Star Crossed Lovers: Second G...

By gurdianoflight

874 37 5

What if the famous Mockingjay from the hunger games never killed President coin and killed Snow instead. Kat... More

Chapter 2: the woods
Chapter 3: The Train
Chapter 4: The tribute Parade
Chapter five: let the training begin
Chapter 6: Individual assessments
chapter seven: The final five plan and a day in dresses
Chapter 8: The Interview
chapter nine: let the games begin
Back in district Twelve
Chapter eleven: the blood bath
Chapter twelve: Family differences
Chapter 13: When together, love grows stronger.
Chapter14: The first and maybe only date
Chapter 15: The final words
Chapter 16: Victory comes with a price
chapter 17: on our way home.
Chapter 18: Protective parents

Chapter one: Destiny sets its course.

159 3 0
By gurdianoflight

Eighteen years ago my parents had taken the sacrifice of having kids. My father wanted kids but my mom thought it would be really risky. He did promise her that he would protect us at all costs from the games and here we are the day of the reaping of the 99th hunger games. I guess my father is doing a good job on his promise because neither I nor my brother (Finnick Mellark) has gotten reaped yet. I am walking with my brother again to get checked in and I see a boy with blonde hair and bright green eyes ahead of us. That boy is Adrien Paix. I have had a crush on him for some time now and his sister is going into the reaping for the second time. We head up and get checked in. I look for my parents and brother. My brother is up by the front. He looks back and finds me looking at him. He was about to mouth something to me when a sound comes across the speakers. It was the famous Effie trinket doing her usual hit of the microphone.

Diana's reaping outfit

Adrien's reaping outfit

"Welcome to the reaping of the 99th hunger games. This year I thought I would do something different and read the names of the tributes together. Here it goes," Effie says. She walks to the girl's bowl as usual and then to the boys. She uses her middle finger to lift the tape off of the girl's name and her pointer finger to open the boys.

"Adrien Paix and Eva Paix. Siblings, wonderful," Effie says. Adrien walks out of the crowd and into the middle section and his sister runs over to him. I can't bear to see them go through this. Eva shouldn't be going into the games. I then get an idea in my head and run into the middle.

"I volunteer as tribute," I yell.

Everyone looks at me. Eva walks up to me and asks why but I don't have time to answer because two peacekeepers walk up and drag her into the girl crowd. I walk up to the stage and meet Effie at the top of the stairs. Effie and I walk over to the microphone.

"What is your name, young lady?" Effie asks me.

"Diana Mellark daughter of the victors of the 74th hunger games and the Mockingjay," I say not sure if I said that right.

"It is such an honor to meet you Miss Mellark. Our tributes of district twelve for the 99th hunger games. Katn- Diana Mellark and Adrien Paix, please shake hands. May the odds be ever in your favor," Effie says. I shake Adrien's hand and we are pushed into the Justice Building. I am sent to a room that looks over the square. I sit on one of the chairs and wait. My parents rush in with my brother right behind them.

"What are you thinking!" My mother yells. My famous mother Katniss Everdeen the Mockingjay, the leader of the rebellion is yelling at me for just going to my death. What's the big deal.

"I was thinking about the two siblings up there earlier. They don't deserve to be sent into the arena to kill each other. It is also about time I make my mark," I yell back. My mother steps back and stares at me with fear. I can scare my mom easily, I don't know why but she has always been scared of me when I'm mad.

"Diana please, we never wanted you to do this. We love you and can't bear losing you," My father says. Peeta Mellark the boy with the bread. That's what my mom calls him. The one who volunteered to protect my mother in the arena of the 75th hunger games and was tortured by the capital during the war is telling me that they can't bear losing me. Pathetic.

"You have been training me for this before I could walk, dad if you think you broke your promise to mom about keeping us safe. You didn't break it. I made this decision on my own and you can't stop it," I say. My brother comes over to me and gives me a necklace with a bow and arrow engraved on top. I open the locket to find a painting of my parents with me and my brother behind them. We were always taller than our parents. The other side of the locket holds a painting of my grandparents. Haymitch and Melanie (my mother's mom). They look so happy. They got together after the war and my grandmother moved back to district twelve with my father.

"Thank you. Dad these paintings are beautiful. I will cherish it with my life," I say. I walk over to them and hug them. My mom doesn't hug me at first but then wraps her arms around me. We stay in this family hug till a peacekeeper comes in and pushes them out of the room. I wait for a few minutes then my grandparents come in. My grandpa hugs me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Any advice grandpa?" I ask Haymitch.

"The same I told your parents, stay alive and run away from the cornucopia and find water. I hope you will actually listen to me, your parents never did." Haymitch says.

"Please use the medical tips I gave you when you were younger," My grandmother says.

"I will try, I have a few things to ask," I say as we walk together to a nice red couch.

"I need you both to make sure mom, dad, and Finnick are okay and going on with their lives. Before the games begin I need you two to clean out my bedroom. Tell them it is a request from me. Second, keep an eye on the Paix family. As grandma knows I have feelings for Adrien and I am promising myself that I will save him over me, I was destined to go to the games," I say.

"We promise, right sweetheart?" Haymitch asks my grandma.

"We promise," my grandma says. We stand up and hug. The peacekeepers come in and take them back out into the hall and a little girl with blonde hair and green eyes walks in.

"Hello Eva," I say as I sit on the couch. She sits next to me and just stares at me for about two minutes. Then asks me a question that I haven't found the answer to yet.

"Why did you volunteer to take my place?" Eva asks me.

"I felt that you and your brother shouldn't have to go through something like that and I imagined that happening with my brother and me and I couldn't let it happen. Have you gone to see your brother yet?" I ask her. She nods her head yes.

"I have feelings for your brother. Don't tell him please," I beg.

"I won't," She says.

"Good, now don't tell anyone else, my own parents don't know," I say.

"Your secret is safe with me. Thank you for taking my place," Eva says.

"Your welcome, I promise to get your brother back to you," I say. She stands up and hugs me and walks out the door. Effie opens the door about five minutes after Eva left and tells me to get in the car. Together the three of us ride in the back seat of a car as it brings us to the train station. I look over at Adrien and my mind flashes to a day in the woods.

Hello to all the people reading. I want to know your opinion on my story. Put it in the comments, please.

Thanks, Gurdianoflight

Diana's face

Adrien face


Katniss and Peeta Mellark

Finnick the brother

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