Train Wreck

By LizzyPeltonWrites

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Two people, heading toward the unknown. Tragedy brings them together, unearthing secrets and guilt that coul... More

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By LizzyPeltonWrites

Remington POV

"About a half hour?" Dad asked, smirking as I rushed to pack my laptop. 

I nodded, "Yeah, guess getting the car went faster than Lissy expected so she figured she and Benji would come by and pick us up to grab lunch in town before we get all the gear for Princess Peach."  We shared a chuckle while recalling how sweet Lissy and Benji's new dog was the previous night, especially as she flipped onto her back for belly rubs after Lissy moved and woke her from a nap.

"Which car did they go with?" He gave me a curious look and followed me inside, all the way back to my room while I scrambled to catch up with everything I needed to get done.

My brain froze a moment and I stared into space, unable to answer. Dad laughed, "It's okay, I can be surprised. I'll let you shower and change. That gives me time to get changed, too."

He was still chuckling as he wheeled away but my head began a checklist of things to do.

First: Shower.

The water was scalding but it kept me grounded while I thought back to the previous night.

Alice looked good enough to eat.

The red dress Daisy chose was incredible.

My mind wandered but I reeled myself in, shaking the thoughts from my head while I washed my hair and finished up quickly.

Our talk was quicker than I anticipated thanks to Dad's need to head home. We chatted about us, how we were committed to trying the relationship out, and how she was just as present in our connection as I was.

It validated every feeling I've had for her since the first time our eyes met on the train.

There were no declarations or confirmations or moments of fireworks.  Just a quiet chat in the yard, softly reminding each other that no matter what happens next we will stick together.

After grabbing jeans and a blue polo shirt I dried my hair further and threw some product in.  I realized it was getting longer but made the decision that I wanted to grow my hair out a bit. May as well continue trying new things while I'm home awhile. I looked in the mirror and decided to leave the scruff as well, setting aside my electric razor and cleaning up my beard around the neck so it was less messy.

Change is good, after all.

"They're here!" Dad hollered from the living room just as I was grabbing my phone from the charger. I grinned to myself before snagging my wallet and keys, locking the door as we left.

Lissy was standing by a black used four door Ford Focus. It was an older model but I remembered seeing this exact car when Benji was scrolling the previous night. Jesse pointed it out since the mileage was incredibly low, even though it was almost seven years old.

Benji popped out of the passenger seat while Jesse pulled into the road in front of my house. He nodded toward Jesse's car, "So, we weren't sure if we could fit my dumb crutches plus the wheelchair, plus groceries and puppy stuff, but Jesse was happy to drive as well so we can all go get everything we need for Peach!"

I met Lissy's eyes and saw her smile, offering a shy wave.  "So, Daisy is with us. Which car are you taking, Remi?"

Dad shook his head and wheeled toward Jesse's car, chuckling as he waved at Lissy while he passed.  "Meet you downtown so we can grab lunch somewhere!"

I followed close behind and Jesse met me by the car to help Dad into the passenger seat, moving to the trunk so we could take apart the wheelchair.

"So, went well?" I asked anxiously, keeping my voice low.

He laughed, "Bro, it was amazing. Liss knew exactly what she wanted and only test drove three cars. This was the first one and she went back to it after trying the other two then paid cash." We finished putting the last pieces in the trunk and Jesse shut the lid, "She even haggled the price down and saved over two grand off what I thought she could possibly save."

I raised my eyebrows and whistled, impressed at her decisiveness. Jesse chuckled, "It was pretty great. Liss knows what she wants and has no problem getting it." He gave me a long look before continuing, "I'm glad you two talked last night. Seemed like a weight was off her shoulders today."

Dad leaned out the passenger side door, shouting, "Come on, guys! Let's eat!"

After jogging to the passenger side of Lissy's car I opened the door and hopped in, thanking Benji a minute for switching to the back seat.

Alice was in a white t shirt and jean shorts, her hair back in a ponytail similar to the previous night.  I had to watch my feet thanks to her bag and a light weight flannel shirt she had on the floor but made a mental note to check my flannels and hoodies for any she might like.  She smiled before putting the car in reverse, "So, you need to tell me how to get there..."

The drive was less than fifteen minutes through residential streets and small town roads.  Daisy and I pointed out the baseball field and dog park as well as high school on our way downtown. She soaked up all the information, picking up on directions quickly and pointing out landmarks she had only seen a couple times. 

We parked in a lot designated for the entire downtown district just moments ahead of Jesse, stretching our legs and getting Benji's crutches out right before they arrived. Once he was parked, Benji helped me put the wheelchair together within minutes. I realized he had the same method for this process as I did, grabbing the wheel first and propping it against the bumper of the car before taking out the body of the chair.

Is this another one of those weird telekinetic brother things??

"What?" Benji asked, narrowing his eyes at me as I stared.

I caught myself, laughing self consciously, "Sorry. Just realized you do the same thing I do."

"Well, yeah," he shrugged, taking the next piece to attach before the arm was adjusted to the proper height, "You taught me. Of course I do the same thing you do."

His words rattled in my head while we finished up, and even as I walked hand in hand with Lissy down the streets I felt distracted.

I taught him something without even realizing it... what else am I teaching Benji without paying attention?

"Oohhh! Maybe we could do breakfast?" Daisy commented as we walked by a diner and paused.

I heard Alice's stomach growl and laughed, tugging her closer and kissing the top of her head. My eyes instinctively flicked to Benji now that I was hyper aware of how he was paying attention to my actions.

He was watching us... but he was smiling warmly.

"I'm thinking waffles... maybe bacon?" I nudged Alice, pointing toward the menu posted in the entryway.

She sighed, "That sounds like heaven, but I have to go with Eggs Benedict this time."

Daisy gasped, "You basic bitch!"

Lissy laughed, nodding at the accusation, "It's true, Daisy. I am quite the basic bitch. If they had bottomless mimosas I would order that as well."

Thoughts of Alice, buzzed on champagne and full after a huge meal of breakfast foods, danced in my head. I grinned, tugging her toward the door, "Let's do this!"

Our meal went quickly as we traded plates, sharing between platters of hot cakes and waffles and omelets. Daisy and Lissy split the Eggs Benedict while also enjoying everything we ordered for the table.  I realized as soon as their plate arrived that I should have ordered the same thing.

Alice saw the look on my face as she slid one of the english muffins to her plate and laughed, "Awww, second thoughts, Remi?"

I nodded, pouting more than I expected, "Why didn't you warn me it would look so incredible?"

She shook her head while beginning to cut her first bite, swiping the perfect combination of muffin with egg, ham, and asparagus through the hollandaise sauce. I wiped drool from my mouth as she raised her fork but was surprised when Lissy cupped her hand underneath and lifted it toward me. "Want me to do airplane noises?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Everyone laughed and I just shook my head, opening up so I could enjoy the bite she crafted.

It truly was the perfect Eggs Benedict.

Lissy went back in and took her first taste, enjoying almost as much as I did, while I started on my pancakes and some hash browns. We chatted about their morning and Benji showed off his car knowledge, impressing everyone with the details he remembered even though Liss rolled her eyes half the time.

I leaned in at one point, tracing my finger along her arm which caused her to shudder. The reaction made me smile, especially knowing that she had the exact same impact on me.

"So, should I tell him my bike came in?" I whispered directly info Lissy's ear, my chin resting on her shoulder.

"Hey! No secrets here, Remington!" Jesse threw a napkin at the back of my head and made Dad and Benji laugh while Daisy was paying close attention from right next to Lissy.

Alice met my eyes and smirked, clearing her throat before she looked at Benji, "So what do you want to do next? We can wander downtown a little to stretch our legs then go to the pet store? I wanted to grab a few things at Target or something while we are out also."

Jesse stretched, leaning back in his chair, "Works for me. Greg, are you game to relax all day? I can take you home any time."

"I think I can hang with these buckaroos," Dad chuckled, setting down his coffee cup, "I'm excited to see the pet store and will probably just take a nap once we get to Alice and Benji's house anyway."  He stretched as well and sighed, hands clasped against his stomach.

Dad was eating far better every time we were with the group than he was at home.

When it was just us it was hard for me to get him to choke down half a sandwich.

This morning he demolished half a massive omelet along with part of a belgian waffle plus some bacon and hash browns.  He fed off the joy just as much as his body fed off the calories.

"What about dinner tonight?" Benji asked right before grabbing the last two slices of bacon and folding them into a pancake, dipping the entire wrap into syrup, and taking a huge bite.

Dad stared, mouth wide open as he watched Benji chew. "What in the world?"

"Bacon pancakes," Lissy shrugged, "It's a whole thing from a cartoon called Adventure Time that we watch. Usually the bacon is cooked inside the pancake, but Benji knows how to work under difficult circumstances."

Benji snorted and choked slightly, coughing a bit before he swallowed and took a long drink of juice.  "Oh, yeah! Can you teach me the Heimlich Maneuver, Jesse?" he asked out of the blue after coming up for air.

Alice and Daisy burst into laughter while I made eye contact with Dad then Jesse, completely confused. Benji had a smirk on his face so I got the impression this was an inside joke of some sort while Jesse just shrugged and started to explain how the Heimlich worked.

"Wanna explain.... That?" I asked once Lissy had calmed down and was able to take a sip of water.

She snorted again before looking at Daisy who buried her face in her hands, groaning, "No! It's too embarrassing!!"

Alice looked back to me and shook her head, "I think we'll keep this one between us, Remi." 

I was surprised at the response but then saw her wink.

She must intend to tell me more later on, based on the look in her eyes.

Lissy is very protective over her bond with Benji so it makes sense she would be the same way with Daisy.  I'm sure if it was only the four of us they would be doing a full reenactment of whatever silly incident happened, but in public and around others that's a much different task to face.

We relaxed downtown, slowly strolling through stores at the speed of Benji while he awkwardly made his way around kiosks and aisle on crutches. I could tell he was annoyed so helped as much as I could, maneuvering Dad's wheelchair and giving Benji plenty of space. Jesse, Daisy, and Lissy did the same so both of them were more able to access everything they wanted to see.

While browsing a bookstore where Jesse helped Benji find a first aid guide book he could keep on hand, I noticed Alice and Daisy chatting near the rack of magazines. Dad was talking to the guys so I wandered toward them, listening in while they talked.

"So this is the one?" Daisy flipped through one magazine and I saw Lissy nod excitedly, sighing as she grabbed another copy and started doing the same.

"Real Simple is the best. A little fashion, simple house organization stuff, relationship advice..." She looked up and continued, "Dais, it's perfect. I'm gonna buy one today but then just get a subscription. It'll save me money in the long run anyway."

Daisy giggled, "You're such a grown up, getting magazine subscriptions and opening a savings account for Benji. Next stop, everything your castle needs for its new Princess!"

I chuckled and they turned, surprise on Alice's face. "Didn't mean to interrupt."

She handed the magazine over and I saw a nicely decorated farm house front porch on the cover. "This. I want this." Lissy smiled, pointing at the swing that had cushions and blankets perfectly situated and was next to a table holding a pitcher of lemonade. "I want a wrap around front porch like this with a huge swing so I can just.... Ahhhhh"

She sighed, leaning her head back with a blissful look on her face while Daisy and I shared a grin. "We can get a swing for your rental house. That's easy." I remarked, thinking back to the last time I was at the hardware store and noticed freestanding swings with frames that even had canopies.

Daisy scoffed, giving me a look before she retorted, "It's not the same, Remi. Not even close."

My mind drifted back to memories of the porch swing we had at our farmhouse on Baker pond.

Reese and I would crawl up with Mom and Dad to watch the sunrise, sipping their coffee and gagging at the taste while Mom laughed at our expressions.

Dad would read us books at night, usually while we were all piled together on the swing as well.

In fact, we spent a ton of time on that swing... it's where some of my happiest memories took place.

"Remi?" Lissy's hand was suddenly against my neck, feeling my pulse and bringing me back to the present. "I think they're ready to check out. Is that okay?" She stared into my eyes and I could tell she knew I was accessing a memory.

I nodded, reaching up and taking her hand in mine before looking to Daisy and smiling so we could make our way to the counter.  Daisy had grabbed a crossword puzzle book she thought Dad would like but grew shy when he approached.

Lissy nudged her gently and she bumped into Benji who only laughed.  He noticed the book in her hands and instantly got excited.  "Oh, cool! Is that one of the logic puzzle ones Greg likes?"

Daisy nodded, "I thought maybe..." her eyes drifted over to Dad as he approached and she handed it toward him with a timid smile.

His eyes lit up and expression shifted to one of complete shock. "Daisy! That is so sweet! I haven't seen this one before so this is perfect!"

Dad reached out to take it but she held it closer to herself, "Nope, this is on me! I have an allowance anyway and Lissy never lets me spend money on stuff at her house so I'm going to spend it on you!"

I saw Benji grin and move to check out alongside Daisy, chatting with her as she paid for some girly fashion or gossip magazine along with the puzzle book. He handed the books Jesse helped him choose to Alice, eyebrows raised, "So, Jess said these would give me some basic first aid info and the hospital has a whole course this summer that Daisy and I could take if we wanted to. Usually people who babysit take it, but that might be a good way to know if this is really something I want to do... right?"

Now that I knew him better, I realized just how much reassurance Benji received from Alice. She smiled warmly as he explained the plan and agreed, "I love that! I'll check the schedule and see what we can work out once you're off these crutches. It would keep you busy and maybe there's even a pet first aid class you can take, too."

Benji's eyes got wider and his smile grew as well, "See, this??" he smacked me in the stomach with his camo cast, making me grunt, "This is why I love my sister so much. She's amazing, isn't she, Remi?"

"Lissy is the best. I'm glad you make sure she knows that so often, Benj. She deserves it." I looked at him and saw his dark blue eyes flash with recognition.

He understood that I was acknowledging the encouragement he gave her publicly.

This isn't just about making sure Lissy knows how important she is to both of us. It's also about saying it around other people, in a public space, instead of only being open somewhere private.

Alice moved to check out a few magazines along with Benji's books while I stayed back by Dad, watching the siblings talk to the cashier.

Daisy nudged me, "Thank you."

"She needs to hear it way more often."

"Yep. And you can tell how much it means to Benji, which means a lot to me also. So thanks," she looked up at me with respect and admiration in her eyes. It was a surprise to gain so much from an offhand interaction but maybe I shouldn't be so shocked.

Daisy is a perceptive young lady.

She already picked up on the emotional shifts that Lissy has and knows how to balance the vibe in a room when things change. Her ability to work with Benji even if he's struggling is impressive so I am thankful to have her on our side.

We need to keep it that way.

"Hello?" I heard Alice say and turned, confused. She smiled, phone at her ear and bag in hand while making her way toward the exit.  I reached out and took her shopping bag, getting a thankful smile in return before she made her way outside while on the call.

Benji laughed, "It's Doc. I saw the caller ID. Probably letting her know when she can pick up Daisy or something."

Jesse moved behind Dad and helped wheel him out while I threw my arm around Benji's shoulder.  "Let's go see what the plan is, Benj!"

Daisy was already standing by Lissy but her back was to us when we walked outside. I heard various "Uh huh," and "Yeah, that makes sense," type affirmations.

My heart began racing when I realized it could be the DNA results. 

Dad must have thought the same thing, clearing his throat and breaking my thoughts so I looked at his concerned face and tried to catch my breath.

Are we really about to find out?

It felt like hours but was maybe a minute before I heard Lissy say, "That's a great idea! We will see you at the house a bit later, then..... Bye, Doc!"

She turned around and wiped her eyes, putting on a smile, "Shit, my allergies are awful today. Time for the pet store?"

Benji gave her a suspicious look, "What was that all about?"

Alice smirked, "Wouldn't you like to know? Doc wanted to check on Daisy," she raised her eyebrows a few times, wrapping Daisy in a side hug, "And said she will meet us at the house in a couple hours. She mentioned that if we get all the ingredients then she can show me how to make her family recipes for hush puppies and fried chicken!"

Daisy gasped, hands going to her mouth with excitement, "Oh my god! Really??! She never makes that!  It's my absolute favorite and she never makes it and we get to??  TODAY?!!"

She cheered and jumped around a bit which made Benji laugh, especially since Daisy's joy was already so infectious.

Dad and I smiled at each other but when I looked to Jesse I noticed his jaw was set, tension clear in his expression.

Doc must know the truth.

This must be a way for us to have time together and allow the girls a chance to do something as well.

My heart sank but I kept a smile on my face, trying to make sure it reached my eyes for Benji and Daisy's sakes. Alice gave me a meaningful look, reaching for my hand as we began heading to the car.  Daisy chattered on about the chicken and hush puppy recipes, excitedly asking everyone what sides we should get at the grocery store.

The rest of the afternoon felt like a blur.

Our walk to the car felt like floating. Liss held my hand tight, her teeth grinding to the point where it made me cringe.

She was a bundle of anxious energy.

I could feel the stress radiating off her body but looking at the grip she held on her keys confirmed it.

We got to the car and Benji helped Jesse and me put Dad's wheelchair in Jesse's trunk. He was his normal casual self, without a care in the world.

I offered a fist bump and Benji lifted his regular hand instead of his camo cast.  "Not gonna even go there, man."  He tapped his temple with one finger, "I'm smarter now.  More intelligent.  I know you can't see it, so the knuckles will be ignored."

Jesse and I laughed, each fist bumping the twerp before getting his crutches put in Lissy's trunk.

I let out a sigh and slid into the passenger seat, groaning at the strain in my ribs. Liss flicked her eyes to me, buckling her seat belt and letting out a long breath.  Right before my eyes she steeled herself, plastering on a fake smile and announcing, "Who is ready to get the castle prepared for Peach?!"

Daisy and Benji cheered, instantly grabbing their phones to start checking out the pet store website and discuss which bed was perfect as well as whether to go with a complete Mario theme for her toys or maybe just whatever spoke to them at the store.

Alice's jaw stayed locked but I reached my hand across the console after she backed up and got on the road, palm facing up and fingers outstretched.

She didn't have to tell me the results. 

We already knew it would be positive that Benji is my half brother. 

The DNA test was a formality but one that I knew was even more important before Dad passed away. It would give Benji a legitimate stake in his estate, especially with his investment portfolio. We didn't have millions but I knew enough to be aware that we were just fine.

I could take care of them... but now Benji would have his fair share.

Even dividing things in half would give me more than enough and allow him a healthy college fund or money for his own place.

The more I considered how this would give him a brighter future, the more excited it made me... until I glanced at Lissy.

Alice looked to the right as she made a turn and caught my eye, offering a sad smile before she realized I had my hand ready for hers to hold. "Sorry," she whispered, lacing her fingers in mine and squeezing hard a long moment, "Gotta get my head on straight here so thank you for understanding."

I almost didn't hear her.

It was just like last night when she told me she wanted me to meet Peach since it's their forever dog so I needed to be part of the process.

These quiet moments were the cracks in her walls.

They showed Lissy at her most vulnerable.

I raised her hand to my lips, kissing the back and wrapping it between both mine while she blinked and drove the short half mile to a local pet store.  She was doing the breathing pattern she taught me so I joined in solidarity, calming my excitement while Liss kept herself together.

I know this is hard on her, so I'll keep doing what I can do support her.

"Guys, you can go ahead and wander but just don't do anything stupid..." her voice trailed as we made our way inside, my hand clasping hers tightly while we followed the teenagers. Daisy grabbed a cart while Benji instantly found a Mario themed toy set that included a stuffed Mario and Luigi doll.

Benji snorted, "Man, I need a little brother, Liss. Then I can be Mario and he can be Luigi!" He tossed the toys into our cart and kept moving while Daisy giggled at his comment, completely oblivious to our shocked expressions and slacked jaws.

"FUCK." Lissy whispered through her teeth, staring at the floor while they continued through the store.  She blinked quickly, chewing her lip and trying to regulate her breathing after such a striking statement.

I let out a long breath and pulled her to the side closer to Dad and Jesse, "Okay. So it's positive?"

She nodded, looking up at me briefly while holding her arms against her body so tightly that her fingertips were turning white.

My instincts kicked in and I moved behind Alice, sliding my hands up and down her arms to try and ground her through this anxiety attack. I kept talking, trying to get the words out before I faltered.  "I'm gonna assume Doc is making dinner so she can be there and help us do this. That means Benji is going to know soon and everything Liss has built for Benji's entire life will change..."

Alice turned around instantly, staring up at me in shock.

Those green eyes are now bearing a load that I need to carry, instead of the other way around like the song lyrics say.

I looked into her face and saw a mixture of sadness and hope.

Grief at the major shift in the only person who has been by her side for years.

Hope that maybe... just maybe... there is a way to navigate these choppy waters so we can all find a new normal that makes everyone happy.

"Liss! We found the crates!" Benji hollered from across the store and I felt her muscles seize while she winced.

She gave a dry laugh, looking around at the three of us a moment before sighing. "Okay, so let's get the shopping done and then we can go to the grocery store. I'm just gonna need some time. I promise this is a good thing and I'm happy for him... it's just a lot."

Dad nodded, eyes excited at the joy this news brought him.

He didn't understand how painful this was for Alice, even after my warning.

All he saw was a chance to find more joy in his final days.

I realized that's exactly how I was before Jesse set me straight and I gained more perspective.  I glanced at Jesse and shrugged, unsure whether it was even worth addressing this major issue or if we needed to just let things go.

Jesse leaned in, quietly whispering, "Just drop it, bro.  Let him have hope."

Alice heard him and leaned across, offering a sad smile and nodding in agreement.

That settles things.

Even though it causes her extreme emotional stress, she will bear that load because it gives me Dad the joy he needs.

We continued through the store and easily found the essentials from a list Leah and Kenny helped Lissy compile. Dad pointed out some treats he thought seemed healthy for training purposes and found a book on how to train dogs to do random tricks. I could tell he was excited to have a new project he could learn alongside Benji.

Dad may be an old dog, but he wants to learn new tricks as well.

After a trip to the grocery store where Lissy and Daisy got everything needed for dinner and the guys found beer and snacks we finally made our way back to the house.

I spent the entire shopping trip watching her like a hawk.  She tried to stay calm and keep her tone casual but every time our eyes locked I saw fear behind her eyes.

Alice is terrified of breaking Benji's heart with this news.

The unknown factor must spike her anxiety more than anything else.  When we were debating ice cream flavors I tugged her into a side hug and felt her arms circle my waist casually while she chimed in that we could just get three kinds and do a sundae bar.

It felt like my presence was helping.

Maybe I will be able to show her the same grace she has given me.

Daisy and Benji had to hold a couple bags on their laps in the back seat which made our drive to the house a bit more exciting but the lively conversation distracted Lissy enough so she was naturally more relaxed.

I could tell a difference in the relaxed posture and how her right hand made it's way over to my shoulder, fixing my polo shirt collar at one point.

"There.  Perfect."  Lissy said, smiling at me while we were stopped at a light.

"Promise?" I teased, chuckling at this innocent gesture.

She seemed to consider a moment and nodded as the light turned green, "You have my word, Remi.  You always have my word."

Doc was already waiting at the house and greeted us with a wide smile on her face.  She had apparently gone home first and changed into casual clothes which was a bit jarring.  I was used to seeing her dressed in suits or scrubs so the lounge wear was a surprise.

She approached the cars, shielding her eyes from the sun with her hand and waving, "Good to see you all! How was your day?"

Daisy began rattling off an exhaustive list of everything we did, including the girls brunch choice of Eggs Benedict. Doc Edwards helped grab bags of groceries and dog supplies so we could unload the cars, getting everyone and everything inside without too much of a problem. She raved about the new car, offering Lissy a side hug of consolation before Jesse got the crate out of the trunk.

Everything felt so natural, save the overwhelming cloud of secrecy we were about to reveal.

Now we need to figure out how to tell Benji.

My stomach was in knots as Dad and I stayed outside a moment, allowing everyone else to go in first once the cars were empty.

He looked up at me, brow furrowed with concern, "Is Alice okay?"

I shrugged. I had no clue and was not sure how to respond.

Dad studied my face a moment, letting out a sigh, "I watched her more closely at the store and finally realized how hard this will be on her. I've been so caught up in my own joy that I didn't even think about the way it would make her feel."

"Jesse gave me a wake up call a few days ago, so I was the same way," I gave him a soft smile, "But Lissy knows that we are in this together and will figure things out. She knows I'm not going anywhere and that we as a couple can determine how to best handle everything with Benji."

He tilted his head as I spoke, his face melting into a warm grin. "I had no idea you were at that point. It's barely been more than a week, Remi... are you sure?"

A peal of laughter rang from the house and Lissy opened the door to lean out, determination clear on her face. "You guys coming inside?"

I looked at Dad then back at her, the panic in my body fading as we held eye contact and silently reminded each other of the promises we've made.

We are in this together.

"Yep!" I replied, grinning at Alice before looking right at my dad so he knew my answer counted for his question as well.

Neither of us are going anywhere.

She stepped outside, holding the door open for Dad who had to carefully dodge Doc and Daisy as they were beginning to prepare the chicken for our dinner.

Lissy let go of the door handle, walking closer to me while I stood still. Her eyes stayed on mine but she wrapped her arms around my waist and laid her head against my chest, letting out a long sigh. "Can we just have a minute before we go inside?"

"You get all the minutes you want, always..." I whispered, wrapping her tighter and feeling a sob shudder through her frame.

This will be one of the hardest things she has ever done.

An extra few minutes peace before the storm won't hurt anything.

Our connection was broken by more laughter inside and Benji hollering, "LISSY!!  HELP!!"

She looked up at me, letting out a shaky sigh as he came to the door clearly soaked.  "Daisy sprayed me with the sink hose!!"

"He deserved it, Liss!"  Daisy called from the kitchen.

Lissy shrugged, "Okay.  Did you deserve it, Beep?"

His jaw dropped and he looked to me, "Dude, she sprayed me!  In the house!"

I put my hands up with the palms facing him and backed away, laughing at his shocked expression.  "Benj, I'm not getting involved.  Change your shirt."

He sputtered and let out a disgusted noise before huffing back into the house.  Daisy peeked out while laughing and only said, "He tried to drink the buttermilk when the chicken was marinating inside of the container already.  I told him not to but he wouldn't listen so I sprayed him."

Alice and I broke into laughter at the logic behind Benji's super soaking, especially since Daisy saw the whole situation as hilarious.  She shook her head and went inside while Lissy turned back to me, rolling her eyes.

"You sure you want him?" she asked.

I laughed and shrugged, "I mean, you're the one who chose him anyway.  I'm stuck with him."

Lissy snorted and took a step toward the door, reaching toward me. "Ready?"

My hand grasped hers and I followed into the house, my actions speaking louder than words ever could.

I can prove I'll be there to support her and Benji, regardless of what happens.

It's what they deserve.

Author's Note

Spoiler Alert: Chapter 30 is another Benji POV.  Wanted you to be prepared for that!

Hope you are enjoying the story so far, especially those of you who have read the original on Chapters.  It has been fascinating to dissect and take things in a different direction.  I'm well aware I will have a TON to edit when I eventually publish but that's okay.

I would rather have too much than not enough.

Feel free to join my Insta if you're not already there since the Facebook group I am one of the Admin with has some big events coming up, including our one year anniversary!  Let me know if you need the link to the group and I'll get you added if possible!

Love you all!

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