part 9

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Sarah POV

Holy shit. Oh my god, y/n's trying to kill me. It's getting really hot...

End of POV

Your cheeks became a crimson tint and you fiddled with your fingers. Damn Y/n. Talk about gay panic. It's okay, I'd do the same. You're a lucky bitch.

Sarah stares at you and you make your way towards her.

"It's rude to stare, Ms. Paulson."

She blushes, and trys to cover her face in her hands. Then Sandra and Cate came over.

"So, you're the Y/n I've heard so much about!" Cate excitedly said.

You let out that cute giggle of yours. "Yeah. That's me."

"Nice to meet you, Y/n," Sandy professionally said.

"You too." You smiled at her. You looked behind yourself and saw Charlize smiling, and Em looking at Sarah.

You whispered. "Why are you staring at her?"

"She likes you back."

"Okay. We'll talk about this later." You turned back around.

"Sandra. Cate. Sarah. I'm sure you know Charlize and Emily." You stepped out of the way, so they could greet each other. They greeted each other as you couldn't keep your eyes off of Sarah. Her dress was simple, yet hot.

I legit could not find a better picture or dress I'm sorry also pretend she's wearing a black jacket

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I legit could not find a better picture or dress I'm sorry also pretend she's wearing a black jacket

They all greeted each other, then Sarah turned to you.

She held out her hand. "Ready to go, Ms. L/n?"

You intertwined your fingers with hers. "Absolutely," you said with a smile. With those words coming out of your mouth, you heard people giggle behind you. You knew it was your best friends, but you kept looking forward as you walked in the club with Paulson.

Music was pounding in your ears, lights were flashing, and you already felt the heat. Sarah led you to a table, told you to sit and asked what drink you wanted.

"Be back honey." She winked.

Aww she called you honey! And you're blushing! Hahaha, sorry. That shouldn't have made me laugh. Anyways- moving on.

The group sat down with drinks in their hand and continued their conversations. Sarah came back.

"A gin and tonic for the lady." She set the drink in front of you.

"Thank you." You smiled up at her, then she sat beside you. You all continued the conversation until Sarah wanted you to come with her to get shots for everyone. You agreed and went with her.

Emily POV

"So Sandra, Cate. I hope you don't mind me asking, but I was wondering why you guys wanted to go."

"Oh. We just wanted to see if Y/n liked Sarah back. Sandra explained.

"Yeah. She hasn't been believing us even though we gave her like a bunch of evidence." Cate said in that wonderful Australian accent of hers.

"Cool. Well I can confirm that Y/n likes her back." Charlize said. I nodded. When I saw Sarah and Y/ n coming our way, I quickly changed the subject.

End of POV

Sarah set the tray of shots down. "Alright. Two shots for everyone!"

"You are way too excited for this Paulson." You teased her.

"Come onnnn Y/n. It's tequila. Of course, I'm excited." You laughed then drank both of your shots.

"Woahhh! I like her!" Cate shouted. You all laughed at her joke and continued on with the night. Emily explained to you what she meant at the door, half drunk, and you understood. You all were having a fun time the whole night...if you don't count the number of guys hitting on you. Oooo look at you. Boy magnet. But I guess it was cool because you splashed drinks in their faces. Wait- that seems so cool. Lucky. Also Sarah may or may not have given you her jacket ;) Anyways.. y'all ended the night, all going home together to your place. You were the last one in your house because you were making sure everyone was inside and getting taken care of. Yes, you were the more "responsible" one. Or maybe the one who could take their alcohol.

"I'll get you guys some t-shirts to wear."

"No no no. It's alright." Cate slurred. Em and Charlize were already in the guest bedroom fast asleep while Sandy and Cate were struggling to stand in your living room.

"Alright you two." You said this as you pulled out the sofa bed and grabbed bedding for it. You got the bed ready, and soon as you said that Cate and Sandy flopped down on it and fell asleep. Probably in a second, you'll never know. You walked into your room and saw Sarah lying on top of your sheets.

You walked over. "Hey sleepyhead." You tapped her shoulder and slowly lifted her up.

"Stand up for me, Sarah." She reluctantly stood up and waited for you. You grabbed one of your oversized t-shirts and asked Sarah if it was alright to help her change her clothes. She slightly nodded, so you stood behind her and zipped down her dress. It fell to the floor, and you couldn't help but blush. Your whole face was red and you choked up a little. You unclipped her bra and slipped the t-shirt over her head. You let her go back to sleep and tucked her in. After moving a strand of her beautiful blonde hair out of her face, you went into the bathroom and went through your night routine. After that you went to bed, scrolled through your phone for a bit then put it away.

In her sleep, Sarah turned and laid her head on your chest with her arms wrapped around your waist. Your body froze and stiffened up, but you soon relaxed and fell asleep.

Alright ppl! Brand new for yall! I hope you guys like it and if you have any criticism please tell me. I would like to make it better for you guys. Okay? Thank you so much for everything

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