Her Southern Moon

By NiffytheNiffler

34.6K 616 26

Trigger Warning: This book mentions abuse and suicide attempt that might not be appropriate for certain reade... More

Chapter 1 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 2 Lilith P.O.V (rewritten)
Chapter 3 (complete rewrite)
Chapter 4 Jasper P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 5 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 6 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 7 Carlisle P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 8 Lilith P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 9 Jasper P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 10 Lilith P.O.V (rewriten)
Chapter 11 Jasper P.O.V (rewriten)
Chapter 12 Jasper P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 13 Lilith P.O.V (rewritten)
Chapter 14 Carlisle P.O.V (rewrite)
Chapter 15 Lilith P.O.V (rewritten)
Chapter 16 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 17 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 19 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 20 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 21 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 22 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 23 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 24 Lilith P.O.V
Chapter 25 Jasper P.O.V
Chapter 26 Lilith P.O.V

Chapter 18 Lilith P.O.V

1.1K 25 0
By NiffytheNiffler

I don't know what it is but being with Jasper makes me feel safe for the first time in forever. I continue to see Jasper as long as I can keep it a secret from my parents, Jasper continues to question me on my never-ending amount of injuries, he accepts my answers but I can tell that he doesn't believe me.

As I lie on my mattress looking up at the ceiling my mind falls on the last happy memory I have with my parents, playing it over and over again in my head trying to find something that I did, that I can change to make my parents stop abusing me. I mean it would have had to be something I did. The memory is of Christmas when I was six. Christmas or any form of school holiday is hell for me, I have no escape from the constant abuse, I had not seen Jasper since the start of the holiday, I thought I saw him looking at me through the window.

"LILITH" I flinched as I heard my name being screamed from the bottom of the stairs. I knew that this could not be good. I quickly rushed down the stairs, tripping on the last one, feeling a crack echo up my leg, I let out a yelp.

My mother came running over to me, she grabbed ahold of my hair yanking me to my feet, dragging me behind her into the kitchen before throwing me on the floor in front of my father "why is the table still bare and why have you not even started cooking"

I quickly blinked away the tears clouding my vision. My mother and farther left to go into the living room, I hobbled around the kitchen making dinner as quick as I could, about half an hour later my parents came back in the room, I walked over to them with two plates, I placed my full weight on my injured foot, causing me to fall to the floor, the plates smashed glass flew everywhere even in my skin.

"Now look what you did, what are we going to eat tonight" my father shouted, kicking me repeatedly, I could feel my ribs cracking, I could feel the blood trickling down my back as I fell into unconsciousness, the last thing I saw was an image of Jasper.

When I regained consciousness I could barely move although I forced myself to move through the agonising pain. I stumbled out of the house, I had to escape my daily torture. My movements were slow due to my pain but I still got there.

My life is torture, what is the point. I looked over at the slowly setting sun, its reflection over the water was peaceful and welcoming. I could feel the blood trickling down my back ruining the peace bringing me back to the present. I took a step it was so easy.

I suddenly felt an ice-cold hand grip around my wrist, I screamed, I was terrified was I going to get hurt again. I tried hitting the stranger with my free hand. The body was freezing and as hard as stone. Tears were blocking my vision. I finally felt the strangers hand loosen, I seized my opportunity and turned towards the forest. Another ice-cold hand grabbed my other wrist. I was sobbing so hard I could barely breathe. I felt an uneasy sense of calm take over my body like a blanket as I got too tired to fight the stranger's grip. My eyelids started to become heavy, it was getting harder to keep them open. I had stopped fighting but continued crying. The stranger pulled me closer gently "sh...sh...sh" was quietly whispered in my ear as I gave in to the tiredness filling my body. Hoping that this lead to death. Out of the pain flowing around my body.

The pain was still there, I could hear whispers, I quickly realised that it was Jasper and Carlisle. "She needs to go to the hospital"

"No, I can't go" I tried to sit up groaning as the pain ricocheted around my body

"Lilith, darlin' you are injured" Jasper spoke his southern voice no louder than a whisper

"I can't" the pain only getting worse with every movement

"Just relax" he brought me into a light hug as the calm sea I normally feel, when with Jasper, washed over me. I soon fell back asleep.

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