give away our position. Right now it's just a waiting game."

Gwen rubbed Arthur's shoulder as they both turned to look out over the city. This could be the last moment of peace they have for a while. They might as well drink it all in. Unfortunately, peace can only last so long.

"Your majesties!"

The royals turned to see Gwaine, looking out of breath.

"It's time."

Arthur gave a curt nod and kissed his wife before joining Gwaine.

"I assume you saw them."

"I did. There must have been twenty thousand. It's not all from one place either. They have everything from kingdom's armies to bandits to druids. They may not be the most highly trained, but they do outnumber us two to one."

"Tell Elyan to send word to Iseldir. Ask them to meet us as soon as possible. Afterwards start gathering the troops. I will make sure our supplies are gathered."

"Yes, sire."

"Make sure they are quick. I plan to leave for Camlann in two hours."

"You can count on me, Princess."


The Valley of the Fallen Kings. Of course, it was never Merlin's favorite place to go due to the curse. This time, though, it seemed more foreboding than ever before.

Morgana, Merlin, and Lancelot has to rest for the night before going directly to the caves. Despite having been asleep for almost a day, Merlin was exhausted. They rested in a spot right outside the Valley of the Fallen Kings. Unsurprisingly, Merlin had quite the fretful night. First it was just nightmares mostly of what he had seen when he had been enchanted. Then it turned to more like visions. He was in the Crystal Cave surrounded by horrible images of the upcoming battle and beyond. Then he would feel himself change into something... different. Something powerful; more powerful than anything known to man. It seemed almost too much to handle. All that magic coursing through him, ready to break loose. Even beyond the magic, everything surrounding him was strange. Whatever change was going to happen, he wasn't ready for it.

When he awoke he was shaking, covered in sweat. The others asked if he was alright and tried to comfort him, but it made no difference. The inevitable would come, whether he wanted it or not. As they walked through the valley Merlin seemed to flinch at every sound. He could feel everything more vividly and his mind was on the verge of racing out of control. After what seemed like an eternity, they reached the mouth of the cave.

"There it is then?" Lancelot questioned.

"Yeah," Merlin answered, his voice shakier than he wanted it to be.

"So what, we just walk right in?" Morgana asked.

"I just walk right in. It's my responsibility."

"I'm coming with you," Morgana stated firmly.

Merlin turned and was about to argue with her, until a voice interrupted from behind.

"It seems your time has come, Emrys."

All three turned in which at the voice behind them. An older man with a soft smile was standing near the mouth of the cave. The scene was all too familiar to Merlin.

"Taliesin," he breathed.

"Emrys," Taliesin nodded in welcome, "and the Lady Morgana, high priestess of the Old Religion. Our meeting has been foretold."

"Do you know why I'm here?"

"Indeed I do Emrys. However, this is not just your mission as you had expected."

"What do you mean?"

"Follow me into the cave. You and Lady Morgana, for those is not something you are meant to undertake alone."

To Merlin's discomfort, both him and Morgana followed Taliesin into the cave leaving Lancelot outside. When they reached the crystals it looked much like Merlin remembered, but brighter. Merlin could already feel the power of the crystals pulling him in. His eyes dashed from crystal to crystal as he tried hard not to think about all of previous experiences with the crystals. Needless to say, it wasn't working.

"It's beautiful," Morgana whispered; thankfully distracting Merlin.

"This is the birthplace of magic," Taliesin explained.
"These crystals hold great power. Most often, they can show you things of the past, present, and the future. However, they hold an even greater purpose. They hold the key to unlocking Emrys' great power."

"Why..." Merlin mumbled under his breath, not entirely realizing he had spoken out loud.


"Why me?" He clarified. "Why does all of this have to do with me? Destinies, kings, dragons, and power. What if I don't want this?"

"It is not a question of what you want, but what you are. You are not merely a man, Emrys, you never were. You are magic itself. You were born of the magic found in the deepest fabric of the universe. You have always been and always will be."

"Always will be?"

"In the heart of the cave is where you will find your true nature. Go to it. You were born for greater things Emrys. Go and fulfill your destiny."

"And Morgana?"

"She will go with you, for she herself has much to learn."

Morgana took Merlin by the hand and smiled. Merlin managed to give a weak grin back before walking with her towards the light. After a few paces he stopped and turned back to face Taliesin one last time.

"What will I be once it's done?"

"You will be Emrys."

You all know the drill by now... I took forever... I'm sorry... here are a couple chapters 😁

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