part 7

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"Hey y/n. Can we talk?" You were over at y/n's place and were finally going to tell her. You were going to tell her, then it'll happily ever after with sunshine and rainbows. Right?

She looks up and straight into your eyes. "Sure. What's up?"

Damn. Those eyes. Every time you see them, you melt. You were sure you were staring at her, but you didn't help it. Her beauty just- wow. You ripped from your thoughts.



"You were gonna tell me something.."

"Oh right! Okay so uhm. I'm not sure how to put this without sounding like we're in fifth grade, but I like you. Like really like you. And I understand if you don't feel the same, but I just needed to get this off of my chest. All of the flirting that we do. It- it just drives me crazy. You are such a beautiful woman, and I know the age difference. I'd understand if you think that's weird, but I just need an answer-"

"Sarah. I'll just stop you there. I don't-"

The bright lights were spread throughout your room. You shut your eyes and covered them with your fluffy blanket to get rid of the blinding light. Then it hit you. You just had a dream about confessing to y/n. And she said no.

"Damn it. God damn it!" You repeated over and over in your head. She doesn't like you. How are you going to live with this? How are you going to just turn off your feelings for her? That's not possible. My god. You barely met her, but the way she makes you feel. Her everlasting beauty. That body of hers. Oh my god. When you got that peek of her back at the Oscars. Oh wow.

You were practically drooling. Luckily you live alone, so no one sees you falling for someone you just met. You pulled out your phone.

Sarah: peopleeeee

Sandy: hi?

Cate: what's up

Sarah: so...i may or may not have had a dream about y/n.

cate: what kind of dream was it? 

sarah: oh shut up blanket

sandy: just a question paulson

sarah: oh sure. okay anyways. the dream was about me confessing my feelings about her.

sandy: and what did she say? 

sarah: she said and I quote "Sarah. I'll just stop you there. I don't" then I woke up. so basically she rejected me

cate: well it cut off. so she could've said something else. but your dumbass woke up

sarah: oh yeah cause I can control that

sandy: just stay asleep?

sarah: I- wow

sandy: okay in all seriousness cate's right.

cate: HA take that paulson

sarah: whatever

sandy: she was probably going to say something else. look how about this we go out to get drinks. She brings two friends because you're bringing cate and I. And we'll see if she feels the same.

sarah: I guess. I mean I have to ask.

cate: then ask. it's drinks come onnn

sarah: okay okay. Be right back.

heyyy people. i know it's been forever since i last updated but the truth is i haven't been that motivated to write. i know and I'm sorry. but thank you everyone who votes and comments on these things. i see you and i love all of you. thank you! 


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