part 19

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It's been a couple of weeks since you and Sarah's ski trip, so recently, you two had been catching up with friends. You caught up with Reese, and to your surprise, Jessica. 

"Oh my god, y/n!" Jess showed off her adorable dimples at you

You hugged her tight. "I missed your hugs."

"Just my hugs?"

"I missed you too, don't worry!"

She giggled. "I know, I know." 

You both sat down at the table, and you immediately were reminded of how safe you felt with her. First, it was the basic small talk, but eventually, you guys were, maybe, the loudest table in the restaurant. The room was filled with laughter and bright smiles.

"So. Sarah Paulson, huh?"

The thought of her made an affectionate smile appear. "Yeah! I'm surprised too. I mean, someone like Sarah deserves the best, and I never really thought that was me."

"Oh, come on, y/n. She fell for you because of your perfect personality. You're sweet, caring, selfless unless it's food," she giggled. You did the same before she continued. "And.. other adjectives, but my point is you deserve her. And, she did not settle for you or anything like that. Don't think that." 

With those words being said, you felt heat rising to your cheeks. And this familiar feeling in your stomach began to emerge. 

"Fuck," you mumbled, looking down. You looked back up at her, fiddling with her fingers. "I guess so."

She made a slightly frightened face at you. "That.. wasn't too much, right?" You shook your head, confused about how she felt about you. 


Sarah POV

Ever since I caught up with Ellen, I did not want to stop hanging out with her. She was fun, and I finally had a person to watch the Housewives with. Y/n never really was into it and I could tell. No matter how hard she tried to seem interested, I could see through it. But, with Ellen (pompeo oops) it felt different. I didn't have to look up every once in a while to make sure she was okay or entertained. I met Ellen back in 2011, during my "early" career, and I haven't seen her since. We hung out almost every weekend, either shopping or staying at my house and watching Housewives. It was honestly really relaxing. Y/n's been busy with a lot of things, so I've decided not to bother her and just text her when I knew she would be free. She has been hanging out with Jessica though.

"Hey, Ellen?"

She looked up at me. "Hm?"

"Have you talked to Jessica lately?"

"Oh no. She left the show a couple of years ago. Why are you asking?"

"Just wondering. Was she close with y/n?"

She giggled a little. "Those two were basically joined at the hip. They were the best of friends, but then y/n left, and apparently, it hasn't really been the same. Now, I'm just going off what Jessica said, but apparently, she had a little crush on y/n."

My eyes widened with my mouth dropping open, and out came a small gasp. "Really?"

She shrugged, still looking at the television. "It's what I heard. But, it's okay. All that matters is that she's with you, Sarah. She chose you, and I highly doubt Jess feels the same."

"Huh. Thanks.." 

She nodded with affirmation.

time skip

End of POV

You were at your kitchen island practicing your cooking skills as a small knock came on the door. You ran over and looked through the peep-hole to see Sarah. You opened it quickly.

"Babe-" A confused look on your face appeared.

"Hey, honey." She stepped inside, a little stiff. 

You slowly closed the door. "Is everything alright?"

"Is it true?" Her back was turned towards you, so you couldn't exactly hear her.


She turned after setting her stuff down. "Is it true?"

Hi ppl! sorry this took so long I didn't want this relationship to be extremely happy that would've been so unrealistic, soooo there's drama. i haven't quite figured it out but I have a main idea for it. also I'm honestly not sure if I'll continue updating the side story with sandy and cate because I'm trying to focus on this story. we'll see idk anyway have a great day/night yall! 


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