part 18

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"Oh shit!" Your skis flew in the air and you landed on your back. "Too fast, y/n.. too fast." Your poles were, surprisingly, still in your hands and you were breathing heavily. 

The instructor came over to you. "You alright there?" You nodded and tried getting up, but instead, you rolled down a little knocking Sarah off her skis too. God damn legs.

You both rolled together until you finally came to a stop, maybe 25 feet from your skis. You were now on top of her, just staring into her cocoa-brown eyes. 

You smirked slightly. "Oooooo.."

"y/n! Come on.. get up, baby." You rolled off of her with a groan and continued laying on the floor. You both helped each other up and put your skis back on. You raced to the end of the hill, and Sarah won. That honestly set your competitiveness off, but she was really cute bragging that she won. 

"I thought you were gonna win, Ms. l/n," she boastfully said.

"I was just getting warmed up. Just you wait!"

"I'd love to see it." She kissed you softly, holding your waist. She pulled away and tried to walk, but since there wasn't a slope, she couldn't really do that. Plus, she didn't have any poles, it's for advanced people, so she couldn't really push herself. Being the good girlfriend you are, you stepped behind her and pushed her forward. She slowly went forward, giggling.

"Your giggles are adorable."

She shook her head in response. "Not really, babe."

"I know so many people who think differently."


"The people on Twitter. Or- your fans, I should say."

"You really think so?"

"Of course, honey."

"I love you."

"I love you too," you smiled, walking off to the ski lift. 

"Hey! Wait, I can't move!" You lifted your pole, reaching for her. She grabbed on, and you pulled her towards you. You went down the slope a couple more times, before deciding you were both tired and hungry. 

"God, these boots are terrible." You sighed with relief as you felt the pressure being lifted off of your shins. Sarah giggled beside you, doing the same. 


You looked up at her with excitement. "Like our first "date?"

"What are those air quotes for?"

"Well, we weren't dating yet, Paulson."

"Still liked you at that time."

"Holy shit. Really?"

"Fuck yes. Look at you. And, you cared about me."

"Well, obviously. You were my friend."

"I don't know. If felt.. different. Being around you. I felt safe and like I could trust you with anything."

"Awww," you grabbed her hand and squeezed lightly. "Softie Paulson is back?" You pouted.

"Come on, this is supposed to be sweet." 

You giggled. "Yeah yeah, I know."

"There's that cute giggle." Your girlfriend smiled at you.

"But, this is what I do, baby. I'm not used to having people feel that way about me, so I play everything off as a joke."

"Aw, sweetheart." She hugged you from the side and lifted your face so you'd look at her. "You'll get used to it, I promise. You know why?"

"Why?" You sniffled.

"Because I'll tell you how much I love you probably every day. And, how grateful I am that you gave me a chance. You, y/n l/n gave me a chance. You could possibly have anyone in the world and you chose me."

Your eyes started to tear up. "Stop! You're making me leak!"

"Leak? You mean cry?"

"No, I do not cry. I leak. Maybe there's something in my eye, you'll never know."

She laughed, hugging you again. "Come on, y/n. Pizza time." 

With that, you got up and happily went to eat pizza with the love of your life.

hi yall! I'm sorry this chapter took so long, but I actually just had finals and luckily I did pretty well on them :) I'm either going to bed, write another chapter for this story, orrr write a chapter for the side story. have an amazing day love youuu

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