𝟏 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐭𝐞. ✔️

By emilywithoutths

198K 3.3K 593

⚠️TOXIC LOVE! I've warned you guys so don't hate, there is no need just leave if you don't like it no one for... More

Info :)
1 minute
The family
The devil
The party
A good day:)
Good Choice
Hate? Yes_no
Luca's family- not an update...
Diffrent treatment
The ball
If she stays I'm gone
What mom did
She's dead
Family ||

He's good?

4K 68 17
By emilywithoutths

Arie's POV:

It was 3 o'clock and Luca was in his office. I was sitting in the garden waiting for Lya to arrive. Matteo told me that he would bring her here. I am so excited. I miss her so much. I heard the huge door open and reveal Matteo and Lya besides him.

I ran to her and when she saw me she did that to. I took her in my arms and started to place kisses on her. I looked at Matteo and nodded a thank you. He nodded back and went out.

"Mommy... I've missed you so much" she said while placing her small hands at my cheeks.

"Baby I'm so sorry.... I've missed you to soooooo much" I said kissing her forehead. She look sad.

"Are you gonna leave me again?" She asks looking down. I placed her down and kneeled to her high.

"Mmmm...you want me to leave you?" I ask her. I honestly don't know what to tell her. I don't know if she's gonna stay. I don't know if I'm gonna see her again. I don't know if I should promise her something I can't control. It's all up to the devil.

"No mommy ... I want you to stay with me. And never leave me as you told me." She says in a sad tone. Before I could answer the devil went in. I stood up and Lya went behind me.

"I see she's here" he said smirking while he places his hands in his pockets.

"Come here...Lya I guess it was" he said to her. Lya pressed herself tighter to me.

"Stubborn as her mom" he said looking at me in the eyes. His grey orbs were not calm but yet not angry either. He is so confusing.

"Lya....it's okay" I said while kneeling at her high again. Her eyes started to fill with tears.

"I-I don't want too" she whispers. I looked over at Luca and I could tell he was angry. He started to move closer to us. Before he reached I spoke.

"Lya baby it's okay he-....he's good" I said closing my eyes. It is so hard, he is not good. He will never be good. He is the reason I'm here. Just because he want a damn hair. I will not give him a child. My child don't deserve him as a dad. The child also don't deserve me as a mom...

"He is good?" She asked looking at him. I nodded and looked at the devil. He looked happy. Fucking di*k. I'm only doing this for my families sake. She started to walk over to him. I hate that he will touch my daughter in his blood filled hands. He kill children. He made me kill children, and I will never forgive myself for that.

"So you are the famous Lya" he asked looking down at her.

"Mmm I guess" my baby whispered. He then kneeled down at her high.

"You took mommy" she then said too him looking at him. That's one of the reasons why I like Lya. She is confident, and talk while looking into your eyes.

"That's because she is mine" he said smirking looking up at me. I was about to kill him when will he understand I'm not anyones. Lya looked back at me and I could see that she really didn't like what he said.

"What does he mean mom?" She asked. I looked at the devil and back at her. I don't know what I will tell her. I can't just say 'Oh I just got married to a psychopath that think he own me!' She is still little, I can't do this to her.

"That mean that I and your mommy got married" Luca said while turning her head at him. HE DON'T HAVE THE DAMN RIGHT TO TELL HER THAT. I hate him. I hate him so much. He can't just walk around and do the fuck he want. Lya have damn asthma, you can't just walk around and tell the fuck you want.

"What about daddy?" She asked me. I've always told her that her dad went for a world trip and he can't be with us. I've told her that because of her mental health. Since the first day she was born the doctors told me that I can't always tell her information that may cause her asthma or shock. But the true is that her dad is a reaper. A monster. A pedophile.

"Lya..."before I could finish she talked.

"He is coming back you've told me that" she said while tears are sliding on her cheeks. I looked at Luca and he looked well not happy. Before I could do something the devil decided to join.

"Lya... don't you want to see your room? Since you're gone stay for awhile" He asked her. I was literally so shocked he literally kill children. Why is he doing this. Why is he pretending to be good.

"I'm not gonna sleep with mommy?" She asked him. I really want to cuddle Lya and sleep with her. I've missed her and her smell.

"No you're not darling" he said looking at me. Before any of them spoke I jumped in.

"Luca please..." I literally begged him. I will do anything for my child.

"No, you will sleep beside me" he almost yelled. Lya came over to me and hugged my leg. I could see that she was scared.

"Please just this night" I said trying to not freak out. He is so selfish. Like you are a damn grownup man, and she is only 4.

"Fine then. Just this night or I swear doll I will make you regret it..." he almost commanded. He went close to me and took a loosen hair behind my ear.

"Come to my office after dinner" he whispered in my ear. Shiver ran down me I don't want to. I hate to be alone in one room with him.

Luca's POV:

I got shoot in my damn wedding night. I didn't even have the time to fuck her. Not till now. Matteo called and told me that the Spanish mafia are attacking us. I went there and there was no one. Then I felt like it is a trap. Before I could go out I felt someone talking.

"Dear Luca..." my dearest uncle said. When I saw him anger ran down me. I wanted to kill him. He don't deserve to liv.

"Still alive I see" I said walking closer to him. His guards then came and Matteo was hostage with them. I looked over at him and gave him a signal.

"What can I say... it will take more than a small fire to get ride off me" he said. I didn't pay attention to what he was shitting about. I was planning on take him to the basement and kill him. He thinks with a few guards he will scare me. Asshole as his son.

I nodded to Matteo and he took one of the guns and started to kill my uncles guards. Before I could move he shoot me. I didn't have my body armor on, because I was all naked and on top of my doll when they called me.

"What can I say...it will also take more than a bullet to get ride off me" I smirking while taking his gun and punching him. By then all his guards were dead.

"What happened" I asked Matteo. He had blood running from his mouth. It looked like they were having fun.

"They came here and wanted to make a deal with you. I said that you weren't available right now. They didn't like to wait so they did it 'their way'" he said while checking that everybody is dead.

"Where was the damn guards" I asked while holding a clothes on the wound to let it bleed less. I really have to teach them from the damn beginning. Their work are getting worse and worse.

"They we're not many off them here" he said. I felt anger I wanted to kill everyone of them. They think we are playing.

"Bring me all of the guards to the basement in my warehouse." I said heading to my car. 'It's gonna be fun' I said smirking, I know a lot off them will die.

I was 12 pm and I got home after I killed 33 of my stupid guards. I went into the mansion and every guard was afraid. Many off them have families so I've treated them with it. And some of them got tortured while the other were looking.

I went to the room, and when I went in my doll came out form the bathroom. She had a reviling dress on. I didn't like it. No one sees what's mine. Before I could talk her legs brought her to me. I could see how much she cared, I know she don't want too. But that's her.

After the doctor came and checked on me I... well fucked my doll. I like how her sweet mouth moan my name. And beg. I throw her away because she didn't tell me who cause her the scars. I've tried to know why but nothing is coming into the damn view. It's like something is hidden in her file. I will know why I promise her that.

Arie's POV:

Me and Lya was walking in the house. I showed her everything but not her room. I will show her it as the last thing.

"Mommy when are we gonna go to my room?" She asked. I was carrying her the whole time. I miss her so much.

"Mmmmm NOW" I said too her, she giggled and we both went upstairs. Her room was not at the same floor as me and Luca's. It annoy me, I need to be close to her. What if she get asthma or a shock attack.

"So here is your room..." I said while opening the door. I actually never saw it before now. It was pretty.

"Waaooooweee it is pretty...was it you who chose the bed?" She asked while walking in the room.

"No it wasn't me baby." I said looking at her small figure.

"Oh- was it the good man?" She asked. I was about to scream and yell that he isn't good.

"I guess..." I said trying not to show anger. She went over to one of the doors and opened it. It revealed a room full of toys.

"OMG MOMMY LOOK" she yelled while jumping and clapping her hands. She looked happy, the last time I saw her like this was when we were in the park.

"It's...well a lot of toys" I said shocked. There is literally toys for a whole country in this room, 'I wonder how much he spent on it'. Why would he spent so much. He only hit me or use me for his own pleasure. He is literally so confusing.

"I see she likes it" Philip came in and went over to Lya.

"Hi Lya. I'm Philip" he told her. Lya looked at me before she talked to him. I nodded, and told her she can talk to him. She usually never talk to strangers. But Matteo and Philip are not strangers anymore.

"Hello Philip" she told him. He smiled at her and looked at me.

"Who bought it?" I asked him.

"It was Boss. He haired someone to do it" he said. I nodded and looked at Lya that was discovering the toys.

"Dinner is ready" Philip said I nodded and we all went downstairs. The devil was unfortunately there. I went to my usual chair and Lya was in my arms I didn't want to let her away from me. We all started to eat and Lya did that too.

"So Lya how are you?" Matteo asked her.

"Good thank u, are you gonna buy me ice cream as you promised? " she said too him eating her food.

"Yes of course, you deserve it" Matteo said to her while giggling.

"How old are you?" Philip then asked her. They look like they like her.

"I am 4" she said while counting her fingers to four. It made me smile. I can still remember the day I learned her to count to 10. It was one of the best days in my live.

There was silent before Lya decided to talk to the devil.

"What is your name?" She asked him. I was a bit shocked to be honest. I looked at her before turning my head at the devil.

"Your mom didn't tell you?" He asked looking me in the eyes. He was annoyed I could tell form the look he gave me.

"No, she only told me about Matteo and Philip" Lya said. I've only told her about Matteo and Philip because.... I don't know.

"Oh really? Well I'm Luca" he said while forcing a smile.

"Oh nice to meet you then" she said while holding her hands out so he can shake it. 'Okay Lya what the fuck are you doing?' I looked at the devil he smirked before taking her small hand  and placing a kiss on it.

"Nice to meet you too" he said looking into Lya's eyes.

"Okay Lya that's enough. Eat your food " I said removing my daughters hand from his. I don't want Lya close to him. He can hurt her. I don't need that.

After dinner Luca went to his office, Lya wanted me to take her to her room. So I told the devil that I will catch up.

"Mommy can you play with me?" She asked walking over to her toys. I really wanted to play with her but I can't. If I don't go to him he will not let me sleep beside her.

"I can play with you Lya" Matteo said. He honestly saved me. I looked over too him and thanked him.

"Okay come on then" she said showing Matteo the way.

"Mommy you too" she said turning around.

"Oh- um I have to use the bathroom first" I lied. She nodded and I walked out.

"Come in" I heard Luca say. I opened the door and went to the chair in front of his desk. I honestly don't care if he told me to sit or not. I'm not his dog.

"Stand up..." he said looking annoyed. I didn't move the fuck does he think I am.

"Doll stand the fuck up" he almost yelled. I stood up with a sigh as he wanted.

"Come her" he said looking at his lap. I don't want to be close to him, because my body always betray me around him. He was about to talk again but I went over to him.

"So..." he started looking into my eyes.

"Does she like her room?" He asked while his hand opened my hair, from the bun it was. His other hand was on my leg going well up.

"Um yes...thank you" I said. He don't deserve a thank you but I have manners unlike him.

"Why did you tell her about Philip and Matteo?" he then asked. His hand was now so close to my clit. I grabbed it before he could go in. I then looked him the eyes and he looked angry.

"Because she wanted to know who was the one that took her from my fathers house here too. And Philip because he came and talked too her" I said looking into his grey stormy orbs. His hand was so tight on my waist that I felt my ribs are moving.

Before I could progress anything he stood up grabbed me by my throat and slammed me against the wall. It was hurting like a bitch.

"First of all NEVER STOP MY TOUCH. SECOND DON'T YOU DARE TO TALK TO ME WITH DISRESPECT. I CAN KILL YOU AND YOUR DAUGHTER IN A BLINK OF EYE...." He was holding so tight at my throat that I was sure that he left marks.

"THIRD. I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU EVER LOOK AT MATTEO THE WAY YOU DO I WILL MAKE YOU KILL HIM" he yelled in my face. 'Fucking whore you are. Look at you' the toxic me said. I closed my eyes so I can push her away.

"LOOK AT ME ARIE OR I SWEAR I'M GONNA KILL YOUR DAUGHTER" he yelled using my name. I've noticed that he only use my name when he's really really angry.

"Good girl" he said when I opened them. He removed his hand from my throat and placed them both on the wall.

"Now...did you understand " he said leaning closer to me. His hard di*k was almost pressed against me.

"Y-yes" I said his hands then moved to my hips and pressed me tight to him. I wish I could just go away and don't look back but my families live are on line.


"Good now kneel down doll" he said making shiver run down my body. I looked him in the eyes and he smirked. 'Arie do it for you family. They deserve to live' my inner self whispered.

Without thinking I kneeled down, I looked at him and he looked happy. Di*k head.

"Open it" he said. I took my hands up and I could tell they were shaking. I then unzipped his pants that now revealed a huge hard di*k. 'Holly shit' it looks like every time it's getting bigger.

"Now let the smart mouth of yours do the work" and with that I took it. I could hear how much he growled. He liked it.

"Fuck doll" he said while his hands were pressed at the wall. My tongue was moving circles around his hard cock, without thinking I suck it more. His hand was now pushing my head deeper.

"Only for me..." he growled. After awhile I felt his warmness in my mouth.

"Stand up" he said while taking his di*k out. I did as he wanted and removed my hair from my face.

"If you ever let another man touch you I will spank you to death" he said before kissing me harshly. I didn't kiss him back at the beginning but he then bite my lip making a moan escape.

His hands where now undressing me and soon I was with only my black lace pantis that didn't cover much. He was sucking and placing kisses on my neck.

"Who do you belong too?" He asked while taking my pantis off. I didn't answer.

"Doll... who own you?" He asked while slapping my ass. I let a moan escape.

"Y-you" I managed to say. He took off his shirt and carried me. So my legs where now around his waist, I could feel his di*k touching me but I wanted him inside me at the moment.

He went over to his desk, pushed everything away and placed me on it.

"Lay down" he ordered I laid down and he went on top of me and started to finger me. My moans was filled in this room, but I didn't care.

"Fuck" he said while his other hand was squeezing my breasts.

"Mhhh Luca" I couldn't wait anymore I needed him inside me.

"What is it... tell me to stop if you want " he said and for the first time I wanted him not to stop. I needed him.

"Mhhh no... don't sto-stop.... Please" he was kissing me so harshly that I liked it.

"Then tell me what is it?" He said while his fingers went deeper.

"Please... I need you" I managed to say without moaning.

"You need what?" He asked stupidly.

"Fuck mhhh- you pl-please I need you mhhhhh inside me" I said and I could see how he was smirking.

"Beg" he ordered making it hard for me.

"Luca...please I'm begging mhhh you" I was begging like a dog. But he didn't move an inch.

"What will I get from it?"he asks devilishly.

"Please... mhhh anything you wan- mhhh fuck please" and with that I felt him inside of me. It felt good even when I knew it was wrong but I couldn't help it.

"So anything I want huh? My slut want that" He asked.

"Y-yes" I said regretting it a bit. After minutes we both got tired and he went off. I was trying to stand up but my legs were weak. He looked over at me and smirked. I could feel that I'm turning red so I looked away. He went over to me and lifted my head so I could look him in the eyes.

⚠️smut over ⚠️

"You did good" he said before placing a kiss on my lips.

"Can you give me my clothes? Please " I asked him.
He smirked and went to take them from the floor.

"Thank you"I whispered but he heard me. I placed my dress on and he lifted my head to his.

"I will be gone for 2 weeks, I don't want you to do anything that I don't tolerate. You can go out if you like but not without 5 guards. And no you can't see your family. I hope you don't try anything stupid or I have to punish you." I'm honestly so happy I will not see him for 2 weeks. The best thing that ever happened since I've known him. And plus I will have more time to spend with Lya.

"Okay" I said trying not to sound happy. I took my hair tie and wanted to place my hair up. But before I could do that he stopped me.

"Don't. Your hair is pretty loosen" he said looking me in the eyes. I'm a bit shocked. He usually never compliment something or someone. But I've noticed that he like my hair. I do like it too.

"Okay" I said. There was silent before he talked and I was literally about to slap him.

"I want you to touch yourself every night" he said making my blood boil.

"What?" I said more like a no. He went closer to my face while placing his hands besides my at the desk.

"You heard me doll. I want you to touch yourself every night and if you don't I will have to punish you" he said before placing a kiss on my jawline.

"Yeh no" I said trying to move his huge body so I could go out. But he unfortunately didn't move I looked back at his eyes and he was angry.

"I'm not asking, you will do it. And plus you said you will do anything I want" he said. I was standing on my legs and they began to hurt so I leaned back to his desk. He looked at me and smirked.

"You know what do to?" He asked me. I actually never touched myself before. I hated myself back at time.

"Not really" I said looking away.

"Innocent one huh?" He said making my will to slap him more.

"Look at me" I looked at him. He then placed his hands on my waist while pulling me closer to him.

"I will leave you a phone that have a number on. I will call you at 11 every night, I swear if you don't take it I will spank the shit out of you" he said making me nod.

" I will leave tomorrow morning around 7. I want you in our room at 5." He again ordered. I looked at him before answering.

"Fine" I said annoyed. He then moved so I could go. I literally couldn't move my legs. They where sore and was shaking when I placed my weigh on them. I didn't move from where I was.

"I can't walk" I said making him smirk. He went closer to me, before I know he carried me bride style.

"Thank you" I said again even if he don't deserve it. I mean if he didn't carried me then I will have to be in his office the whole night.

Hello guys☺️ how are you?
Here is another update I hope it wasn't late tho🤭Sorry if it was but I'm trying to update as fast as I can.

Thank you for 600 readers 🦋 I'm so thankful and happy that you chose this story to read😩

-if you have any ideas for the story that you guys want me too add you're then more than welcome to share them 🐠

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