One Look - Sarah Paulson

By cardelllinis

109K 3.8K 1.7K

You're a famous actress. You've seen Sarah Paulson in her projects, but never thought much of her. Until one... More

One Look- Part 1
One Look - Part 2
One Look - Part 3
One Look - Part 4
One Look - part 5
I'm back!
part 6
part 7
part 8
part 9
Part 10
part 11
part 12
part 13
part 14
part 15
part 16
part 17
part 18
part 19
part 20
part 21
part 22
part 23
part 24
part 25
part 26
part 26.5
part 27
part 28
part 29
Part 30
part 31
part 37
part 38
part 39
part 41
part 42
last part/thank you

part 40

1.3K 67 39
By cardelllinis

Today's the day. The day that was going to make you believe that you finally did it. You survived. It was the morning after your bachelorette party, probably not the best idea. But, since of everyone's schedules, you had to deal with it. You decided to be smart and not drink much. Just kidding, that's fucking boring. Remember, you're the one of your friend group who has an immunity to alcohol. Which is a great thing, right?

You and Sarah purposely planned the ceremony to happen at noon. You didn't want to make your guests wake up at an unreasonable time. Especially the women. You know how long we take to get ready. Okay, that was only half of the reason, or actually, 1/4. You weren't a morning person. You absolutely despised waking up early. The only exception was making Sarah breakfast in bed. She was worth it.

There you were. Sitting in your fancy, white pajamas Emily made you wear. You weren't really sure why, but oh my god they were so comfortable. It was satin so...

"Oh, y/n," Anna knocked lightly. You told her to come in. "So... there's the tiniest problem."

Your eyes widen at her. "What?!"

"Okay okay. Just breathe. Please."

"What happened? The dresses? The food?" You paused for a second. "Did- did Sarah..."

"No! Absolutely not! She loves you too much to do that, y/n."

"Okay...okay. What happened?"

"Your dad-"

"No." You cut Anna off.

"Y/n, I'm sorry."

"No! I cannot deal with his shit. How the fuck did he even know?"

"I don't know! Em and Charlize are dealing with it, but I just thought you should know."

"Well, what the fuck are they doing?"

"They're just getting extra security. But, don't stress out. They got it."

"It's my fucking dad! How the hell am I not supposed to freak out?" Your hands were in tight fists, and little crescent shapes appeared on your palm.

"Y/n, let your hands relax." Anna grabbed them carefully.

You loosened your hands and felt a sharp pain. Kendrick gave you that everything's okay bullshit which made the muscles in your face tense up again. But, you thought about how this is supposed to be one of the best days of your life, and the fact that you were marrying Sarah Paulson, so you took a deep breath.

"Everything's fine." You looked up at Anna. "Hey, look! You're finally taller than me!"

She rolled her eyes playfully. "Haha. Very funny." You stood up, immediately towering over her.

"God damn it."

"Oops." You shrugged walking off to the bathroom.

Your makeup was already done by your favorite makeup artist, and your hair was being styled by your best friends. Charlize was basically doing the whole thing, while Emily was in charge of... other things. You were on your phone taking some pictures for your Instagram story as Paulson's name showed up.

"Ooh!" You picked up quickly. "Hi, baby!"

"Hi, sweetheart," Sarah said as she pressed the button to facetime. Emily quickly saw your screen and grabbed your phone.

"Sorry, y/n. But, I don't think so." Em picked up for you. "Hey, Sarah!"

"Oh. Emily. Hey! Can I pleaseeee see y/n?"

"You know the rules."

"Oh, please! I'll do anything!"

"I would let you if you weren't facetiming, but-"

"Please, Em," you pouted at her.

"You guys do realize that you're seeing each other in 1 hour."

"But, we didn't even get to sleep together!"

She tsked her tongue at you both. "We'll see you soon, Sarah. Y/n, say bye to your future wife!"

"Bye, honey! I love you!"

"I love you too, y/n!" The call ended and you glared at Em.

"Couldn't even let me see my wife."

"Oh, shush. I just want the first time you see her be magical. It'll be one of the things you want to keep a surprise."

"If you say so."

"I promise." She leaned down to hug you, but Charlize gasped loudly causing the blonde to pull away. "What?!"

"Don't ruin the precious hair!"

"Shit! I'm sorry!"

"Mommy," a child from the other room shouted.

"Yes," both women called out.

"Can I see Auntie y/n?" It was little Hazel who was speaking. You could only tell because of the accent. ;)

Em smiled. "Sure, honey. Come in!" Tiny hands turned the door handle and in came a little blonde who looked almost exactly like her mom. (uhm... ive never seen emilys kids move on)

"Why, hello Captain Hazel!" You were continuing a game, shhh.

"Hiii!" She climbed up onto your lap. "You look pretty!"

"Not as pretty as you! My little flower girl." You hugged her tight. "You remember what to do?"

"Mhm! I gotta sit there and look cute like always!"

You giggled along with her. "What about the flowers?"

"Uhh... I have to hold the basket thing and throw them?"

"Basically," you nodded. "Good job, sweetie."

"Thank you," Hazel said as she kissed your cheek. "Can I put on some mascara, Sailor y/n?"

"You're going to have to ask your mom."

Hazel hopped off your lap. "Mommyyyy?"

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can Auntie y/n put mascara on me?" Hazel put on her best puppy eyes.

"How do you know what that is?"

"Y/n taught me!" Emily looked over at you.

"Whaattt? We were just having fun."

Em sighed. "Alright, but only a little bit."

Hazel cheered walking back over to you. You applied her mascara expertly, surprisingly receiving only smiles from Em.

"Okay. Now, make a kissy face." Hazel did what she was told swiftly with no questions. You spread "lipstick" on her lips which made her smile grow larger. A smile transferred onto your face because of it. You genuinely couldn't stand children, but they're tolerable when they have decent manners. Just kidding, you absolutely loved Charlize and Emily's kids. Like they were your own.

"Go show your mom."

Hazel once again hopped off your lap. You smiled over at the two of them before looking over at Charlize.

"Where's Jackson and August?"

"They're in the other room. Probably on their IPads."

"Ohhh. Alright. How's Jackson? Is she okay?"

"She's been great." You felt a scraping feeling because Charlize was shoving bobby pins onto your head. "Now, stop moving."

"Ow! Charlize!"

"Oh, hush you, big baby. You're lucky I didn't burn you."

"I barely even moved." You crossed your arms straightening your back.

"When Sarah called you?" You stayed silent. "Mhm."


"And....done!" Charlize placed her hands on your shoulders while looking into the mirror in front of the two of you. "Em, our kid's getting married."

Emily joined the two of you. "I know. It's adorable."

"I'm 27... almost 28."

"Yeah. We know, but still," Emily chuckled.

You took a huge sigh. "Is everything okay with my dad?"

"Yeah. We got him to leave. And, if he comes back, the security will deal with it. We promise."

You reached up and grabbed Charlize's hand, holding it for a bit. "Thank you."


You stood there in your hot-as-fuck suit waiting for Sarah. The violinists started playing louder meaning she was about to come out. Hazel came out first throwing little flower petals. You smiled to signal her to do the same. When she came to the end of the aisle, she ran up and hugged your legs. You kneeled, thank god for the suit, and hugged back.

"Good luck Auntie y/n."

"Thank you, sweetheart." You kissed her cheek as John motioned her to the seat next to him.

The venue was stunning. The wedding arch behind you was covered in a mixture of white roses and lavender flowers. Your heels matched perfectly (just think of venables heels before the apocalypse... yep). Your guests were seated in white chairs in front of the little desserts. Various shades of purple and white macarons to have your guests occupied, I guess. Or, maybe for the kids. Sarah wanted it, I don't know. The bridesmaids were already out, so all there's left was your bride.

You took a deep breath as Sarah started walking out. A single glimpse of her already made you tear up. God, she was beautiful. The guests turned and stared as she walked down the white aisle. A huge smile emerged onto her face as she saw you. By the time she was standing in front of you, you were already a crying mess. Luckily, your makeup didn't run too much. Her dress hugged her body in all the right places, just like her OJ Simpson premiere look.

"You look gorgeous, y/n," Sarah smiled. She took one of her hands off of the beautifully arranged bouquet and wiped one of your tears.

not rlly necessary but its pretty

You sniffled. "Not as gorgeous as you."

blah blah blah vows time

You gently took out a piece of paper and nervously began reading. "Sarah Catharine Paulson, I love you so much. And, I'm not saying it as some sentence people tell each other. What I feel towards you can't be described using words. Our love is so powerful and strong, and at the same time, it's soft, delicate, and gentle. Every time I look at you, even think about you, my heart just speeds up and I can't even control it. The fact that I start to smile to myself like some teenager drives me crazy. Paulson, you make me happy every day, every hour, and every minute. I can't believe how lucky I am to have you. You. As my one and only. The one I come home to. And, the one that I will love unconditionally." You finally looked up to find Sarah crying softly.

"Aw, fuck" Sarah wiped some of her tears. "Okay. Y/n l/n, when I first saw you, I was already so enamored by you. You know, when we met, I thought I was done with love. I'm a middle aged woman who couldn't keep anyone. Who would've thought that I'd be lucky enough to find someone like you. And, when we finally started dating I found you fascinating. Well, I guess before we dated too. Also, I'm so sorry that we didn't meet at the Met Gay-la."

You laughed along with the guests. "The Oscars are cool too." Sarah knew you always watched Ocean's 8 when you missed her.

"I'm glad they are. But, anyway uhm." She paused since she wasn't sure what to say next. Sarah always knew that when she got married she would say her vows from her heart. "Oh! Thank you so much for dealing with my unnecessary advice on things. I know that could get a little annoying after a while." Sarah looked over at her sister, Elizabeth. "Ask Elizabeth. She knows." She turned back to you. "And, just thank you for everything. Thank you for dealing with all of my shit and for promising that you'll always love me. Obviously, I'll do the same, so I don't really have to say it, but you know. I wanted to make sure you knew. I love you so much."

The flash of the camera shined into your eyes as Meryl continued on with the regularly-scheduled ceremony. (yes, meryl streep was marrying the two of you.)

"Do you, y/n l/n, take Sarah Paulson as your lawfully wedded wife?"

You grabbed one of the rings off of the pillow Meryl was holding. "I do," you said as you were sliding the ring on Paulson's finger.

"And Sarah, do you promise to love and cherish y/n?"


"Well, there you go. I now pronounce the two of you, wife and wife!" Meryl didn't even get to finish her sentence before you kissed Sarah. You were the happiest you've ever been, and you intended to keep it that way for as long as humanly possible. You two finally pulled away, and looked at everyone cheering and clapping.

While you were walking in between the chairs, Sarah's hand in yours, a voice that only made its way into your head at the worst times, was heard.


woooo 2020 words the longest chapter I've ever written. i hope yall like it. i did write during school and pretty fast as times, so if there are any mistakes Im sorry! have a great day and i love all of you! mwah!


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