Part 30

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On set you and Anna were basically inseparable. It was you and Jess all over again, only you didn't get that attached to her. Damn you, attachment issues! Ahem. Anyways, you were meeting up at her house. In your arms, you had the same exact box you gave Charlize and Emily,  a bottle of expensive expensive wine (because you're rich like that), and your bag.

Anna came to the tall, brown door a couple seconds after you knocked.

"Y/n! Hey!" She quickly hugged you, then helped you with carrying in all of the stuff.

She immediately noticed the box with huge lettering of her name. "What's this?"

"Open it, and you'll find out." She opened it and found the exact same thing Em and Charlize did, only her wine glass was personalized to her. And, there were little things that replaced some things the others got.

"Oh shit... you really want me to be your bridesmaid?"

"Fuck yeah, I do."


"YAAYYYYYY!!" You hugged Anna tightly.-

This is where I'm stopping for a while because the whole Paulson drama I honestly don't even know my feelings towards it. I honestly think both her and the person who originally tweeted are in the wrong. However, they didn't deserve death threats and literally everything about Sarah's appearance and Holland. Those went way too far. However the whole pronoun thing is so easy to do. Yes it's the bare minimum but at least it's something. Yes Sarah could've not figured it out yet, but she could've told us that. But then again, she could just be joking. But, that isn't a place for a joke especially on Trans Visibility Day. Anyway, I won't be updating this story for a while. I'll see y'all soon

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