Part 10

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The next morning you woke up with Sarah lying on your chest. You woke up before her and started stroking through her hair. A little creepy Y/n, if you ask me. Just kidding. You couldn't help it. I mean she is really beautiful, Y/n. ;)  She snuggled close into your chest, and held you tight to her. You massaged her head lightly with one hand to wake her up. She let out a quiet little moan before she woke up, and your legs subconsciously pressed together. Smh y/n. Smh. Sarah opened her eyes slowly and rubbed her eyes. She then moved up a little and started kissing your jawline all over. You blushed. She opened her eyes and saw your face. She looked like she'd seen a ghost. Her eyes widen with her eyebrows rising. Her face completely turned red and she pulled away from you. You instantly missed her warmth and touch.


You waited a couple seconds before answering. "It's alright, sleepyhead."


"It's 12:30 hon." You saw her cheeks become a light shade of pink. "Is your hangover here yet?"

"Oh, it's coming." She said this as she rubbed the temples of her head. "Where are the others?"

"I haven't heard them, so I'm guessing they're still asleep." You start sitting up. "Let me get you some painkillers real quick." You walk to the bathroom.

"Thank you!" She yells out. You come back, pills in your hand and a cup of water. You hand them to her and she takes them no problem.

Sarah POV

She's so sweet to me... stop. Stop Sarah, oh my god. She doesn't like you, stop it! Damn it! Fuck it, I'm telling her. I'm gonna do it. Y/n interrupts your thoughts.

"Whatcha thinking about?"

"Hm? Oh. Nothing important."

"Okay well. Wanna help me make breakfast?"

"Sure, but I'm warning you now I cannot cook."

"I'll teach you." She shows that breathtaking smile of hers.

"Sure." You sit up, and follow y/n into the kitchen. She hands you a glass of water, and you drink it slowly.

"How much did I drink last night?"

"A lot. Headache that bad huh?" You nod in response.

End of POV

You start cooking as Sarah continues drinking her water.

"Hey Y/n?"


"I have something to tell you."

You place everything down and turn to Sarah. "What's up?"

"Okay so uhm. I'm not sure how to put this without sounding like we're in fifth grade, but I like you. Like really like you. And I understand if you don't feel the same, but I just needed to get this off of my chest. All of the flirting that we do. It- it just drives me crazy. You are such a beautiful woman, and I know the age difference. I'd understand if you think that's weird, but I just need an answer-"

"Sarah. I'll just stop you there. I don't-"

"Shit." She interrupted you.

"Sweetheart. I didn't finish yet."

"I'm sorry. I just know your answer already."

"So you knew I was going to say yes?"

She made a surprised face at you. "What?"

"I was going to say I don't care about the age difference. And that I'd like to take you out on a date."

A slight pause happened between you two. But soon she ran over and kissed your lips. Her plump, pink lips were moving against yours. They tasted like cherries, probably from all of that cherry chapstick she uses. Her hands slipped around your waist, while you held the back of her neck.

She pulled away and pressed her forehead against yours. "I'd love to go on a date with you."

You smiled before kissing her again, and soon enough you heard aw's and tiny laughter in the background. You pulled away and blushed as you saw Emily, Charlize, Cate, and Sandra staring at the both of you.

"Excuse me. We were having a moment." Sarah rolled her eyes jokingly. They all laughed lightly.

"What did we tell you, Y/n?" Emily said, referring to her and Charlize.

"And what did we tell you, Paulson?" Cate said.

You and Sarah scoffed playfully and went back to your own thing. You continued cooking as Sarah watched you in awe, while the other four were having a conversation of their own.

You look at Sarah. "Are you feeling better?"

"A lot better," she says as she smiles.

"Come here." She obeys. "Okay I'm gonna cut this, and I want you to do the same after. You think you can do that Ms. Paulson?"

"Yes, of course Ms. l/n." You cut the bell pepper into small cubes and make sure Sarah has a clear view the whole time. After you're done, you move out of the way for Sarah. She steps up and does exactly what you did... until she forgot what you did exactly. You stood behind her, pushing your front against her back, and looked over her shoulder. You then put your hands over hers and showed her what to do. You let her try it herself, and while watching your arms wrapped around her hips and you laid your head on her shoulder.

"Like that?" A soft, nervous voice said.

"Aw honey, am I making you nervous?" You kissed the back of her neck softly.

She slightly shivers. "Maybe.."

You let out a soft giggle and told her it was perfect. "Glad I have that effect on you." You pulled away and went to the counter to whisk eggs together. Sarah helped you finish breakfast, and overall your "morning" was one of the best mornings you've ever had. You were with friends, the possible love of your life ;), and you were just having fun.

Ayeeee guys! Thank you for reading! I really will try to update more often now. Freshman year is sooooo boring. For some reason I'm not getting that much work.. which is freaking me out anyways- have a nice day and stay safe :) wear a mask.

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